DNA replication origin

DNA 复制起点
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eukaryotic DNA replication is initiated from multiple genomic origins, which can be broadly categorized as firing early or late in the S phase. Several factors can influence the temporal usage of origins to determine the timing of their firing. In budding yeast, the Forkhead family proteins Fkh1 and Fkh2 bind to a subset of replication origins and activate them at the beginning of the S phase. In these origins, the Fkh1/2 binding sites are arranged in a strict configuration, suggesting that Forkhead factors must bind the origins in a specific manner. To explore these binding mechanisms in more detail, we mapped the domains of Fkh1 that were required for its role in DNA replication regulation. We found that a short region of Fkh1 near its DNA binding domain was essential for the protein to bind and activate replication origins. Analysis of purified Fkh1 proteins revealed that this region mediates dimerization of Fkh1, suggesting that intramolecular contacts of Fkh1 are required for efficient binding and regulation of DNA replication origins. We also show that the Sld3-Sld7-Cdc45 complex is recruited to Forkhead-regulated origins already in the G1 phase and that Fkh1 is constantly required to keep these factors bound on origins before the onset of the S phase. Together, our results suggest that dimerization-mediated stabilization of DNA binding by Fkh1 is crucial for its ability to activate DNA replication origins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The chromatin environment at origins of replication is thought to influence DNA replication initiation in eukaryotic genomes. However, it remains unclear how and which chromatin features control the firing of early-efficient (EE) or late-inefficient (LI) origins. Here, we use site-specific recombination and single-locus chromatin isolation to purify EE and LI replication origins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Using mass spectrometry, we define the protein composition of native chromatin regions surrounding the EE and LI replication start sites. In addition to known origin interactors, we find the microtubule-binding Ask1/DASH complex as an origin-regulating factor. Strikingly, tethering of Ask1 to individual origin sites advances replication timing (RT) of the targeted chromosomal domain. Targeted degradation of Ask1 globally changes RT of a subset of origins, which can be reproduced by inhibiting microtubule dynamics. Thus, our findings mechanistically connect RT and chromosomal organization via Ask1/DASH with the microtubule cytoskeleton.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The regulation of DNA replication is a fascinating biological problem both from a mechanistic angle-How is replication timing regulated?-and from an evolutionary one-Why is replication timing regulated? Recent work has provided significant insight into the first question. Detailed biochemical understanding of the mechanism and regulation of replication initiation has made possible robust hypotheses for how replication timing is regulated. Moreover, technical progress, including high-throughput, single-molecule mapping of replication initiation and single-cell assays of replication timing, has allowed for direct testing of these hypotheses in mammalian cells. This work has consolidated the conclusion that differential replication timing is a consequence of the varying probability of replication origin initiation. The second question is more difficult to directly address experimentally. Nonetheless, plausible hypotheses can be made and one-that replication timing contributes to the regulation of chromatin structure-has received new experimental support.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Treating yeast cells with the replication inhibitor hydroxyurea activates the S phase checkpoint kinase Rad53, eliciting responses that block DNA replication origin firing, stabilize replication forks, and prevent premature extension of the mitotic spindle. We previously found overproduction of Stn1, a subunit of the telomere-binding Cdc13-Stn1-Ten1 complex, circumvents Rad53 checkpoint functions in hydroxyurea, inducing late origin firing and premature spindle extension even though Rad53 is activated normally. Here, we show Stn1 overproduction acts through remarkably similar pathways compared to loss of RAD53, converging on the MCM complex that initiates origin firing and forms the catalytic core of the replicative DNA helicase. First, mutations affecting Mcm2 and Mcm5 block the ability of Stn1 overproduction to disrupt the S phase checkpoint. Second, loss of function stn1 mutations compensate rad53 S phase checkpoint defects. Third Stn1 overproduction suppresses a mutation in Mcm7. Fourth, stn1 mutants accumulate single-stranded DNA at non-telomeric genome locations, imposing a requirement for post-replication DNA repair. We discuss these interactions in terms of a model in which Stn1 acts as an accessory replication factor that facilitates MCM activation at ORIs and potentially also maintains MCM activity at replication forks advancing through challenging templates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    DNA amplification occurs at the DNA puff II/9A locus in the fungus fly Sciara coprophila. As a foundation to study the molecular mechanism for the initiating events of II/9A DNA re-replication, we have sequenced 14 kb spanning a DNase hypersensitive site (DHS) upstream of the 1 kb amplification origin and through transcription units II/9-1 and II/9-2 downstream of the origin. These elements are annotated as well as the ORC binding site at the origin and the transition point (TP) between continuous and discontinuous DNA syntheses that marks the origin of bidirectional replication at the nucleotide level. A 9 bp motif found at the TP is repeated near the other end of the 1 kb ORI and may identify a putative second TP. The steroid hormone ecdysone induces DNA amplification as well as transcription and puffing at locus II/9A. Within the 14 kb, several matches to the ecdysone response element (EcRE) consensus sequence were identified, including some in the amplification origin region. EcRE O-P is at a central axis of a remarkable symmetry, equidistant to the TPs that are themselves equidistant to EcRE O-1 and EcRE O-2. DNA sequence alterations have occurred throughout the II/9A region in a newly discovered polymorphism (#2). Polymorphism #2 is not specific to developmental stage, sex, or tissue, and it does not impair DNA amplification. The DHS, both 9 bp TP sequences, and EcREs O-1, O-P, and O-2 are conserved between the polymorphism #1 and #2 sequences, suggesting their functional importance and retention during evolutionary selection. Moreover, a 72 bp sequence in the Sciara DHS at DNA puff II/9A is conserved in DNA puff C-3 of Rhynchosciara americana. Comparisons are discussed between the Sciara II/9A amplicon and the chorion locus amplicon on the third chromosome of Drosophila.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite its evolutionarily conserved function in controlling DNA replication, the chromosomal binding sites of the budding yeast Rif1 protein are not well understood. Here, we analyse genome-wide binding of budding yeast Rif1 by chromatin immunoprecipitation, during G1 phase and in S phase with replication progressing normally or blocked by hydroxyurea. Rif1 associates strongly with telomeres through interaction with Rap1. By comparing genomic binding of wild-type Rif1 and truncated Rif1 lacking the Rap1-interaction domain, we identify hundreds of Rap1-dependent and Rap1-independent chromosome interaction sites. Rif1 binds to centromeres, highly transcribed genes and replication origins in a Rap1-independent manner, associating with both early and late-initiating origins. Interestingly, Rif1 also binds around activated origins when replication progression is blocked by hydroxyurea, suggesting association with blocked forks. Using nascent DNA labelling and DNA combing techniques, we find that in cells treated with hydroxyurea, yeast Rif1 stabilises recently synthesised DNA Our results indicate that, in addition to controlling DNA replication initiation, budding yeast Rif1 plays an ongoing role after initiation and controls events at blocked replication forks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The fluorescence ubiquitination-based cell cycle indicator (FUCCI) is a powerful tool for use in live cells but current FUCCI-based assays have limited throughput in terms of image processing and quantification. Here, we developed a lentiviral system that rapidly introduced FUCCI transgenes into cells by using an all-in-one expression cassette, FastFUCCI. The approach alleviated the need for sequential transduction and characterisation, improving labelling efficiency. We coupled the system to an automated imaging workflow capable of handling large datasets. The integrated assay enabled analyses of single-cell readouts at high spatiotemporal resolution. With the assay, we captured in detail the cell cycle alterations induced by antimitotic agents. We found that treated cells accumulated at G2 or M phase but eventually advanced through mitosis into the next interphase, where the majority of cell death occurred, irrespective of the preceding mitotic phenotype. Some cells appeared viable after mitotic slippage, and a fraction of them subsequently re-entered S phase. Accordingly, we found evidence that targeting the DNA replication origin activity sensitised cells to paclitaxel. In summary, we demonstrate the utility of the FastFUCCI assay for quantifying spatiotemporal dynamics and identify its potential in preclinical drug development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Poxviruses reproduce in the host cytoplasm and encode most or all of the enzymes and factors needed for expression and synthesis of their double-stranded DNA genomes. Nevertheless, the mode of poxvirus DNA replication and the nature and location of the replication origins remain unknown. A current but unsubstantiated model posits only leading strand synthesis starting at a nick near one covalently closed end of the genome and continuing around the other end to generate a concatemer that is subsequently resolved into unit genomes. The existence of specific origins has been questioned because any plasmid can replicate in cells infected by vaccinia virus (VACV), the prototype poxvirus. We applied directional deep sequencing of short single-stranded DNA fragments enriched for RNA-primed nascent strands isolated from the cytoplasm of VACV-infected cells to pinpoint replication origins. The origins were identified as the switching points of the fragment directions, which correspond to the transition from continuous to discontinuous DNA synthesis. Origins containing a prominent initiation point mapped to a sequence within the hairpin loop at one end of the VACV genome and to the same sequence within the concatemeric junction of replication intermediates. These findings support a model for poxvirus genome replication that involves leading and lagging strand synthesis and is consistent with the requirements for primase and ligase activities as well as earlier electron microscopic and biochemical studies implicating a replication origin at the end of the VACV genome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To date, a complete understanding of the molecular events leading to DNA replication origin activation in mammalian cells still remains elusive. In this work, we report the results of a high resolution chromatin immunoprecipitation study to detect proteins interacting with the human Lamin B2 replication origin. In addition to the pre-RC component ORC4 and to the transcription factors USF and HOXC13, we found that 2 components of the AP-1 transcription factor, c-Fos and c-Jun, are also associated with the origin DNA during the late G1 phase of the cell cycle and that these factors interact with ORC4. Both DNA replication and AP-1 factor binding to the origin region were perturbed by cell treatment with merbarone, a topoisomerase II inhibitor, suggesting that DNA topology is essential for determining origin function.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    DNA replication initiation, which starts at specific chromosomal site (known as replication origins), is the key regulatory stage of chromosome replication. Archaea, the third domain of life, use a single or multiple origin(s) to initiate replication of their circular chromosomes. The basic structure of replication origins is conserved among archaea, typically including an AT-rich unwinding region flanked by several conserved repeats (origin recognition box, ORB) that are located adjacent to a replication initiator gene. Both the ORB sequence and the adjacent initiator gene are considerably diverse among different replication origins, while in silico and genetic analyses have indicated the specificity between the initiator genes and their cognate origins. These replicator-initiator pairings are reminiscent of the oriC-dnaA system in bacteria, and a model for the negative regulation of origin activity by a downstream cluster of ORB elements has been recently proposed in haloarchaea. Moreover, comparative genomic analyses have revealed that the mosaics of replicator-initiator pairings in archaeal chromosomes originated from the integration of extrachromosomal elements. This review summarizes the research progress in understanding of archaeal replication origins with particular focus on the utilization, control and evolution of multiple replication origins in haloarchaea.





