DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs)

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Advances in chromatin mapping have exposed the complex chromatin hierarchical organization in mammals, including topologically associating domains (TADs) and their substructures, yet the functional implications of this hierarchy in gene regulation and disease progression are not fully elucidated. Our study delves into the phenomenon of shared TAD boundaries, which are pivotal in maintaining the hierarchical chromatin structure and regulating gene activity. By integrating high-resolution Hi-C data, chromatin accessibility, and DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) data from various cell lines, we systematically explore the complex regulatory landscape at high-level TAD boundaries. Our findings indicate that these boundaries are not only key architectural elements but also vibrant hubs, enriched with functionally crucial genes and complex transcription factor binding site-clustered regions. Moreover, they exhibit a pronounced enrichment of DSBs, suggesting a nuanced interplay between transcriptional regulation and genomic stability. Our research provides novel insights into the intricate relationship between the 3D genome structure, gene regulation, and DNA repair mechanisms, highlighting the role of shared TAD boundaries in maintaining genomic integrity and resilience against perturbations. The implications of our findings extend to understanding the complexities of genomic diseases and open new avenues for therapeutic interventions targeting the structural and functional integrity of TAD boundaries.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Based on classical karyotyping, structural genome variations (SVs) have generally been considered to be either \"simple\" (with one or two breakpoints) or \"complex\" (with more than two breakpoints). Studying the breakpoints of SVs at nucleotide resolution revealed additional, subtle structural variations, such that even \"simple\" SVs turned out to be \"complex.\" Genome-wide sequencing methods, such as fosmid and paired-end mapping, short-read and long-read whole genome sequencing, and single-molecule optical mapping, also indicated that the number of SVs per individual was considerably larger than expected from karyotyping and high-resolution chromosomal array-based studies. Interestingly, SVs were detected in studies of cohorts of individuals without clinical phenotypes. The common denominator of all SVs appears to be a failure to accurately repair DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) or to halt cell cycle progression if DSBs persist. This review discusses the various DSB response mechanisms during the mitotic cell cycle and during meiosis and their regulation. Emphasis is given to the molecular mechanisms involved in the formation of translocations, deletions, duplications, and inversions during or shortly after meiosis I. Recently, CRISPR-Cas9 studies have provided unexpected insights into the formation of translocations and chromothripsis by both breakage-fusion-bridge and micronucleus-dependent mechanisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal neurodegenerative disease that affects the motor neuron. One aspect of the neuropathology involved in ALS includes increased genomic damage and impaired DNA repair capability. The TAR-DNA binding protein 43 (TDP43) has been associated with both sporadic and familial forms of ALS, and is typically observed as cytosolic mislocalization of protein aggregates, termed TDP43 proteinopathy. TDP43 is a ubiquitous RNA/DNA binding protein with functional implications in a wide range of disease processes, including the repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). While TDP43 is widely known to regulate RNA metabolism, our lab has reported it also functions directly at the protein level to facilitate DNA repair. Here, we show that the TDP43 protein interacts with DNA mismatch repair (MMR) proteins MLH1 and MSH6 in a DNA damage-inducible manner. We utilized differentiated SH-SY5Y neuronal cultures to identify this inducible relationship using complementary approaches of proximity ligation assay (PLA) and co-immunoprecipitation (CoIP) assay. We observed that signals of TDP43 interaction with MLH1 and MSH6 increased significantly following a 2 h treatment of 10 μM methylmethanesulfonate (MMS), a DNA alkylating agent used to induce MMR repair. Likewise, we observed this effect was abolished in cell lines treated with siRNA directed against TDP43. Finally, we demonstrated these protein interactions were significantly increased in lumbar spinal cord samples of ALS-affected patients compared to age-matched controls. These results will inform our future studies to understand the mechanisms and consequences of this TDP43-MMR interaction in the context of ALS-affected neurons.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal neurodegenerative disease that affects the motor neuron. One aspect of the neuropathology involved in ALS includes increased genomic damage and impaired DNA repair capability. The TAR-DNA binding protein 43 (TDP43) has been associated with both sporadic and familial forms of ALS, and is typically observed as cytosolic mislocalization of protein aggregates, termed TDP43 proteinopathy. TDP43 is a ubiquitous RNA/DNA binding protein with functional implications in a wide range of disease processes, including the repair of DNA double strand breaks (DSBs). While TDP43 is widely known to regulate RNA metabolism, our lab has reported it also functions directly at the protein level to facilitate DNA repair. Here, we show that TDP43 protein interacts with DNA mismatch repair (MMR) proteins MLH1 and MSH6 in a DNA damage-inducible manner. We utilized differentiated SH-SY5Y neuronal cultures to identify this inducible relationship using complimentary approaches of proximity ligation assay (PLA) and co-immunoprecipitation (CoIP) assay. We observed that signals of TDP43 interaction with MLH1 and MSH6 increased significantly following a 2 hr treatment of 10μM methylmethanesulfonate (MMS), a DNA alkylating agent used to induce MMR repair. Likewise, we observed this effect was abolished in cell lines treated with siRNA directed against TDP43. Finally, we demonstrated these protein interactions were significantly increased in lumbar spinal cord samples of ALS-affected patients compared to age-matched controls. These results will inform our future studies to understand the mechanisms and consequences of this TDP43-MMR interaction in the context of ALS affected neurons.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    TDP43 is an RNA/DNA binding protein increasingly recognized for its role in neurodegenerative conditions including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD). As characterized by its aberrant nuclear export and cytoplasmic aggregation, TDP43 proteinopathy is a hallmark feature in over 95% of ALS/FTD cases, leading to the formation of detrimental cytosolic aggregates and a reduction in nuclear functionality within neurons. Building on our prior work linking TDP43 proteinopathy to the accumulation of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) in neurons, the present investigation uncovers a novel regulatory relationship between TDP43 and DNA mismatch repair (MMR) gene expressions. Here, we show that TDP43 depletion or overexpression directly affects the expression of key MMR genes. Alterations include MLH1, MSH2, MSH3, MSH6, and PMS2 levels across various primary cell lines, independent of their proliferative status. Our results specifically establish that TDP43 selectively influences the expression of MLH1 and MSH6 by influencing their alternative transcript splicing patterns and stability. We furthermore find aberrant MMR gene expression is linked to TDP43 proteinopathy in two distinct ALS mouse models and post-mortem brain and spinal cord tissues of ALS patients. Notably, MMR depletion resulted in the partial rescue of TDP43 proteinopathy-induced DNA damage and signaling. Moreover, bioinformatics analysis of the TCGA cancer database reveals significant associations between TDP43 expression, MMR gene expression, and mutational burden across multiple cancers. Collectively, our findings implicate TDP43 as a critical regulator of the MMR pathway and unveil its broad impact on the etiology of both neurodegenerative and neoplastic pathologies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Several meiotic events reshape the genome prior to its transfer (via gametes) to the next generation. The occurrence of new meiotic mutations is tightly linked to homologous recombination (HR) and firmly depends on Spo11-induced DNA breaks. To gain insight into the molecular mechanisms governing mutagenicity during meiosis, we examined the timing of mutation and recombination events in cells deficient in various DNA HR-repair genes, which represent distinct functions along the meiotic recombination process. Despite sequence similarities and overlapping activities of the two DNA translocases, Rad54 and Tid1, we observed essential differences in their roles in meiotic mutation occurrence: in the absence of Rad54, meiotic mutagenicity was elevated 8-fold compared to the wild type (WT), while in the tid1Δ mutant, there were few meiotic mutations, nine percent compared to the WT. We propose that the presence of Rad54 channels recombinational repair to a less mutagenic pathway, whereas repair assisted by Tid1 is more mutagenic. A 3.5-fold increase in mutation level was observed in dmc1∆ cells, suggesting that single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) may be a potential source for mutagenicity during meiosis. Taken together, we suggest that the introduction of de novo mutations also contributes to the diversification role of meiotic recombination. These rare meiotic mutations revise genomic sequences and may contribute to long-term evolutionary changes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Heavy ion irradiation (IR) with high-linear energy transfer (LET) is characterized by a unique depth dose distribution and increased biological effectiveness. Following high-LET IR, localized energy deposition along the particle trajectories induces clustered DNA lesions, leading to low electron density domains (LEDDs). To investigate the spatiotemporal dynamics of DNA repair and chromatin remodeling, we established the automated image analysis of transmission electron micrographs.
    Human fibroblasts were irradiated with high-LET carbon ions or low-LET photons. At 0.1 h, 0.5 h, 5 h, and 24 h post-IR, nanoparticle-labeled repair factors (53BP1, pKu70, pKu80, DNA-PKcs) were visualized using transmission electron microscopy in interphase nuclei to monitor the formation and repair of DNA damage in the chromatin ultrastructure. Using AI-based software tools, advanced image analysis techniques were established to assess the DNA damage pattern following low-LET versus high-LET IR.
    Low-LET IR induced single DNA lesions throughout the nucleus, and most DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) were efficiently rejoined with no visible chromatin decondensation. High-LET IR induced clustered DNA damage concentrated along the particle trajectories, resulting in circumscribed LEDDs. Automated image analysis was used to determine the exact number of differently sized nanoparticles, their distance from one another, and their precise location within the micrographs (based on size, shape, and density). Chromatin densities were determined from grayscale features, and nanoparticles were automatically assigned to euchromatin or heterochromatin. High-LET IR-induced LEDDs were delineated using automated segmentation, and the spatial distribution of nanoparticles in relation to segmented LEDDs was determined.
    The results of our image analysis suggest that high-LET IR induces chromatin relaxation along particle trajectories, enabling the critical repair of successive DNA damage. Following exposure to different radiation qualities, automated image analysis of nanoparticle-labeled DNA repair proteins in the chromatin ultrastructure enables precise characterization of specific DNA damage patterns.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cancer development is often connected to impaired DNA repair and DNA damage signaling pathways. The presence of DNA damage in cells activates DNA damage response, which is a complex cellular signaling network that includes DNA repair, activation of the cell cycle checkpoints, cellular senescence, and apoptosis. DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are toxic lesions that are mainly repaired by the non-homologous end joining and homologous recombination repair (HRR) pathways. Estrogen-dependent cancers, like breast and ovarian cancers, are frequently associated with mutations in genes that play a role in HRR. The female sex hormone estrogen binds and activates the estrogen receptors (ERs), ERα, ERβ and G-protein-coupled ER 1 (GPER1). ERα drives proliferation, while ERβ inhibits cell growth. Estrogen regulates the transcription, stability and activity of numerus DDR factors and DDR factors in turn modulate ERα expression, stability and transcriptional activity. Additionally, estrogen stimulates DSB formation in cells as part of its metabolism and proliferative effect. In this review, we will present an overview on the crosstalk between estrogen and the cellular response to DSBs. We will discuss how estrogen regulates DSB signaling and repair, and how DDR factors modulate the expression, stability and activity of estrogen. We will also discuss how the regulation of HRR genes by estrogen promotes the development of estrogen-dependent cancers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Charged-particle radiotherapy is an emerging treatment modality for radioresistant tumors. The enhanced effectiveness of high-energy particles (such as heavy ions) has been related to the spatial clustering of DNA lesions due to highly localized energy deposition. Here, DNA damage patterns induced by single and multiple carbon ions were analyzed in the nuclear chromatin environment by different high-resolution microscopy approaches.
    METHODS: Using the heavy-ion microbeam SNAKE, fibroblast monolayers were irradiated with defined numbers of carbon ions (1/10/100 ions per pulse, ipp) focused to micrometer-sized stripes or spots. Radiation-induced lesions were visualized as DNA damage foci (γH2AX, 53BP1) by conventional fluorescence and stimulated emission depletion (STED) microscopy. At micro- and nanoscale level, DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) were visualized within their chromatin context by labeling the Ku heterodimer. Single and clustered pKu70-labeled DSBs were quantified in euchromatic and heterochromatic regions at 0.1 h, 5 h and 24 h post-IR by transmission electron microscopy (TEM).
    RESULTS: Increasing numbers of carbon ions per beam spot enhanced spatial clustering of DNA lesions and increased damage complexity with two or more DSBs in close proximity. This effect was detectable in euchromatin, but was much more pronounced in heterochromatin. Analyzing the dynamics of damage processing, our findings indicate that euchromatic DSBs were processed efficiently and repaired in a timely manner. In heterochromatin, by contrast, the number of clustered DSBs continuously increased further over the first hours following IR exposure, indicating the challenging task for the cell to process highly clustered DSBs appropriately.
    CONCLUSIONS: Increasing numbers of carbon ions applied to sub-nuclear chromatin regions enhanced the spatial clustering of DSBs and increased damage complexity, this being more pronounced in heterochromatic regions. Inefficient processing of clustered DSBs may explain the enhanced therapeutic efficacy of particle-based radiotherapy in cancer treatment.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mutations in diploid budding yeast occur in meiosis at higher frequencies than in cells grown vegetatively. Such meiotic mutations are thought to result from the repair of double-strand breaks (DSBs) in meiosis, during the process of recombination. Here, we report studies of mutagenicity in haploid strains that may undergo meiosis due to the expression of both mating-type alleles, MATa and MATα. We measure the rate of mutagenicity in the reporter gene CAN1, and find it to be fivefold higher than in mitotic cells, as determined by fluctuation analysis. This enhanced meiotic mutagenicity is shown to depend on the presence of SPO11, the gene responsible for meiotic DSBs. Mutations in haploid meiosis must result from repair of the DSBs through interaction with the sister chromatid, rather than with non-sister chromatids as in diploids. Thus, mutations in diploid meiosis that are not ostensibly associated with recombination events can be explained by sister-chromatid repair. The spectrum of meiotic mutations revealed by Sanger sequencing is similar in haploid and in diploid meiosis. Compared to mitotic mutations in CAN1, long Indels are more frequent among meiotic mutations. Both, meiotic and mitotic mutations are more common at G/C sites than at A/T, in spite of an opposite bias in the target reporter gene. We conclude that sister-chromatid repair of DSBs is a major source of mutagenicity in meiosis.





