DNA denaturation

DNA 变性
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Soon after its introduction in 1987, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has become a technique widely employed in diagnostic medical devices and forensic science with the intention of amplifying genetic information. PCR prescribes that each of its cycles must include a heating subprocess at 95 °C or more (denominated DNA denaturation and provided for allowing a claimed orderly separation of the two complementary nucleotides strands), which can produce significant damage to DNA, caused by high-speed collisions with surrounding molecules. Since such disruption should be prevented in order to reliably employ PCR, a study of the mechanics of such loss of structural integrity is herein presented, preceded by a review of the fundamental literature which has elucidated the effects of molecular agitation on DNA fragmentation. The main conclusion of this retrospective survey is that the body of examined theoretical and experimental evidence consistently and redundantly confirms scarce resilience and significant loss of structural integrity when DNA is heated at temperatures above 90 °C, even for 1 minute. Such conclusion contradicts the claimed paradigm of PCR fidelity and raises the concern that, at least for long sequences, if PCR can amplify some information, such amplified information may be unreliable for diagnostic or forensic applications, since it originates from sequences of nucleotides subjected to random fragmentation and reaggregation. Such a low-reliability scenario should be preventively considered in the various fields where DNA amplification methodologies are employed which provide for high-temperature heating under conditions equal to or similar to those prescribed by the PCR protocols reviewed in this study.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nucleic acid biomarker detection has great importance in the diagnosis of disease, the monitoring of disease progression and the classification of patients according to treatment decision making. Nucleic acid biomarkers found in the blood of patients have generated a lot of interest due to the possibility of being detected non-invasively which makes them ideal for monitoring and screening tests and particularly amenable to point-of-care (POC) or self-testing. A major challenge to POC molecular diagnostics is the need to enrich the target to optimise detection. In this work, we describe a microfabricated device for the enrichment of short dsDNA target sequences, which is especially valuable for potential detection methods, as it improves the probability of effectively detecting the target in downstream analyses. The device integrated a heating element and a temperature sensor with a microfluidic chamber to carry out the denaturation of the dsDNA combined with blocking-probes to enrich the target. This procedure was validated by fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) technique, labelling DNA with a fluorophore and a quencher. As proof of concept, a 23-mer long dsDNA sequence corresponding to the L858R mutation of the EGFR gene was used. The qualitative results obtained determined that the most optimal blocking rate was obtained with the incorporation of 11/12-mer blocking-probes at a total concentration of 6 μM. This device is a powerful DNA preparation tool, which is an indispensable initial step for subsequent detection of sequences via nucleic acid hybridisation methods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spectroscopic, biochemical, and computational modelling studies have been used to assess the binding capability of a set of minor groove binding (MGB) ligands against the self-complementary DNA sequences 5\'-d(CGCACTAGTGCG)-3\' and 5\'-d(CGCAGTACTGCG)-3\'. The ligands were carefully designed to target the DNA response element, 5\'-WGWWCW-3\', the binding site for several nuclear receptors. Basic 1D 1H NMR spectra of the DNA samples prepared with three MGB ligands show subtle variations suggestive of how each ligand associates with the double helical structure of both DNA sequences. The variations among the investigated ligands were reflected in the line shape and intensity of 1D 1H and 31P-{1H} NMR spectra. Rapid visual inspection of these 1D NMR spectra proves to be beneficial in providing valuable insights on MGB binding molecules. The NMR results were consistent with the findings from both UV DNA denaturation and molecular modelling studies. Both the NMR spectroscopic and computational analyses indicate that the investigated ligands bind to the minor grooves as antiparallel side-by-side dimers in a head-to-tail fashion. Moreover, comparisons with results from biochemical studies offered valuable insights into the mechanism of action, and antitumor activity of MGBs in relation to their structures, essential pre-requisites for future optimization of MGBs as therapeutic agents.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Antimicrobial and chemotherapy resistance are escalating medical problem of paramount importance. Yet, research for novel antimicrobial and anticancer agents remains lagging behind. With their reported medical applications, DNA minor groove binders (MGBs) are worthy of exploration. In this study, the approach of structure-based drug design was implemented to generate 11 MGB compounds including a novel class of bioactive alkyne-linked MGBs. The NCI screening protocol was utilized to evaluate the antitumor activity of the target MGBs. Furthermore, a variety of bactericidal, cytopathogenicity, MIC90, and cytotoxicity assays were carried out using these MGBs against 6 medically relevant bacteria: Salmonella enterica, Escherichia coli, Serratia marcescens, Bacillus cereus, Streptococcus pneumoniae and Streptococcus pyogenes. Moreover, molecular docking, molecular dynamic simulations, DNA melting, and isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) analyses were utilized to explore the binding mode and interactions between the most potent MGBs and the DNA duplex d(CGACTAGTCG)2. NCI results showed that alkyne-linked MGBs (26 & 28) displayed the most significant growth inhibition among the NCI-60 panel. In addition, compounds MGB3, MGB4, MGB28, and MGB32 showed significant bactericidal effects, inhibited B. cereus and S. enterica-mediated cytopathogenicity, and exhibited low cytotoxicity. MGB28 and MGB32 demonstrated significant inhibition of S. pyogenes, whereas MGB28 notably inhibited S. marcescens and all four minor groove binders significantly inhibited B. cereus. The ability of these compounds to bind with DNA and distort its groove dimensions provides the molecular basis for the allosteric perturbation of proteins-DNA interactions by MGBs. This study shed light on the mechanism of action of MGBs and revealed the important structural features for their antitumor and antibacterial activities, which are important to guide future development of MGB derivatives as novel antibacterial and anticancer agents.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Due to misincorporation during gene replication, the accuracy of the gene expression is often compromised. This results in a mismatch or defective pair in the DNA molecule (James et al. 2016). Here, we present our study of the stability of DNA with defects in the thermal and force ensembles. We consider DNA with a different number of defects from 2to16 and study how the denaturation process differs in both ensembles. Using a statistical model, we calculate the melting point of the DNA chain in both the ensemble. Our findings display different manifestations of DNA denaturation in thermal and force ensembles. While the DNA with defects denatures at a lower temperature than the intact DNA, the point from which the DNA is pulled is important in force ensemble.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Malignancies are caused by genetic or environmental factors. Esophageal carcinoma can be triggered by consumption of hot food and beverages. Here we propose that high temperature is one of the culprits and it leads to DNA denaturation. Subsequently the exposed hydrogen bonding acceptors in single stranded DNA attract protons which enhance the formation of mutagenic and carcinogenic strong acids such as HCl. Faster mutation of single-stranded DNA viruses than that of double-stranded DNA viruses lends support to this theory.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Students tend to think of their science courses as isolated and unrelated to each other, making it difficult for them to see connections across disciplines. In addition, many existing science assessments target rote memorization and algorithmic problem-solving skills. Here, we describe the development, implementation, and evaluation of an activity aimed to help students integrate knowledge across introductory chemistry and biology courses. The activity design and evaluation of students\' responses were guided by the Framework for K-12 Science Education as the understanding of core ideas and crosscutting concepts and the development of scientific practices are essential for students at all levels. In this activity, students are asked to use their understanding of noncovalent interactions to explain (a) why the boiling point differs for two pure substances (chemistry phenomenon) and (b) why temperature and base pair composition affects the stability of DNA (biological phenomenon). The activity was implemented at two different institutions (N = 441) in both introductory chemistry and biology courses. Students\' overall performance suggests that they can provide sophisticated responses that incorporate their understanding of noncovalent interactions and energy to explain the chemistry phenomenon, but have difficulties integrating the same knowledge to explain the biological phenomenon. Our findings reinforce the notion that students should be provided with opportunities in the classroom to purposefully practice and support the use and integration of knowledge from multiple disciplines. Students\' evaluations of the activity indicated that they found it to be interesting and helpful for making connections across disciplines.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Femtosecond (fs) laser pulsed excitation of plasmonic nanoparticle (NP)-biomolecule conjugates is a promising method to locally heat biological materials. Studies have demonstrated that fs pulses of light can modulate the activity of DNA or proteins when attached to plasmonic NPs; however, the precision over subsequent biological function remains largely undetermined. Specifically, the temperature the localized biomolecules \"experience\" remains unknown. We used 55 nm gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) displaying double-stranded (ds) DNA to examine how, for dsDNA with different melting temperatures, the laser pulse energy fluence and bulk solution temperature affect the rate of local DNA denaturation. A universal \"template\" single-stranded DNA was attached to the AuNP surface, and three dye-labeled probe strands, distinct in length and melting temperature, were hybridized to it creating three individual dsDNA-AuNP bioconjugates. The dye-labeled probe strands were used to quantify the rate and amount of DNA release after a given number of light pulses, which was then correlated to the dsDNA denaturation temperature, resulting in a quantitative nanothermometer. The localized DNA denaturation rate could be modulated by more than threefold over the biologically relevant range of 8-53 °C by varying pulse energy fluence, DNA melting temperature, and surrounding bath temperature. With a modified dissociation equation tailored for this system, a \"sensed\" temperature parameter was extracted and compared to simulated AuNP temperature profiles. Determining actual biological responses in such systems can allow researchers to design precision nanoscale photothermal heating sources.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) melting assay intends to evaluate the unfolding, denaturation process of DNA secondary structures, and its stabilization using compounds known as DNA binders, some of which are highly specific for G-quadruplex DNAs versus duplex DNAs. First, students determined the melting temperature (Tm ) of DNA sequences double labeled with 5\'-FAM (fluorescein) and 3\'-TAMRA (tetramethylrhodamine) in the absence of DNA binders. Second, they determined the melting temperature of the DNAs in the presence of DNA binders by monitoring fluorescence. After completing this experiment, students understood that this method allows a semiquantitative analysis to test a variety of DNA binders against DNA secondary structures, and it can be used to rapidly identify the most promising drug candidates in the drug development stages at the basic research level.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    The objectives of this study were to validate the direct triplet-primed PCR method (dTP-PCR) for determination of dynamic mutations in the FMR1 gene, and to compare the results of the dTP-PCR method and Southern blot analysis. The number of CGG repeats in the FMR1 gene was determined by the direct triplet-primed PCR method and by melting curve analysis. The cut-off temperature between normal and permutations of the CGG repeats was determined using control samples with a known number of CGG repeats. All patients are classified into four categories based on the DNA melting curve. The clinical performance of the assay was established by 40 previously analyzed samples, yielding results of 100% sensitivity and 90.48% specificity in detection expansions of CGG (>30) repeats in the FMR1 gene. This method is appropriate for the quick determination of allelic changes in the FMR1 gene, screening a population, and identifying mutations or premutation carriers in a population with intellectual disabilities of an unknown cause.





