DNA Polymerase gamma

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Endometrial cancer (EC) is a devastating and common disease affecting women\'s health. The NCI Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program predicted that there would be >66,000 new cases in the United States and >13,000 deaths from EC in 2023, and EC is the sixth most common cancer among women worldwide. Regulation of mitochondrial metabolism plays a role in tumorigenesis. In proliferating cancer cells, mitochondria provide the necessary building blocks for biosynthesis of amino acids, lipids, nucleotides, and glucose. One mechanism causing altered mitochondrial activity is mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutation. The polyploid human mtDNA genome is a circular double-stranded molecule essential to vertebrate life that harbors genes critical for oxidative phosphorylation plus mitochondrial-derived peptide genes. Cancer cells display aerobic glycolysis, known as the Warburg effect, which arises from the needs of fast-dividing cells and is characterized by increased glucose uptake and conversion of glucose to lactate. Solid tumors often contain at least one mtDNA substitution. Furthermore, it is common for cancer cells to harbor mixtures of wild-type and mutant mtDNA genotypes, known as heteroplasmy. Considering the increase in cancer cell energy demand, the presence of functionally relevant carcinogenesis-inducing or environment-adapting mtDNA mutations in cancer seems plausible. We review 279 EC tumor-specific mtDNA single nucleotide variants from 111 individuals from different studies. Many transition mutations indicative of error-prone DNA polymerase γ replication and C to U deamination events were present. We examine the spectrum of mutations and their heteroplasmy and discuss the potential biological impact of recurrent, non-synonymous, insertion, and deletion mutations. Lastly, we explore current EC treatments, exploiting cancer cell mitochondria for therapy and the prospect of using mtDNA variants as an EC biomarker.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The replicative mitochondrial DNA polymerase, Polγ, and its protein regulation are essential for the integrity of the mitochondrial genome. The intricacies of Polγ regulation and its interactions with regulatory proteins, which are essential for fine-tuning polymerase function, remain poorly understood. Misregulation of the Polγ heterotrimer, consisting of (i) PolG, the polymerase catalytic subunit and (ii) PolG2, the accessory subunit, ultimately results in mitochondrial diseases. Here, we used single particle cryo-electron microscopy to resolve the structure of PolG in its apoprotein state and we captured Polγ at three intermediates within the catalytic cycle: DNA bound, engaged, and an active polymerization state. Chemical crosslinking mass spectrometry, and site-directed mutagenesis uncovered the region of LonP1 engagement of PolG, which promoted proteolysis and regulation of PolG protein levels. PolG2 clinical variants, which disrupted a stable Polγ complex, led to enhanced LonP1-mediated PolG degradation. Overall, this insight into Polγ aids in an understanding of mitochondrial DNA replication and characterizes how machinery of the replication fork may be targeted for proteolytic degradation when improperly functioning.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mitochondrial quality control is essential in mitochondrial function. To examine the importance of Parkin-dependent mechanisms in mitochondrial quality control, we assessed the impact of modulating Parkin on proteome flux and mitochondrial function in a context of reduced mtDNA fidelity. To accomplish this, we crossed either the Parkin knockout mouse or ParkinW402A knock-in mouse lines to the Polg mitochondrial mutator line to generate homozygous double mutants. In vivo longitudinal isotopic metabolic labeling was followed by isolation of liver mitochondria and synaptic terminals from the brain, which are rich in mitochondria. Mass spectrometry and bioenergetics analysis were assessed. We demonstrate that slower mitochondrial protein turnover is associated with loss of mtDNA fidelity in liver mitochondria but not synaptic terminals, and bioenergetic function in both tissues is impaired. Pathway analysis revealed loss of mtDNA fidelity is associated with disturbances of key metabolic pathways, consistent with its association with metabolic disorders and neurodegeneration. Furthermore, we find that loss of Parkin leads to exacerbation of Polg-driven proteomic consequences, though it may be bioenergetically protective in tissues exhibiting rapid mitochondrial turnover. Finally, we provide evidence that, surprisingly, dis-autoinhibition of Parkin (ParkinW402A) functionally resembles Parkin knockout and fails to rescue deleterious Polg-driven effects. Our study accomplishes three main outcomes: (1) it supports recent studies suggesting that Parkin dependence is low in response to an increased mtDNA mutational load, (2) it provides evidence of a potential protective role of Parkin insufficiency, and (3) it draws into question the therapeutic attractiveness of enhancing Parkin function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mitochondrial diseases are associated with neuronal death and mtDNA depletion. Astrocytes respond to injury or stimuli and damage to the central nervous system. Neurodegeneration can cause astrocytes to activate and acquire toxic functions that induce neuronal death. However, astrocyte activation and its impact on neuronal homeostasis in mitochondrial disease remain to be explored. Using patient cells carrying POLG mutations, we generated iPSCs and then differentiated these into astrocytes. POLG astrocytes exhibited mitochondrial dysfunction including loss of mitochondrial membrane potential, energy failure, loss of complex I and IV, disturbed NAD+/NADH metabolism, and mtDNA depletion. Further, POLG derived astrocytes presented an A1-like reactive phenotype with increased proliferation, invasion, upregulation of pathways involved in response to stimulus, immune system process, cell proliferation and cell killing. Under direct and indirect co-culture with neurons, POLG astrocytes manifested a toxic effect leading to the death of neurons. We demonstrate that mitochondrial dysfunction caused by POLG mutations leads not only to intrinsic defects in energy metabolism affecting both neurons and astrocytes, but also to neurotoxic damage driven by astrocytes. These findings reveal a novel role for dysfunctional astrocytes that contribute to the pathogenesis of POLG diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the prevalence and natural history of POLG disease in the Norwegian population.
    METHODS: A national, population-based, retrospective study using demographic, clinical, and genetic data of patients with genetically confirmed POLG disease. The patients were diagnosed between 2002 and 2022, and were included into the Norwegian POLG Patient Registry. Patients were stratified according to age at disease onset (early <12 years, juvenile to adult 12-40 years, late ≥40 years) and resident region.
    RESULTS: Ninety-one patients were included. The point prevalence of POLG disease was 1:149,253. Birth prevalence was 1:48,780. Median age at clinical onset was 16 years (range: 2 months to 70 years). Onset occurred early in 35% (32 out of 91), juvenile-adult in 55% (50 out of 91) and late in 10% (9 out of 91). A distinct seasonal pattern in disease onset was observed, with 57% (52 out of 91) presenting between May and August. Forty-five patients (49%) had acute exacerbations that required intensive care, and this affected 72% of those in the early-onset group. The mortality rate was 54% (49 out of 91), with a median time from disease onset to death of 3 years (range: 1 month to 36 years).
    CONCLUSIONS: We provide the point prevalence and birth prevalence of POLG disease in the first nationwide study in which epidemiological and clinical data were integrated. Seasonal variations in clinical onset may offer valuable insights into disease mechanisms and modifying factors. The findings from this study are crucial for quantifying the disease burden, and contribute to evidence-based healthcare planning.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We aimed to provide a detailed phenotypic description of status epilepticus (SE) in a large cohort of patients with POLG disease and identify prognostic biomarkers to improve the management of this life-threatening condition. In a multinational, retrospective study with data on patients with POLG disease from seven European countries, we identified those who had SE. The age of SE onset, accompanying clinical, laboratory, imaging and genetic findings were analysed. One hundred and ninety-five patients with genetically confirmed POLG disease were recruited, of whom 67% (130/194) had epilepsy. SE was identified in 77% (97/126), with a median age of SE onset of 7 years. SE was the presenting symptom of the disease in 43% (40/93) of those with SE, while 57% (53/93) developed SE during the disease course. Convulsive SE was reported in 97% (91/94) followed by epilepsia partialis continua in 67% (56/84). Liver impairment 78% (74/95), ataxia 69% (60/87), stroke-like episodes 57% (50/88), were the major comorbidities. In the majority (66%; 57/86) with SE this became refractory or super-refractory. The presence of seizures was associated with significantly higher mortality compared to those without (P ≤ 0.001). The median time from SE debut to death was 5 months. SE is a major clinical feature of POLG disease in early and juvenile to adult-onset disease and can be the presenting feature or arise as part of a multisystem disease. It is associated with high morbidity and mortality, with the majority of patients with SE going on to develop refractory or super-refractory SE.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The replication accuracy of DNA polymerase gamma (Pol γ) is essential for mitochondrial genome integrity. Mutation of human Pol γ arginine-853 has been linked to neurological diseases. Although not a catalytic residue, Pol γ arginine-853 mutants are void of polymerase activity. To identify the structural basis for the disease, we determined a crystal structure of the Pol γ mutant ternary complex with correct incoming nucleotide 2\'-deoxycytidine 5\'-triphosphate (dCTP). Opposite to the wild type that undergoes open-to-closed conformational changes when bound to a correct nucleotide that is essential for forming a catalytically competent active site, the mutant complex failed to undergo the conformational change, and the dCTP did not base pair with its Watson-Crick complementary templating residue. Our studies revealed that arginine-853 coordinates an interaction network that aligns the 3\'-end of primer and dCTP with the catalytic residues. Disruption of the network precludes the formation of Watson-Crick base pairing and closing of the active site, resulting in an inactive polymerase.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The POLG mutation, a leading cause of mitochondrial diseases, exhibits a wide-ranging age of onset and a complex clinical presentation. We encountered an atypical clinical profile in an elderly man with a POLG mutation, characterised by a stroke-like episode, chronic insomnia and transient oculomasticatory rhythmic movement. History revealed chronic constipation since his 50s and progressive bilateral ophthalmoplegia since his early 60s. Subsequently, he had experienced acute encephalopathy and later developed chronic insomnia. The present neurological examination showed bilateral complete ophthalmoplegia, ptosis, and rhythmic ocular and jaw movements. Imaging indicated findings suggestive of a stroke-like episode and eventual genetic analysis revealed a homozygous missense mutation in the POLG gene. This case expands the clinical spectrum of POLG mutations in individuals over 60 years, showcasing the rare combination of a stroke-like episode, chronic insomnia and oculomasticatory rhythmic movement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The human mitochondrial DNA polymerase gamma is a holoenzyme, involved in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) replication and maintenance, composed of a catalytic subunit (POLG) and a dimeric accessory subunit (POLG2) conferring processivity. Mutations in POLG or POLG2 cause POLG-related diseases in humans, leading to a subset of Mendelian-inherited mitochondrial disorders characterized by mtDNA depletion (MDD) or accumulation of multiple deletions, presenting multi-organ defects and often leading to premature death at a young age. Considering the paucity of POLG2 models, we have generated a stable zebrafish polg2 mutant line (polg2ia304) by CRISPR/Cas9 technology, carrying a 10-nucleotide deletion with frameshift mutation and premature stop codon. Zebrafish polg2 homozygous mutants present slower development and decreased viability compared to wild type siblings, dying before the juvenile stage. Mutants display a set of POLG-related phenotypes comparable to the symptoms of human patients affected by POLG-related diseases, including remarkable MDD, altered mitochondrial network and dynamics, and reduced mitochondrial respiration. Histological analyses detected morphological alterations in high-energy demanding tissues, along with a significant disorganization of skeletal muscle fibres. Consistent with the last finding, locomotor assays highlighted a decreased larval motility. Of note, treatment with the Clofilium tosylate drug, previously shown to be effective in POLG models, could partially rescue MDD in Polg2 mutant animals. Altogether, our results point at zebrafish as an effective model to study the etiopathology of human POLG-related disorders linked to POLG2, and a suitable platform to screen the efficacy of POLG-directed drugs in POLG2-associated forms.





