DNA End Resection

DNA 末端切除
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Repair of DNA double-strand breaks by the non-homologous end-joining pathway is initiated by the binding of Ku to DNA ends. Multiple Ku proteins load onto linear DNAs in vitro. However, in cells, Ku loading is limited to ∼1-2 molecules per DNA end. The mechanisms enforcing this limit are currently unclear. Here, we show that the catalytic subunit of the DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PKcs), but not its protein kinase activity, is required to prevent excessive Ku entry into chromatin. Ku accumulation is further restricted by two mechanisms: a neddylation/FBXL12-dependent process that actively removes loaded Ku molecules throughout the cell cycle and a CtIP/ATM-dependent mechanism that operates in S phase. Finally, we demonstrate that the misregulation of Ku loading leads to impaired transcription in the vicinity of DNA ends. Together, our data shed light on the multiple mechanisms operating to prevent Ku from invading chromatin and interfering with other DNA transactions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The conserved Rad2/XPG family 5\'-3\' exonuclease, exonuclease 1 (Exo1), plays many roles in DNA metabolism including during resolution of DNA double-strand breaks via homologous recombination. Prior studies provided evidence that the end resection activity of Exo1 is downregulated in yeast and mammals by Cdk1/2 family cyclin-dependent and checkpoint kinases, including budding yeast kinase Rad53 which functions in mitotic cells. Here, we provide evidence that the master meiotic kinase Mek1, a paralog of Rad53, limits 5\'-3\' single-strand resection at the sites of programmed meiotic DNA breaks. Mutational analysis suggests that the mechanism of Exo1 suppression by Mek1 differs from that of Rad53.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitors (PARPis) exhibit remarkable anticancer activity in tumors with homologous recombination (HR) gene mutations. However, the role of other DNA repair proteins in PARPi-induced lethality remains elusive. Here, we reveal that FANCM promotes PARPi resistance independent of the core Fanconi anemia (FA) complex. FANCM-depleted cells retain HR proficiency, acting independently of BRCA1 in response to PARPis. FANCM depletion leads to increased DNA damage in the second S phase after PARPi exposure, driven by elevated single-strand DNA (ssDNA) gap formation behind replication forks in the first S phase. These gaps arise from both 53BP1- and primase and DNA directed polymerase (PRIMPOL)-dependent mechanisms. Notably, FANCM-depleted cells also exhibit reduced resection of collapsed forks, while 53BP1 deletion restores resection and mitigates PARPi sensitivity. Our results suggest that FANCM counteracts 53BP1 to repair PARPi-induced DNA damage. Furthermore, FANCM depletion leads to increased chromatin bridges and micronuclei formation after PARPi treatment, elucidating the mechanism underlying extensive cell death in FANCM-depleted cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cyclosporin A (CsA) induces DNA double-strand breaks in LIG4 syndrome fibroblasts, specifically upon transit through S-phase. The basis underlying this has not been described. CsA-induced genomic instability may reflect a direct role of Cyclophilin A (CYPA) in DNA repair. CYPA is a peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase (PPI). CsA inhibits the PPI activity of CYPA. Using an integrated approach involving CRISPR/Cas9-engineering, siRNA, BioID, co-immunoprecipitation, pathway-specific DNA repair investigations as well as protein expression interaction analysis, we describe novel impacts of CYPA loss and inhibition on DNA repair. We characterise a direct CYPA interaction with the NBS1 component of the MRE11-RAD50-NBS1 complex, providing evidence that CYPA influences DNA repair at the level of DNA end resection. We define a set of genetic vulnerabilities associated with CYPA loss and inhibition, identifying DNA replication fork protection as an important determinant of viability. We explore examples of how CYPA inhibition may be exploited to selectively kill cancers sharing characteristic genomic instability profiles, including MYCN-driven Neuroblastoma, Multiple Myeloma and Chronic Myelogenous Leukaemia. These findings propose a repurposing strategy for Cyclophilin inhibitors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The therapeutic targeting of DNA repair pathways is an emerging concept in cancer treatment. Compounds that target specific DNA repair processes, such as those mending DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), are therefore of therapeutic interest. UNC3866 is a small molecule that targets CBX4, a chromobox protein, and a SUMO E3 ligase. As a key modulator of DNA end resection-a prerequisite for DSB repair by homologous recombination (HR)-CBX4 promotes the functions of the DNA resection factor CtIP. Here, we show that treatment with UNC3866 markedly sensitises HR-deficient, NHEJ-hyperactive cancer cells to ionising radiation (IR), while it is non-toxic in selected HR-proficient cells. Consistent with UNC3866 targeting CtIP functions, it inhibits end-resection-dependent DNA repair including HR, alternative end joining (alt-EJ), and single-strand annealing (SSA). These findings raise the possibility that the UNC3866-mediated inhibition of end resection processes we define highlights a distinct vulnerability for the selective killing of HR-ineffective cancers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Double-strand breaks (DSBs) are DNA lesions that pose a significant threat to genomic stability. The repair of DSBs by the homologous recombination (HR) pathway is preceded by DNA end resection, the 5\' to 3\' nucleolytic degradation of DNA away from the DSB. We and others previously identified a role for RNF138, a really interesting new gene finger E3 ubiquitin ligase, in stimulating DNA end resection and HR. Yet, little is known about how RNF138\'s function is regulated in the context of DSB repair. Here, we show that RNF138 is phosphorylated at residue T27 by cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) activity during the S and G2 phases of the cell cycle. We also observe that RNF138 is ubiquitylated constitutively, with ubiquitylation occurring in part on residue K158 and rising during the S/G2 phases. Interestingly, RNF138 ubiquitylation decreases upon genotoxic stress. By mutating RNF138 at residues T27, K158, and the previously identified S124 ataxia telangiectasia mutated phosphorylation site (Han et al., 2016, ref. 22), we find that post-translational modifications at all three positions mediate DSB repair. Cells expressing the T27A, K158R, and S124A variants of RNF138 are impaired in DNA end resection, HR activity, and are more sensitive to ionizing radiation compared to those expressing wildtype RNF138. Our findings shed more light on how RNF138 activity is controlled by the cell during HR.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    Repair of DNA double strand breaks by the non-homologous end-joining pathway is initiated by the binding of Ku to DNA ends. Given its high affinity for ends, multiple Ku proteins load onto linear DNAs in vitro. However, in cells, Ku loading is limited to ~1-2 molecules per DNA end. The mechanisms enforcing this limit are currently unknown. Here we show that the catalytic subunit of the DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PKcs), but not its protein kinase activity, is required to prevent excessive Ku entry into chromatin. Ku accumulation is further restricted by two mechanisms: a neddylation/FBXL12-dependent process which actively removes loaded Ku molecules throughout the cell cycle and a CtIP/ATM-dependent mechanism which operates in S-phase. Finally, we demonstrate that the misregulation of Ku loading leads to impaired transcription in the vicinity of DNA ends. Together our data shed light on the multiple layers of coordinated mechanisms operating to prevent Ku from invading chromatin and interfering with other DNA transactions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The tumor-suppressor breast cancer 1 (BRCA1) in complex with BRCA1-associated really interesting new gene (RING) domain 1 (BARD1) is a RING-type ubiquitin E3 ligase that modifies nucleosomal histone and other substrates. The importance of BRCA1-BARD1 E3 activity in tumor suppression remains highly controversial, mainly stemming from studying mutant ligase-deficient BRCA1-BARD1 species that we show here still retain significant ligase activity. Using full-length BRCA1-BARD1, we establish robust BRCA1-BARD1-mediated ubiquitylation with specificity, uncover multiple modes of activity modulation, and construct a truly ligase-null variant and a variant specifically impaired in targeting nucleosomal histones. Cells expressing either of these BRCA1-BARD1 separation-of-function alleles are hypersensitive to DNA-damaging agents. Furthermore, we demonstrate that BRCA1-BARD1 ligase is not only required for DNA resection during homology-directed repair (HDR) but also contributes to later stages for HDR completion. Altogether, our findings reveal crucial, previously unrecognized roles of BRCA1-BARD1 ligase activity in genome repair via HDR, settle prior controversies regarding BRCA1-BARD1 ligase functions, and catalyze new efforts to uncover substrates related to tumor suppression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Our previous study first showed that ATR-binding long noncoding RNA (lncRNA) is necessary for ATR function and promotes cancer resistance. However, the specific lncRNAs instrumental in ATR activation remain largely unclear, which limits our comprehensive understanding of this critical biological process.
    METHODS: RNA immunoprecipitation (RIP) followed by RNA sequencing was employed to identify ATR-binding lncRNAs, which were further validated using RIP-qPCR assays. Immunofluorescence staining and Western blotting were applied to detect the activation of DNA damage repair factors. After the effect of scaRNA2 on cellular sensitivity to DNA-damaging reagents was determined, the effects of scaRNA2 on radiotherapy were investigated in patient-derived organoids and xenograft preclinical models. The clinical relevance of scaRNA2 was also validated in tissues isolated from rectal cancer patients.
    RESULTS: ScaRNA2 was identified as the most enriched ATR-binding lncRNA and was found to be essential for homologous recombination (HR) mediated DNA damage repair. Furthermore, scaRNA2 knockdown abrogated the recruitment of ATR and its substrates in response to DNA damage. Mechanistically, scaRNA2 was observed to be necessary for Exo1-mediated DNA end resection and bridged the MRN complex to ATR activation. Knockdown of scaRNA2 effectively increased the sensitivity of cancer cells to multiple kinds of DNA damage-related chemoradiotherapy. Preclinically, knockdown of scaRNA2 improved the effects of radiotherapy on patient-derived organoids and xenograft models. Finally, an increase in scaRNA2 colocalized with ATR was also found in clinical patients who were resistant to radiotherapy.
    CONCLUSIONS: ScaRNA2 was identified as the most abundant lncRNA bound to ATR and was demonstrated to bridge DNA end resection to ATR activation; thus, it could be applied as a potent target for combined cancer treatments with chemoradiotherapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The centrosome is a cytoplasmic organelle with roles in microtubule organization that has also been proposed to act as a hub for cellular signaling. Some centrosomal components are required for full activation of the DNA damage response. However, whether the centrosome regulates specific DNA repair pathways is not known. Here, we show that centrosome presence is required to fully activate recombination, specifically to completely license its initial step, the so-called DNA end resection. Furthermore, we identify a centriolar structure, the subdistal appendages, and a specific factor, CEP170, as the critical centrosomal component involved in the regulation of recombination and resection. Cells lacking centrosomes or depleted for CEP170 are, consequently, hypersensitive to DNA damaging agents. Moreover, low levels of CEP170 in multiple cancer types correlate with an increase of the mutation burden associated with specific mutational signatures and a better prognosis, suggesting that changes in CEP170 can act as a mutation driver but could also be targeted to improve current oncological treatments.





