• 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Wearable digital health technologies and mobile apps (personal digital health technologies [DHTs]) hold great promise for transforming health research and care. However, engagement in personal DHT research is poor.
    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this paper is to describe how participant engagement techniques and different study designs affect participant adherence, retention, and overall engagement in research involving personal DHTs.
    METHODS: Quantitative and qualitative analysis of engagement factors are reported across 6 unique personal DHT research studies that adopted aspects of a participant-centric design. Study populations included (1) frontline health care workers; (2) a conception, pregnant, and postpartum population; (3) individuals with Crohn disease; (4) individuals with pancreatic cancer; (5) individuals with central nervous system tumors; and (6) families with a Li-Fraumeni syndrome affected member. All included studies involved the use of a study smartphone app that collected both daily and intermittent passive and active tasks, as well as using multiple wearable devices including smartwatches, smart rings, and smart scales. All studies included a variety of participant-centric engagement strategies centered on working with participants as co-designers and regular check-in phone calls to provide support over study participation. Overall retention, probability of staying in the study, and median adherence to study activities are reported.
    RESULTS: The median proportion of participants retained in the study across the 6 studies was 77.2% (IQR 72.6%-88%). The probability of staying in the study stayed above 80% for all studies during the first month of study participation and stayed above 50% for the entire active study period across all studies. Median adherence to study activities varied by study population. Severely ill cancer populations and postpartum mothers showed the lowest adherence to personal DHT research tasks, largely the result of physical, mental, and situational barriers. Except for the cancer and postpartum populations, median adherences for the Oura smart ring, Garmin, and Apple smartwatches were over 80% and 90%, respectively. Median adherence to the scheduled check-in calls was high across all but one cohort (50%, IQR 20%-75%: low-engagement cohort). Median adherence to study-related activities in this low-engagement cohort was lower than in all other included studies.
    CONCLUSIONS: Participant-centric engagement strategies aid in participant retention and maintain good adherence in some populations. Primary barriers to engagement were participant burden (task fatigue and inconvenience), physical, mental, and situational barriers (unable to complete tasks), and low perceived benefit (lack of understanding of the value of personal DHTs). More population-specific tailoring of personal DHT designs is needed so that these new tools can be perceived as personally valuable to the end user.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Androgen excess is a hallmark feature of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), the most common form of anovulatory infertility. Clinical and preclinical evidence links developmental or chronic exposure to hyperandrogenism with programming and evoking the reproductive and metabolic traits of PCOS. While critical androgen targets remain to be determined, central GABAergic neurons are postulated to be involved. Here, we tested the hypothesis that androgen signaling in GABAergic neurons is critical in PCOS pathogenesis in 2 well-characterized hyperandrogenic mouse models of PCOS. Using cre-lox transgenics, GABA-specific androgen receptor knockout (GABARKO) mice were generated and exposed to either acute prenatal androgen excess (PNA) or chronic peripubertal androgen excess (PPA). Females were phenotyped for reproductive and metabolic features associated with each model and brains of PNA mice were assessed for elevated GABAergic input to gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neurons. Reproductive and metabolic dysfunction induced by PPA, including acyclicity, absence of corpora lutea, obesity, adipocyte hypertrophy, and impaired glucose homeostasis, was not different between GABARKO and wild-type (WT) mice. In PNA mice, acyclicity remained in GABARKO mice while ovarian morphology and luteinizing hormone secretion was not significantly impacted by PNA or genotype. However, PNA predictably increased the density of putative GABAergic synapses to GnRH neurons in adult WT mice, and this PNA-induced plasticity was absent in GABARKO mice. Together, these findings suggest that while direct androgen signaling in GABA neurons is largely not required for the development of PCOS-like traits in androgenized models of PCOS, developmental programming of GnRH neuron innervation is dependent upon androgen signaling in GABA neurons.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The behavioral endocrinology associated with reproduction and uniparental male care has been studied in teleosts, but little is known about hormonal correlates of uniparental male care in other ectotherms. To address this gap, we are the first to document the seasonal steroid endocrinology of uniparental male hellbender salamanders during the transition from pre-breeding to nest initiation, and through the subsequent eight months of paternal care. In doing so, we investigated the correlates of nest fate and clutch size, exploring hellbenders\' alignment with several endocrinological patterns observed in uniparental male fish. Understanding the endocrinology of hellbender paternal care is also vital from a conservation perspective because high rates of nest failure were recently identified as a factor causing population declines in this imperiled species. We corroborated previous findings demonstrating testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) to be the primary androgens in hellbender reproduction, and that cortisol circulates as the most abundant glucocorticoid. However, we were unable to identify a prolactin or a \"prolactin-like\" peptide in circulation prior to or during parental care. We observed ∼ 80 % declines in both primary androgens during the transition from pre-breeding to nest initiation, and again as paternal care progressed past its first month. In the days immediately following nest initiation, testosterone and DHT trended higher in successful individuals, but did not differ with males\' clutch size. We did not observe meaningful seasonality in baseline glucocorticoids associated with breeding or nesting. In contrast, stress-induced glucocorticoids were highest at pre-breeding and through the first two months of care, before declining during the latter-most periods of care as larvae approach emergence from the nest. Neither baseline nor stress-induced glucocorticoids varied significantly with either nest fate or clutch size. Both stress-induced cortisol and corticosterone were positively correlated with total length, a proxy for age in adult hellbenders. This is consistent with age-related patterns in some vertebrates, but the first such pattern observed in a wild amphibian population. Generally, we found that nesting hellbenders adhere to some but not all of the endocrinological patterns observed in uniparental male teleosts prior to and during parental care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Digital health technology (DHT) is increasingly used to facilitate the conduct of clinical drug trials. The European regulatory environment would benefit from some adjustments to realize the full potential of DHTs. Considering current discussions such as the European Accelerating Clinical Trial Initiative (ACT EU), we propose four concrete adjustments to this regulatory landscape to introduce risk-based qualification approaches for DHTs. In our view, these changes would have the potential to facilitate the use of DHT in clinical research and thus provide access to innovative therapies in Europe.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Androgen(s) is one of the sex steroids that are involved in many physiological phenomena of vertebrate species. Although androgens were originally identified as male sex hormones, it is well known now that they are also essential in females. As in the case of other steroid hormones, androgen is produced from cholesterol through serial enzymatic reactions. Although testis is a major tissue to produce androgens in all species, androgens are also produced in ovary and adrenal (interrenal tissue). Testosterone is the most common and famous androgen. It represents a major androgen both in males and females of almost vertebrate species. In addition, testosterone is a precursor for producing significant androgens such as11-ketotestosterone, 5α-dihydrotestosterone, 11-ketodihydrotestosterones and 15α-hydroxytestosterone in a species- or sex-dependent manner for their homeostasis. In this article, we will review the significance and characteristics of these androgens, following a description of the history of testosterone discovery and its synthetic pathways.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The prostate is a vital accessory gonad in the mammalian male reproductive system. With the ever-increasing proportion of the population over 60 years of age worldwide, the incidence of prostate diseases, such as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and prostate cancer (PCa), is on the rise and is gradually becoming a significant medical problem globally. The notch signaling pathway is essential in regulating prostate early development. However, the potential regulatory mechanism of Notch signaling in prostatic enlargement and hyperplasia remains unclear. In this study, we proved that overactivation of Notch1 signaling in mouse prostatic epithelial cells (OEx) led to prostatic enlargement via enhancing proliferation and inhibiting apoptosis of prostatic epithelial cells. Further study showed that N1ICD/RBPJ directly up-regulated the androgen receptor (AR) and enhanced prostatic sensitivity to androgens. Hyper-proliferation was not found in orchidectomized OEx mice without androgen supply but was observed after Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) supplementation. Our data showed that the number of mitochondrion in prostatic epithelial cells of OEx mice was increased, but the mitochondrial function was impaired, and the essential activity of the mitochondrial respiratory electron transport chain was significantly weakened. Disordered mitochondrial number and metabolic function further resulted in excessive accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Importantly, anti-oxidant N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC) therapy could alleviate prostatic hyperplasia caused by the over-activation of Notch1 signaling. Furthermore, we observed the incremental Notch signaling activity in progenitor-like club cells in the scRNA-seq data set of human BPH patients. Moreover, the increased number of TROP2+ progenitors and Club cells was also confirmed in our OEx mice. In conclusion, our study revealed that over-activated Notch1 signaling induces prostatic enlargement by increasing androgen receptor sensitivity, disrupting cellular mitochondrial metabolism, increasing ROS, and a higher number of progenitor cells, all of which can be effectively rescued by NAC treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Despite the growing awareness of sexual dimorphism between males and females under pathological and physiological conditions, sex bias in biomedical research in animal models and patients is still present nowadays. The main objective of this work was to investigate sex differences in constitutive long non-coding RNA expression in spinal cord and skeletal muscle from wild-type mice.
    METHODS: To assess the influence of gender on long non-coding RNAs, we extracted RNA from tissues of male and female mice and analyzed the expression on nine long non-coding RNAs, selected for being among the most commonly studied or exerting an important role in muscle, at 50, 60, and 120 days of age.
    CONCLUSIONS: We observed age- and tissue-dependent significant sex differences, being more prominent in skeletal muscle. We also studied the effect of sex steroid hormones on long non-coding RNA expression in vitro, noticing a modulation of long non-coding RNA levels upon estradiol and dihydrotestosterone treatment in muscle.
    CONCLUSIONS: Taken together, results obtained evidenced sex differences on constitutive long non-coding RNA expression and suggested an influence of steroid hormones complementary to other possible factors. These findings emphasize the importance of including both sexes in experimental design to minimize any potential sex bias.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Human choriogonadotrophin (hCG) treatment of gonadotrophin-deficient infertile men uses hCG of urinary (uhCG) or recombinant (rhCG) origin, but these treatments have not been compared nor are there studies defining rhCG dosing in men.
    METHODS: hCG products were studied in randomized cross-over single-dose studies of standard (Study 1, 1500 IU and 62.5 µg, respectively) or high (Study 2, 5000 IU and 250 µg) dose and a multi-dose population pharmacology study of hCG use.
    METHODS: Eight (Study 1) and seven (Study 2) volunteers in cross-over and 52 gonadotrophin-deficient men in the multi-dose study MEASUREMENTS: In cross-over studies, serum testosterone (T), dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and estradiol by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LCMS) and serum hCG, LH, FSH, SHBG and T (observational study) by immunoassays.
    RESULTS: After standard and high-dose injection, serum hCG and testosterone responses had similar timing and peak concentrations except for a mildly lower early (<48 h) serum testosterone with uhCG. In the multi-dosing study, both hCGs had similar pharmacokinetics (pooled half-life 5.8 days, p < .001), while serum testosterone concentrations were stable after injection and did not differ between hCG products. Bench testing verified that 20% of pens from 4/10 individuals were used inappropriately.
    CONCLUSIONS: Although hCG pharmacokinetics are not formally bioequivalent, the similar pharmacodynamic effects on serum testosterone indicate that at the doses tested both hCGs provide comparable clinical effects. The starting dose of rhCG for treating gonadotrophin-deficient men should be 62.5 µg (6 clicks) of the rhCG pen.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The occurrence of benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) was related to disrupted sex steroid hormones, and metformin (Met) had a clinical response to sex steroid hormone-related gynaecological disease. However, whether Met exerts an antiproliferative effect on BPH via sex steroid hormones remains unclear. Here, our clinical study showed that along with prostatic epithelial cell (PEC) proliferation, sex steroid hormones were dysregulated in the serum and prostate of BPH patients. As the major contributor to dysregulated sex steroid hormones, elevated dihydrotestosterone (DHT) had a significant positive relationship with the clinical characteristics of BPH patients. Activation of adenosine 5\'-monophosphate (AMP)-activated protein kinase (AMPK) by Met restored dysregulated sex steroid hormone homeostasis and exerted antiproliferative effects against DHT-induced proliferation by inhibiting the formation of androgen receptor (AR)-mediated Yes-associated protein (YAP1)-TEA domain transcription factor (TEAD4) heterodimers. Met\'s anti-proliferative effects were blocked by AMPK inhibitor or YAP1 overexpression in DHT-cultured BPH-1 cells. Our findings indicated that Met would be a promising clinical therapeutic approach for BPH by inhibiting dysregulated steroid hormone-induced PEC proliferation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hyperandrogenism and polycystic ovarian syndrome result from the imbalance or increase of androgen levels in females. Androgen receptor (AR) mediates the effects of androgens, and this study examines whether neuronal AR plays a role in reproduction under normal and increased androgen conditions in female mice. The neuron-specific AR knockout (KO) mouse (SynARKO) was generated from a female mouse (synapsin promoter driven Cre) and a male mouse (Ar fl/y). Puberty onset and the levels of reproductive hormones such as LH, FSH, testosterone, and estradiol were comparable between the control and the SynARKO mice. There were no differences in cyclicity and fertility between the control and SynARKO mice, with similar impairment in both groups on DHT treatment. Neuronal AR KO, as in this SynARKO mouse model, did not alleviate the infertility associated with DHT treatment. These studies suggest that neuronal AR KO neither altered reproductive function under physiological androgen levels, nor restored fertility under hyperandrogenic conditions.





