Cytochrome b Group

细胞色素 b 组
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Several two-component systems of Streptomyces coelicolor, a model organism used for studying antibiotic production in Streptomyces, affect the expression of the bfr (SCO2113) gene that encodes a bacterioferritin, a protein involved in iron storage. In this work, we have studied the effect of the deletion mutant ∆bfr in S. coelicolor.
    RESULTS: The ∆bfr mutant exhibits a delay in morphological differentiation and produces a lesser amount of the two pigmented antibiotics (actinorhodin and undecylprodigiosin) compared to the wild type on complex media. The effect of iron in minimal medium was tested in the wild type and ∆bfr mutant. Consequently, we also observed different levels of production of the two pigmented antibiotics between the two strains, depending on the iron concentration and the medium (solid or liquid) used. Contrary to expectations, no differences in intracellular iron concentration were detected between the wild type and ∆bfr mutant. However, a higher level of reactive oxygen species in the ∆bfr mutant and a higher tolerance to oxidative stress were observed. Proteomic analysis showed no variation in iron response proteins, but there was a lower abundance of proteins related to actinorhodin and ribosomal proteins, as well as others related to secondary metabolite production and differentiation. Additionally, a higher abundance of proteins related to various types of stress, such as respiration and hypoxia among others, was also revealed. Data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD050869.
    CONCLUSIONS: This bacterioferritin in S. coelicolor (Bfr) is a new element in the complex regulation of secondary metabolism in S. coelicolor and, additionally, iron acts as a signal to modulate the biosynthesis of active molecules. Our model proposes an interaction between Bfr and iron-containing regulatory proteins. Thus, identifying these interactions would provide new information for improving antibiotic production in Streptomyces.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Iron storage proteins, e.g., vertebrate ferritin, and the ferritin-like bacterioferritin (Bfr) and bacterial ferritin (Ftn), are spherical, hollow proteins that catalyze the oxidation of Fe2+ at binuclear iron ferroxidase centers (FOC) and store the Fe3+ in their interior, thus protecting cells from unwanted Fe3+/Fe2+ redox cycling and storing iron at concentrations far above the solubility of Fe3+. Vertebrate ferritins are heteropolymers of H and L subunits with only the H subunits having FOC. Bfr and Ftn were thought to coexist in bacteria as homopolymers, but recent evidence indicates these molecules are heteropolymers assembled from Bfr and Ftn subunits. Despite the heteropolymeric nature of vertebrate and bacterial ferritins, structures have been determined only for recombinant proteins constituted by a single subunit type. Herein we report the structure of Acinetobacter baumannii bacterioferritin, the first structural example of a heteropolymeric ferritin or ferritin-like molecule, assembled from completely overlapping Ftn homodimers harboring FOC and Bfr homodimers devoid of FOC but binding heme. The Ftn homodimers function by catalyzing the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+, while the Bfr homodimers bind a cognate ferredoxin (Bfd) which reduces the stored Fe3+ by transferring electrons via the heme, enabling Fe2+ mobilization to the cytosol for incorporation in metabolism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Cytochrome bd complexes are respiratory oxidases found exclusively in prokaryotes that are important during infection for numerous bacterial pathogens.
    METHODS: In silico docking was employed to screen approved drugs for their ability to bind to the quinol site of Escherichia coli cytochrome bd-I. Respiratory inhibition was assessed with oxygen electrodes using membranes isolated from E. coli and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains expressing single respiratory oxidases (ie, cytochromes bd, bo\', or aa3). Growth/viability assays were used to measure bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects.
    RESULTS: The steroid drugs ethinylestradiol and quinestrol inhibited E. coli bd-I activity with median inhibitory concentration (IC50) values of 47 ± 28.9 µg/mL (158 ± 97.2 µM) and 0.2 ± 0.04 µg/mL (0.5 ± 0.1 µM), respectively. Quinestrol inhibited growth of an E. coli \"bd-I only\" strain with an IC50 of 0.06 ± 0.02 µg/mL (0.2 ± 0.07 µM). Growth of an S. aureus \"bd only\" strain was inhibited by quinestrol with an IC50 of 2.2 ± 0.43 µg/mL (6.0 ± 1.2 µM). Quinestrol exhibited potent bactericidal effects against S. aureus but not E. coli.
    CONCLUSIONS: Quinestrol inhibits cytochrome bd in E. coli and S. aureus membranes and inhibits the growth of both species, yet is only bactericidal toward S. aureus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cytochrome bds are bacterial terminal oxidases expressed under low oxygen conditions, and they are important for the survival of many pathogens and hence potential drug targets. The largest subunit CydA contains the three redox-active cofactors heme b558, heme b595 and the active site heme d. One suggested proton transfer pathway is found at the interface between the CydA and the other major subunit CydB. Here we have studied the O2 reduction mechanism in E. coli cyt. bd-I using the flow-flash technique and focused on the mechanism, kinetics and pathway for proton transfer. Our results show that the peroxy (P) to ferryl (F) transition, coupled to the oxidation of the low-spin heme b558 is pH dependent, with a maximum rate constant (~104 s-1) that is slowed down at higher pH. We assign this behavior to rate-limitation by internal proton transfer from a titratable residue with pKa ~ 9.7. Proton uptake from solution occurs with the same P➔F rate constant. Site-directed mutagenesis shows significant effects on catalytic turnover in the CydB variants Asp58B➔Asn and Asp105B➔Asn variants consistent with them playing a role in proton transfer. Furthermore, in the Asp105B➔Asn variant, the reactions up to P formation occur essentially as in the wildtype bd-I, but the P➔F transition is specifically inhibited, supporting a direct and specific role for Asp105B in the functional proton transfer pathway in bd-I. We further discuss the possible identity of the high pKa proton donor, and the conservation pattern of the Asp-105B in the cyt. bd superfamily.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    c-di-AMP is an essential second messenger that binds and regulates several proteins of different functions within bacterial cells. Among those, PstA is a structurally conserved c-di-AMP-binding protein, but its function is largely unknown. PstA is structurally similar to PII signal transduction proteins, although it specifically binds c-di-AMP rather than other PII ligands such as ATP and α-ketoglutarate. In Listeria monocytogenes, we found that PstA increases β-lactam susceptibility at normal and low c-di-AMP levels, but increases β-lactam resistance upon c-di-AMP accumulation. Examining a PstA mutant defective for c-di-AMP binding, we found the apo form of PstA to be toxic for β-lactam resistance, and the c-di-AMP-bound form to be beneficial. Intriguingly, a role for PstA in β-lactam resistance is only prominent in aerobic cultures, and largely diminished under hypoxic conditions, suggesting that PstA function is linked to aerobic metabolism. However, PstA does not control aerobic growth rate, and has a modest influence on the tricarboxylic acid cycle and membrane potential-an indicator of cellular respiration. The regulatory role of PstA in β-lactam resistance is unrelated to reactive oxygen species or oxidative stress. Interestingly, during aerobic growth, PstA function requires the cytochrome bd oxidase (CydAB), a component of the respiratory electron transport chain. The requirement for CydAB might be related to its function in maintaining a membrane potential, or redox stress response activities. Altogether, we propose a model in which apo-PstA diminishes β-lactam resistance by interacting with an effector protein, and this activity can be countered by c-di-AMP binding or a by-product of redox stress.
    OBJECTIVE: PstA is a structurally conserved c-di-AMP-binding protein that is broadly present among Firmicutes bacteria. Furthermore, PstA binds c-di-AMP at high affinity and specificity, indicating an important role in the c-di-AMP signaling network. However, the molecular function of PstA remains elusive. Our findings reveal contrasting roles of PstA in β-lactam resistance depending on c-di-AMP-binding status. We also define physiological conditions for PstA function during aerobic growth. Future efforts can exploit these conditions to identify PstA interaction partners under β-lactam stress.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cytochrome bd-I from Escherichia coli belongs to the superfamily of prokaryotic bd-type oxygen reductases. It contains three hemes, b558, b595 and d, and couples oxidation of quinol by dioxygen with the generation of a proton-motive force. The enzyme exhibits resistance to various stressors and is considered as a target protein for next-generation antimicrobials. By using electronic absorption and MCD spectroscopy, this work shows that cyanide binds to heme d2+ in the isolated fully reduced cytochrome bd-I. Cyanide-induced difference absorption spectra display changes near the heme d2+ α-band, a minimum at 633 nm and a maximum around 600 nm, and a W-shaped response in the Soret region. Apparent dissociation constant (Kd) of the cyanide complex of heme d2+ is ∼0.052 M. Kinetics of cyanide binding is monophasic, indicating the presence of a single ligand binding site in the enzyme. Consistently, MCD data show that cyanide binds to heme d2+ but not to b5582+ or b5952+. This agrees with the published structural data that the enzyme\'s active site is not a di-heme site. The observed rate of binding (kobs) increases as the concentration of cyanide is increased, giving a second-order rate constant (kon) of ∼0.1 M-1 s-1.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Photosystem II (PSII) catalyzes water oxidation and plastoquinone reduction by utilizing light energy. It is highly susceptible to photodamage under high-light conditions and the damaged PSII needs to be restored through a process known as the PSII repair cycle. The detailed molecular mechanism underlying the PSII repair process remains mostly elusive. Here, we report biochemical and structural features of a PSII-repair intermediate complex, likely arrested at an early stage of the PSII repair process in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The complex contains three protein factors associated with a damaged PSII core, namely Thylakoid Enriched Factor 14 (TEF14), Photosystem II Repair Factor 1 (PRF1), and Photosystem II Repair Factor 2 (PRF2). TEF14, PRF1 and PRF2 may facilitate the release of the manganese-stabilizing protein PsbO, disassembly of peripheral light-harvesting complexes from PSII and blockage of the QB site, respectively. Moreover, an α-tocopherol quinone molecule is located adjacent to the heme group of cytochrome b559, potentially fulfilling a photoprotective role by preventing the generation of reactive oxygen species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cytochrome bo3 quinol oxidase belongs to the heme‑copper-oxidoreductase (HCO) superfamily, which is part of the respiratory chain and essential for cell survival. While the reaction mechanism of cyt bo3 has been studied extensively over the last decades, specific details about its substrate binding and product release have remained unelucidated due to the lack of structural information. Here, we report a 2.8 Å cryo-electron microscopy structure of cyt bo3 from Escherichia coli assembled in peptidiscs. Our structural model shows a conformation for amino acids 1-41 of subunit I different from all previously published structures while the remaining parts of this enzyme are similar. Our new conformation shows a \"U-shape\" assembly in contrast to the transmembrane helix, named \"TM0\", in other reported structural models. However, TM0 blocks ubiquinone-8 (reaction product) release, suggesting that other cyt bo3 conformations should exist. Our structural model presents experimental evidence for an \"open\" conformation to facilitate substrate/product exchange. This work helps further understand the reaction cycle of this oxidase, which could be a benefit for potential drug/antibiotic design for health science.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ferritins are multimeric cage-forming proteins that play a crucial role in cellular iron homeostasis. All H-chain-type ferritins harbour a diiron site, the ferroxidase centre, at the centre of a 4 α-helical bundle, but bacterioferritins are unique in also binding 12 hemes per 24 meric assembly. The ferroxidase centre is known to be required for the rapid oxidation of Fe2+ during deposition of an immobilised ferric mineral core within the protein\'s hollow interior. In contrast, the heme of bacterioferritin is required for the efficient reduction of the mineral core during iron release, but has little effect on the rate of either oxidation or mineralisation of iron. Thus, the current view is that these two cofactors function in iron uptake and release, respectively, with no functional overlap. However, rapid electron transfer between the heme and ferroxidase centre of bacterioferritin from Escherichia coli was recently demonstrated, suggesting that the two cofactors may be functionally connected. Here we report absorbance and (magnetic) circular dichroism spectroscopies, together with in vitro assays of iron-release kinetics, which demonstrate that the ferroxidase centre plays an important role in the reductive mobilisation of the bacterioferritin mineral core, which is dependent on the heme-ferroxidase centre electron transfer pathway.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The terminal oxidases of bacterial aerobic respiratory chains are redox-active electrogenic enzymes that catalyze the four-electron reduction of O2 to 2H2O taking out electrons from quinol or cytochrome c. Living bacteria often deal with carbon monoxide (CO) which can act as both a signaling molecule and a poison. Bacterial terminal oxidases contain hemes; therefore, they are potential targets for CO. However, our knowledge of this issue is limited and contradictory. Here, we investigated the effect of CO on the cell growth and aerobic respiration of three different Escherichia coli mutants, each expressing only one terminal quinol oxidase: cytochrome bd-I, cytochrome bd-II, or cytochrome bo3. We found that following the addition of CO to bd-I-only cells, a minimal effect on growth was observed, whereas the growth of both bd-II-only and bo3-only strains was severely impaired. Consistently, the degree of resistance of aerobic respiration of bd-I-only cells to CO is high, as opposed to high CO sensitivity displayed by bd-II-only and bo3-only cells consuming O2. Such a difference between the oxidases in sensitivity to CO was also observed with isolated membranes of the mutants. Accordingly, O2 consumption of wild-type cells showed relatively low CO sensitivity under conditions favoring the expression of a bd-type oxidase.





