Cucurbit leaf crumple virus

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cucurbit leaf crumple virus (CuLCrV) is among the prominent viruses infecting cucurbits in the USA. Attainable procedures of virus inoculation to crops are prerequisite for screening of resistance against the virus. Because mechanical (non-vector-mediated) infection by cucurbit leaf crumple virus (CuLCrV) is inefficient in economically important crops, screening for CuLCrV resistance is currently laborious and time-consuming using transmission by viruliferous whiteflies. We constructed an infectious partial tandem repeat construct of an isolate of CuLCrV from Georgia, USA, in the plant expression binary vector pCambia2300 and transformed it into Agrobacterium tumifaciens strain EHA105. Agroinfiltration of this construct into the abaxial surface of the leaves of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) produced a systemic infection characteristic of CuLCrV, although this approach was not successful for yellow squash. However, we report a very efficient and reproducible inoculation procedure established in squash when the leaves were injured with a microneedle and rubbed it with cell suspension harbouring the infectious viral construct.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Begomoviruses are transmitted by several cryptic species of the sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius), in a persistent and circulative manner. Upon virus acquisition and circulative translocation within the whitefly, a multitude of molecular interactions occur. This study investigated the differentially expressed transcript profiles associated with the acquisition of the Old World monopartite begomovirus, tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV), and two New World bipartite begomoviruses, sida golden mosaic virus (SiGMV) and cucurbit leaf crumple virus (CuLCrV), in two invasive B. tabaci cryptic species, Middle East-Asia Minor 1 (MEAM1) and Mediterranean (MED). A total of 881 and 559 genes were differentially expressed in viruliferous MEAM1 and MED whiteflies, respectively, compared with their non-viruliferous counterparts, of which 146 genes were common between the two cryptic species. For both cryptic species, the number of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) associated with TYLCV and SiGMV acquisition were higher compared with DEGs associated with CuLCrV acquisition. Pathway analysis indicated that the acquisition of begomoviruses induced differential changes in pathways associated with metabolism and organismal systems. Contrasting expression patterns of major genes associated with virus infection and immune systems were observed. These genes were generally overexpressed and underexpressed in B. tabaci MEAM1 and MED adults, respectively. Further, no specific expression pattern was observed among genes associated with fitness (egg production, spermatogenesis, and aging) in viruliferous whiteflies. The weighted gene correlation network analysis of viruliferous B. tabaci MEAM1 and MED adults identified different hub genes potentially implicated in the vector competence and circulative tropism of viruses. Taken together, the results indicate that both vector cryptic species and the acquired virus species could differentially affect gene expression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Middle East-Asia Minor 1 (MEAM1) and Mediterranean (MED) are two of the most invasive members of the sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci, cryptic species complexes and are efficient vectors of begomoviruses. Bemisia tabaci MEAM1 is the predominant vector of begomoviruses in open-field vegetable crops in the southeastern United States. However, recently B. tabaci MED also has been detected in the landscape outside of greenhouses in Florida and Georgia. This study compared the transmission efficiency of one Old-World (OW) and two New-World (NW) begomoviruses prevalent in the southeastern United States, viz., tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV), cucurbit leaf crumple virus (CuLCrV), and sida golden mosaic virus (SiGMV) between B. tabaci MEAM1 and B. tabaci MED. Bemisia tabaci MEAM1 efficiently transmitted TYLCV, CuLCrV, or SiGMV, whereas B. tabaci MED only transmitted TYLCV. Percent acquisition and retention of OW TYLCV following a 72 h acquisition access period was significantly higher for B. tabaci MED than B. tabaci MEAM1. In contrast, B. tabaci MEAM1 acquired and retained significantly more NW bipartite begomoviruses, CuLCrV or SiGMV, than B. tabaci MED. Quantitative analysis (qPCR) of virus DNA in whitefly internal tissues revealed reduced accumulation of CuLCrV or SiGMV in B. tabaci MED than in B. tabaci MEAM1. Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) showed localization of CuLCrV or SiGMV in the midgut of B. tabaci MED and B. tabaci MEAM1. However, localization of CuLCrV or SiGMV was only observed in the primary salivary glands of B. tabaci MEAM1 and not B. tabaci MED. TYLCV localization was observed in all internal tissues of B. tabaci MEAM1 and B. tabaci MED. Overall, results demonstrate that both B. tabaci MEAM1 and B. tabaci MED are efficient vectors of OW TYLCV. However, for the NW begomoviruses, CuLCrV and SiGMV, B. tabaci MEAM1 seems to a better vector.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Viruses transmitted by the sweet potato whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) have been detrimental to the sustainable production of cucurbits in the southeastern USA. Surveys were conducted in the fall of 2019 and 2020 in Georgia, a major cucurbit-producing state of the USA, to identify the viruses infecting cucurbits and their distribution. Symptomatic samples were collected and small RNA libraries were prepared and sequenced from three cantaloupes, four cucumbers, and two yellow squash samples. An analysis of the sequences revealed the presence of the criniviruses cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus (CCYV), cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus (CYSDV), and the begomovirus cucurbit leaf crumple virus (CuLCrV). CuLCrV was detected in 76%, CCYV in 60%, and CYSDV in 43% of the total samples (n = 820) tested. The level of mixed infections was high in all the cucurbits, with most plants tested being infected with at least two of these viruses. Near-complete genome sequences of two criniviruses, CCYV and CYSDV, were assembled from the small RNA sequences. An analysis of the coding regions showed low genetic variability among isolates from different hosts. In phylogenetic analysis, the CCYV isolates from Georgia clustered with Asian isolates, while CYSDV isolates clustered with European and USA isolates. This work enhances our understanding of the distribution of viruses on cucurbits in South Georgia and will be useful to develop strategies for managing the complex of whitefly-transmitted viruses in the region.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The production and quality of Phaseolus vulgaris (snap bean) have been negatively impacted by leaf crumple disease caused by two whitefly-transmitted begomoviruses: cucurbit leaf crumple virus (CuLCrV) and sida golden mosaic Florida virus (SiGMFV), which often appear as a mixed infection in Georgia. Host resistance is the most economical management strategy against whitefly-transmitted viruses. Currently, information is not available with respect to resistance to these two viruses in commercial cultivars. In two field seasons (2018 and 2019), we screened Phaseolus spp. genotypes (n = 84 in 2018; n = 80 in 2019; most of the genotypes were common in both years with a few exceptions) for resistance against CuLCrV and/or SiGMFV. We also included two commonly grown Lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus) varieties in our field screening. Twenty Phaseolus spp. genotypes with high to moderate-levels of resistance (disease severity ranging from 5%-50%) to CuLCrV and/or SiGMFV were identified. Twenty-one Phaseolus spp. genotypes were found to be highly susceptible with a disease severity of ≥66%. Furthermore, based on the greenhouse evaluation with two genotypes-each (two susceptible and two resistant; identified in field screen) exposed to viruliferous whiteflies infected with CuLCrV and SiGMFV, we observed that the susceptible genotypes accumulated higher copy numbers of both viruses and displayed severe crumple severity compared to the resistant genotypes, indicating that resistance might potentially be against the virus complex rather than against the whiteflies. Adult whitefly counts differed significantly among Phaseolus genotypes in both years. The whole genome of these Phaseolus spp. [snap bean (n = 82); Lima bean (n = 2)] genotypes was sequenced and genetic variability among them was identified. Over 900 giga-base (Gb) of filtered data were generated and >88% of the resulting data were mapped to the reference genome, and SNP and Indel variants in Phaseolus spp. genotypes were obtained. A total of 645,729 SNPs and 68,713 Indels, including 30,169 insertions and 38,543 deletions, were identified, which were distributed in 11 chromosomes with chromosome 02 harboring the maximum number of variants. This phenotypic and genotypic information will be helpful in genome-wide association studies that will aid in identifying the genetic basis of resistance to these begomoviruses in Phaseolus spp.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mixed virus infection in host plants can differentially alter the plant phenotype, influence vector fitness, and affect virus acquisition and inoculation by vectors than single-virus infection. Vector acquisition of multiple viruses from multiple host plants could also differentially affect vector fitness and virus inoculation than acquisition of one virus. Whitefly-virus pathosystems in the southern United States include both the above-stated facets. For the first facet, this study examined the effects of single and mixed infection of cucurbit leaf crumple virus (CuLCrV, a begomovirus) and cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus (CYSDV, a crinivirus) infecting squash on whitefly (Bemisia tabaci Gennadius MEAM1) host preference and fitness. Mixed infection of CuLCrV and CYSDV in squash plants severely altered their phenotype than single infection. The CYSDV load was reduced in mixed-infected squash plants than in singly-infected plants. Consequently, whiteflies acquired reduced amounts of CYSDV from mixed-infected plants than singly-infected plants. No differences in CuLCrV load were found between singly- and mixed-infected squash plants, and acquisition of CuLCrV by whiteflies did not vary between singly- and mixed-infected squash plants. Both singly- and mixed-infected plants similarly affected whitefly preference, wherein non-viruliferous and viruliferous (CuLCrV and/or CYSDV) whiteflies preferred non-infected plants over infected plants. The fitness study involving viruliferous and non-viruliferous whiteflies revealed no differences in developmental time and fecundity. For the second facet, this study evaluated the effects of individual or combined acquisition of tomato-infecting tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV, a begomovirus) and squash-infecting CuLCrV on whitefly host preference and fitness. Whiteflies that acquired both CuLCrV and TYLCV had significantly lower CuLCrV load than whiteflies that acquired CuLCrV alone, whereas TYLCV load remained unaltered when acquired individually or in conjunction with CuLCrV. Whitefly preference was not affected following individual or combined virus acquisition. Viruliferous (CuLCrV and/or TYLCV) whiteflies preferred to settle on non-infected tomato and squash plants. The mere presence of CuLCrV and/or TYLCV in whiteflies did not affect their fitness. Taken together, these results indicate that mixed infection of viruses in host plants and acquisition of multiple viruses by the vector could have implications for virus accumulation, virus acquisition, vector preference, and epidemics that sometimes are different from single-virus infection or acquisition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay was developed for simple, rapid and efficient detection of Cucurbit leaf crumple virus (CuLCrV), one of the most important begomoviruses that infects cucurbits worldwide. A set of six specific primers targeting a total 240 nt sequence regions in the DNA A of CuLCrV were designed and synthesized for detection of CuLCrV from infected leaf tissues using real-time LAMP amplification with the Genie® III system, which was further confirmed by gel electrophoresis and SYBR™ Green I DNA staining for visual observation. The optimum reaction temperature and time were determined, and no cross-reactivity was seen with other begomoviruses. The LAMP assay could amplify CuLCrV from a mixed virus assay. The sensitivity assay demonstrated that the LAMP reaction was more sensitive than conventional PCR, but less sensitive than qPCR. However, it was simpler and faster than the other assays evaluated. The LAMP assay also amplified CuLCrV-infected symptomatic and asymptomatic samples more efficiently than PCR. Successful LAMP amplification was observed in mixed virus-infected field samples. This simple, rapid, and sensitive method has the capacity to detect CuLCrV in samples collected in the field and is therefore suitable for early detection of the disease to reduce the risk of epidemics.






