
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tardigrades are renowned for their ability to survive a wide array of environmental stressors. In particular, tardigrades can curl in on themselves while losing a significant proportion of their internal water content to form a structure referred to as a tun. In surviving varying conditions, tardigrades undergo distinct morphological transformations that could indicate different mechanisms of stress sensing and tolerance specific to the stress condition. Methods to effectively distinguish between morphological transformations, including between tuns induced by different stress conditions, are lacking. Herein, an approach for discriminating between tardigrade morphological states is developed and utilized to compare sucrose- and CaCl2-induced tuns, using the model species Hypsibius exemplaris. A novel approach of shadow imaging with confocal laser scanning microscopy enabled production of three-dimensional renderings of Hys. exemplaris in various physiological states resulting in volume measurements. Combining these measurements with qualitative morphological analysis using scanning electron microscopy revealed that sucrose- and CaCl2-induced tuns have distinct morphologies, including differences in the amount of water expelled during tun formation. Further, varying the concentration of the applied stressor did not affect the amount of water lost, pointing towards water expulsion by Hys. exemplaris being a controlled process that is adapted to the specific stressors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The tardigrade Ramazzottius varieornatus has remarkable resilience to a range of environmental stresses. In this study, we have characterised two members of the small heat shock protein (sHSP) family in R. varieornatus, HSP20-3 and HSP20-6. These are the most highly upregulated sHSPs in response to a 24 h heat shock at 35 0C of adult tardigrades with HSP20-3 being one of the most highly upregulated gene in the whole transcriptome. Both R. varieornatus sHSPs and the human sHSP, CRYAB (HSPB5), were produced recombinantly for comparative structure-function studies. HSP20-3 exhibited a superior chaperone activity than human CRYAB in a heat-induced protein aggregation assay. Both tardigrade sHSPs also formed larger oligomers than CRYAB as assessed by size exclusion chromatography and transmission electron microscopy of negatively stained samples. Whilst both HSP20-3 and HSP20-6 formed particles that were variable in size and larger than the particles formed by CRYAB, only HSP20-3 formed filament-like structures. The particles and filament-like structures formed by HSP20-3 appear inter-related as the filament-like structures often had particles located at their ends. Sequence analyses identified two unique features; an insertion in the middle region of the N-terminal domain (NTD) and preceding the critical-sequence identified in CRYAB, as well as a repeated QNTN-motif located in the C-terminal domain of HSP20-3. The NTD insertion is expected to affect protein-protein interactions and subunit oligomerisation. Removal of the repeated QNTN-motif abolished HSP20-3 chaperone activity and also affected the assembly of the filament-like structures. We discuss the potential contribution of HSP20-3 to protein condensate formation.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tardigrada is an ecdysozoan lineage famed for its resilience. Tardigrades can tolerate high doses of radiation, low-oxygen environments, desiccation, and both high and low temperatures under a dormant state called \"anhydrobiosis\", which is a reversible halt of metabolism upon almost complete desiccation. A large amount of research has focused on the genetic pathways related to these capabilities, and a number of genes have been identified and linked to the extremotolerant response of tardigrades. However, the history of these genes is unclear, and the origins and history of extremotolerant genes within Tardigrada remain a mystery. Here, we generate the first phylogenies of six separate protein families linked with desiccation and radiation tolerance in Tardigrada: cytosolic abundant heat-soluble protein, mitochondrial abundant heat-soluble protein, secretory abundant heat-soluble protein, meiotic recombination 11 homolog, and the newly discovered Echiniscus testudo abundant heat-soluble proteins (alpha and beta). The high number of independent gene duplications found amongst the six gene families studied suggests that tardigrades have a complex history with numerous independent adaptations to cope with aridity within the limnoterrestrial environment. Our results suggest that tardigrades likely transitioned from a marine environment to a limnoterrestrial environment only twice, once in stem Eutardigrada and once in Heterotardigrada, which explains the unique adaptations to anhydrobiosis present in both classes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tardigrades are renowned for their ability to enter the extremotolerant state of latent life known as cryptobiosis. While it is widely accepted that cryptobiosis can be induced by freezing (cryobiosis) and by desiccation (anhydrobiosis), the latter involving formation of a so-called tun, the exact mechanisms underlying the state-as well as the significance of other cryptobiosis inducing factors-remain ambiguous. Here, we focus on osmotic and chemical stress tolerance in the marine tidal tardigrade Echiniscoides sigismundi. We show that E. sigismundi enters the tun state following exposure to saturated seawater and upon exposure to locality seawater containing the mitochondrial uncoupler DNP. The latter experiments provide evidence of osmobiosis and chemobiosis, i.e., cryptobiosis induced by high levels of osmolytes and toxicants, respectively. A small decrease in survival was observed following simultaneous exposure to DNP and saturated seawater indicating that the tardigrades may not be entirely ametabolic while in the osmobiotic tun. The tardigrades easily handle exposure to ultrapure water, but hypo-osmotic shock impairs tun formation and when exposed to ultrapure water the tardigrades do not tolerate DNP, indicating that tolerance towards dilute solutions involves energy-consuming processes. We discuss our data in relation to earlier and more contemporary studies on cryptobiosis and we argue that osmobiosis should be defined as a state of cryptobiosis induced by high external osmotic pressure. Our investigation supports the hypothesis that the mechanisms underlying osmobiosis and anhydrobiosis are overlapping and that osmobiosis likely represents the evolutionary forerunner of cryptobiosis forms that involve body water deprivation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Our ability to explore the cosmos by direct contact has been limited to a small number of lunar and interplanetary missions. However, the NASA Starlight program points a path forward to send small, relativistic spacecraft far outside our solar system via standoff directed-energy propulsion. These miniaturized spacecraft are capable of robotic exploration but can also transport seeds and organisms, marking a profound change in our ability to both characterize and expand the reach of known life. Here we explore the biological and technological challenges of interstellar space biology, focusing on radiation-tolerant microorganisms capable of cryptobiosis. Additionally, we discuss planetary protection concerns and other ethical considerations of sending life to the stars.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lineage-specific genes can contribute to the emergence and evolution of novel traits and adaptations. Tardigrades are animals that have adapted to tolerate extreme conditions by undergoing a form of cryptobiosis called anhydrobiosis, a physical transformation to an inactive desiccated state. While studies to understand the genetics underlying the interspecies diversity in anhydrobiotic transitions have identified tardigrade-specific genes and family expansions involved in this process, the contributions of species-specific genes to the variation in tardigrade development and cryptobiosis are less clear. We used previously published transcriptomes throughout development and anhydrobiosis (5 embryonic stages, 7 juvenile stages, active adults, and tun adults) to assess the transcriptional biases of different classes of genes between 2 tardigrade species, Hypsibius exemplaris and Ramazzottius varieornatus. We also used the transcriptomes of 2 other tardigrades, Echiniscoides sigismundi and Richtersius coronifer, and data from 3 non-tardigrade species (Adenita vaga, Drosophila melanogaster, and Caenorhabditis elegans) to help identify lineage-specific genes. We found that lineage-specific genes have generally low and narrow expression but are enriched among biased genes in different stages of development depending on the species. Biased genes tend to be specific to early and late development, but there is little overlap in functional enrichment of biased genes between species. Gene expansions in the 2 tardigrades also involve families with different functions despite homologous genes being expressed during anhydrobiosis in both species. Our results demonstrate the interspecific variation in transcriptional contributions and biases of lineage-specific genes during development and anhydrobiosis in 2 tardigrades.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Water availability is one of the most important factors for terrestrial life. Terrestrial habitats may periodically become dry, which can be overcome by an organism\'s capability to undergo anhydrobiosis. In animals, this phenomenon has been reported for invertebrates, with tardigrades being the best-known. However, different tardigrade species appear to significantly differ in their anhydrobiotic abilities. While several studies have addressed this issue, established experimental protocols for tardigrade dehydration differ both within and among species, leading to ambiguous results. Therefore, we apply unified conditions to estimate intra-and interspecies differences in anhydrobiosis ability reflected by the return to active life. We analysed Milnesium inceptum and Ramazzottius subanomalus representing predatory and herbivorous species, respectively, and often co-occur in the same habitat. The results indicated that the carnivorous Mil. inceptum displays better anhydrobiosis survivability than the herbivorous Ram. subanomalus. This tendency to some degree coincides with the time of \"waking up\" since Mil. inceptum showed first movements and full activity of any first individual later than Ram. subanomalus. The movements of all individuals were however observed to be faster for Mil. inceptum. Differences between the experimental groups varying in anhydrobiosis length were also observed: the longer tun state duration, the more time was necessary to return to activity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Terrestrial microinvertebrates in Antarctica are potentially exposed to contaminants due to the concentration of human activity on ice-free areas of the continent. As such, knowledge of the response of Antarctic microinvertebrates to contaminants is important to determine the extent of anthropogenic impacts. Antarctic Philodina sp. were extracted from soils and mosses at Casey station, East Antarctica and exposed to aqueous Cu for 96 h. The Philodina sp. was sensitive to excess Cu, with concentrations of 36 μg L-1 Cu (48 h) and 24 μg L-1 Cu (96 h) inhibiting activity by 50%. This is the first study to be published describing the ecotoxicologically derived sensitivity of a rotifer from a terrestrial population to metals, and an Antarctic rotifer to contaminants. It is also the first study to utilise bdelloid rotifer cryptobiosis (chemobiosis) as a sublethal ecotoxicological endpoint. This preliminary investigation highlights the need for further research into the responses of terrestrial Antarctic microinvertebrates to contaminants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Group 1 (Dur-19, PF00477, LEA_5) Late Embryogenesis Abundant (LEA) proteins are present in organisms from all three domains of life, Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya. Surprisingly, Artemia is the only genus known to include animals that express group 1 LEA proteins in their desiccation-tolerant life-history stages. Bioinformatics analysis of circular dichroism data indicates that the group 1 LEA protein AfLEA1 is surprisingly ordered in the hydrated state and undergoes during desiccation one of the most pronounced disorder-to-order transitions described for LEA proteins from A. franciscana. The secondary structure in the hydrated state is dominated by random coils (42%) and β-sheets (35%) but converts to predominately α-helices (85%) when desiccated. Interestingly, AfLEA1 interacts with other proteins and nucleic acids, and RNA promotes liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) of the protein from the solvent during dehydration in vitro. Furthermore, AfLEA1 protects the enzyme lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) during desiccation but does not aid in restoring LDH activity after desiccation-induced inactivation. Ectopically expressed in D. melanogaster Kc167 cells, AfLEA1 localizes predominantly to the cytosol and increases the cytosolic viscosity during desiccation compared to untransfected control cells. Furthermore, the protein formed small biomolecular condensates in the cytoplasm of about 38% of Kc167 cells. These findings provide additional evidence for the hypothesis that the formation of biomolecular condensates to promote water stress tolerance during anhydrobiosis may be a shared feature across several groups of LEA proteins that display LLPS behaviors.





