
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Huntington\'s disease (HD) is an inherited neurodegenerative disorder caused by an expanded CAG repeat in the coding sequence of huntingtin protein. Initially, it predominantly affects medium-sized spiny neurons (MSSNs) of the corpus striatum. No effective treatment is still available, thus urging the identification of potential therapeutic targets. While evidence of mitochondrial structural alterations in HD exists, previous studies mainly employed 2D approaches and were performed outside the strictly native brain context. In this study, we adopted a novel multiscale approach to conduct a comprehensive 3D in situ structural analysis of mitochondrial disturbances in a mouse model of HD. We investigated MSSNs within brain tissue under optimal structural conditions utilizing state-of-the-art 3D imaging technologies, specifically FIB/SEM for the complete imaging of neuronal somas and Electron Tomography for detailed morphological examination, and image processing-based quantitative analysis. Our findings suggest a disruption of the mitochondrial network towards fragmentation in HD. The network of interlaced, slim and long mitochondria observed in healthy conditions transforms into isolated, swollen and short entities, with internal cristae disorganization, cavities and abnormally large matrix granules.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genetic variability in sexually reproducing organisms results from an exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes. The genetic exchange mechanism is dependent on the synaptonemal complex (SC), a protein structure localized between the homologous chromosomes. The current structural models of the mammalian SC are based on electron microscopy, superresolution, and expansion microscopy studies using chemical fixatives and sample dehydration of gonads, which are methodologies known to produce structural artifacts. To further analyze the structure of the SC, without chemical fixation, we have adapted a cryo-fixation method for electron microscopy where pachytene cells are isolated from mouse testis by FACS, followed by cryo-fixation, cryo-substitution, and electron tomography. In parallel, we performed conventional chemical fixation and electron tomography on mouse seminiferous tubules to compare the SC structure obtained with the two fixation methods. We found several differences in the structure and organization of the SC in cryo-fixed samples when compared to chemically preserved samples. We found the central region of the SC to be wider and the transverse filaments to be more densely packed in the central region of the SC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The physicochemical properties of complex drug formulations, including liposomes, suspensions, and emulsions, are important for understanding drug release mechanisms, quality control, and regulatory assessment. It is ideal to characterize these complex drug formulations in their native hydrated state. This article describes the characterization of complex drug formulations in a frozen-hydrated state using cryogenic scanning electron microscopy (cryo-SEM). In comparison to other techniques, such as optical microscopy or room-temperature scanning electron microscopy, cryo-SEM combines the advantage of studying hydrated samples with high-resolution imaging capability. Detailed information regarding cryo-fixation, cryo-fracture, freeze-etching, sputter-coating, and cryo-SEM imaging is included in this article. A multivesicular liposomal complex drug formulation is used to illustrate the impact of different cryogenic sample preparation conditions. In addition to drug formulations, this approach can also be applied to biological samples (e.g., cells, bacteria) and soft-matter samples (e.g., hydrogels). © Published 2022. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA. Basic Protocol 1: Cryo-fixation to preserve the native structure of samples using planchettes Alternate Protocol: Cryo-fixation to preserve the native structure of biological samples on sapphire disks Basic Protocol 2: Sample preparation for cross-sectional cryo-SEM imaging Basic Protocol 3: Cryo-SEM imaging and microanalysis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Since their development in the 1960s, immuno-gold techniques have been steadily used in biomedical science, because these techniques are applicable to all kinds of antigens, from viruses to animal tissues. Immuno-gold staining exploits antigen-antibody reactions and is used to investigate locations and interactions of components in the ultrastructure of tissues, cells, and particles. These methods are increasingly used with advanced technologies, such as correlative light and electron microscopy and cryo-techniques. In this protocol, we introduce the principles and technical details of recent advances in this area and discuss their advantages and limitations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A cryo-scanning electron microscope (cryo-SEM) is a valuable tool for observing bulk frozen samples to monitor freezing responses of plant tissues and cells. Here, the essential processes of a cryo-SEM to observe freezing behaviors of plant tissue cells are described.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A series of structome analyses, that is, quantitative and three-dimensional structural analysis of a whole cell at the electron microscopic level, have already been achieved individually in Exophiala dermatitidis, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Myojin spiral bacteria, and Escherichia coli. In these analyses, sample cells were processed through cryo-fixation and rapid freeze-substitution, resulting in the exquisite preservation of ultrastructures on the serial ultrathin sections examined by transmission electron microscopy. In this paper, structome analysis of non pathogenic Mycolicibacterium smegmatis, basonym Mycobacterium smegmatis, was performed. As M. smegmatis has often been used in molecular biological experiments and experimental tuberculosis as a substitute of highly pathogenic M. tuberculosis, it has been a task to compare two species in the same genus, Mycobacterium, by structome analysis. Seven M. smegmatis cells cut into serial ultrathin sections, and, totally, 220 serial ultrathin sections were examined by transmission electron microscopy. Cell profiles were measured, including cell length, diameter of cell and cytoplasm, surface area of outer membrane and plasma membrane, volume of whole cell, periplasm, and cytoplasm, and total ribosome number and density per 0.1 fl cytoplasm. These data are based on direct measurement and enumeration of exquisitely preserved single cell structures in the transmission electron microscopy images, and are not based on the calculation or assumptions from biochemical or molecular biological indirect data. All measurements in M. smegmatis, except cell length, are significantly higher than those of M. tuberculosis. In addition, these data may explain the more rapid growth of M. smegmatis than M. tuberculosis and contribute to the understanding of their structural properties, which are substantially different from M. tuberculosis, relating to the expression of antigenicity, acid-fastness, and the mechanism of drug resistance in relation to the ratio of the targets to the corresponding drugs. In addition, data obtained from cryo-transmission electron microscopy examination were used to support the validity of structome analysis. Finally, our data strongly support the most recent establishment of the novel genus Mycolicibacterium, into which basonym Mycobacterium smegmatis has been classified.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Quantifying ion concentrations and mapping their intracellular distributions at high resolution can provide much insight into the formation of biomaterials. The key to achieving this goal is cryo-fixation, where the biological materials, tissues and associated solutions are rapidly frozen and preserved in a vitreous state. We developed a correlative cryo-Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)/Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) protocol that provides quantitative elemental analysis correlated with spatial imaging of cryo-immobilized specimens. We report the accuracy and sensitivity of the cryo-EDS method, as well as insights we derive on biomineralization pathways in a foraminifer. Foraminifera are marine protozoans that produce Mg-containing calcitic shells and are major calcifying organisms in the oceans. We use the cryo-SEM/EDS correlative method to characterize unusual Mg and Ca-rich particles in the cytoplasm of a benthic foraminifer. The Mg/Ca ratio of these particles is consistently lower than that of seawater, the source solution for these ions. We infer that these particles are involved in Ca ion supply to the shell. We document the internal structure of the MgCa particles, which in some cases include a separate Si rich core phase. This approach to mapping ion distribution in cryo-preserved specimens may have broad applications to other mineralized biomaterials.
    Ions are an integral part of life, and some ions play fundamental roles in cell metabolism. Determining the concentrations of ions in cells and between cells, as well as their distributions at high resolution can provide valuable insights into ion uptake, storage, functions and the formation of biomaterials. Here we present a new cryo-SEM/EDS protocol that allows the mapping of different ion distributions in solutions and biological samples that have been cryo-preserved. We demonstrate the value of this novel approach by characterizing a novel biogenic mineral phase rich in Mg found in foraminifera, single celled marine organisms. This method has wide applicability in biology, and especially in understanding the formation and function of mineral-containing hard tissues.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reduction or complete prevention of ice crystal formation during freezing of biological specimens is mandatory for two important biological applications: (1) cryopreservation of living cells or tissues for long-term storage, and (2) cryo-fixation for ultrastructural investigations by electron microscopy. Here, a protocol that is fast, easy-to-use, and suitable for both cryo-fixation and cryopreservation is described. Samples are rapidly cooled in tightly sealed metal tubes of high thermal diffusivity and then plunged into a liquid cryogen. Due to the fast cooling speed and high-pressure buildup internally in the confined volume of the metal tubes, ice crystal formation is reduced or completely prevented, resulting in vitrification of the sample. For cryopreservation, however, a similar principle applies to prevent ice crystal formation during re-warming. A detailed description of procedures for cooling (and re-warming) of biological samples using this technique is provided. © 2018 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Contents Summary 432 I. Introduction 433 II. Preparation of plant samples for X-ray micro-analysis 433 III. X-ray elemental mapping techniques 438 IV. X-ray data analysis 442 V. Case studies 443 VI. Conclusions 446 Acknowledgements 449 Author contributions 449 References 449 SUMMARY: Hyperaccumulators are attractive models for studying metal(loid) homeostasis, and probing the spatial distribution and coordination chemistry of metal(loid)s in their tissues is important for advancing our understanding of their ecophysiology. X-ray elemental mapping techniques are unique in providing in situ information, and with appropriate sample preparation offer results true to biological conditions of the living plant. The common platform of these techniques is a reliance on characteristic X-rays of elements present in a sample, excited either by electrons (scanning/transmission electron microscopy), protons (proton-induced X-ray emission) or X-rays (X-ray fluorescence microscopy). Elucidating the cellular and tissue-level distribution of metal(loid)s is inherently challenging and accurate X-ray analysis places strict demands on sample collection, preparation and analytical conditions, to avoid elemental redistribution, chemical modification or ultrastructural alterations. We compare the merits and limitations of the individual techniques, and focus on the optimal field of applications for inferring ecophysiological processes in hyperaccumulator plants. X-ray elemental mapping techniques can play a key role in answering questions at every level of metal(loid) homeostasis in plants, from the rhizosphere interface, to uptake pathways in the roots and shoots. Further improvements in technological capabilities offer exciting perspectives for the study of hyperaccumulator plants into the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The spermatozoa from testis and spermatheca of the plant-parasitic nematode Trichodorus similis Seinhorst, 1963 (Nematoda; Triplonchida; Trichodoridae) were studied with transmission electron microscopy (TEM), being the first study on spermatogenesis of a representative of the order Triplonchida and important to unravel nematode sperm evolution. Comprehensive results could only be obtained using high-pressure freezing (HPF) and freeze-substitution instead of chemical fixation, demonstrating the importance of cryo-fixation for nematode ultrastructural research. The spermatozoa from the testis (immature spermatozoa) are unpolarized cells covered by numerous filopodia. They contain a centrally-located nucleus without a nuclear envelope, surrounded by mitochondria. Specific fibrous bodies (FB) as long parallel bundles of filaments occupy the peripheral cytoplasm. No structures resembling membranous organelles (MO), as found in the sperm of many other nematodes, were observed in immature spermatozoa of T. similis. The spermatozoa from the uterus (mature or activated spermatozoa) are bipolar cells with an anterior pseudopod and posterior main cell body (MCB), which include a nucleus, mitochondria and MO appearing as large vesicles with finger-like invaginations of the outer cell membrane, or as large vesicles connected to the inner cell membrane. The peripheral MO open to the exterior via pores. In the mature sperm, neither FBs nor filopodia were observed. An important feature of T. similis spermatozoa is the late formation of MO; they first appear in mature spermatozoa. This pattern of MO formation is known for several other orders of the nematode class Enoplea: Enoplida, Mermithida, Dioctophymatida, Trichinellida but has never been observed in the class Chromadorea.





