
cryo - ET
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Viruses have been responsible for many epidemics and pandemics that have impacted human life globally. The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted both our vulnerability to viral outbreaks, as well as the mobilization of the scientific community to come together to combat the unprecedented threat to humanity. Cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) played a central role in our understanding of SARS-CoV-2 during the pandemic and continues to inform about this evolving pathogen. Cryo-EM with its two popular imaging modalities, single particle analysis (SPA) and cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET), has contributed immensely to understanding the structure of viruses and interactions that define their life cycles and pathogenicity. Here, we review how cryo-EM has informed our understanding of three distinct viruses, of which two - HIV-1 and SARS-CoV-2 infect humans, and the third, bacteriophages, infect bacteria. For HIV-1 and SARS-CoV-2 our focus is on the surface glycoproteins that are responsible for mediating host receptor binding, and host and cell membrane fusion, while for bacteriophages, we review their structure, capsid maturation, attachment to the bacterial cell surface and infection initiation mechanism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Foamy viruses (FVs) are an ancient lineage of retroviruses, with an evolutionary history spanning over 450 million years. Vector systems based on Prototype Foamy Virus (PFV) are promising candidates for gene and oncolytic therapies. Structural studies of PFV contribute to the understanding of the mechanisms of FV replication, cell entry and infection, and retroviral evolution. Here we combine cryoEM and cryoET to determine high-resolution in situ structures of the PFV icosahedral capsid (CA) and envelope glycoprotein (Env), including its type III transmembrane anchor and membrane-proximal external region (MPER), and show how they are organized in an integrated structure of assembled PFV particles. The atomic models reveal an ancient retroviral capsid architecture and an unexpected relationship between Env and other class 1 fusion proteins of the Mononegavirales. Our results represent the de novo structure determination of an assembled retrovirus particle.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The global emergence of multidrug resistance (MDR) in gram-negative bacteria has become a matter of worldwide concern. MDR in these pathogens is closely linked to the overexpression of certain efflux pumps, particularly the resistance-nodulation-cell division (RND) efflux pumps. Inhibition of these pumps presents an attractive and promising strategy to combat antibiotic resistance, as the efflux pump inhibitors can effectively restore the potency of existing antibiotics. AcrAB-TolC is one well-studied RND efflux pump, which transports a variety of substrates, therefore providing resistance to a broad spectrum of antibiotics. To develop effective pump inhibitors, a comprehensive understanding of the structural aspect of the AcrAB-TolC efflux pump is imperative. Previous studies on this pump\'s structure have been limited to individual components or in vitro determination of fully assembled pumps. Recent advancements in cellular cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) have provided novel insights into this pump\'s assembly and functional mechanism within its native cell membrane environment. Here, we present a summary of the structural data regarding the AcrAB-TolC efflux pump, shedding light on its assembly pathway and operational mechanism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    For cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) of beam-sensitive biological specimens, a planar sample geometry is typically used. As the sample is tilted, the effective thickness of the sample along the direction of the electron beam increases and the signal-to-noise ratio concomitantly decreases, limiting the transfer of information at high tilt angles. In addition, the tilt range where data can be collected is limited by a combination of various sample-environment constraints, including the limited space in the objective lens pole piece and the possible use of fixed conductive braids to cool the specimen. Consequently, most tilt series are limited to a maximum of ±70°, leading to the presence of a missing wedge in Fourier space. The acquisition of cryo-ET data without a missing wedge, for example using a cylindrical sample geometry, is hence attractive for volumetric analysis of low-symmetry structures such as organelles or vesicles, lysis events, pore formation or filaments for which the missing information cannot be compensated by averaging techniques. Irrespective of the geometry, electron-beam damage to the specimen is an issue and the first images acquired will transfer more high-resolution information than those acquired last. There is also an inherent trade-off between higher sampling in Fourier space and avoiding beam damage to the sample. Finally, the necessity of using a sufficient electron fluence to align the tilt images means that this fluence needs to be fractionated across a small number of images; therefore, the order of data acquisition is also a factor to consider. Here, an n-helix tilt scheme is described and simulated which uses overlapping and interleaved tilt series to maximize the use of a pillar geometry, allowing the entire pillar volume to be reconstructed as a single unit. Three related tilt schemes are also evaluated that extend the continuous and classic dose-symmetric tilt schemes for cryo-ET to pillar samples to enable the collection of isotropic information across all spatial frequencies. A fourfold dose-symmetric scheme is proposed which provides a practical compromise between uniform information transfer and complexity of data acquisition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cryo-focussed ion beam (FIB)-milling is a powerful technique that opens up thick, cellular specimens to high-resolution structural analysis by electron cryotomography (cryo-ET). FIB-milled lamellae can be produced from cells on grids, or cut from thicker, high-pressure frozen specimens. However, these approaches can put geometrical constraints on the specimen that may be unhelpful, particularly when imaging structures within the cell that have a very defined orientation. For example, plunge frozen rod-shaped bacteria orient parallel to the plane of the grid, yet the Z-ring, a filamentous structure of the tubulin-like protein FtsZ and the key organiser of bacterial division, runs around the circumference of the cell such that it is perpendicular to the imaging plane. It is therefore difficult or impractical to image many complete rings with current technologies. To circumvent this problem, we have fabricated monolithic gold specimen supports with a regular array of cylindrical wells in a honeycomb geometry, which trap bacteria in a vertical orientation. These supports, which we call \"honeycomb gold discs\", replace standard EM grids and when combined with FIB-milling enable the production of lamellae containing cross-sections through cells. The resulting lamellae are more stable and resistant to breakage and charging than conventional lamellae. The design of the honeycomb discs can be modified according to need and so will also enable cryo-ET and cryo-EM imaging of other specimens in otherwise difficult to obtain orientations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cryoelectron microscopy (cryo-EM) has revolutionized the structural determination of macromolecular complexes. With the paradigm shift to structure determination of highly complex endogenous macromolecular complexes ex vivo and in situ structural biology, there are an increasing number of structures of native complexes. These complexes often contain unidentified proteins, related to different cellular states or processes. Identifying proteins at resolutions lower than 4 Å remains challenging because side chains cannot be visualized reliably. Here, we present DomainFit, a program for semi-automated domain-level protein identification from cryo-EM maps, particularly at resolutions lower than 4 Å. By fitting domains from AlphaFold2-predicted models into cryo-EM maps, the program performs statistical analyses and attempts to identify the domains and protein candidates forming the density. Using DomainFit, we identified two microtubule inner proteins, one of which contains a CCDC81 domain and is exclusively localized in the proximal region of the doublet microtubule in Tetrahymena thermophila.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dynamin assembles as a helical polymer at the neck of budding endocytic vesicles, constricting the underlying membrane as it progresses through the GTPase cycle to sever vesicles from the plasma membrane. Although atomic models of the dynamin helical polymer bound to guanosine triphosphate (GTP) analogs define earlier stages of membrane constriction, there are no atomic models of the assembled state post-GTP hydrolysis. Here, we used cryo-EM methods to determine atomic structures of the dynamin helical polymer assembled on lipid tubules, akin to necks of budding endocytic vesicles, in a guanosine diphosphate (GDP)-bound, super-constricted state. In this state, dynamin is assembled as a 2-start helix with an inner lumen of 3.4 nm, primed for spontaneous fission. Additionally, by cryo-electron tomography, we trapped dynamin helical assemblies within HeLa cells using the GTPase-defective dynamin K44A mutant and observed diverse dynamin helices, demonstrating that dynamin can accommodate a range of assembled complexes in cells that likely precede membrane fission.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Unlike those of double-stranded DNA (dsDNA), single-stranded DNA (ssDNA), and ssRNA viruses, the mechanism of genome packaging of dsRNA viruses is poorly understood. Here, we combined the techniques of high-resolution cryoelectron microscopy (cryo-EM), cellular cryoelectron tomography (cryo-ET), and structure-guided mutagenesis to investigate genome packaging and capsid assembly of bluetongue virus (BTV), a member of the Reoviridae family of dsRNA viruses. A total of eleven assembly states of BTV capsid were captured, with resolutions up to 2.8 Å, with most visualized in the host cytoplasm. ATPase VP6 was found underneath the vertices of capsid shell protein VP3 as an RNA-harboring pentamer, facilitating RNA packaging. RNA packaging expands the VP3 shell, which then engages middle- and outer-layer proteins to generate infectious virions. These revealed \"duality\" characteristics of the BTV assembly mechanism reconcile previous contradictory co-assembly and core-filling models and provide insights into the mysterious RNA packaging and capsid assembly of Reoviridae members and beyond.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) enables molecular-resolution 3D imaging of complex biological specimens such as viral particles, cellular sections and, in some cases, whole cells. This enables the structural characterization of molecules in their near-native environments, without the need for purification or separation, thereby preserving biological information such as conformational states and spatial relationships between different molecular species. Subtomogram averaging is an image-processing workflow that allows users to leverage cryo-ET data to identify and localize target molecules, determine high-resolution structures of repeating molecular species and classify different conformational states. Here, STOPGAP, an open-source package for subtomogram averaging that is designed to provide users with fine control over each of these steps, is described. In providing detailed descriptions of the image-processing algorithms that STOPGAP uses, this manuscript is also intended to serve as a technical resource to users as well as for further community-driven software development.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    The nuclear pore complex (NPC) is the sole mediator of nucleocytoplasmic transport. Despite great advances in understanding its conserved core architecture, the peripheral regions can exhibit considerable variation within and between species. One such structure is the cage-like nuclear basket. Despite its crucial roles in mRNA surveillance and chromatin organization, an architectural understanding has remained elusive. Using in-cell cryo-electron tomography and subtomogram analysis, we explored the NPC\'s structural variations and the nuclear basket across fungi (yeast; S. cerevisiae), mammals (mouse; M. musculus), and protozoa (T. gondii). Using integrative structural modeling, we computed a model of the basket in yeast and mammals that revealed how a hub of Nups in the nuclear ring binds to basket-forming Mlp/Tpr proteins: the coiled-coil domains of Mlp/Tpr form the struts of the basket, while their unstructured termini constitute the basket distal densities, which potentially serve as a docking site for mRNA preprocessing before nucleocytoplasmic transport.





