
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Heat stress negatively affects lactation performance and rumen microbiota of dairy cows, with different breeds showing varying levels of heat tolerance. This study aimed to compare the lactation performance of Montbéliarde × Holstein (MH, n = 13) and Holstein (H, n = 13) cows under heat stress, and 16S rRNA sequencing and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) were used to determine the rumen microbiome and metabolome in experimental cows. The results indicated that during heat stress, milk yield (p = 0.101), milk fat yield, milk protein yield, milk protein, and milk lactose (p < 0.05) in Montbéliarde × Holstein cows were higher than those in Holstein cows, whereas milk yield variation and somatic cell counts (p < 0.05) were lower than those in Holstein cows. The sequencing results indicated that the rumen of Montbéliarde × Holstein cows was significantly enriched with beneficial bacteria, such as Rikenellaceae, Allobaculum, and YRC22 (p < 0.05). In addition, correlations were observed between specific ruminal bacteria and lactation performance. Ruminal metabolites related to antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties were significantly higher (p < 0.05) in Montbéliarde × Holstein cows than in Holstein cows. Overall, Montbéliarde × Holstein cows showed higher production efficiency under heat stress, which may be related to the different rumen mechanisms of crossbred and Holstein cows in adapting to heat stress.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The objective of this experiment was to explore the effects of three-way hybridization on rumen microbes and metabolites in sheep using rumen metagenomics and metabolomics. Healthy Hu and CAH (Charolais × Australian White × Hu) male lambs of similar birth weight and age were selected for short-term fattening after intensive weaning to collect rumen fluid for sequencing. Rumen metagenomics diversity showed that Hu and CAH sheep were significantly segregated at the species, KEGG-enzyme, and CAZy-family levels. Moreover, the CAH significantly increased the ACE and Chao1 indices. Further, correlation analysis of the abundance of the top 80 revealed that the microorganisms were interrelated at the species, KEGG-enzyme, and CAZy-family levels. Overall, the microbiome significantly affected metabolites of the top five pathways, with the strongest correlation found with succinic acid. Meanwhile, species-level microbial markers significantly affected rumen differential metabolites. In addition, rumen microbial markers in Hu sheep were overall positively correlated with down-regulated metabolites and negatively correlated with up-regulated metabolites. In contrast, rumen microbial markers in CAH lambs were overall negatively correlated with down-regulated metabolites and positively correlated with up-regulated metabolites. These results suggest that three-way crossbreeding significantly affects rumen microbial community and metabolite composition, and that significant interactions exist between rumen microbes and metabolites.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Currently, heterosis is an effective method for achieving high crop quality and yield worldwide. Owing to the challenges of breeding and the high cost of the F1 generation, the F2 generation is considered the more desirable hybrid offspring for agricultural production. The use of OJIP fluorescence provides rapid insights into various photosynthetic mechanisms. However, OJIP fluorescence has not been previously studied as an indicator of the rate of heterosis. Consequently, we investigated the relationship between photosynthetic characteristics and growth and developmental parameters in hybrid cotton cultivars. The findings showed a gradual decline in the photosynthetic performance of hybrid cotton as the number of generations increased. In comparison to the F3 generation, both the F1 and F2 generations showed minimal variations in parameters, thus maintaining hybrid dominant and emphasizing the agricultural production potential of the F2 generation. The JIP-test revealed significant differences in the relationship between ψ Eo and ϕ Eo parameters, as well as variations in the connections between the photo-response center and electron transfer efficiency, and between cotton yield and fiber quality in the hybrid progeny. These variations can serve as indicators for predicting the extent of hybrid dominance in cotton. The results indicated significant differences in the light and dark responses of the hybrid offspring. By using parents with similar photosynthetic performance as genetic resources for crossbreeding, the photosynthetic capacity of the hybrid progeny can be enhanced to facilitate the efficient absorption and conversion of light energy in crops.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present study aimed to compare the dynamics of growth of various chicken genotypes exposed to heat stress, low-input diets, and free-range farming by using Gompertz model to gain insights into their capabilities to face environmental and nutritional challenges. Three in vivo trials (T1: heat stress, T2: low-input diets, and T3: free-range system) were conducted, involving a total of 671 animals. Five chicken genotypes were employed in each trial: 2 Italian local breeds, Bionda Piemontese (BP) and Robusta Maculata (RM), along with their crossbreeds with Sasso hens (BP×SA and RM×SA), and a commercial hybrid (Ross 308). One-day-old male chicks were individually identified, and the 5 genotypes were randomly allocated to different challenging conditions: T1 involved 2 environmental temperatures (thermoneutral vs. high temperature); T2 involved 2 diets (standard vs. low-input); T3 involved 2 rearing systems (conventional vs. free-range). The chickens were weighed once a week from their arrival until slaughtering, and the data were used to build growth curves using the Gompertz model. Chickens from different genotypes were slaughtered at varying ages based on their maturity. In all trials, the challenging conditions significantly reduced adult body weight (A; -31.0%) and maximum growth rate (MGR; -25.6%) of Ross chickens. In contrast, in T1 and T2, no significant changes were observed in the main growth curve parameters of local breeds and crossbreeds, while under free-range conditions, there was even an increase in the A and MGR of these genotypes. The crossbreeding was effective in increasing A and MGR of BP (+30.5% in BP×SA), as well as in improving the precocity and MGR of RM (+19.5% in RM×SA). Our findings highlight the effectiveness of the Gompertz model as a tool for evaluating birds\' adaptability and confirm the greater ability of local breeds and crossbreeds to adapt to different challenges. In conclusion, our methodological approach could be used to choose the genotype most suited to the environmental context and confirm the potential advantages of crossbreeding for enhancing resilience and sustainability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hybridization between wild animals and feral individuals from closely related domestic species can occur when they share the same habitat. Such events are generally regarded as a threat to the genetic integrity and survival of established wild populations. The aim of this study is to confirm a hybridization between European mouflon and feral sheep on the Adriatic island Dugi Otok, where a group of individuals phenotypically indicative of a possible introgression was photographed. Using an ovine medium-density SNP array genotypes, we provided genetic evidence of recent gene admixture between the two species. The ADMIXTURE analysis suggests that two hybrid individuals had 82.2% and 94.1% of their ancestry attributable to feral sheep, respectively, with the rest of the mouflon in origin. NEWHYBRIDS analysis estimated the combined probabilities for the putative hybrid individuals belonging to one of the hybrid classes at 87.0% and 90.1%, respectively. The main phenotypic differences in the hybrids were observed in the shape of the horns, a stronger horn circumference than in the mouflon and weaker than for the sheep, pronounced horn rings, a shorter tail, and intermediate color. We therefore recommend constant monitoring of the purity of the mouflon population to maintain its genetic integrity. In addition, all feral sheep should be removed from the wild, and released sheep raised in semi-wild conditions should be better controlled.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The study compared nutrient intake and growth performance of local chickens to that of local x broiler crossbreds under scavenging and indoor conventional systems. A total of 48 male and 48 female chickens for each of the two chicken types were allocated to four outdoor free-range pens. The chickens were allowed to scavenge whilst being supplemented with sorghum plus kitchen waste and broiler growers from week 5 to week 13 of age. The same design was repeated using the indoor conventional system. Local chickens and their crosses with broilers had higher growth rates under the scavenging system than the indoor production system (P < 0.05). Local chickens and their crosses with broilers had the same growth rates when fed the same diet (P > 0.05). Crop and gizzard contents from local chickens had the same crude protein as their crosses with broilers under both systems (P > 0.05). The crude protein values of crop and gizzard contents ranged from 25.4 to 30.4%. Crop and gizzard contents from scavenging chickens had energy content ranging from 16.2 to 17.1 MJ/Kg which was lower (P < 0.05) than that from chickens under the indoor conventional system (20.3 to 25.8 kJ/Kg). Iron content ranged from 655.7 to 1619.4 mg/Kg in scavenging chickens and 156.1 to 621.4 mg/Kg in enclosed chickens. Chickens of the same type had higher iron content in their crop and gizzard contents under the scavenging system than the conventional system (P < 0.05). Crossbreds between local chickens and broilers matches the scavenging abilities of the local chickens but have lower growth rates under the scavenging system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Milk production and overall dairy farm economics depend on rearing dairy heifers. This study investigated the presence of a genotype by environment interaction in Holstein (HOL), Nordic Red Dairy Cattle (RDC), and their F1 crossbreeds (HOLxRDC) when provided different feed rations. The aim of our study was to assess how different energy concentrations in feed rations affect growth, body condition scores, feed intake, and feed efficiency in the 3 groups during the prepubertal period. The 3 breed groups were randomly allocated to receive either a standard or a low energy feed ration. HOL heifers exhibited reduced growth and a lower body condition score when they were fed the low energy feed ration. In contrast, the RDC heifers demonstrated similar growth rates with the different feed rations and maintained similar body condition scores irrespective of feed energy concentration. HOLxRDC crossbred heifers performed as an intermediate between the HOL and RDC groups. There were significant differences in dry matter intake and energy intake in the HOL and HOLxRDC groups depending on feed ration treatment. The RDC heifers had similar feed intake irrespective of treatment. There were no significant differences in the feed conversion ratio between breeds and feed treatments. These results indicate the presence of a genotype by environment interaction in prepubertal HOL and RDC heifers in response to differences in feed ration treatment. Due to the influence of prepubertal growth on future milk production, reproduction, and health status, it is important to be aware of breed-specific requirements during the prepubertal period, particularly in mixed-breed and crossbred groups, to optimize growth rates and production potential.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The effects of breed type (purebred or crossbred) and supplementation of agro-byproducts on the growth, carcass characteristics, and meat quality of landrace hair (Barbados Blackbelly; BB and St. Croix; SX) lambs was evaluated. Thirty-six 7.5-month-old purebred hair (BB and SX; body weight = 24.1 ± 4.26 kg) and terminal sire (Dorset; DO) crossbred lambs (DO × BB and DO × SX; body weight = 31.4 ± 3.50 kg) rotationally grazed predominantly on Jesup tall fescue pasture during spring with or without agro-byproduct supplementation (soyhull or corn gluten feed at 2% of BW). Following a 77d grazing period, the lambs were harvested, and their carcass characteristics and meat composition were evaluated. Both supplementation and crossbreeding significantly increased their carcass weight and primal cuts, whereas only supplementation increased (p < 0.01) the dressing percentage, and crossbreeding increased the shear force (p < 0.01). Regardless of breed type, supplementing agro-byproducts improved the lipid oxidation stability and texture properties of the fresh lamb, whereas the pasture-only lambs had healthier fatty acid profiles compared with the supplemented lambs. The results indicate that both terminal sire crossbreeding and byproduct supplementation can be used to affect the carcass characteristics and meat composition of landrace hair sheep lambs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study determines the effects of varying dietary metabolizable energy densities on Holstein Friesian and Charolais crossbred beef cattle in fattening phases. The research focuses on nutrient utilization, ruminal fermentation, growth performance, carcass traits, and meat quality. Thirty-six steers were used in the feeding trial that lasted for six months according to a 2 × 3 factorial arrangement in a randomized complete block design (Factor A, cattle breeds (Holstein Frisian, Charolais crossbred); B, metabolizable energy density (10.5, 11.1 and 11.8 MJ/kg DM)) with six replications. The dietary energy density had no interaction with the cattle breeds (p > 0.05). Despite fewer carcass yields, Holstein Friesian crossbreds indicate superior eating quality to Charolais crossbreds on drip loss, meat iron content, and Warner-Bratzler shear force due to increased intramuscular fat content (p < 0.05) with similar meat color (p > 0.05). Increased dietary energy density positively impacts nutrient and energy intake and rumen fermentation (p < 0.05) but did not affect growth and carcass traits (p > 0.05). This research suggests the potential of Holstein Friesian crossbreds for intensive beef production, providing valuable insights into optimal feeding strategies for achieving quality meat outcomes. On-farm feeding trials are needed to develop a practical and economical Thai beef feedlot management system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aims to describe the meat quality of young Holstein (HOL) beef-on-dairy heifers and bulls sired by Angus (ANG, n = 109), Charolais (CHA, n = 101) and Danish Blue (DBL, n = 127), and to investigate the performance of the handheld vision-based Q-FOM™ Beef camera in predicting the intramuscular fat concentration (IMF%) in M. longissimus thoracis from carcasses quartered at the 5th-6th thoracic vertebra. The results showed significant differences between crossbreeds and sexes on carcass characteristics and meat quality. DBL × HOL had the highest EUROP conformation scores, whereas ANG × HOL had darker meat with higher IMF% (3.52%) compared to CHA × HOL (2.99%) and DBL × HOL (2.51%). Bulls had higher EUROP conformation scores than heifers, and heifers had higher IMF% (3.70%) than bulls (2.31%). These findings indicate the potential for producing high-quality meat from beef-on-dairy heifers and ANG bulls. The IMF% prediction model for Q-FOM performed well with R2 = 0.91 and root mean squared error of cross validation, RMSECV = 1.33%. The performance of the prediction model on the beef-on-dairy veal subsample ranging from 0.9 to 7.4% IMF had lower accuracy (R2 = 0.48) and the prediction error (RMSEveal) was 1.00%. When grouping beef-on-dairy veal carcasses into three IMF% classes (2.5% IMF bins), 62.6% of the carcasses were accurately predicted. Furthermore, Q-FOM IMF% predictions and chemically determined IMF% were similar for each combination of sex and crossbreed, revealing a potential of Q-FOM IMF% predictions to be used in breeding, when aiming for higher meat quality.





