Crisis económica

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The objective of this article is to identify the effects of the Great Recession on the mental health of people residing in Spain. After presenting a conceptual framework on the mechanisms through which economic crises affect mental health, we describe the main results of 45 papers identified in our search. Studies indicate a worsening of mental health in Spain in the years of economic crisis, especially in men. Working conditions (unemployment, low wages, instability, precariousness) emerge as one of the main channels through which mental health is put at risk or deteriorates. This deterioration occurs with intensity in particularly vulnerable groups, such as immigrant population and families with economic burdens. In the case of suicides, the results were inconclusive. Regarding the use of health care services, an increase in the consumption of certain drugs seems to be identified, although the conclusions of all the studies are not coincidental. Social inequalities in mental health do not seem to have remitted. We conclude that Spain needs to improve information systems to a better understanding of the health effects of economic crises. In terms of public policies, together with the reinforcement of health services aimed at addressing mental health problems, an income guarantee network for people in vulnerable situations should be promoted, as well as the development of policies aimed at the labour market.







  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    To analyse socioeconomic inequalities in all-cause mortality among men and women in nine European urban areas during the recent economic crisis, and to compare the results to those from two periods before the crisis.
    This is an ecological study of trends based on three time periods (2000-2003, 2004-2008 and 2009-2014). The units of analysis were the small areas of nine European urban areas. We used a composite deprivation index as a socioeconomic indicator, along with other single indicators. As a mortality indicator, we used the smoothed standardized mortality ratio, calculated using the hierarchical Bayesian model proposed by Besag, York and Mollié. To analyse the evolution of socioeconomic inequalities, we fitted an ecological regression model that included the socioeconomic indicator, the period of time, and the interaction between these terms.
    We observed significant inequalities in mortality among men for almost all the socioeconomic indicators, periods, and urban areas studied. However, no significant changes occurred during the period of the economic crisis. While inequalities among women were less common, there was a statistically significant increase in inequality during the crisis period in terms of unemployment and the deprivation index in Prague and Stockholm, respectively.
    Future analyses should also consider time-lag in the effect of crises on mortality and specific causes of death, and differential effects between genders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To describe trends in fertility in Spain before (pre-recession; 1998-2008) and during (recession period; 2009-2013) the economic crisis of 2008, taking into account women\'s age and regional unemployment in 2010.
    The study consisted of a panel design including cross-sectional ecological data for the 17 regions of Spain. We describe fertility trends in Spain in two time periods, pre-recession (1998-2008) and recession (2009-2013). We used a cross-sectional, ecological study of Spanish-born women to calculate changes in fertility rates for each period using a linear regression model adjusted for year, period, and interaction between them.
    We found that compared to the pre-recession period, the fertility rate in Spain generally decreased during the economic recession. However, in some regions, such as the Canary Islands, this decrease began before the onset of the recession, while in other regions, such as the Basque country, the fertility rate continued to grow until 2011. The effects of the recession on the fertility rate are clearly observed in women aged 30-34 years.
    The current economic recession has disrupted the positive trend in fertility that began at the start of this century. Since Spain already had very low fertility rates, the further decline caused by the economic recession could jeopardize the sustainability of welfare-state systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To analyze trends in age-sex-specific mortality in Spain, and to identify if there have been changes following the onset of economic crisis.
    A study of trends in mortality rates by sex and quinquennial groups of age was carried out, from 1981 to 2016. Time trends were established by joint-point regression models. The results of the last two periods identified in the regressions are presented in detail, identifying changes after the onset of the economic crisis. When slowdown or stagnation of the mortality trends were identified in several successive age groups, an analysis of trends by causes was carried out.
    Mortality was significantly reduced between 1981 and 2016. After the beginning of the economic crisis, the trend in total age-standardized mortality did not change for men, but it stagnated for women from 2013 to 2016. In the analysis by quinquennial age groups, the downward trend in mortality suffered a stagnation in men in all the groups between 15 and 39 years, which started between 2011 and 2014, and lasted until 2016. In both women and men, in the four groups between 60 and 79 years, the previous decline in mortality suffered a slowdown or stagnation, which began between 2009 and 2014, and continued until 2016. Negative changes in mortality trends were mainly influenced by external causes (in 15-39 years men) and diseases of the circulatory and respiratory systems (in 60-79 years men and women).
    The downward trend of mortality suffered stagnation or deceleration after the onset of the economic crisis in young men and 60-79 years old men and women.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To describe the evolution of mortality risks for complications due to medical care or surgery between the periods prior to (2002-2007) and after (2008-2013) the beginning of the economic crisis for Spain and by autonomous region, and to analyse the relationship between the changes in the risks of death and the socioeconomic impact of the crisis and the variation in health spending.
    Ecological study based on age-standardized mortality rates, synthetic index of vulnerability as a socioeconomic indicator and variation in health expenditure as an indicator of health expenditure. The relative risk of death between periods was estimated with Poisson regression models.
    The number of deaths increased for Spain in the period studied. Although the relationship between the increase in public investment in health and the decrease in mortality due to this cause has not been clearly demonstrated, it was possible to determine that the autonomous regions with the lowest increase in health expenditure had rates higher than the rest throughout the period, and that the most vulnerable to the crisis and with the lowest increase in spending presented the greatest increase in the risk of death between the periods.
    Given the increase in these deaths, due to avoidable failures of the system, it is necessary to continue investigating this cause of mortality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To determine if the onset of the economic crisis in Spain affected cancer mortality and mortality trends.
    METHODS: We conducted a longitudinal ecological study based on all cancer-related deaths and on specific types of cancer (lung, colon, breast and prostate) in Spain between 2000 and 2013. We computed age-standardised mortality rates in men and women, and fit mixed Poisson models to analyse the effect of the crisis on cancer mortality and trends therein.
    RESULTS: After the onset of the economic crisis, cancer mortality continued to decline, but with a significant slowing of the yearly rate of decline (men: RR = 0.987, 95%CI = 0.985-0.990, before the crisis, and RR = 0.993, 95%CI = 0.991-0.996, afterwards; women: RR = 0.990, 95%CI = 0.988-0.993, before, and RR = 1.002, 95%CI = 0.998-1.006, afterwards). In men, lung cancer mortality was reduced, continuing the trend observed in the pre-crisis period; the trend in colon cancer mortality did not change significantly and continued to increase; and the yearly decline in prostate cancer mortality slowed significantly. In women, lung cancer mortality continued to increase each year, as before the crisis; colon cancer continued to decease; and the previous yearly downward trend in breast cancer mortality slowed down following the onset of the crisis.
    CONCLUSIONS: Since the onset of the economic crisis in Spain the rate of decline in cancer mortality has slowed significantly, and this situation could be exacerbated by the current austerity measures in healthcare.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: English Abstract
    UNASSIGNED: The purpose of this paper is to describe the main proposals for ensuring national health service sustainability, in the light of a review of the most relevant diagnostic reports and guidelines published since the onset of the economic crisis. The following proposals are among the most frequently mentioned in the literature: selective financing of technology, reorganization to provide more care for chronic conditions and better coordination between levels of care and the network of social and health care services, and the reinforcement of primary care. Also commonly suggested is the reform of health care governance. Likewise, the authors briefly examine the measures adopted to date to promote the system\'s sustainability and discuss how the emergency department can further this aim.
    UNASSIGNED: El objetivo del artículo consiste en describir las principales propuestas orientadas a garantizar la sostenibilidad del Sistema Nacional de Salud (SNS), a partir de la revisión de los informes de diagnóstico y recomendaciones más relevantes que han sido publicados desde el comienzo de la crisis. Entre las propuestas más recurrentes aparecen la financiación selectiva de las tecnologías, la reorganización hacia una mayor atención a la cronicidad y una mejor coordinación entre niveles asistenciales y con la red sociosanitaria, y el impulso de la atención primaria. También abundan las relativas a la reforma del gobierno de la sanidad. Asimismo, el artículo examina brevemente las medidas adoptadas hasta el momento con el fin de reforzar la sostenibilidad del sistema, y de qué modo los servicios de urgencia pueden contribuir a este objetivo.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Numerous studies have shown that economic crises are linked to a worsening of health conditions of the population. During the current economic crisis in Spain, there have been significant cuts in social and health services and a general worsening of the emotional well-being of the population. All these changes could have an impact on the health of the population, especially in the most vulnerable groups like older people.
    METHODS: The evolution of life expectancy and healthy life years in the period 2004-2014 have been examined in order to examine the health status of people aged 65 years and over in Spain during the economic crisis.
    RESULTS: Changes are observed in the evolution of healthy life years of people aged 65 years and over, particularly in the case of women.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results do not show that the current economic crisis has had a negative impact on the health conditions of older people in Spain, but there has been a decline in their well-being and quality of life.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To analyse changes in health professionals\' and immigrant users\' perceptions of the quality of care provided to the immigrant population during the crisis.
    METHODS: A qualitative descriptive-interpretative and exploratory study was conducted in two areas of Catalonia. Semi-structured individual interviews were used with a theoretical sample of medical (n=24) and administrative (n=10) professionals in primary care (PC) and secondary care (SC), and immigrant users (n=20). Thematic analysis was conducted and the results were triangulated.
    RESULTS: Problems related to technical and interpersonal quality emerged from the discourse of both professionals and immigrants. These problems were attributed to cutbacks during the economic crisis. Regarding technical quality, respondents reported an increase in erroneous or non-specific diagnoses, inappropriate use of diagnostic tests and non-specific treatments, due to reduction in consultation times as a result of cuts in human resources. With regard to interpersonal quality, professionals reported less empathy, and users also reported worse communication, due to changes in professionals\' working conditions and users\' attitudes. Finally, a reduction in the resolution capacity of the health services emerged: professionals described unnecessary repeated PC visits and limited responses in SC, while young immigrants reported an insufficient response to their health problems.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate a deterioration in perceived technical and interpersonal quality during the economic crisis, due to cutbacks mainly in human resources. These changes affect the whole population, but especially immigrants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim is to present the protocol of the two sub-studies on the effect of the economic crisis on mortality and reproductive health and health inequalities in Spain. Substudy 1: describe the evolution of mortality and reproductive health between 1990 and 2013 through a longitudinal ecological study in the Autonomous Communities. This study will identify changes caused by the economic crisis in trends or reproductive health and mortality indicators using panel data (17 Autonomous Communities per study year) and adjusting Poisson models with random effects variance. Substudy 2: analyse inequalities by socioeconomic deprivation in mortality and reproductive health in several areas of Spain. An ecological study analysing trends in the pre-crisis (1999-2003 and 2004-2008) and crisis (2009-2013) periods will be performed. Random effects models Besag York and Mollié will be adjusted to estimate mortality indicators softened in reproductive health and census tracts.





