Criminal law

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Individuals with opioid use disorder (OUD) and criminal justice system involvement experience high rates of overdose death. Historical data point to limited use of medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) in criminal justice system-referred treatment for OUD as playing a role. However, how MOUD use among those referred to treatment by the criminal justice system has changed relative to other referral sources over time is still unclear, as well as how it varies across states.
    UNASSIGNED: To examine disparities in the use of MOUD between individuals referred to treatment by the criminal justice system compared to other referral sources over time.
    UNASSIGNED: This cross-sectional study included admissions to specialty substance use treatment facilities for OUD in the national Treatment Episodes Dataset-Admissions from 2014 to 2021. Logistic regression models were used to examine trends in the probability of MOUD use among individuals with and without criminal justice referrals for OUD treatment, as well as any differential trends by state. The data were analyzed from September 2023 to August 2024.
    UNASSIGNED: The main outcome was the probability that treatment for individuals with OUD included MOUD.
    UNASSIGNED: A total of 3 235 445 admissions were analyzed in the study data. Among individuals referred to OUD treatment by the criminal justice system, the probability that treatment included MOUD increased by 3.42 percentage points (pp) (95% CI, 3.37 pp to 3.47 pp) annually from 2014 to 2021. This was faster than the increase in the probability of MOUD use for noncriminal justice-referred admissions (2.49 pp [95% CI, 2.46 pp to 2.51 pp) and reduced, but did not eliminate, disparities in MOUD use between individuals with and without criminal justice system-referred treatment. In 2021, only 33.6% of individuals in criminal justice system-referred treatment received MOUD, 15.6 pp lower than for individuals referred to treatment by other sources. Trends in the probability of MOUD use varied substantially for individuals in criminal justice system-referred treatment across states, but very few experienced enough growth to eliminate this disparity.
    UNASSIGNED: The results of this cross-sectional study suggest that targeted efforts to address persistent disparities in MOUD use among those with OUD and criminal justice system involvement are needed to address the poor health outcomes experienced by this population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Machines powered by artificial intelligence (AI) are increasingly taking over tasks previously performed by humans alone. In accomplishing such tasks, they may intentionally commit \'AI crimes\', ie engage in behaviour which would be considered a crime if it were accomplished by humans. For instance, an advanced AI trading agent may-despite its designer\'s best efforts-autonomously manipulate markets while lacking the properties for being held criminally responsible. In such cases (hard AI crimes) a criminal responsibility gap emerges since no agent (human or artificial) can be legitimately punished for this outcome. We aim to shift the \'hard AI crime\' discussion from blame to deterrence and design an \'AI deterrence paradigm\', separate from criminal law and inspired by the economic theory of crime. The homo economicus has come to life as a machina economica, which, even if cannot be meaningfully blamed, can nevertheless be effectively deterred since it internalises criminal sanctions as costs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Online forums provide a conduit for anonymous communication within deviant subcultures, such as online paedophiles. This helps to build virtual communities of support.
    OBJECTIVE: This study explores the experience of paedophiles in the criminal justice system as reported by those who experienced it on such a forum. By analysing and understanding the experiences disclosed by these individuals, we may be able to design more targeted prevention strategies and treatment options.
    METHODS: Data are from one online forum discussion thread that includes 595 online forum posts by 212 unique usernames ranging over 11 years from 2012 to 2023. This forum claims to be an anonymous \"therapeutic community\" for paedophiles and does not allow the sharing of media (e.g., videos or images).
    METHODS: This study uses an inductive approach to analyse the posts and discover the perspective and concerns of users who have experienced or are faced with prosecution and punishment.
    RESULTS: Seven main themes emerged from the posts on this thread: support and praise, techniques of neutralisation, life in prison, anxiety and mental health, relationships, therapy, and difficulties post-prison.
    CONCLUSIONS: The forum provided an important source of support among a virtual community of people who shared similar sexual interest in children and feel rejected and demonised by mainstream society. The thread functioned like an \"echo chamber\" that reinforced a positive view of users\' deviant interest. Individuals who had been prosecuted for their offending were returning to the forum, which may encourage reoffending. Parole boards and probation officers may need to consider limiting or restricting access to the Internet, particularly the Tor network, when setting release conditions. Implications for treatment focus on challenging the justifications and excuses used by paedophiles.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Erroneous eyewitness identification evidence is likely the leading cause of wrongful convictions. To minimize this error, scientists recommend collecting confidence. Research shows that eyewitness confidence and accuracy are strongly related when an eyewitness identifies someone from an initial and properly administered lineup. However, confidence is far less informative of accuracy when an eyewitness identifies no one and rejects the lineup instead. In this study, I aimed to improve the confidence-accuracy relationship for lineup rejections in two ways. First, I aimed to find the lineup that yields the strongest confidence-accuracy relationship for lineup rejections by comparing the standard, simultaneous procedure used by police worldwide to the novel \"reveal\" procedure designed by scientists to boost accuracy. Second, I aimed to find the best method for collecting confidence. To achieve this secondary aim, I made use of machine-learning techniques to compare confidence expressed in words to numeric confidence ratings. First, I find a significantly stronger confidence-accuracy relationship for lineup rejections in the reveal than in the standard procedure regardless of the method used to collect confidence. Second, I find that confidence expressed in words captures unique diagnostic information about the likely accuracy of a lineup rejection separate from the diagnostic information captured by numeric confidence ratings. These results inform models of recognition memory and may improve the criminal-legal system by increasing the diagnostic value of a lineup rejection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In 1954, the Canadian government established the Royal Commission on the Law of Insanity as a Defence in Criminal Cases. While its final report had little impact at the time, the creation of the commission points to the emergence of insanity as a newly complex problem within the context of postwar Canada. Spurred on by the growing psychiatric profession and the destabilization of capital punishment as a viable sentence, the commission quickly realized that the building blocks of its solution - legal and psychiatric expertise - were largely incompatible. This article explores the commission\'s problematization of insanity, which, far from providing solutions, highlighted the difficulties surrounding the integration of both psychiatric and legal knowledges of the day. The commission played an important role in upholding the status quo, and it provides an early example of the stasis that would characterize this area of the law until the early 1990s.
    Résumé. En 1954, le gouvernement du Canada mettait sur pied la Commission royale chargée d’étudier la défense d’aliénation mentale en matière criminelle. Même si son rapport eut peu de répercussions à l’époque, la création de la Commission suggère que le problème de l’aliénation mentale avait acquis une complexité nouvelle dans le contexte de l’après-guerre au Canada. La Commission, aiguillonnée par la profession psychiatrique en expansion et la remise en cause de la peine capitale comme sentence acceptable, a vite réalisé que les éléments de base de la solution à ce problème – les expertises juridique et psychiatrique – étaient en grande partie incompatibles. Cet article s’intéresse à la manière dont la Commission problématise l’aliénation mentale : loin de fournir des solutions, elle fait plutôt ressortir la difficuté d’arrimer les savoirs psychiatriques et juridiques de l’époque. La Commission a joué un rôle important dans le maintien du statut quo, et constitue un exemple précoce de l’immobilisme qui allait caractériser ce domaine du droit jusqu’au début des années 1990.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is disproportionately prevalent among individuals who intersect or are involved with the criminal justice system (CJS). In the absence of appropriate care, TBI-related impairments, intersecting social determinants of health, and the lack of TBI awareness in CJS settings can lead to lengthened sentences, serious disciplinary charges, and recidivism. However, evidence suggests that most clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) overlook equity and consequently, the needs of disadvantaged groups. As such, this review addressed the research question \"To what extent are (1) intersections with the CJS considered in CPGs for TBI, (2) TBI considered in CPGs for CJS, and (3) equity considered in CPGs for CJS?\".
    RESULTS: CPGs were identified from electronic databases (MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL, PsycINFO), targeted websites, Google Search, and reference lists of identified CPGs on November 2021 and March 2023 (CPGs for TBI) and May 2022 and March 2023 (CPGs for CJS). Only CPGs for TBI or CPGs for CJS were included. We calculated the proportion of CPGs that included TBI- or CJS-specific content, conducted a qualitative content analysis to understand how evidence regarding TBI and the CJS was integrated in the CPGs, and utilised equity assessment tools to understand if and how equity was considered. Fifty-seven CPGs for TBI and 6 CPGs for CJS were included in this review. Fourteen CPGs for TBI included information relevant to the CJS, but only 1 made a concrete recommendation to consider legal implications during vocational evaluation in the forensic context. Two CPGs for CJS acknowledged the prevalence of TBI among individuals in prison and one specifically recommended considering TBI during health assessments. Both CPGs for TBI and CPGs for CJS provided evidence specific to a single facet of the CJS, predominantly in policing and corrections. The use of equity best practices and the involvement of disadvantaged groups in the development process were lacking among CPGs for CJS. We acknowledge limitations of the review, including that our searches were conducted in English language and thus, we may have missed other non-English language CPGs in this review. We further recognise that we are unable to comment on evidence that is not integrated in the CPGs, as we did not systematically search for research on individuals with TBI who intersect with the CJS, outside of CPGs.
    CONCLUSIONS: Findings from this review provide the foundation to consider CJS involvement in CPGs for TBI and to advance equity in CPGs for CJS. Conducting research, including investigating the process of screening for TBI with individuals who intersect with all facets of the CJS, and utilizing equity assessment tools in guideline development are critical steps to enhance equity in healthcare for this disadvantaged group.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Aim: This article is aimed at raising awareness and stimulating scientific discussion on the necessity of involving qualified medical professionals in conducting criminal procedural actions that involve intervention in human somatic rights, in order to further improve the legal instruments ensuring compliance with the European Court of Human Rights (hereinafter referred to as the ECHR) standards in this field.
    METHODS: Materials and Methods: In preparing the article, the following issues were worked out: the provisions of international legal acts; legal positions of the ECHR related to the use of medical knowledge in the criminal process; scientific studies of various aspects of the use of medical knowledge in the criminal process. The methodological basis of the research is dialectical, comparative-legal, systemic-structural, analytical, synthetic, complex research methods.
    CONCLUSIONS: Conclusions: The use of medical knowledge in the criminal process generally takes two forms: (a) expert and (b) ancillary. The expert form, particularly forensic medical examination, must adhere to a set of criteria reflected in the practice of the ECHR. Personal searches involving penetration into human body cavities generally align with the requirements of the he European Convention on Human Rights (hereinafter referred to as the Convention), provided certain conditions are met, including medical considerations. The criterion for the admissibility of coercive collection of biological samples for examination is the existence of samples independent of the individual\'s will.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Canadian approach to assisted dying, Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD), as of early 2024, is assessed for its ability to protect patients from criminal healthcare serial killing (HSK) to evaluate the strength of its safeguards. MAiD occurs through euthanasia or self-administered assisted suicide (EAS) and is legal or considered in many countries and jurisdictions. Clinicians involved in HSK typically target patients with the same clinical features as MAiD-eligible patients. They may draw on similar rationales, e.g., to end perceived patient suffering and provide pleasure for the clinician. HSK can remain undetected or unconfirmed for considerable periods owing to a lack of staff background checks, poor surveillance and oversight, and a failure by authorities to act on concerns from colleagues, patients, or witnesses. The Canadian MAiD system, effectively euthanasia-based, has similar features with added opportunities for killing afforded by clinicians\' exemption from criminal culpability for homicide and assisted suicide offences amid broad patient eligibility criteria. An assessment of the Canadian model offers insights for enhancing safeguards and detecting abuses in there and other jurisdictions with or considering legal EAS. Short of an unlikely recriminalization of EAS, better clinical safeguarding measures, standards, vetting and training of those involved in MAiD, and a radical restructuring of its oversight and delivery can help mitigate the possibility of abuses in a system mandated to accommodate homicidal clinicians.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Medical-legal partnerships (MLPs) are well suited to address health-harming legal needs associated with the collateral consequences of mass incarceration in the United States, such as those that limit access to food, housing, employment, and family reunification postrelease. MLP innovations seek to expand the current model to address patients\' criminal, as well as postrelease, civil legal needs by including community health workers and some patients as legal partners and creating coalitions to promote local and state policy change. Overall, this article explains how these MLP innovations can support rights of people returning to communities after incarceration and can be leveraged to mitigate criminal legal system involvement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    National forensic DNA databases are a valuable investigative tool, that have the potential to increase the efficacy of criminal investigations. Their unfettered expansion in recent years raises unsettling ethical issues that require close attention. DNA database expansion threatens the rights to privacy, non-discrimination, and equality, and can undermine public trust in government. This perspective piece relies on data from an international mapping study of Forensic DNA Databases to document the expansion of these databases, highlight the ethical issues they raise, and propose key recommendations for more responsible use of this infrastructure.





