
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Our knowledge regarding the epidemiology of pediatric cardiomyopathy is based on large national population studies reporting an annual incidence of 1 case per 100,000 children, with a higher incidence observed in infancy and among selected populations. The aim here is to document the epidemiology of pediatric cardiomyopathy in a Mediterranean population.
    METHODS: Children younger than 18 years of age living on the Mediterranean island of Crete, Greece, who have been evaluated since the establishment of tertiary pediatric cardiology services (2002-2022) were included in this retrospective study.
    RESULTS: A total of 40 children were included, corresponding to an average annual incidence of pediatric cardiomyopathy of 1.59 cases (95% CI: 1.4-2.3) and a prevalence of 26 cases per 100,000 children. In decreasing order of frequency, most cases corresponded to dilated (50%), followed by hypertrophic (42.5%), arrhythmogenic (5%), and restrictive (2.5%) cardiomyopathy. An etiology was identified in 40%, including a genetic diagnosis in 22.5%.
    CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of pediatric cardiomyopathy in the Mediterranean island of Crete is higher compared with that reported previously for other Caucasian populations. Further study is needed to investigate the exact prevalence and specific genetic factors associated with the epidemiology of pediatric cardiomyopathy in Mediterranean populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Cognitive and mood status influence both personal and social daily activities, with great impact on life quality, particularly among the elderly population.
    OBJECTIVE: This cross-sectional study aimed to investigate the psycho-affective status concerning eating habits within an elderly population of the Chania area in Crete, Greece.
    METHODS: Cognitive status was assessed in 101 elderly subjects through the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), and mood was evaluated using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Nutritional status was assessed using a validated food frequency questionnaire.
    RESULTS: Multivariable statistical analysis, after adjustment for age, marital status, education, and comorbidity, highlighted among males a positive association of the MMSE score with vegetable consumption (RR 1.18; 95%CI 1.03‒1.34) and a negative association with potato consumption (RR 0.83; 95%CI 0.72‒0.95). Conversely, among females, no statistically significant association was observed for any food. Further, among males, a protective effect on affective status was identified for chicken meat (RR 0.45; 95%CI 0.27‒0.77), fish (RR 0.41; 95%CI 0.21‒0.82), fruit (RR 0.70; 95%CI 0.52‒0.94), cereals (RR 0.67; 95%CI 0.53‒0.87), and cheese (RR 0.78; 95%CI 0.63‒0.97) consumption. Among females, the adjusted model showed a significant detrimental effect of vegetable consumption (RR 1.33; 95%CI 1.02‒1.73).
    CONCLUSIONS: A predominantly vegetable-based diet-with the notable exception of fruits and legumes-was associated with better cognitive status in males, albeit not in females. A higher intake of fruit, as well as fish, chicken meat, and cheese among males was associated with a better affective status, indicating that adequate protein supply may play a role in maintaining emotional balance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Greece opened its points of entry on July 1, 2020, with specific guidelines for travellers arriving by sea, air or land. The aim of this article is to examine the effect of tourism on the long term course of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic during the pre-vaccination era (June to December 2020) on the popular Greek island of Crete. To achieve this, a cross-sectional serosurvey, repeated at monthly intervals, was conducted to compare the seroprevalence in Crete with seroprevalence in the mainland of Greece. Crete welcomed nearly 2,000,000 travellers during the 2020 summer season. Left-over serum samples were collected and obtained from public and private laboratories located in Greece, including the island of Crete. These samples were tested for the presence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibodies. A total of 55,938 samples were collected, 3,785 of which originated from Crete. In Crete, the seroprevalence ranged between 0% (June 2020) and 2.58% (December 2020), while the corresponding seroprevalence in Greece was 0.19% and 10.75%, respectively. We identified 4.16 times lower seropositivity in Crete (2.58%) in comparison with the mainland of Greece (10.75%) during December 2020. Moreover, the monthly infection fatality rate (IFR) in Crete was calculated at 0.09%, compared with 0.21% in mainland Greece for December 2020. The island of Crete presented more than four times lower seroprevalence than the mainland of Greece, despite being a highly attractive tourist destination. This evidence supports the idea that tourism may not have affected the long term course of the COVID-19 pandemic in Greece. However, due to contradicting results from previous studies, further investigation is needed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Over 80% of the global population addresses their primary healthcare needs using traditional medicine based on medicinal plants. Consequently, there\'s a rising demand for these plants for both household and industrial use at local, regional, national, and international levels. However, wild harvesting has negatively impacted natural ecosystems. Cultivating medicinal species has been proposed as a conservation strategy to alleviate this pressure. Yet, in this age of global climate change concerns, smallholder farmers\' views on the benefits of such cultivation clash with the uncertainties of climate change impacts, amplifying their anxieties. In this context, the climate change dependence of ex situ cultivation of ten wild medicinal taxa with significant ethnopharmacological interest in Crete, Greece, were studied, projecting their potential habitat suitability under various future climate scenarios. The results demonstrated species-specific effects. Based on the potential cultivation area gains and losses, these effects can be categorized into three groups. We also outlined the spatial patterns of these gains and losses, offering valuable insights for regional management strategies benefiting individual practitioners.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Upon finding skeletal unidentified remains, four are the questions that must be answered: age, sex, ancestry, and stature. Regarding age estimation, clavicle has received special attention because medial epiphysis is the last epiphysis, among long bones that ossifies. Falys and Prangle proposed a method of age estimation based on three degenerative characteristics-surface topography (TOP), Porosity (POR) and Osteophyte formation (OST)-evaluated on the sternal end of the clavicle according to the descriptions and the illustrations provided in the original article producing satisfactory results. The current study aims to test the applicability of the Falys\' and Prangle\'s method on 174 individuals from two contemporary samples, one from Greece (Cretan osteological Collection and Athens Forensic Anthropology Lab collection) and one from Thailand (Osteological collection in Chiang Mai). Composite scores were calculated, inter and intra- observer error were estimated by kappa statistics and regression equations of the original study were tested in our sample and in subsamples divided by sex and population. The Greek sample gave more accurate estimates compared to the Thai sample. Regressions of known sex gave slightly better results in most cases. When individuals <40 years old were excluded, classification increased for both Thai and Greeks. The results of this pilot study indicate that there are morphological features on the clavicle that are highly correlated with age. Thus, there is a scope of expanding research on the morphological features of the collar bone.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vitis vinifera ssp. vinifera (domesticated grapevine) includes thousands of cultivars, which are classified according to their main uses, as wines, fresh fruits or dried raisins and sultanas since ancient times. Evidence showed that Crete grapevine cultivars and winemaking date back to 2300 BC. In this study, fifty-one genotypes belonging to seven different traditional Vitis vinifera cultivars, presumed autochthonous to the island of Crete, were selected for their wine-producing potential and classified by 51 ampelographic descriptors. In addition, five genotypes belonging to two non-autochthonous cultivars were included as out-group controls. Subsequently, in order to characterize genetic diversity, establish genetic relationships within and between cultivars and solve accession-labeling problems, genotypes were fingerprinted employing Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR or microsatellite) markers. Four of the autochthonous cultivars namely \'Vidiano\', \'Vilana\', \'Plyto\', and \'Moschato Spinas\' are used in the local economy for blanc (white) wine production while the rest, namely \'Kotsifali\', \'Liatiko\' and \'Mantilari\' for Noir (red) wines. The two cultivars employed as out-group were \'Moschato Samou\' and \'Moschato Alexandrias\': both white wine producers. Ampelography-based clustering grouped the majority of genotypes along cultivar-specific clusters. All three Moschato cultivars formed a distinct clade pointing to the non-autochthonous origin of \'Moschato Spinas\'. A total of one hundred and thirteen (113) SSR alleles were amplified from thirteen (13) SSR loci, with an average number of alleles per locus equal to 10.23 revealing ample genetic polymorphism. The cumulative probability of identity was also quite high (3.389 × 10-16). The overall observed heterozygosity was 0.837 while for twenty-nine of the examined genotypes, at least one private SSR allele was detected. The majority of genotypes were grouped in cultivar-specific clusters. The results of this paper pave the way for the certification and registration of clones of some of the most important wine-producing cultivars in Crete.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The seagrass Posidonia oceanica forms extensive meadows in the Mediterranean Sea. Studies on their associated highly diverse invertebrate assemblages are limited to the western Mediterranean. The eastern Mediterranean, however, is a basin undergoing rapid change due to the synergistic effects of climate warming, biological invasions and other human stressors that are driving native biodiversity to regional-scale collapses. We here surveyed the shelled molluscan assemblage of a Posidonia oceanica meadow in Plakias, south-western Crete, the first such study in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. This area has increased its yearly mean temperature by 1 °C in the last 20 years and is under heavy pressure by Lessepsian species. We sampled across a 5- to 20-m depth gradient, in two seasons to capture intra-annual variation and the leaf and rhizome strata separately. Against our expectations, the molluscan assemblage proved to be highly diverse, with species richness, dominant species and trophic guilds comparable to healthy western Mediterranean ones, and with a negligible non-indigenous component. The diversity of the native community (following the biotic resistance hypothesis) and oxygen supersaturation in the meadow may cause greater resistance to biological invasions and warming, respectively, suggesting that Posidonia oceanica meadows may act as a precious refugium for native biodiversity in the fast changing eastern Mediterranean Sea.
    UNASSIGNED: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s12526-022-01292-2.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During the late 3rd millennium BCE, the Eastern Mediterranean and Near East witnessed societal changes in many regions, which are usually explained with a combination of social and climatic factors.1-4 However, recent archaeogenetic research forces us to rethink models regarding the role of infectious diseases in past societal trajectories.5 The plague bacterium Yersinia pestis, which was involved in some of the most destructive historical pandemics,5-8 circulated across Eurasia at least from the onset of the 3rd millennium BCE,9-13 but the challenging preservation of ancient DNA in warmer climates has restricted the identification of Y. pestis from this period to temperate climatic regions. As such, evidence from culturally prominent regions such as the Eastern Mediterranean is currently lacking. Here, we present genetic evidence for the presence of Y. pestis and Salmonella enterica, the causative agent of typhoid/enteric fever, from this period of transformation in Crete, detected at the cave site Hagios Charalambos. We reconstructed one Y. pestis genome that forms part of a now-extinct lineage of Y. pestis strains from the Late Neolithic and Bronze Age that were likely not yet adapted for transmission via fleas. Furthermore, we reconstructed two ancient S. enterica genomes from the Para C lineage, which cluster with contemporary strains that were likely not yet fully host adapted to humans. The occurrence of these two virulent pathogens at the end of the Early Minoan period in Crete emphasizes the necessity to re-introduce infectious diseases as an additional factor possibly contributing to the transformation of early complex societies in the Aegean and beyond.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cesium-137, as the main fission product, is of special interest in the marine environment because of its solubility, which results to very low sinking time. Nevertheless, the conservative form of the main percentage of 137Cs introduced in the marine environment (70%) makes 137Cs to be included in the salinity of sea water. Based on this property, in this study, we examine potential relations between 137Cs activity concentrations and marine parameters issued from Earth Observation (EO) data products in the Southern Aegean Sea, in order to investigate the possibility of 137Cs to be recorded by satellite data. In particular, measurements of physical and biological marine parameters issued from the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) database and MODIS ocean products are retrieved for the dates of 137Cs field measurements. Single and multiple regression analyses are performed between the marine parameters and 137Cs activity concentration measurements for three distinctive time periods (total, cold, and warm period). The best results are obtained from multiple regressions, one for each time period (r2 > 0.70). The models show that during cold period, 137Cs activity concentrations are highly correlated to both chlorophyll and nutrients (phosphates) while during warm and the total period, they seem to be mainly correlated to the photosynthetic available incident solar radiation on the sea surface. For each period, we propose a multiparameter model linear in its parameters. Although the results of this study must be considered preliminary due to the limited size of the datasets, for the first time, we show that estimations of 137Cs activity concentrations from EO measurements and CMEMS environmental models are feasible, and they can be used as a marine radiological assessment tool for a closed Mediterranean bay such as Souda Bay in Greece.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Seed dispersal is extremely important for the recovery and restoration of forest communities. Relict tree genus Zelkova possesses a unique dispersal mechanism: mature fruits fall with the entire twig, and the dried leaves that are still attached function as a drag-enhancing appendage, carrying the fruits away from the parent tree. This singular adaptation has never been investigated in Z. abelicea.
    Drop tests with dispersal units and individual fruits of Z. abelicea were performed in controlled conditions to measure their dispersal velocity and to define their flight mode.
    Zelkova abelicea uses both slowly falling dispersal units with chaotic motion, as well as fast falling individual fruits using a straight path. The falling velocity of Z. abelicea dispersal units is 1.53 m s-1 , which is virtually identical to that of the East Asiatic Z. serrata (1.51 m s-1 ). In contrast, the falling velocity of individual fruits was 2.74 m s-1 (Z. serrata: 5.36 m s-1 ).
    Members of the genus Zelkova, growing today in distant regions, show remarkable evolutionary conservation of the velocity and flight mechanics of their dispersal units. This is surprising because the Mediterranean and East Asiatic Zelkova species have been separated at least 15-20 mya. Zelkova abelicea, although growing in the Mediterranean with completely different forest structure and composition, still uses the same dispersal mechanism. The dispersal capacity of the genus Zelkova is less efficient than that of other wind dispersed trees, and it presumably evolved for short-distance ecological spread and not for long-distance biogeographical dispersal.





