
Cre / loxP
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ucp1 promoter-driven Cre transgenic mice are useful in the manipulation of gene expression specifically in thermogenic adipose tissues. However, the wildly used Ucp1-Cre line was generated by random insertion into the genome and showed ectopic activity in some tissues beyond adipose tissues. Here we characterized a knockin mouse line Ucp1-iCre generated by targeting IRES-Cre cassette immediately downstream the stop codon of the Ucp1 gene. The Cre insertion had little to no effect on UCP1 protein levels in brown adipose tissue. Ucp1-iCre mice of both genders exhibited normal thermogenesis and cold tolerance. When crossed with Rosa-tdTomato reporter mice, Ucp1-iCre mice showed robust Cre activity in thermogenic adipose tissues. Additionally, limited Cre activity was sparsely present in the hypothalamus (VMH), choroid plexus, kidney, adrenal glands, ovary, and testis in Ucp1-iCre mice, albeit to a much lesser extent and with reduced intensity compared to the conventional Ucp1-Cre line. Single-cell transcriptome analysis revealed UCP1 mRNA expression in male spermatocytes. Moreover, male Ucp1-iCre mice displayed a high frequency of Cre-mediated recombination in the germline, whereas no such effect was observed in female Ucp1-iCre mice. These findings suggest that Ucp1-iCre mice offer promising utility in the context of conditional gene manipulation in thermogenic adipose tissues, while also highlighting the need for caution in mouse mating and genotyping procedures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The spatiotemporal expression patterns of genes are crucial for maintaining normal physiological functions in animals. Conditional gene knockout using the cyclization recombination enzyme (Cre)/locus of crossover of P1 (Cre/LoxP) strategy has been extensively employed for functional assays at specific tissue or developmental stages. This approach aids in uncovering the associations between phenotypes and gene regulation while minimizing interference among distinct tissues. Various Cre-engineered mouse models have been utilized in the male reproductive system, including Dppa3-MERCre for primordial germ cells, Ddx4-Cre and Stra8-Cre for spermatogonia, Prm1-Cre and Acrv1-iCre for haploid spermatids, Cyp17a1-iCre for the Leydig cell, Sox9-Cre for the Sertoli cell, and Lcn5/8/9-Cre for differentiated segments of the epididymis. Notably, the specificity and functioning stage of Cre recombinases vary, and the efficiency of recombination driven by Cre depends on endogenous promoters with different sequences as well as the constructed Cre vectors, even when controlled by an identical promoter. Cre mouse models generated via traditional recombination or CRISPR/Cas9 also exhibit distinct knockout properties. This review focuses on Cre-engineered mouse models applied to the male reproductive system, including Cre-targeting strategies, mouse model screening, and practical challenges encountered, particularly with novel mouse strains over the past decade. It aims to provide valuable references for studies conducted on the male reproductive system.






  • 文章类型: Review
    This chapter aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the methodologies available to dissect genetic regulation of the nervous systems in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. These techniques encompass genetic screens and genetic tools to unravel the spatial-temporal contribution of genes on neural structure and function. Unbiased genetic screens on random mutations induced by ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) or target gene silencing by genome-wide RNA interference (RNAi) help progress our understanding of the genetic control of neural development and functions. Complement to unbiased genetic approaches, gene- and protein-targeted manipulation by Cre/LoxP recombination system and auxin-inducible degron (AID) protein degradation system, respectively, helps identify tissues/cells and the time window critical for gene and protein function during the proper execution of a particular behavior. Considering the remarkable conservation of genetic pathways between C. elegans and mammalian systems, elucidating the genetic underpinnings of neural functions and learning behaviors in C. elegans may furnish invaluable insights into analogous processes in more complex organisms. As shown in the following chapter, leveraging these diverse methodologies enable researchers to elucidate the intricate network governing neural function and structure, laying the foundation for innovating strategies to ameliorate cognitive alterations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Disruption of ALX4 causes autosomal dominant parietal foramina and autosomal recessive frontonasal dysplasia with alopecia, but the mechanisms involving ALX4 in craniofacial and other developmental processes are not well understood. Although mice carrying distinct mutations in Alx4 have been previously reported, the perinatal lethality of homozygous mutants together with dynamic patterns of Alx4 expression in multiple tissues have hindered systematic elucidation of the cellular and molecular mechanisms involving Alx4 in organogenesis and disease pathogenesis.
    RESULTS: We report generation of Alx4f/f conditional mice and show that tissue-specific Cre-mediated inactivation of Alx4 in cranial neural crest and limb bud mesenchyme, respectively, recapitulated craniofacial and limb developmental defects as found in Alx4-null mice but without affecting postnatal survival. While Alx4-null mice that survive postnatally exhibited dorsal alopecia, mice lacking Alx4 function in the neural crest lineage exhibited a highly restricted region of hair loss over the anterior skull whereas mice lacking Alx4 in the cranial mesoderm lineage exhibited normal hair development, suggesting that Alx4 plays partly redundant roles in multiple cell lineages during hair follicle development.
    CONCLUSIONS: The Alx4f/f mice provide a valuable resource for systematic investigation of cell type- and stage-specific function of ALX family transcription factors in development and disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bone tissue provides structural support for our bodies, with the inner bone marrow (BM) acting as a hematopoietic organ. Within the BM tissue, two types of stem cells play crucial roles: mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) (or skeletal stem cells) and hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). These stem cells are intricately connected, where BM-MSCs give rise to bone-forming osteoblasts and serve as essential components in the BM microenvironment for sustaining HSCs. Despite the mid-20th century proposal of BM-MSCs, their in vivo identification remained elusive owing to a lack of tools for analyzing stemness, specifically self-renewal and multipotency. To address this challenge, Cre/loxP-based cell lineage tracing analyses are being employed. This technology facilitated the in vivo labeling of specific cells, enabling the tracking of their lineage, determining their stemness, and providing a deeper understanding of the in vivo dynamics governing stem cell populations responsible for maintaining hard tissues. This review delves into cell lineage tracing studies conducted using commonly employed genetically modified mice expressing Cre under the influence of LepR, Gli1, and Axin2 genes. These studies focus on research fields spanning long bones and oral/maxillofacial hard tissues, offering insights into the in vivo dynamics of stem cell populations crucial for hard tissue homeostasis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Enteroendocrine cells (EECs) constitute only a small proportion of Villin-1 (Vil1)-expressing intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) of the gastrointestinal tract; yet, in sum, they build the largest endocrine organ of the body, with each of them storing and releasing a distinct set of peptides for the control of feeding behavior, glucose metabolism, and gastrointestinal motility. Like all IEC types, EECs are continuously renewed from intestinal stem cells in the crypt base and terminally differentiate into mature subtypes while moving up the crypt-villus axis. Interestingly, EECs adjust their hormonal secretion according to their migration state as EECs receive altering differentiation signals along the crypt-villus axis and thus undergo functional readaptation. Cell-specific targeting of mature EEC subtypes by specific promoters is challenging because the expression of EEC-derived peptides and their precursors is not limited to EECs but are also found in other organs, such as the brain (e.g., Cck and Sst) as well as in the pancreas (e.g., Sst and Gcg). Here, we describe an intersectional genetic approach that enables cell type-specific targeting of functionally distinct EEC subtypes by combining a newly generated Dre-recombinase expressing mouse line (Vil1-2A-DD-Dre) with multiple existing Cre-recombinase mice and mouse strains with rox and loxP sites flanked stop cassettes for transgene expression. We found that transgene expression in triple-transgenic mice is highly specific in I but not D and L cells in the terminal villi of the small intestine. The targeting of EECs only in terminal villi is due to the integration of a defective 2A separating peptide that, combined with low EEC intrinsic Vil1 expression, restricts our Vil1-2A-DD-Dre mouse line and the intersectional genetic approach described here only applicable for the investigation of mature EEC subpopulations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genetic engineering technology offers opportunities to improve many important agronomic traits in crops, including insect-resistance. However, genetically modified (GM) exogenous proteins in edible tissues of transgenic crops has become an issue of intense public concern. To advance the application of GM techniques in maize, a Cre/loxP-based strategy was developed for manipulating the transgenes in green tissues while locking them in non-green tissues. In the strategy, the site-specific excision can be used to switch on or off the expression of transgenes at specific tissues. In this work, two basic transgenic maize, named KEY, carrying the Cre gene, and LOCK, containing the Vip3A gene with a blocked element, were obtained based on their separate fusion gene cassettes. The expression level and concentration of Vip3A were observed with a high specific accumulation in the green tissues (leaf and stem), and only a small amount was observed in the root and kernel tissues in the KEY × LOCK hybrids. The insect resistance of transgenic maize against two common lepidopteran pests, Ostrinia furnacalis and Spodoptera frugiperda, was assessed in the laboratory and field. The results indicate that the hybrids possessed high resistance levels against the two pests, with mortality rates above 73.6% and damage scales below 2.4 compared with the control group. Our results suggest that the Cre/loxP-mediated genetic engineering approach has a competitive advantage in GM maize. Overall, the findings from this study are significant for providing a feasible strategy for transgenes avoiding expression in edible parts and exploring novel techniques toward the biosafety of GM plants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Knockout mice are useful tools that can provide information about the normal function of genes, including their biochemical, developmental, and physiological roles. One problem associated with the generation of knockout mice is that the loss of some genes of interest produces a lethal phenotype. Therefore, the use of conditioned knockout mice, in which genes are disrupted in specific organs, is essential for the elucidation of disease pathogenesis and the verification of drug targets. In general, conditional knockout mice are produced using the Cre/loxP system; however, the production of the large numbers of Cre/flox knockout and control mice required for analysis requires substantial time and effort. Here, we describe the generation of liver-specific conditional knockout mice via the introduction of lipid nanoparticles encapsulating Cre mRNA into the liver of floxed mice. This technique does not require the production of offspring by mating floxed mice and is therefore more convenient than the conventional method. The results presented here demonstrate that the LNP-based method enables liver-specific gene knockout in a short period of time.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genetically modified (GM) proteins in edible tissues of transgenic maize are of intense public concern. We provided a Cre/loxP-based strategy for manipulating the expression of transgenes in green tissues while locking them in nongreen tissues. First, the Cre gene was driven by the green tissue-specific promoter Zm1rbcS to generate transgenic maize KEY. Meanwhile, a gene cassette containing a Nos terminator (NosT) in front of the Cry1Ab/c gene was driven by the strong promoter ZmUbi to generate another transgenic maize LOCK. By crossing KEY and LOCK plants, the expressed Cre recombinase under the control of the Zm1rbcS promoter from KEY maize accurately removed the NosT of LOCK maize. Consequently, the expression of blocked Cry1Ab/c was enabled in specific green tissues in their hybrids. The expression level and concentration of Cry1Ab/c were observed using a strategy with high specific accumulation in green tissues (leaf and stem). Still, only a small or absent amount was observed in root and kernel tissues. Furthermore, we assessed the bioactivity of transgenic maize against 2 common lepidopteran pests, Ostrinia furnacalis and Spodoptera frugiperda, in the laboratory and field. The transgenic plants showed high plant resistance levels against the 2 pests, with mortality rates above 97.2% and damage scales below 2.2 compared with the control group. These findings are significant for exploring novel genetic engineering techniques in GM maize and providing a feasible strategy for transgenes avoiding expression in edible parts. In addition, implementing the Cre/loxP-mediated system could relieve public sentiment toward the biosafety of GM plants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cre/loxP technology has revolutionized genetic studies and allowed for spatial and temporal control of gene expression in specific cell types. Microglial biology has particularly benefited because microglia historically have been difficult to transduce with virus or electroporation methods for gene delivery. Here, we investigate five of the most widely available microglial inducible Cre lines. We demonstrate varying degrees of recombination efficiency, cell-type specificity, and spontaneous recombination, depending on the Cre line and inter-loxP distance. We also establish best practice guidelines and protocols to measure recombination efficiency, particularly in microglia. There is increasing evidence that microglia are key regulators of neural circuits and major drivers of a broad range of neurological diseases. Reliable manipulation of their function in vivo is of utmost importance. Identifying caveats and benefits of all tools and implementing the most rigorous protocols are crucial to the growth of the field and the development of microglia-based therapeutics.





