Cowpea mosaic virus

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many virus genomes encode proteases that facilitate infection. The molecular mechanism of plant recognition of viral proteases is largely unexplored. Using the system of Vigna unguiculata and cowpea mosaic virus (CPMV), we identified a cowpea lipid transfer protein (LTP1) which interacts with CPMV-encoded 24KPro, a cysteine protease, but not with the enzymatically inactive mutant 24KPro(C166A). Biochemical assays showed that LTP1 inhibited 24KPro proteolytic cleavage of the coat protein precursor large coat protein-small coat protein. Transient overexpression of LTP1 in cowpea reduced CPMV infection, whereas RNA interference-mediated LTP1 silencing increased CPMV accumulation in cowpea. LTP1 is mainly localized in the apoplast of uninfected plant cells, and after CPMV infection, most of the LTP1 is relocated to intracellular compartments, including chloroplast. Moreover, in stable LTP1-transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana plants, LTP1 repressed soybean mosaic virus (SMV) nuclear inclusion a protease activity, and accumulation of SMV was significantly reduced. We propose that cowpea LTP1 suppresses CPMV and SMV accumulation by directly inhibiting viral cysteine protease activity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ovarian cancer (OvCa) is a leading cause of mortality among gynecological malignancies and usually manifests as intraperitoneal spheroids that generate metastases, ascites, and an immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment. In this study, we explore the immunomodulatory properties of cowpea mosaic virus (CPMV) as an adjuvant immunotherapeutic agent using an in vitro model of OvCa peritoneal spheroids. Previous findings highlighted the potent efficacy of intratumoral CPMV against OvCa in mouse tumor models. Leveraging the precision control over material deposition and cell patterning afforded by digital-light-processing (DLP) based bioprinting, we constructed OvCa-macrophage spheroids to mimic peritoneal spheroids using gelatin methacrylate (GelMA), a collagen-derived photopolymerizable biomaterial to mimic the extracellular matrix. Following CPMV treatment, bioprinted spheroids exhibited inhibited OvCa progression mediated by macrophage activation. Our analysis indicates that CPMV regulates and activates macrophage to both induce OvCa cell killing and restore normal cell-cell junctions. This study deepened our understanding of the mechanism of CPMV intratumoral immunotherapy in the setting of OvCa. This study also highlights the potential of studying immunotherapies using high throughput tissue models via DLP bioprinting.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Immune checkpoint therapy (ICT) for cancer can yield dramatic clinical responses; however, these may only be observed in a minority of patients. These responses can be further limited by subsequent disease recurrence and resistance. Combination immunotherapy strategies are being developed to overcome these limitations. We have previously reported enhanced efficacy of combined intratumoral cowpea mosaic virus immunotherapy (CPMV IIT) and ICT approaches. Lymphocyte-activation gene-3 (LAG-3) is a next-generation inhibitory immune checkpoint with broad expression across multiple immune cell subsets. Its expression increases on activated T cells and contributes to T cell exhaustion. We observed heightened efficacy of a combined CPMV IIT and anti-LAG-3 treatment in a mouse model of melanoma. Further, LAG-3 expression was found to be increased within the TME following intratumoral CPMV administration. The integration of CPMV IIT with LAG-3 inhibition holds significant potential to improve treatment outcomes by concurrently inducing a comprehensive anti-tumor immune response, enhancing local immune activation, and mitigating T cell exhaustion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Canine inflammatory mammary cancer (IMC) is a highly aggressive and lethal cancer in dogs serving as a valuable animal model for its human counterpart, inflammatory breast cancer (IBC), both lacking effective therapies. Intratumoral immunotherapy (IT-IT) with empty cowpea mosaic virus (eCPMV) nanoparticles has shown promising results, demonstrating a reduction in tumor size, longer survival rates, and improved quality of life. This study compares the transcriptomic profiles of tumor samples from female dogs with IMC receiving eCPMV IT-IT and medical therapy (MT) versus MT alone. Transcriptomic analyses, gene expression profiles, signaling pathways, and cell type profiling of immune cell populations in samples from four eCPMV-treated dogs with IMC and four dogs with IMC treated with MT were evaluated using NanoString Technologies using a canine immune-oncology panel. Comparative analyses revealed 34 differentially expressed genes between treated and untreated samples. Five genes (CXCL8, S100A9, CCL20, IL6, and PTGS2) involved in neutrophil recruitment and activation were upregulated in the treated samples, linked to the IL17-signaling pathway. Cell type profiling showed a significant increase in neutrophil populations in the tumor microenvironment after eCPMV treatment. These findings highlight the role of neutrophils in the anti-tumor response mediated by eCPMV IT-IT and suggest eCPMV as a novel therapeutic approach for IBC/IMC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The lack of optimal models to evaluate novel agents is delaying the development of effective immunotherapies against human breast cancer (BC). In this prospective open label study, we applied neoadjuvant intratumoral immunotherapy with empty cowpea mosaic virus-like particles (eCPMV) to 11 companion dogs diagnosed with canine mammary cancer (CMC), a spontaneous tumor resembling human BC. We found that two neoadjuvant intratumoral eCPMV injections resulted in tumor reduction in injected tumors in all patients and in noninjected tumors located in the ipsilateral and contralateral mammary chains of injected dogs. Tumor reduction was independent of clinical stage, tumor size, histopathologic grade, and tumor molecular subtype. RNA-seq-based analysis of injected tumors indicated a decrease in DNA replication activity and an increase in activated dendritic cell infiltration in the tumor microenvironment. Immunohistochemistry analysis demonstrated significant intratumoral increases in neutrophils, T and B lymphocytes, and plasma cells. eCPMV intratumoral immunotherapy demonstrated antitumor efficacy without any adverse effects. This novel immunotherapy has the potential for improving outcomes for human BC patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plant virus nanoparticles can be used as drug carriers, imaging reagents, vaccine carriers, and immune adjuvants in the formulation of intratumoral in situ cancer vaccines. One example is the cowpea mosaic virus (CPMV), a nonenveloped virus with a bipartite positive-strand RNA genome with each RNA packaged separately into identical protein capsids. Based on differences in their densities, the components carrying RNA-1 (6 kb) denoted as the bottom (B) component or carrying RNA-2 (3.5 kb) denoted as the middle (M) component can be separated from each other and from a top (T) component, which is devoid of any RNA. Previous preclinical mouse studies and canine cancer trials used mixed populations of CPMV (containing B, M, and T components), so it is unclear whether the particle types differ in their efficacies. It is known that the CPMV RNA genome contributes to immunostimulation by activation of TLR7. To determine whether the two RNA genomes that have different sizes and unrelated sequences cause different immune stimulation, we compared the therapeutic efficacies of B and M components and unfractionated CPMV in vitro and in mouse cancer models. We found that separated B and M particles behaved similarly to the mixed CPMV, activating innate immune cells to induce the secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IFNα, IFNγ, IL-6, and IL-12, while inhibiting immunosuppressive cytokines such as TGF-β and IL-10. In murine models of melanoma and colon cancer, the mixed and separated CPMV particles all significantly reduced tumor growth and prolonged survival with no significant difference. This shows that the specific RNA genomes similarly stimulate the immune system even though B particles have 40% more RNA than M particles; each CPMV particle type can be used as an effective adjuvant against cancer with the same efficacy as native mixed CPMV. From a translational point of view, the use of either B or M component vs the mixed CPMV formulation offers the advantage that separated B or M alone is noninfectious toward plants and thus provides agronomic safety.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cowpea mosaic virus (CPMV) has been developed as a promising nanoplatform technology for cancer immunotherapy; when applied as in situ vaccine, CPMV exhibits potent, systemic, and durable efficacy. While CPMV is not infectious to mammals, it is infectious to legumes; therefore, agronomic safety needs to be addressed to broaden the translational application of CPMV. RNA-containing formulations are preferred over RNA-free virus-like particles because the RNA and protein, each, contribute to CPMV\'s potent antitumor efficacy. We have previously optimized inactivation methods to develop CPMV that contains RNA but is not infectious to plants. We established that inactivated CPMV has reduced efficacy compared to untreated, native CPMV. However, a systematic comparison between native CPMV and different inactivated forms of CPMV was not done. Therefore, in this study, we directly compared the therapeutic efficacies and mechanisms of immune activation of CPMV, ultraviolet- (UV-), and formalin (Form)-inactivated CPMV to explain the differential efficacies. In a B16F10 melanoma mouse tumor model, Form-CPMV suppressed the tumor growth with prolonged survival (there were no statistical differences comparing CPMV and Form-CPMV). In comparison, UV-CPMV inhibited tumor growth significantly but not as well as Form-CPMV or CPMV. The reduced therapeutic efficacy of UV-CPMV is explained by the degree of cross-linking and aggregated state of the RNA, which renders it inaccessible for sensing by Toll-like receptor (TLR) 7/8 to activate immune responses. The mechanistic studies showed that the highly aggregated state of UV-CPMV inhibited TLR7 signaling more so than for the Form-CPMV formulation, reducing the secretion of interleukin-6 (IL-6) and interferon-α (IFN-α), cytokines associated with TLR7 signaling. These findings support the translational development of Form-CPMV as a noninfectious immunotherapeutic agent.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cowpea mosaic virus (CPMV) is a nucleoprotein nanoparticle that functions as a highly potent immunomodulator when administered intratumorally and is used as an in situ vaccine. CPMV in situ vaccination remodels the tumor microenvironment and primes a highly potent, systemic, and durable antitumor immune response against the treated and untreated, distant metastatic sites (abscopal effect). Potent efficacy was demonstrated in multiple tumor mouse models and, most importantly, in canine cancer patients with spontaneous tumors. Data indicate that presence of anti-CPMV antibodies are not neutralizing and that in fact opsonization leads to enhanced efficacy. Plant viruses are part of the food chain, but to date, there is no information on human exposure to CPMV. Therefore, patient sera were tested for the presence of immunoglobulins against CPMV, and indeed, >50% of deidentified patient samples tested positive for CPMV antibodies. To get a broader sense of plant virus exposure and immunogenicity in humans, we also tested sera for antibodies against tobacco mosaic virus (>90% patients tested positive), potato virus X (<20% patients tested positive), and cowpea chlorotic mottle virus (no antibodies were detected). Further, patient sera were analyzed for the presence of antibodies against the coliphage Qβ, a platform technology currently undergoing clinical trials for in situ vaccination; we found that 60% of patients present with anti-Qβ antibodies. Thus, data indicate human exposure to CPMV and other plant viruses and phages. Next, we thought to address agronomical safety; i.e., we examined the fate of CPMV after intratumoral treatment and oral gavage (to mimic consumption by food). Because live CPMV is used, an important question is whether there is any evidence of shedding of infectious particles from mice or patients. CPMV is noninfectious toward mammals; however, it is infectious toward plants including black-eyed peas and other legumes. Biodistribution data in tumor-bearing and healthy mice indicate little leaching from tumors and clearance via the reticuloendothelial system followed by biliary excretion. While there was evidence of shedding of RNA in stool, there was no evidence of infectious particles when plants were challenged with stool extracts, thus indicating agronomical safety. Together these data aid the translational development of CPMV as a drug candidate for cancer immunotherapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite advances in laparoscopic surgery combined with neoadjuvant and adjuvant therapy, colon cancer management remains challenging in oncology. Recurrence of cancerous tissue locally or in distant organs (metastasis) is the major problem in colon cancer management. Vaccines and immunotherapies hold promise in preventing cancer recurrence through stimulation of the immune system. We and others have shown that nanoparticles from plant viruses, such as cowpea mosaic virus (CPMV) nanoparticles, are potent immune adjuvants for cancer vaccines and serve as immunostimulatory agents in the treatment or prevention of tumors. While being noninfectious toward mammals, CPMV activates the innate immune system through recognition by pattern recognition receptors (PRRs). While the particulate structure of CPMV is essential for prominent immune activation, the proteinaceous architecture makes CPMV subject to degradation in vivo; thus, CPMV immunotherapy requires repeated injections for optimal outcome. Frequent intraperitoneal (IP) injections however are not optimal from a clinical point of view and can worsen the patient\'s quality of life due to the hospitalization required for IP administration. To overcome the need for repeated IP injections, we loaded CPMV nanoparticles in injectable chitosan/glycerophosphate (GP) hydrogel formulations, characterized their slow-release potential, and assessed the antitumor preventative efficacy of CPMV-in-hydrogel single dose versus soluble CPMV (single and prime-boost administration). Using fluorescently labeled CPMV-in-hydrogel formulations, in vivo release data indicated that single IP injection of the hydrogel formulation yielded a gel depot that supplied intact CPMV over the study period of 3 weeks, while soluble CPMV lasted only for one week. IP administration of the CPMV-in-hydrogel formulation boosted with soluble CPMV for combined immediate and sustained immune activation significantly inhibited colon cancer growth after CT26 IP challenge in BALB/c mice. The observed antitumor efficacy suggests that CPMV can be formulated in a chitosan/GP hydrogel to achieve prolonged immunostimulatory effects as single-dose immunotherapy against colon cancer recurrence. The present findings illustrate the potential of injectable hydrogel technology to accommodate plant virus nanoparticles to boost the translational development of effective antitumor immunotherapies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In situ vaccination for cancer immunotherapy uses intratumoral administration of small molecules, proteins, nanoparticles, or viruses that activate pathogen recognition receptors (PRRs) to reprogram the tumor microenvironment and prime systemic antitumor immunity. Cowpea mosaic virus (CPMV) is a plant virus that─while noninfectious toward mammals─activates mammalian PRRs. Application of CPMV as in situ vaccine (ISV) results in a potent and durable efficacy in tumor mouse models and canine patients; data indicate that CPMV outperforms small molecule PRR agonists and other nonrelated plant viruses and virus-like particles (VLPs). In this work, we set out to compare the potency of CPMV versus other plant viruses from the Secoviridae. We developed protocols to produce and isolate cowpea severe mosaic virus (CPSMV) and tobacco ring spot virus (TRSV) from plants. CPSMV, like CPMV, is a comovirus with genome and protein homology, while TRSV lacks homology and is from the genus nepovirus. When applied as ISV in a mouse model of dermal melanoma (using B16F10 cells and C57Bl6J mice), CPMV outperformed CPSMV and TRSV─again highlighting the unique potency of CPMV. Mechanistically, the increased potency is related to increased signaling through toll-like receptors (TLRs)─in particular, CPMV signals through TLR2, 4, and 7. Using knockout (KO) mouse models, we demonstrate here that all three plant viruses signal through the adaptor molecule MyD88─with CPSMV and TRSV predominantly activating TLR2 and 4. CPMV induced significantly more interferon β (IFNβ) compared to TRSV and CPSMV; therefore, IFNβ released upon signaling through TLR7 may be a differentiator for the observed potency of CPMV-ISV. Additionally, CPMV induced a different temporal pattern of intratumoral cytokine generation characterized by significantly increased inflammatory cytokines 4 days after the second of 2 weekly treatments, as if CPMV induced a \"memory response\". This higher, longer-lasting induction of cytokines may be another key differentiator that explains the unique potency of CPMV-ISV.





