
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bacterial cell walls are gigadalton-large cross-linked polymers with a wide range of motional amplitudes, including rather rigid as well as highly flexible parts. Magic-angle spinning NMR is a powerful method to obtain atomic-level information about intact cell walls. Here we investigate sensitivity and information content of different homonuclear 13C13C and heteronuclear 1H15N, 1H13C and 15N13C correlation experiments. We demonstrate that a CPMAS CryoProbe yields ca. 8-fold increased signal-to-noise over a room-temperature probe, or a ca. 3-4-fold larger per-mass sensitivity. The increased sensitivity allowed to obtain high-resolution spectra even on intact bacteria. Moreover, we compare resolution and sensitivity of 1H MAS experiments obtained at 100 kHz vs. 55 kHz. Our study provides useful hints for choosing experiments to extract atomic-level details on cell-wall samples.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Six genes encoding putative high molecular weight penicillin-binding proteins (Pbp) are present in the genome of the β-lactam-resistant strain Corynebacterium jeikeium K411. In this study, we show that pbp2c, one of these six genes, is present in resistant strains of Corynebacteriaceae but absent from sensitive strains. The molecular study of the pbp2c locus from C. jeikeium and its heterologous expression in Corynebacterium glutamicum allowed us to show that Pbp2c confers high levels of β-lactam resistance to the host and is under the control of a β-lactam-induced regulatory system encoded by two adjacent genes, jk0410 and jk0411. The detection of this inducible resistance may require up to 48 h of incubation, particularly in Corynebacterium amycolatum. Finally, the Pbp2c-expressing strains studied were resistant to all the β-lactam antibiotics tested, including carbapenems, ceftaroline, and ceftobiprole.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Historically, the study of microbe-associated diseases has focused primarily on pathogens, guided by Koch\'s postulates. This pathogen-centric view has provided a mechanistic understanding of disease etiology and microbial pathogenesis. However, next-generation sequencing approaches have revealed a far more nuanced view of the roles various microbes play in disease, highlighting the importance of microbial diversity beyond individual pathogens. This broader perspective acknowledges the roles of host and microbial communities in disease development and resistance. In particular, the concept of dysbiosis, especially within the oral cavity, has gained attention for explaining the emergence of complex polymicrobial diseases. Such diseases often stem from resident microbes rather than foreign pathogens, complicating their treatment and even clouding our understanding of disease etiology. Oral health is maintained through a delicate balance between commensal microbes and the host, with diseases like caries and periodontal disease arising from pathogenic perturbations of this balance. Commensal microbes, such as certain streptococci and Corynebacterium spp., play crucial roles in maintaining oral health through mechanisms involving hydrogen peroxide production and membrane vesicle secretion, which can inhibit pathogenic species and modulate host immune responses. Recent research focused upon the mechanisms of molecular commensalism has expanded our understanding of these key functions of the commensal microbiome, demonstrating their central role in promoting oral health and preventing disease. These abilities represent a largely untapped reservoir of potential innovative strategies for disease prevention and management, emphasizing the need to bolster a symbiotic microbiome that inherently suppresses pathogenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many bacteria produce antimicrobial compounds such as lantibiotics to gain advantage in the competitive natural environments of microbiomes. Epilancins constitute an until now underexplored family of lantibiotics with an unknown ecological role and unresolved mode of action. We discovered production of an epilancin in the nasal isolate Staphylococcus epidermidis A37. Using bioinformatic tools, we found that epilancins are frequently encoded within staphylococcal genomes, highlighting their ecological relevance. We demonstrate that production of epilancin A37 contributes to Staphylococcus epidermidis competition specifically against natural corynebacterial competitors. Combining microbiological approaches with quantitative in vivo and in vitro fluorescence microscopy and cryo-electron tomography, we show that A37 enters the corynebacterial cytoplasm through a partially transmembrane-potential-driven uptake without impairing the cell membrane function. Upon intracellular aggregation, A37 induces the formation of intracellular membrane vesicles, which are heavily loaded with the compound and are essential for the antibacterial activity of the epilancin. Our work sheds light on the ecological role of epilancins for staphylococci mediated by a mode of action previously unknown for lantibiotics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Corynebacterium spp. are associated with respiratory infections in immunocompromised hosts. A link with bronchial complications after lung transplantation (LTx) has been suggested. We aimed to assess the link between respiratory sampling of Corynebacterium spp. and significant bronchial complication (SBC) after LTx. We performed a single center retrospective study. Inclusion of LTx recipients with at least one respiratory Corynebacterium spp. sample (July 2014 to December 2018). Subjects were matched to unexposed LTx recipients. Primary outcome was SBC occurrence after Corynebacterium spp. isolation. Secondary outcomes were Corynebacterium spp. persistent sampling, chronic lung allograft dysfunction (CLAD) onset and all-cause mortality. Fifty-nine patients with Corynebacterium spp. sampling with 59 without isolation were included. Corynebacterium spp. identification was not associated with SBC occurrence (32.4% vs. 21.6%, p = 0.342). Previous SBC was associated with further isolation of Corynebacterium spp. (OR 3.94, 95% CI [1.72-9.05]). Previous SBC and corticosteroids pulses in the last 3 months were the only factors associated with increased risk of Corynebacterium spp. isolation in multivariate analysis. Corynebacterium spp. sampling was significantly associated with CLAD onset (27.1% vs. 6.9%, p = 0.021). Corynebacterium spp. isolation was not associated with SBC but with higher risk of CLAD. Whether CLAD evolution is affected by Corynebacterium spp. eradication remains to be investigated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although Corynebacterium spp. can be regularly associated with subclinical and clinical mastitis cases in dairy cows, knowledge on their reservoirs in dairy farms is sparse. Therefore, samples were collected at 10 visits with 14 day intervals from bedding material (n = 50), drinking troughs (n = 20), different walking areas (n = 60), cow brushes (n = 8), fly traps (n = 4), the passage to pasture (n = 9) as well as milking liners (n = 80) and milker gloves (n = 20) in one dairy cow farm. Additionally, quarter foremilk samples from all lactating cows (approximately 200) were collected at each visit. All samples underwent microbiological examination and cultured isolates were identified using MALDI-TOF MS. Most Corynebacterium spp. that were cultivated from milk were also isolated from the housing environment and milking-related niches (C. amycolatum, C. confusum, C. stationis, C. variabile, C. xerosis) or from milking-related niches only (C. frankenforstense, C. pilosum, C. suicordis). C. bovis was not cultivated from any environmental niche, while being the dominant species in milk samples. This study demonstrates that many Corynebacterium spp. present in milk samples can also be isolated from the cows’ environment. For C. bovis, the most relevant Corynebacterium species with regard to intramammary infections, it indicates that environmental reservoirs are of little relevance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis is an important animal pathogen, which is also able to infect humans. An optimal treatment of infections with this pathogen is not available today and consequently, more research is necessary to understand the infection process. Here, we present a combined -omics and bioinformatics approach to characterize C. pseudotuberculosis 12CS0282. The genome sequence of strain 12CS0282 was determined, analyzed in comparison with the available 130 C. pseudotuberculosis sequences and used as a basis for proteome analyses. In a reverse vaccinology approach, putative vaccine and drug targets for 12CS0208 were identified. Mass spectrometry analyses revealed the presence of multiple virulence factors even without host contact. In macrophage interaction studies, C. pseudotuberculosis 12CS0282 was highly resistant against human phagocytes and even multiplied within human THP-1 cells. Taken together, the data indicate a high pathogenic potential of the strain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The physiological role of ubiquitous rhomboid proteases, membrane-integral proteins that cleave their substrates inside the lipid bilayer, is still ill-defined in many prokaryotes. The two rhomboid genes cg0049 and cg2767 of Corynebacterium glutamicum were mutated and it was the aim of this study to investigate consequences in respect to growth phenotype, stress resistance, transcriptome, proteome, and lipidome composition. Albeit increased amount of Cg2767 upon heat stress, its absence did not change the growth behavior of C. glutamicum during exponential and stationary phase. Quantitative shotgun mass spectrometry was used to compare the rhomboid mutant with wild type strain and revealed that proteins covering diverse cellular functions were differentially abundant with more proteins affected in the stationary than in the exponential growth phase. An observation common to both growth phases was a decrease in ribosomal subunits and RNA polymerase, differences in iron uptake proteins, and abundance changes in lipid and mycolic acid biosynthesis enzymes that suggested a functional link of rhomboids to cell envelope lipid biosynthesis. The latter was substantiated by shotgun lipidomics in the stationary growth phase, where in a strain-dependent manner phosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidic acid, diacylglycerol and phosphatidylinositol increased irrespective of cultivation temperature.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this species differentiation study of Corynebacterium spp. (C. spp.), quarter foremilk samples from 48 farms were included. These were obtained from both clinically healthy cows and those with clinical mastitis. First, all samples were examined cyto-microbiologically and all catalase-positive rods were differentiated using the direct transfer method in MALDI-TOF MS. C. bovis, C. amycolatum, C. xerosis, and five other species were identified with proportions of 90.1%, 7.7%, and 0.8% for the named species, respectively, and 1.4% for the remaining unnamed species. In addition, somatic cell count (SCC) was determined by flow cytometry. Based on this, the isolates were classified into four udder health groups: \"latent infection\", \"subclinical mastitis\", \"clinical mastitis\" and \"others\". Approximately 90% of isolates of C. bovis and C. amycolatum were from latently and subclinically infected quarters. Of the C. bovis isolates, 5.8% were obtained from milk samples from clinical mastitis, whereas C. amycolatum was not present in clinical mastitis. The distribution of groups in these two species differed significantly. The geometric mean SCC of all species combined was 76,000 SCC/mL, almost the same as the SCC of C. bovis. With 50,000 SCC/mL, the SCC of C. amycolatum was slightly below the SCC of C. bovis. Through the species-level detection and consideration of SCC performed here, it is apparent that individual species differ in terms of their pathogenicity. Overall, their classification as minor pathogens with an SCC increase is confirmed.






