Cortical layers

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The language network of the human brain has core components in the inferior frontal cortex and superior/middle temporal cortex, with left-hemisphere dominance in most people. Functional specialization and interconnectivity of these neocortical regions is likely to be reflected in their molecular and cellular profiles. Excitatory connections between cortical regions arise and innervate according to layer-specific patterns. Here, we generated a gene expression dataset from human postmortem cortical tissue samples from core language network regions, using spatial transcriptomics to discriminate gene expression across cortical layers. Integration of these data with existing single-cell expression data identified 56 genes that showed differences in laminar expression profiles between the frontal and temporal language cortex together with upregulation in layer II/III and/or layer V/VI excitatory neurons. Based on data from large-scale genome-wide screening in the population, DNA variants within these 56 genes showed set-level associations with interindividual variation in structural connectivity between the left-hemisphere frontal and temporal language cortex, and with the brain-related disorders dyslexia and schizophrenia which often involve affected language. These findings identify region-specific patterns of laminar gene expression as a feature of the brain\'s language network.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although the mammalian cerebral cortex is most often described as a hexalaminar structure, there are cortical areas (primary motor cortex) and species (elephants, cetaceans, and hippopotami), where a cytoarchitecturally indistinct, or absent, layer 4 is noted. Thalamocortical projections from the core, or first order, thalamic system terminate primarily in layers 4/inner 3. We explored the termination sites of core thalamocortical projections in cortical areas and in species where there is no cytoarchitecturally distinct layer 4 using the immunolocalization of vesicular glutamate transporter 2, a known marker of core thalamocortical axon terminals, in 31 mammal species spanning the eutherian radiation. Several variations from the canonical cortical column outline of layer 4 and core thalamocortical inputs were noted. In shrews/microchiropterans, layer 4 was present, but many core thalamocortical projections terminated in layer 1 in addition to layers 4 and inner 3. In primate primary visual cortex, the sublaminated layer 4 was associated with a specialized core thalamocortical projection pattern. In primate primary motor cortex, no cytoarchitecturally distinct layer 4 was evident and the core thalamocortical projections terminated throughout layer 3. In the African elephant, cetaceans, and river hippopotamus, no cytoarchitecturally distinct layer 4 was observed and core thalamocortical projections terminated primarily in inner layer 3 and less densely in outer layer 3. These findings are contextualized in terms of cortical processing, perception, and the evolutionary trajectory leading to an indistinct or absent cortical layer 4.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Data mining was performed at the databases of the Allen Institute for Brain Science (RRID:SCR_017001) searching for genes expressed selectively throughout the adult mouse mesocortex (transitional cortex ring predicted within the concentric ring theory of mammalian cortical structure, in contrast with central isocortex [ICx] and peripheral allocortex). We aimed to explore a shared molecular profile selective of all or most mesocortex areas. This approach checks and corroborates the precision of other previous definitory criteria, such as poor myelination and high kainate receptor level. Another aim was to examine which cortical areas properly belong to mesocortex. A total of 34 positive adult selective marker genes of mesocortex were identified, jointly with 12 negative selective markers, making a total of 46 markers. All of them identify the same set of cortical areas surrounding the molecularly different ICx as well as excluding adjacent allocortex. Four representative mesocortex markers-Crym, Lypd1, Cdh13, and Smoc2-are amply illustrated, jointly with complementary material including myelin basic protein, to check myelination, and Rorb, to check layer 4 presence. The retrosplenial (ReSp) area, long held to be mesocortical, does not share any of the 46 markers of mesocortex and instead expresses Nr4a2 and Tshz2, selective parahippocampal allocortex markers. Moreover, it is not hypomyelinic and lacks a Rorb-positive layer 4, aspects generally present in mesocortex. Exclusion of the ReSp area from the mesocortex ring reveals the latter to be closed at this locus instead by two adjacent areas previously thought to be associative visual ICx (reidentified here molecularly as postsplenial and parasplenial mesocortex areas). The concepts of ICx, mesocortex, and parahippocampal allocortex are thus subtly modified by substantial molecular evidence.






  • 文章类型: Historical Article
    The study of cortical cytoarchitectonics and the histology of the human cerebral cortex was pursued by many investigators in the second half of the nineteenth century, such as Jacob Lockhart Clarke, Theodor Meynert, and Vladimir Betz. Another of these pioneers, whose name has largely been lost to posterity, is considered here: Herbert Coddington Major (1850-1921). Working at the West Riding Asylum in Wakefield, United Kingdom, Major\'s thesis of 1875 described and illustrated six-layered cortical structure in both non-human primates and man, as well as \"giant nerve cells\" which corresponded to those cells previously described, but not illustrated, by Betz. Further journal publications by Major in 1876 and 1877 confirmed his finding of six cortical strata. However, Major\'s work was almost entirely neglected by his contemporaries, including his colleague and sometime pupil at the West Riding Asylum, William Bevan-Lewis (1847-1929), who later (1878) reported the presence of both pentalaminar and hexalaminar cortices. Bevan-Lewis\'s work was also later credited with the first illustration of Betz cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this novel large-scale multiplexed immunofluorescence study we comprehensively characterized and compared layer-specific proteomic features within regions of interest of the widely divergent dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (A46) and primary visual cortex (A17) of adult rhesus monkeys. Twenty-eight markers were imaged in rounds of sequential staining, and their spatial distribution precisely quantified within gray matter layers and superficial white matter. Cells were classified as neurons, astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, microglia, or endothelial cells. The distribution of fibers and blood vessels were assessed by quantification of staining intensity across regions of interest. This method revealed multivariate similarities and differences between layers and areas. Protein expression in neurons was the strongest determinant of both laminar and regional differences, whereas protein expression in glia was more important for intra-areal laminar distinctions. Among specific results, we observed a lower glia-to-neuron ratio in A17 than in A46 and the pan-neuronal markers HuD and NeuN were differentially distributed in both brain areas with a lower intensity of NeuN in layers 4 and 5 of A17 compared to A46 and other A17 layers. Astrocytes and oligodendrocytes exhibited distinct marker-specific laminar distributions that differed between regions; notably, there was a high proportion of ALDH1L1-expressing astrocytes and of oligodendrocyte markers in layer 4 of A17. The many nuanced differences in protein expression between layers and regions observed here highlight the need for direct assessment of proteins, in addition to RNA expression, and set the stage for future protein-focused studies of these and other brain regions in normal and pathological conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During navigation, the neocortex actively integrates learned spatial context with current sensory experience to guide behaviors. However, the relative encoding of spatial and sensorimotor information among cortical cells, and whether hippocampal feedback continues to modify these properties after learning, remains poorly understood. Thus, two-photon microscopy of male and female Thy1-GCaMP6s mice was used to longitudinally image neurons spanning superficial retrosplenial cortex and layers II-Va of primary and secondary motor cortices before and after bilateral dorsal hippocampal lesions. During behavior on a familiar cued treadmill, the locations of two obstacles were interchanged to decouple place-tuning from cue-tuning among position-correlated cells with fields at those locations. Subpopulations of place and cue cells each formed interareal gradients such that higher-level cortical regions exhibited higher fractions of place cells, whereas lower-level regions exhibited higher fractions of cue cells. Position-correlated cells in the motor cortex also formed translaminar gradients; more superficial cells were more likely to exhibit fields and were more sparsely and precisely tuned than deeper cells. After dorsal hippocampal lesions, a neural representation of the learned environment persisted, but retrosplenial cortex exhibited significantly increased cue-tuning, and, in motor cortices, both position-correlated cell recruitment and population activity at the unstable obstacle locations became more homogeneously elevated across laminae. Altogether, these results support that the hippocampus continues to modulate cortical responses in familiar environments, and the relative impact of descending feedback obeys hierarchical interareal and interlaminar gradients opposite to the flow of ascending sensory inputs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dopamine critically influences reward processing, sensory perception, and motor control. Yet, the modulation of dopaminergic signaling by sensory experiences is not fully delineated. Here, by manipulating sensory experience using bilateral single-row whisker deprivation, we demonstrated that gene transcription in the dopaminergic signaling pathway (DSP) undergoes experience-dependent plasticity in both granular and supragranular layers of the primary somatosensory (barrel) cortex (S1). Sensory experience and deprivation compete for the regulation of DSP transcription across neighboring cortical columns, and sensory deprivation-induced changes in DSP are topographically constrained. These changes in DSP extend beyond cortical map plasticity and influence neuronal information processing. Pharmacological regulation of D2 receptors, a key component of DSP, revealed that D2 receptor activation suppresses excitatory neuronal excitability, hyperpolarizes the action potential threshold, and reduces the instantaneous firing rate. These findings suggest that the dopaminergic drive originating from midbrain dopaminergic neurons, targeting the sensory cortex, is subject to experience-dependent regulation and might create a regulatory feedback loop for modulating sensory processing. Finally, using topological gene network analysis and mutual information, we identify the molecular hubs of experience-dependent plasticity of DSP. These findings provide new insights into the mechanisms by which sensory experience shapes dopaminergic signaling in the brain and might help unravel the sensory deficits observed after dopamine depletion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Selective attention is thought to depend on enhanced firing activity in extrastriate areas. Theories suggest that this enhancement depends on selective inter-areal communication via gamma (30-80 Hz) phase-locking. To test this, we simultaneously recorded from different cell types and cortical layers of macaque V1 and V4. We find that while V1-V4 gamma phase-locking between local field potentials increases with attention, the V1 gamma rhythm does not engage V4 excitatory-neurons, but only fast-spiking interneurons in L4 of V4. By contrast, attention enhances V4 spike-rates in both excitatory and inhibitory cells, most strongly in L2/3. The rate increase in L2/3 of V4 precedes V1 in time. These findings suggest enhanced signal transmission with attention does not depend on inter-areal gamma phase-locking and show that the endogenous gamma rhythm has cell-type- and layer-specific effects on downstream target areas. Similar findings were made in the mouse visual system, based on opto-tagging of identified interneurons.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The activity of neurons in sensory areas sometimes covaries with upcoming choices in decision-making tasks. However, the prevalence, causal origin, and functional role of choice-related activity remain controversial. Understanding the circuit-logic of decision signals in sensory areas will require understanding their laminar specificity, but simultaneous recordings of neural activity across the cortical layers in forced-choice discrimination tasks have not yet been performed. Here, we describe neural activity from such recordings in the auditory cortex of mice during a frequency discrimination task with delayed report, which, as we show, requires the auditory cortex. Stimulus-related information was widely distributed across layers but disappeared very quickly after stimulus offset. Choice selectivity emerged toward the end of the delay period-suggesting a top-down origin-but only in the deep layers. Early stimulus-selective and late choice-selective deep neural ensembles were correlated, suggesting that the choice-selective signal fed back to the auditory cortex is not just action specific but develops as a consequence of the sensory-motor contingency imposed by the task.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Non-invasive brain stimulation has the potential to boost neuronal plasticity in the primary motor cortex (M1), but it remains unclear whether the stimulation of both superficial and deep layers of the human motor cortex can effectively promote M1 plasticity. Here, we leveraged transcranial ultrasound stimulation (TUS) to precisely target M1 circuits at depths of approximately 5 mm and 16 mm from the cortical surface. Initially, we generated computed tomography images from each participant\'s individual anatomical magnetic resonance images (MRI), which allowed for the generation of accurate acoustic simulations. This process ensured that personalized TUS was administered exactly to the targeted depths within M1 for each participant. Using long-term depression and long-term potentiation (LTD/LTP) theta-burst stimulation paradigms, we examined whether TUS over distinct depths of M1 could induce LTD/LTP plasticity. Our findings indicated that continuous theta-burst TUS-induced LTD-like plasticity with both superficial and deep M1 stimulation, persisting for at least 30 min. In comparison, sham TUS did not significantly alter M1 excitability. Moreover, intermittent theta-burst TUS did not result in the induction of LTP- or LTD-like plasticity with either superficial or deep M1 stimulation. These findings suggest that the induction of M1 plasticity can be achieved with ultrasound stimulation targeting distinct depths of M1, which is contingent on the characteristics of TUS. KEY POINTS: The study integrated personalized transcranial ultrasound stimulation (TUS) with electrophysiology to determine whether TUS targeting superficial and deep layers of the human motor cortex (M1) could elicit long-term depression (LTD) or long-term potentiation (LTP) plastic changes. Utilizing acoustic simulations derived from individualized pseudo-computed tomography scans, we ensured the precision of TUS delivery to the intended M1 depths for each participant. Continuous theta-burst TUS targeting both the superficial and deep layers of M1 resulted in the emergence of LTD-like plasticity, lasting for at least 30 min. Administering intermittent theta-burst TUS to both the superficial and deep layers of M1 did not lead to the induction of LTP- or LTD-like plastic changes. We suggest that theta-burst TUS targeting distinct depths of M1 can induce plasticity, but this effect is dependent on specific TUS parameters.





