Coronal restoration

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Endodontic literature search revealed that no study has been conducted to evaluate the prevalence of apical periodontitis (AP) in root canal treated teeth from an adult Nepalese population of Madhesh Province. Consequently, little is known about the extent and risk factors associated with it. This study aimed to determine AP prevalence in root canal treated teeth from an adult Nepalese subpopulation and to analyze the related risk factors including age, sex, tooth type, type of coronal restoration and quality of root canal treatment and coronal restoration as predictors of AP.
    METHODS: Digital panoramic radiographs were evaluated. Periapical status of 300 root canal-treated teeth was scored by using the periapical index. The quality of root canal treatment and coronal restorations were categorized as adequate or inadequate through radiographic and clinical evaluation. The data were analyzed using univariate and multivariate logistic regression models.
    RESULTS: Prevalence of AP in the present study was 31.7%. In 45.7% of the treated teeth, quality of root canal treatment was adequate whereas 46% of the cases had adequate coronal restorations. Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed statistically significant associations and remarkably increased risk for AP in teeth with inadequate root canal treatment (odds ratio [OR] = 7.92; 95% CI: 3.96-15.82; p < 0.001) whereas lower risk for AP was found in females (OR = 0.51; 95% CI: 0.28-0.90; p = 0.021) and in teeth restored with crown (OR = 0.22; 95% CI: 0.09-0.51; p < 0.001) and filling (OR = 0.18; 95% CI: 0.08-0.42; p < 0.001). Quality of coronal restoration, tooth type and age of the patient were not found to be the predictors of AP.
    CONCLUSIONS: Within the limits of this study, a high prevalence of AP and poor overall quality of root canal treatment and coronal restoration was found in the subpopulation studied. Quality of root canal treatment, type of coronal restoration and sex of the patient are significant predictors of possible AP development in root canal treated teeth. Substantial efforts are needed to improve the endodontic treatment standards.






  • 文章类型: Randomized Controlled Trial
    This randomized, controlled clinical trial compares the clinical performance of glass-fibre and resorbable polylactic acid (PLA) intracanal posts used to restore carious primary incisors in young patients. The study sample includes 180 primary upper central incisors of 90 children aged 3 to 4 years. All patients were randomly divided into two equal groups of 45 children who received PLA and glass-fibre (GFP) intracanal posts. The clinical assessment of incisor restorations was carried out immediately upon completion and at months 3, 6 and 12 according to the following criteria: anatomical form, marginal adaptation, surface roughness, marginal pigmentation, colour match, secondary caries and contact point. The Gingival Index (GI), the Bleeding Index (Cowell modification; mBI), and bite force (BF) were measured. At the 3-month follow-up, the occlusal BF of patients who received PLA posts was higher than the baseline; the GI and mBI scores were lower, by contrast (p < 0.05). This tendency was even more pronounced 6 and 12 months after the restoration. The incidence of side effects or symptoms (apical inflammation, cervical fracture, loosening of the crown) after the PLA posts was significantly lower than after the GFP (p < 0.05). No statistically significant differences were present between the two groups with respect to colour matching, anatomical form, marginal adaptation, marginal pigmentation, surface roughness, occlusal contact and secondary caries. Based on the results, applying PLA intracanal posts and cyanoacrylate to residual anterior crowns in young children can improve their gingival health, reduce side effects, and increase the likelihood of successful restoration.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    It is a fact reported in the literature that the first permanent molar is the most frequently decayed tooth. Our treatment choice is based mainly on two clinical criteria: the degree of coronal decay and the damage to the pulp tissue. In the absence of pulp tissue necrosis, the following therapeutic gradient: indirect pulp capping, direct pulp capping, partial pulpotomy, cameral pulpotomy should be implemented with the objective of maintaining pulp vitality regardless the degree of maturity of the molar.
    In the case of pulp tissue necrosis, if the tooth is immature, stopping root construction and apical closure requires an apexification or endodontic regeneration technique. The prognosis of these necrotic teeth remains uncertain in the medium and long term (risk of fractures). This raises the question of the indication for avulsion of the first permanent molar (FPM).
    The main objectives of this article are to present the means of conservation and their limits.
    The decision to retain a FPM is based on several criteria, including assessment of pulpal status (which remains problematic, especially on immature permanent teeth) and the feasibility of coronal restoration. The decision to retain or extract a FPM must be the subject of a multidisciplinary discussion between a paediatric dental surgeon and a specialist qualified in dentofacial orthopaedics.
    C’est un fait rapporté dans la littérature : la première molaire permanente est la dent la plus fréquemment délabrée. Notre choix thérapeutique repose principalement sur deux critères cliniques : le degré de délabrement coronaire et l’atteinte du tissu pulpaire. En l’absence de nécrose du tissu pulpaire, le gradient thérapeutique suivant : coiffage pulpaire indirect, coiffage pulpaire direct, pulpotomie partielle, pulpotomie camérale doit être mis en œuvre avec pour objectif de maintenir la vitalité pulpaire quel que soit le degré de maturité de la molaire.
    En cas de nécrose du tissu pulpaire, si la dent est immature, l’arrêt de l’édification radiculaire et de la fermeture apicale requiert une technique d’apexification ou de régénération endodontique. Or le pronostic de ces dents nécrosées reste incertain à moyen et long termes (risque de fractures). Se pose alors la question de l’indication d’avulsion de la première molaire permanente (PMP).
    Les principaux objectifs de cet article sont de présenter les moyens de conservation et leurs limites.
    La décision de conservation d’une PMP repose sur plusieurs critères dont l’évaluation du statut pulpaire (qui reste problématique, surtout sur dent permanente immature) et la faisabilité de la restauration coronaire. La décision de conserver ou d’extraire une PMP doit faire l’objet d’une discussion pluridisciplinaire entre chirurgien-dentiste pédiatrique et spécialiste qualifié en orthopédie dento-faciale.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The study evaluated the influence of coronal restoration after pulpotomy on the strength of electrical stimulus reaching the radicular pulp using an electric pulp test (EPT).
    UNASSIGNED: The pulp tissue from ten freshly extracted mandibular premolar teeth was removed and replaced with an electroconductive gel. The cathode probe of Powerlab was inserted into the pulp space and the anode probe was attached to the EPT handpiece. The EPT probe coated with electro-conducting material was positioned in the middle third of the buccal crown surface. The EPT stimulus reaching the pulp space of an intact tooth at 40 numerical readings was recorded. The tooth was removed from model and endodontic access was made. The 2-mm thick mineral trioxide aggregate was placed at the cementoenamel junction followed by composite resin restoration. The experimental setup was re-established and postpulpotomy EPT stimulus data were recorded. The data collected were compared using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test.
    UNASSIGNED: There was a statistically significant difference (P = 0.038) between observed between the strength of EPT stimulus reaching the pulp space in prepulpotomy (mean 91.18 ± 101.02 V and median 25.79 V) and postpulpotomy (mean 58.49 ± 77.13 V and median 13.75 V) tooth samples.
    UNASSIGNED: The placement of the restoration and pulp capping agent after pulpotomy dampens the strength of EPT stimulus reaching the pulp canal space.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study investigated the effect of different coronal restorations on the fracture resistance (FR) of immature teeth with simulated regenerative endodontic treatment. A total of 120 lower premolars were divided into eight groups. Except for negative control, the root canals were instrumented with rotary files and Peeso reamers. Fifteen instrumented teeth were acted as positive control (unrestorated). In the remaining 90 teeth, regenerative endodontic treatment procedures were performed. Ninety teeth were randomly divided into 6 groups according to coronal restoration type; Filtek Z550, Filtek Bulk fill Restorative (FBR), SDR+Filtek Z550, EverX+Filtek Z550, Ribbond+FBR and Ribbond+SDR+Filtek Z550. After thermal ageing, the restorated teeth were subjected to vertical loading force. FR values was obtained as follows: Negative control > Ribbond+FBR = Ribbond+SDR+Filtek Z550 > Filtek Z550 = FBR =SDR+Filtek Z550 = EverX+Filtek Z550 > Positive control, (P < 0.05). The use of Ribbond in combination with composite resin enhanced the FR of teeth.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to describe the pattern of coronal restoration use among different dental specialties after root canal obturation in two governmental hospitals in Riyadh.
    METHODS: Electronic dental records at King Abdul-Aziz Medical City and University Dental Hospital were reviewed. Teeth that underwent initial root canal treatment on a permanent tooth for obturation using gutta-percha between April 2019 and June 2019 were included. The collected data included the type of material used for coronal restoration after RCT, immediate post-space preparation, cotton pellet placement, the clinical title and specialty of the treating physician, and the center where treatment was performed. Excel was used for data collection. IBM SPSS was used for descriptive and interferential analyses.
    RESULTS: A total of 763 patients were included in the study, in which the double seal technique was used in 56% of the patients, followed by Cavit, which was used in approximately 17% of the patients. Post space was prepared immediately after root canal treatment in 49 patients, and only 17 teeth received the final post, whereas post space was temporized for the rest of the prepared teeth and received the final post at the following visits. Significant relations were found between the type of material used and the clinical title of the treating physician and between the material of choice and the specialty of the dentist. The double seal was the technique of choice among endodontists and restorative dentists, whereas advanced general dentists frequently used Cavit. The least used materials were IRM, amalgam, and Ketac Silver.
    CONCLUSIONS: The double seal technique was found to be the most commonly used method to achieve a coronal seal, followed by Cavit. Other materials used after RCT, in sequential order based on the frequency of use, were GIC, temporary crowns, resin composite, RMGIC, prefabricated post with composite buildup, IRM, amalgam, and Ketac Silver.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate radiographically the quality of root canal fillings performed by undergraduate students between 2012 and 2015, and to investigate the impact of their quality in correlation with root type, preoperative periapical status, and type of restorative treatment on the treatment outcome.
    METHODS: Six hundred seventy-seven non-surgical root canal treatments were performed by undergraduate students from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki at the endodontic department clinics between 2012 and 2015. Two hundred forty-four teeth (349 roots) fulfilled the criteria and were clinically and radiographically re-examined between 2016 and 2017, and the outcome was classified as \"success\" or \"failure.\" Root canal fillings were radiographically evaluated in terms of apical extension and density. The root filling was classified as acceptable when both parameters were rated as acceptable. Statistical analysis was performed using generalized estimating equations. Pairwise comparisons were performed by the sequential Bonferroni method. Intra-examiner and inter-examiner agreements were checked by the intraclass correlation coefficient and Cohen\'s kappa. The statistical significance level was set at P<0.05.
    RESULTS: The percentage of the roots with acceptable root canal fillings was 40.4%. The molar roots demonstrated the lowest rate (30.7%) compared with the anterior (53%, P<0.05) and premolar teeth (43%, P>0.05). The results of the correlation of the quality of the root canal fillings with the root type, preoperative periapical status, type of coronal restoration, and the treatment outcome showed that the unacceptable quality of root canal filling in relation to root or presence of periapical lesion or crown revealed the lowest success rates (47.2%, 40.3%, and 52.3%, respectively). In contrast, results showed that roots with canal fillings of acceptable quality demonstrated success rates close to 90%, regardless of the other variables.
    CONCLUSIONS: Within the limitations of the present study, the percentage of radiographically acceptable root canal fillings performed in the undergraduate clinic of the Department of Endodontology at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki was low (40.4%). Results showed that there was a strong association of higher success rates with root fillings of acceptable quality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Every orthograde endodontic procedure requires restoration of the coronal (access) cavity. The specific type of treatment used in individual cases greatly depends on the amount and configuration of the residual coronal tooth structure. In practice there are Class I access cavities as well as coronally severely damaged, even decapitated, teeth and all conceivable manifestations in between. The latest attempts to review results from clinical trials to answer the question of whether post placement or crowning can be recommended for the restoration of endodontically treated teeth or not are inconclusive. For dental practitioners, this is not a satisfactory result. This appraisal evaluates available evidence and trends for coronal restoration of single endodontically treated teeth with a focus on clinical investigations, where available. It provides specific recommendations for their coronal restoration to assist clinicians in their decision making and treatment planning.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this article was to propose guidelines for dental practitioners facing the dilemma whether to treat, follow up, or disregard random asymptomatic radiographic findings.
    METHODS: Searches performed in MEDLINE, Cochrane, and EMBASE databases were followed by a manual search. Related data incorporated by experts included recommendations on asymptomatic root canal treatment, quality of the root canal, and restoration relative to outcome. Evidence tables were developed following quality and inclusion criteria assessment.
    RESULTS: The initial search retrieved 2,796 MEDLINE, 542 EMBASE, and 152 Cochrane articles, for a total of 3,490 potential articles. After duplicates were removed, 2,946 articles remained. Articles not related to the topic and not meeting eligibility criteria were excluded, resulting in 44 studies included in this scoping review.
    CONCLUSIONS: The proposed guidelines provide easy access to existing information in endodontics. The findings are common and possess clinical and medico-legal importance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objective: The tooth weakens due to removal of hard tissue during an endodontic procedure. Many dentists find it difficult to choose between different coronal restorations after root canal treatment (RCT). Studies show that the coronal restoration may affect the endodontic prognosis. This student-based study had three aims. (1) Examine the choice of coronal restoration of endodontically treated teeth at a Scandinavian dental school, (2) examine the survival of these restorations and (3) evaluate the influence of the coronal restoration on the outcome of the RCT. Material and methods: Radiographic and clinical examination was performed on 127 posterior teeth. The quality of the root canal treatment and the periapical status (PAI-index) were evaluated. Results: 43.8% of the teeth were restored with an indirect coronal restoration and 47.2% with a direct coronal restoration. The period from finished root canal treatment until placement of a permanent coronal restoration was significantly longer for an indirect restoration than a direct restoration. The teeth treated with a PAI score of 1 and 2 following pulpectomy, necrotic pulp treatment and endodontic retreatment was 93.8%, 82.6% and 69.4%, respectively.Conclusion: There was no significant association between choice of coronal restoration and PAI-score.





