
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We strongly advocate distinguishing cooperativity from cooperativity-induced effects. From the MOWeD-based approach, the origin of all-body cooperativity is synonymous with physics- and quantum-based processes of electron (e) delocalization throughout water clusters. To this effect, over 10 atom-pairs contribute to the total e-density at a BCP(H,O) between water molecules in a tetramer. Intermolecular all-body e-delocalization, that is, cooperativity, is an energy-minimizing process that fully explains non-additive increase in stability of a water molecule in clusters with an increase in their size. A non-linear change in cooperativity and cooperativity-induced effects, such as (i) structural (e.g., a change in d(O,O)) or topological intra- and intermolecular properties in water clusters (e.g., electron density or potential energy density at bond critical points) is theoretically reproduced by the proposed expression. It predicted the limiting value of delocalized electrons by a H2O molecule in homodromic cyclic clusters to be 1.58e. O-atoms provide the vast majority of electrons that \"travel throughout a cluster predominantly on a privileged exchange quantum density highway\" (⋅⋅⋅O-H⋅⋅⋅O-H⋅⋅⋅O-H⋅⋅⋅) using Bader\'s classical bond paths as density bridges linking water molecules. There are, however, additional electron exchange channels that are not seen on molecular graphs as bond paths. A 3D visual representation of the \"privileged\" and \"additional\" exchange channels as well as detailed intra- and inter-molecular patterns of e-sharing and (de)localizing is presented. The energy stabilizing contribution made by three O-atoms of neighboring water molecules was found to be large (-597 kcal/mol in cyclic hexamer) and 5 times more significant than that of a classical O-H⋅⋅⋅O intermolecular H-bond.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Three thienopyrrole-fused thiadiazole (TPT) fluorescent dyes featuring a common amide linker and different alkoxy substituents on peripheral trialkoxybenzene moieties were synthesized, and their self-assembly behavior in solution was investigated. The obtained results revealed a substantial steric effect of the alkoxy substituents on the supramolecular polymerization mechanism, which results from a combination of π-stacking and hydrogen (H)-bonding interactions. Detailed spectroscopic measurements revealed that with increasing steric demand of the substituents, the supramolecular polymerization processes in pure methylcyclohexane (MCH) or a mixture of MCH and toluene become temperature-sensitive and enthalpically favorable, resulting in a change from the isodesmic assembly mechanism to the cooperative mechanism. Theoretical calculations suggested that in TPTs with bulky substituents, steric hindrance causes the H-bonding array of the amide moieties to be aligned along the stacking axis of the π-systems; thus, the H-bonding interactions are strengthened compared to those in TPTs with less bulky substituents, compensating for the weakened π-stacking interactions. A chiral TPT derivative with (S) stereogenic centers was found to form homochiral helical supramolecular assemblies that generate discernible circularly polarized luminescence. Achiral TPTs also generate helical assemblies to which preferential helicity can be imparted through the external chiral bias of the solvents (R)- and (S)-limonene.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We have synthesized a one-pot, three-component pyran-based fluorescence chemosensor using onion extract as a green catalyst. The confirmed structure of the 1:2 binding of receptor SPR-2-picric acid adduct revealed that the pyran-based receptor accommodated two guest picric acid molecules through non-covalent interactions. UV-Vis and fluorescence spectroscopy show high selectivity and sensitivity towards picric acid. The 1D/2D NMR and Job\'s plot analysis show the complexation and stoichiometric binding of the receptor SPR-2 with picric acid are 1:2. The 1H NMR spectral studies confirm that the formation of receptor SPR-2-picric acid adduct via weak hydrogen bonding. The cooperativity of the receptor SPR-2-picric acid adduct shows negative cooperativity due to the weak hydrogen bonding of receptor SPR-2 and picric acid. Further, the density functional theory (DFT) confirmed the molecular level interaction of the SPR-2 and receptor SPR-2-Picric acid adduct. The receptor was effectively used to assess picric acid concentrations in real water samples.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Two retinal transcription factors, cone-rod homeobox (CRX) and neural retina leucine zipper (NRL), cooperate functionally and physically to control photoreceptor development and homeostasis. Mutations in CRX and NRL cause severe retinal diseases. Despite the roles of NRL and CRX, insight into their functions at the molecular level is lacking. Here, we have solved the crystal structure of the CRX homeodomain in complex with its cognate response element (Ret4) from the rhodopsin proximal promoter region. The structure reveals an unexpected 2:1 stoichiometry of CRX/Ret4 and unique orientation of CRX molecules on DNA, and it explains the mechanisms of pathogenic mutations in CRX. Mutations R41Q and E42K disrupt the CRX protein-protein contacts based on the structure and reduce the CRX/Ret4 binding stoichiometry, suggesting a novel disease mechanism. Furthermore, we show that NRL alters the stoichiometry and increases affinity of CRX binding at the rhodopsin promoter, which may enhance transcription of rod-specific genes and suppress transcription of cone-specific genes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The manganese transport regulator (MntR) from B. subtilis is a dual regulatory protein that responds to heightened Mn2+ availability in the cell by both repressing the expression of uptake transporters and activating the expression of efflux proteins. Recent work indicates that, in its role as an activator, MntR binds several sites upstream of the genes encoding Mn2+ exporters, leading to a cooperative response to manganese. Here, we use cryo-EM to explore the molecular basis of gene activation by MntR and report a structure of four MntR dimers bound to four 18-base pair sites across an 84-base pair regulatory region of the mneP promoter. Our structures, along with solution studies including mass photometry and in vivo transcription assays, reveal that MntR dimers employ polar and non-polar contacts to bind cooperatively to an array of low-affinity DNA-binding sites. These results reveal the molecular basis for cooperativity in the activation of manganese efflux.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In uncertain environments, phenotypic diversity can be advantageous for survival. However, as the environmental uncertainty decreases, the relative advantage of having diverse phenotypes decreases. Here, we show how populations of E. coli integrate multiple chemical signals to adjust sensory diversity in response to changes in the prevalence of each ligand in the environment. Measuring kinase activity in single cells, we quantified the sensitivity distribution to various chemoattractants in different mixtures of background stimuli. We found that when ligands bind uncompetitively, the population tunes sensory diversity to each signal independently, decreasing diversity when the signal\'s ambient concentration increases. However, among competitive ligands, the population can only decrease sensory diversity one ligand at a time. Mathematical modeling suggests that sensory diversity tuning benefits E. coli populations by modulating how many cells are committed to tracking each signal proportionally as their prevalence changes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Regulatory cystathionine β-synthase (CBS) domains are widespread in proteins; however, difficulty in structure determination prevents a comprehensive understanding of the underlying regulation mechanism. Tetrameric microbial inorganic pyrophosphatase containing such domains (CBS-PPase) is allosterically inhibited by AMP and ADP and activated by ATP and cell alarmones diadenosine polyphosphates. Each CBS-PPase subunit contains a pair of CBS domains but binds cooperatively to only one molecule of the mono-adenosine derivatives. We used site-directed mutagenesis of Desulfitobacterium hafniense CBS-PPase to identify the key elements determining the direction of the effect (activation or inhibition) and the \"half-of-the-sites\" ligand binding stoichiometry. Seven amino acid residues were selected in the CBS1 domain, based on the available X-ray structure of the regulatory domains, and substituted by alanine and other residues. The interaction of 11 CBS-PPase variants with the regulating ligands was characterized by activity measurements and isothermal titration calorimetry. Lys100 replacement reversed the effect of ADP from inhibition to activation, whereas Lys95 and Gly118 replacements made ADP an activator at low concentrations but an inhibitor at high concentrations. Replacement of these residues for alanine increased the stoichiometry of mono-adenosine phosphate binding by twofold. These findings identified several key protein residues and suggested a \"two non-interacting pairs of interacting regulatory sites\" concept in CBS-PPase regulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Physical properties of biological membranes directly or indirectly govern biological processes. Yet, the interplay between membrane and integral membrane proteins is difficult to assess due to reciprocal effects between membrane proteins, individual lipids, and membrane architecture. Using solid-state NMR (SSNMR) we previously showed that KirBac1.1, a bacterial Inward-Rectifier K+ channel, nucleates bilayer ordering and microdomain formation through tethering anionic lipids. Conversely, these lipids cooperatively bind cationic residues to activate the channel and initiate K+ flux. The mechanistic details governing the relationship between cooperative lipid loading and bilayer ordering are, however, unknown. To investigate, we generated KirBac1.1 samples with different concentrations of 13C-lableded phosphatidyl glycerol (PG) lipids and acquired a full suite of SSNMR 1D temperature series experiments using the ordered all-trans (AT) and disordered trans-gauche (TG) acyl conformations as markers of bilayer dynamics. We observed increased AT ordered signal, decreased TG disordered signal, and increased bilayer melting temperature with increased PG concentration. Further, we identified cooperativity between ordering and direct binding of PG lipids, indicating KirBac1.1-driven bilayer ordering and microdomain formation is a classically cooperative Hill-type process driven by and predicated upon direct binding of PG lipids. Our results provide unique mechanistic insight into how proteins and lipids in tandem contribute to supramolecular bilayer heterogeneity in the lipid membrane.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spin transition (ST) materials are attractive for developing photoswitchable devices, but their slow material transformations limit device applications. Size reduction could enable faster switching, but the photoinduced dynamics at the nanoscale remains poorly understood. Here, we report a femtosecond optical pump multimodal X-ray probe study of polymeric nanorods. Simultaneously tracking the ST order parameter with X-ray emission spectroscopy and structure with X-ray diffraction, we observe photodoping of the low-spin-lattice within ∼150 fs. Above a ∼16% photodoping threshold, the transition to the high-spin phase occurs following an incubation period assigned to vibrational energy redistribution within the nanorods activating the molecular spin switching. Above ∼60% photodoping, the incubation period disappears, and the transition completes within ∼50 ps, preceded by the elastic nanorod expansion in response to the photodoping. These results support the feasibility of ST material-based GHz optical switching applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Voltage-gated ion channels play an important role in generating action potential in neurons. These ion channels are found to be in localized cluster form on the axonal membrane surface and behave cooperatively. However, in Hodgkin & Huxley\'s model of action potential the ion channels are considered to function independently. According to some recent reports, the activity of an ion channel is influenced by the neighboring ion channels\' activities. We have modified the Hodgkin-Huxley\'s model based on our previous studies on cooperativity among ion channels. Computational analysis of the proposed model shows that the initiation of the action potential, amplitude and hyperpolarization are affected significantly by the cooperative interactions among the voltage-gated ion channels present on the axonal membrane surface. These results are qualitatively supported by the existing experimental facts.





