Continental shelf

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Weakfish (Cynoscion regalis) is not federally managed but feeds on species of management and ecological interest. We examined the trophic ecology of weakfish in Chesapeake Bay and the coastal and offshore waters of the eastern United States. For these areas, we determined the dominant prey of weakfish; identified how much diet variation was explained by the factors: season, size class, and year; and quantified prey biomass removed by weakfish from 2007 to 2019. In general, diet composition was mostly dominated by Engraulidae, Osteichthyes (bony fishes), and Mysidacea, and significantly varied by season and size class in Chesapeake Bay and coastal waters, although this was less dramatic in Chesapeake Bay. The total amount of variance explained by the three factors was 23.1% (Chesapeake Bay) and 14.7% (coastal waters), with year not being a significant factor in explaining weakfish diet variation for these areas. Weakfish total prey biomass removal occurred primarily in coastal waters in the fall and small size class (annual mean: approximately 41,038 t; maximum: approximately 63,793 t). Highly opportunistic feeders, weakfish cannibalism also played an essential part of their diet. These results have implications for fisheries and ecosystem management of weakfish when considering ecological interactions in regulatory approaches, such as recruitment and cannibalism, competition with federally managed fishes, and the natural mortality of their prey.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Picophytoplankton are a ubiquitous component of marine plankton communities and are expected to be favored by global increases in seawater temperature and stratification associated with climate change. Eukaryotic and prokaryotic picophytoplankton have distinct ecology, and global models predict that the two groups will respond differently to future climate scenarios. At a nearshore observatory on the Northeast US Shelf, however, decades of year-round monitoring have shown these two groups to be highly synchronized in their responses to environmental variability. To reconcile the differences between regional and global predictions for picophytoplankton dynamics, we here investigate the picophytoplankton community across the continental shelf gradient from the nearshore observatory to the continental slope. We analyze flow cytometry data from 22 research cruises, comparing the response of picoeukaryote and Synechococcus communities to environmental variability across time and space. We find that the mechanisms controlling picophytoplankton abundance differ across taxa, season, and distance from shore. Like the prokaryote, Synechococcus, picoeukaryote division rates are limited nearshore by low temperatures in winter and spring, and higher temperatures offshore lead to an earlier spring bloom. Unlike Synechococcus, picoeukaryote concentration in summer decreases dramatically in offshore surface waters and exhibits deeper subsurface maxima. The offshore picoeukaryote community appears to be nutrient limited in the summer and subject to much greater loss rates than Synechococcus. This work both produces and demonstrates the necessity of taxon- and site-specific knowledge for accurately predicting the responses of picophytoplankton to ongoing environmental change.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The machairodontine felid Homotherium achieved a global geographic distribution throughout much of the Pleistocene. Accordingly, that large carnivore is important for understanding patterns of community composition. We report on a new record of Homotherium based on a fragmentary premaxilla-maxilla discovered on McFaddin Beach, Texas, along the Gulf of Mexico. Skeletal remains of extinct, Pleistocene vertebrates accumulate on McFaddin Beach. Those fossils appear to originate from submerged deposits on the continental shelf in the Gulf of Mexico, an area that was subaerially exposed in the Late Pleistocene during glacial intervals. Marine erosion and transport altered the externally visible morphology of the current specimen, obscuring and/or damaging taxonomically informative details of the preserved dentition. However, high-resolution X-ray computed tomography revealed diagnostic portions of the unerupted crown of an upper canine within its alveolus. The serrated edges of the canine combined with the position of the incisors demonstrate that the specimen from McFaddin Beach represents a species of Homotherium. That specimen is the latest in a larger sample of Homotherium in Texas that spans most of the Pliocene-Pleistocene. This is the first occurrence of Homotherium from the continental shelf of the Gulf Coast. That landscape may have formed a broad subtropical Gulf Coast corridor that facilitated the dispersal of Neotropical taxa along the coast between Texas and Florida. The associated fauna from McFaddin Beach contains Neotropical mammals common to southern Texas and Florida and indicates that Homotherium was a member of the fauna inhabiting the Gulf Coast corridor during the Late Pleistocene.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eolian dust and riverine discharge are identified as two key components of terrestrial input to the oceans. They supply micronutrients to the oceans and modify marine carbon biogeochemistry and global climate through dust-land-ocean interactions. However, it is challenging to accurately constrain regional terrestrial inputs in the past, with currently available models and geochemical proxies. The present study utilizes sedimentary wtCaCO3% records to estimate lithogenic fluxes. The depth-dependance of CaCO3 preservation in the Holocene and Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) sediments in two major basins of the tropical Northeast Atlantic Ocean is described using a carbonate dissolution model. Results show that during the LGM, reduced dust deposition and slight drops of fluvial input are found in the Canary Basin and Cape Verde margins, respectively. To supplement, carbonate deposition during the LGM indicates that the deep subtropical Northeast Atlantic is seized by more sluggish deep waters relative to today.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inland and offshore sediments from Southern Italy were studied in order to evaluate the occurrence and nature of microplastics (MPs). Inland sediments were collected in the Bradano and Basento rivers (Apulo-Lucanian region, Southern Italy), while offshore sediments were collected on the continental shelf near Bari (Adriatic Sea) and Metaponto (Ionian Sea). MPs were detected and characterized using optical microscopy, micro-Fourier-Transform Infrared spectroscopy (μ-FTIR) and micro-Raman analyses. The number of MPs present varied between 144 and 1246 kg-1 of dry sediment (468.8 ± 410,7 MPs kg-1) with a predominance of black fibers; no correlation emerged between MPs and sediment grain size. In river sediments, the occurrence of MPs is associated with local pollution, whereas the offshore occurrence of MPs depends on seasonal river flow and submarine canyons. Compositional analyses suggest that the main source of MPs in the studied sediments is sewage discharge from residential areas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: This dataset contributes to the knowledge of macro- and megafaunal Mollusca associated with a range of benthic habitat types in the South Orkney Islands, Antarctica, an exceptionally diverse region of the Southern Ocean. The information presented is derived from Agassiz trawl samples collected on the archipelago\'s shelf plateau and slope, within and outside of the South Orkney Islands Southern Shelf Marine Protected Area (SOISS MPA). Sampling was conducted in the framework of the British Antarctic Survey/SCAR \"South Orkneys - State of the Antarctic Ecosystem\" (SO-AntEco) project aboard RRS James Clark Ross during expedition JR15005 in Austral summer 2016. This dataset is published by the British Antarctic Survey under the licence CC-BY 4.0. We would appreciate it if you could follow the guidelines from the SCAR Data Policy (SCAR 2023) when using the data. If you have any questions regarding this dataset, do not hesitate to contact us via the contact information provided in the metadata or via Issues with the dataset can be reported at This dataset is part of the Biodiversity, Evolution and Adaptation Project of the Environmental Change and Evolution Program of the British Antarctic Survey. The cruise report of the expedition is available at
    UNASSIGNED: We report occurrences of Mollusca from individual samples taken with a 2 m-wide Agassiz trawl (AGT) in the framework of the February - March 2016 research expedition JR15005 of RRS James Clark Ross to the SOISS MPA and adjacent shelf and slope areas. Of 78 successful AGT deployments, 44 trawls at depths ranging from 235-2194 m yielded living Mollusca, totalling 2276 individuals, 67 morphospecies and 163 distributional records. One hundred and fifteen empty shells were also collected and recorded in the dataset. Three morphospecies (one Bivalvia and two Gastropoda) were sampled exclusively as empty shells, yielding a total of 70 morphospecies and 2391 specimens represented in the dataset. All specimens were preserved in 96% undenatured ethanol and are stored as vouchers in the collections of the British Antarctic Survey (BAS), Cambridge, United Kingdom. The publication of this dataset aims at increasing the knowledge on the biodiversity, abundance and geographical and bathymetric distribution of larger-sized epi- and shallow infaunal Mollusca of the South Orkney Islands.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study examines the simultaneous water-atmosphere exchange of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) on the continental shelf of the Gulf of Cadiz, as well as the effect it has in terms of the radiative balance in the atmosphere, between 2014 and 2016. The experimental database consists of new measurements of the spatial and seasonal distribution of CO2 partial pressure (pCO2) and N2O concentration in 2016. pCO2 shows a wide range of variation influenced mainly by seasonal thermal variations (8.0 μatm 0C-1), as well as with the relative intensity of biological activity. There is experimental evidence of a progressive increase of pCO2 over the last 2 decades, with an estimated gradient of 4.2 ± 0.7 μatm y-1. During 2016, the Gulf of Cadiz acted as a slight source of CO2 to the atmosphere, with a mean flux of 0.4 ± 2.2 mmol m-2 d-1. The analysis of concentration variations in the water column shows that nitrification is the main N2O production process in the study area, although in the more coastal zone there are signs of inputs related to continental and sediment contributions, most probably induced by denitrification processes. In 2016, the Gulf of Cadiz acted as a weak sink of atmospheric N2O, with a mean flux of -0.1 ± 0.9 μmol m-2 d-1. From previous studies, performed with a similar methodology, an interannual database (2014-2016) of water-atmosphere fluxes of CO2, CH4 and N2O, normalized to the mean wind speed in the area, has been generated. Considering their respective Global Warming Potential (GWP) a joint greenhouse gasses (GHG) flux, expressed in CO2 equivalents of 0.6 ± 2.0 mmol m-2 d-1, has been estimated, which extended to the area of study indicates an approximate emission of 67.9 Gg CO2 y-1. However, although there is a high uncertainty associated with the spatial, temporal and interannual variations of CO2, CH4 and N2O fluxes in the Gulf of Cadiz, the exchange of greenhouse gasses could be influencing a radiative forcing increase in the atmosphere. When considering the available information on local and global estimates, the uncertainty about the effect of the joint exchange of GHGs to the atmosphere from the coastal seas increases significantly.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Indian Ocean (IO) continental shelf characterized by unique oceanographic and meteorological features and extreme habitat is a biodiversity hotspot region. Marine biodiversity provides valuable resources and services, in terms of economy, cultural, science, and education. Unsustainable exploitation and habitat degradation represent the greatest threat to biodiversity. Understanding how these services will change in the future requires knowledge of marine biodiversity. Although macrofaunal biodiversity is critical for the functioning of shelf systems, it has received much less attention, particularly in the IO, mainly due to logistics reasons precluding our ability to predict future changes. Here, we discuss the state of knowledge of macrofaunal ecology, to identify the knowledge gaps, which will allow for setting research priorities. The new framework in research synthesis, research weaving, that combines systematic mapping with bibliometric analysis was applied. The research weaving approach helps illustrate the evolution of research over time and identifies areas of current research interests and the performance of institutions and collaboration patterns. Data retrieved from the Web of Science were analyzed in the R and VOS Viewer software. The results highlight how macrofaunal research in IO is constrained by spatial and temporal scales, with the majority of studies focused on structural patterns. Moreover, most studies were conducted in a few countries (India, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and South Africa) using different sampling techniques hindering comparison within the IO habitats. Future studies investigating the macrofaunal community using a multidisciplinary approach and scientific collaboration (regional and international) can advance our efforts to close the marine biodiversity knowledge gaps.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microplastics are ubiquitous emerging contaminants found in every habitat surveyed, building upon international databases globally. Costs and accessibility often correlate to few deep sea sediment surveys, restricting the number of stations within a given sampling area. An extensive survey of the Porcupine Seabight, Porcupine Bank, the Goban Spur, and south-western canyons resulted in identifying microplastics in deep sea sediment surface layers from 33 of the 44 stations sampled (75%), with a total of 83 particles (74 synthetic and 9 natural) recorded. No microplastic hotspots were identified, and abundances (kg d.w.-1) were not correlated with distance from land, depth, or the presence of macrolitter on the seafloor. Understanding the sources of deep sea microplastics, such as marine traffic, is crucial to developing effective mitigation strategies as well as further monitoring campaigns targeting microplastic pollution in areas with significant deep sea biodiversity such as the Porcupine Seabright.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ice shelves cover ~1.6 million km2 of the Antarctic continental shelf and are sensitive indicators of climate change. With ice-shelf retreat, aphotic marine environments transform into new open-water spaces of photo-induced primary production and associated organic matter export to the benthos. Predicting how Antarctic seafloor assemblages may develop following ice-shelf loss requires knowledge of assemblages bordering the ice-shelf margins, which are relatively undocumented. This study investigated seafloor assemblages, by taxa and functional groups, in a coastal polynya adjacent to the Larsen C Ice Shelf front, western Weddell Sea. The study area is rarely accessed, at the frontline of climate change, and located within a CCAMLR-proposed international marine protected area. Four sites, ~1 to 16 km from the ice-shelf front, were explored for megabenthic assemblages, and potential environmental drivers of assemblage structures were assessed. Faunal density increased with distance from the ice shelf, with epifaunal deposit-feeders a surrogate for overall density trends. Faunal richness did not exhibit a significant pattern with distance from the ice shelf and was most variable at sites closest to the ice-shelf front. Faunal assemblages significantly differed in composition among sites, and those nearest to the ice shelf were the most dissimilar; however, ice-shelf proximity did not emerge as a significant driver of assemblage structure. Overall, the study found a biologically-diverse and complex seafloor environment close to an ice-shelf front and provides ecological baselines for monitoring benthic ecosystem responses to environmental change, supporting marine management.





