Conjoined twins

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Diprosopus is one of the rarest types of conjoined twins, caused by incomplete zygote separation in early pregnancy. It defines a condition with duplication of facial structures, monocephalic and 1 trunk. Early detection is difficult, but fetal MRI plays an important role in strengthening antenatal diagnosis of conjoined twin pregnancies and other major congenital abnormalities, complementing antenatal ultrasonography. A 28-year-old patient (G2P1A0) was referred from the regional general hospital for suspected malformations, including Dandy-Walker syndrome and a small mandible Antenatal 3-D ultrasound at 35 weeks revealed a single baby with macrosomia, hypoplasia of the vermis, and cleft lip with malformation of facial structures. A 3 Tesla MRI (Signa, GE Healthcare) revealed various developmental brain anomalies, including duplication of the frontotemporal lobes, corpus callosum agenesis, and small posterior fossa. The identification of 4 orbital structures raised suspicions of face duplication. This patient underwent a caesarean section and delivered a diprosopus twin baby. MRI emerged as an indispensable adjunct, complementing ultrasound in detecting congenital malformations. The success of this approach emphasizes collaborative efforts between clinicians and radiologists for accurate identification and management of complex fetal anomalies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Conjoined twins are rare congenital malformations that have been reported in mammals. Two different cases are presented in this study. Case No. 1 features monocephalic, thoracopagus-conjoined twin piglets with anencephaly and palatoschisis of the Pietrain breed, and case No. 2 features monocephalic, thoracopagus conjoined twin piglets with palatoschisis and bifid root tongue of a mixed breed. These cases were examined using post-mortem and computed tomography (CT) examinations. In both cases, the conjoined symmetrical twins had a single head, one neck, and fused thoracic cavities, while the abdominal cavities were separated. Similarly, in both cases, they had four forelimbs and four hindlimbs and duplicated foramen magnum. During CT examination, in case No. 1, severe abnormalities were observed in the skull and vertebral column. In the left twin, occult dysraphism was seen from the C2 vertebra until the end of the vertebral column, and in the right twin, from the C3 vertebra until the end of the state vertebral level. In case No. 2, the oral cavity contained a tongue with a bifid root connected with one hyoid bone, and the soft palate presented a small cleft. During CT examination, the parietal bone and the occipital bones were partially duplicated. This case also presented occult dysraphism, but only in the cervical vertebrae, C1-C6 for the left twin and C1-C5 for the right twin. In both cases, abnormalities of the internal organs were revealed during necropsy. Conjoined twins with multiple congenital anomalies presented here enhance our understanding of the various clinical forms of conjoined cases in veterinary medicine.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Conjoined twins are a rare twin malformation commonly presenting as single amniotic sac twinning, with double amniotic sac twinning being extremely rare and poorly reported. Most conjoined twins are females.
    METHODS: A woman of childbearing age conceived naturally, and at 8 wk of gestation, transvaginal ultrasonography showed an embryo and cardiac tube pulsation in both amniotic sacs. On dynamic observation, the two embryos were connected in the lower abdomen, with restricted movement. A repeat transvaginal ultrasound at 11 wk showed that the intestinal tubes of both fetuses were connected in the lower abdomen. The pregnancy was terminated and labor was induced.
    CONCLUSIONS: Transvaginal ultrasound may detect conjoined twin malformations in an early stage. Our case provides diagnostic insights for ultrasonographers and can help develop early therapeutic interventions.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Conjoined twins occur in an estimated one in every 200,000 live births. The etiology remains largely speculative, with genetic and environmental factors being considered. The thoraco-omphalopagus type accounts for approximately 40% of cases, making it a focal point for clinical and radiological research. Radiological imaging plays a pivotal role in delineating anatomical details, offering insights into the feasibility of surgical interventions and informing parental counselling regarding prognosis and management options. We present a case of thoracoomphalogus conjoined twins diagnosed during the third trimester of pregnancy in a 19-year-old woman. The detailed radiological assessment using ultra-sound and MRI provided crucial information on organ sharing and vascular anatomy, which is critical for management strategies. This case underscores the critical role of prenatal imaging in detecting complex congenital anomalies, facilitating informed decision-making by healthcare providers and families.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The case involves a 23-year-old Dominican woman\'s admission to Hospital Docente Nuestra Señora De la Altagracia for an elective cesarean section at 38 weeks gestation with conjoined twins. Despite effective treatment for syphilis in the third trimester, her medical history complicated the situation. The twins, thoraco-omphalopagus conjoined, share vital organs and exhibit congenital anomalies, posing unique diagnostic and management challenges. This case contributes to the scarce literature on conjoined twins, especially in the Dominican Republic. It highlights the complexities of diagnosis, prognosis, and management strategies for such rare cases. This emphasizes the importance of ongoing research and medical intervention in addressing these challenges.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Conjoined twins (CT), which used to be historically defined as \"monstrous human\" and previously so-called Siamese twins in the early eighteenth century, are one of the very rare congenital malformations with an uncertain etiology and complex yet remain inconclusively debatable regarding its pathophysiological mechanisms of fusion and fission theories. Among all types of CT, parasitic CT, especially the pygopagus sub-type, is exceedingly rarer. To the best of the authors\' knowledge, no parasitic CT had been reported in Papua, and this is the first finding in South Papua.
    METHODS: Herein, a 30-year-old multigravida female with 37th-week gestation, previous twice spontaneous miscarriage, and non-adequate antenatal care history is presented with a chief complaint of painful construction and greenish fluid leakage from the vagina, with an examination that showed a cephalic presentation with a \"peculiar\" big mass at the upper uterus and complete cervical dilation toward second-stage inpartu. Vaginal delivery was performed with a complication of obstructed labor due to uncommon dystocia with a suspected \"big mass\" below the fetal buttocks and intrapartum dead. Intrapartum transabdominal ultrasound demonstrates a gross anatomically like an organ inside a fluid-filled mass with unidentified parts, leading to a suspected type of congenital malformation at the baby\'s sacral region. Emergency C-section was done with findings of parasitic pygopagus CT, showing an attachment of a large irregular fluid-filled mass-like incomplete twin (parasite) with palpable soft tissue and bony structure inside to the buttocks of a male autosite twin, and an additional third leg which happened to be an under-developed lower extremity with a sacrum-like structure.
    CONCLUSIONS: An obstetrician\'s routine ANC and critical radiological evaluation will increase the odds of identifying CT or other congenital malformations to provide better delivery planning or further management. Increasing maternal health knowledge in society, improving medical skills and knowledge levels for health providers, and advancing supporting facilities and specialists are future strategies for managing and preventing such cases in low-middle-income countries.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Conjoined twins are identical twins joined in utero and are a rare phenomenon. This report discusses a case of female thoraco-omphalo-ischiopagus tripus conjoined twins. The twins were separated at age two, and once medically stable, spent one month in inpatient rehabilitation to improve their sitting balance and gross motor skills. This was followed by outpatient physical therapy. The twins initially had customized ZipZac seats, which they were able to wheel independently. After six months of therapy, the girls began walking with posterior walkers and prostheses. The hemipelvectomy prosthesis included a customized thoracolumbosacral orthosis component and was directly attached to a non-articulated pylon. A manual-locking hip joint was added to accommodate sitting. An articulated ankle-foot orthosis was used for the intact leg. Care of formerly conjoined twins requires comprehensive care from a multidisciplinary team involving, but not limited to, a physiatrist, orthopaedic surgeon, physical therapist, and orthotist/prosthetist. Complex congenital limb deficiencies are often a major undertaking for the rehabilitation team as continuous treatment and management are needed throughout the patient\'s lifetime due to growth, development, and evolving physical demands. Anatomic variations must be examined on a case-by-case basis but often include limb deficiencies, orthopedic abnormalities, and organ comorbidities.






  • 文章类型: Review
    BACKGROUND: The condition of monozygotic, monochorionic triplet fetuses with a pair of conjoined twins is extremely rare (close to one in a million births), presents challenges in its management, and with poor prognosis.
    METHODS: We report a case of monochorionic diamniotic triplet pregnancy, ultrasound at 14 weeks shows a pair of conjoined thoracopagus fetuses, sharing heart, liver, and umbilical cord, in addition to omphalocele. The third fetus, without malformations, presents signs of early heart failure compatible with twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome. It was decided to carry out expectant management where at 18 weeks, intrauterine death of the three fetuses occurs. An abortion is performed by hysterotomy.
    CONCLUSIONS: The treatment in these cases is discussed, three management options have been proposed: expectant management, selective reduction of the conjoined fetuses, or termination of the pregnancy. A review of the literature found only 12 cases with this combination of pathologies, in which only 3 normal fetuses (25%) survived and none of the conjoined twins survived. To our knowledge, this case is the first of a monochorionic triplet pregnancy with conjoined fetuses complicated with early twin-to-twin transfusion.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Conjoined twins are a rare phenomenon estimated to occur in a range between 1 in 49,000 births and 1 in 189,000 births. As a product of monochorionic-monoamniotic pregnancies, they are currently believed to result from late, incomplete fission of the bilaminar embryonic disk at 13-15 days gestation. Conjoined twins are typically classified by the point at which their bodies are joined, with 15 recognized types, five of which account for more than 70% of cases. Fusion of the thorax and upper abdomen (thoraco-omphalopagus) accounts for 28% of all cases. Mortality and morbidity rates remain high irrespective of the point of fusion, with 40-60% of cases being lost to miscarriage and stillbirth, and only about 18% of live births surviving more than 24 hours. Given this prognosis, knowledge of underlying anatomy and clinical imaging is paramount to antenatal diagnosis, assessment of viability, and subsequent management of conjoined twins. A case of thoraco-omphalopagus twins with a single heart and single liver discovered on routine ultrasound at 12 weeks gestation is described.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article





