
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study presents the first data on levels of natural radioactive elements in sediments from coastal ecosystems of the Republic of Congo. Sediment samples from five coastal sites were collected and analyzed by high-resolution gamma spectrometry for determination of activities of long-lived gamma-emitting radionuclides (234Th, 238U, 226Ra, 210Pb, 228Th, 228Ra, and 40 K). The specific activities were of the same order of magnitude as those measured in sediments of most countries neighboring the Republic of Congo. However, variations in activities were observed from one site to another and also from one sampling point to another within the same site without exceeding the global average reference values. It can be assumed, therefore, that no significant anthropogenic impact is perceptible in the study area. The most commonly used radiological hazard parameters, based mainly on 238U, 232Th, and 40 K activities, were assessed and the ERICA tool was applied to quantify the radiation exposure burden to human and biota resulting from radionuclides in sediments. Besides being useful for future monitoring efforts, the data produced in this work could be important for the worldwide database on radioactivity in the oceans and seas (MARIS) since no data are available in the Congolese marine environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Snakebite is a neglected public health crisis in sub-Saharan Africa. There is a particular lack of data (on snakes and snakebite) from the central African region. This study was conducted in the departments of Likouala, Sangha, Cuvette-Ouest and Kouilou, in the Republic of Congo. The objective was to inventory snakes in the four localities with particular emphasis on medically relevant venomous snakes in order to improve knowledge of snakes in order to minimize the risks of snakebite envenomation to humans. Two methods (active and passive) were used to collect specimens from different habitats. Fifty-one (51)snake specimens including 14 medically relevant snake specimens representing 3 families, 3 subfamilies, 5 genera, and 6 species, in addition to 22 harmless species, were collected. We found a high number of medically important venomous species in Okoyo, Mokéko and Mvouti districts with 3 species each. The highest number of medically important venomous species was recorded in natural forests and human habitations, five and four species respectively. The species obtained (Atheris squamigera, Bitis arietans, Bitis gabonica, Dendroaspis jamesoni, Naja melanoleuca and Toxicodryas blandingii) are medically relevant toxic species according to the WHO classification. Further studies would be necessary to assess the epidemiology of bite risks snakes and educate the public to minimize accidental human-snake contact.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The impacts of human activities and climate change on animal populations often take considerable time before they are reflected in typical measures of population health such as population size, demography, and landscape use. Earlier detection of such impacts could enhance the effectiveness of conservation strategies, particularly for species with slow population growth. Passive acoustic monitoring is increasingly used to estimate occupancy and population size, but this tool can also monitor subtle shifts in behavior that might be early indicators of changing impacts. Here we use data from an acoustic grid, monitoring 1250 km2 of forest in northern Republic of Congo, to study how forest elephants (Loxodonta cyclotis) assess risk associated with human impacts across a landscape that includes a national park as well as active and inactive logging concessions. By quantifying emerging patterns of behavior at the population level, arising from individual-based decisions, we gain an understanding of how elephants perceive their landscape along an axis of human disturbance. Forest elephants in relatively undisturbed forests are active nearly equally day and night. However, they become more nocturnal when exposed to a perceived risk such as poaching. We assessed elephant perception of risk by monitoring changes in the likelihood of nocturnal vocal activity relative to differing levels of human activity. We show that logging is perceived to be a risk on moderate time and small spatial scales, but with little effect on elephant density. However, risk avoidance persisted in areas with relatively easy access to poachers and in more open habitats where poaching has historically been concentrated. Increased nocturnal activity is a common response in many animals to human intrusion on the landscape. Provided a species is acoustically active, passive acoustic monitoring can measure changes in human impact at early stages of such change, informing management priorities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To determine the proportion of hypertension among opportunistic screenees in the Republic of the Congo, and the relationships between, blood pressure (BP), alcohol intake, and history of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Screening was carried out in July and August 2021 in Brazzaville, Pointe-Noire, and Pokola, after ethical clearance had been obtained. The campaign followed the guidelines outlined in the MMM21 protocol, collecting ideally three BP readings for each participant. The screening was carried out during the partial confinement of the population, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Social distancing measures and protection against the transmission of COVID-19 were adhered to. A total of 2135 subjects were screened of which 1138 (53.3%) were male. The mean age was 29.9 ± 9.9 years (range: 18-69 years), and 2110 participants (98.8%) were of black ethnic origin. A previous COVID-19 positive test was reported in 217 (10.2%) and vaccination in 93 (4.4%). Diabetes was reported in 113 (5.3%), 16 (0.7%) were current smokers, 171 (8.0%) reported using alcohol intake at least once per month, and 539 (25.3%) reported meeting the WHO guidelines on physical activity. The proportion of participants with hypertension (≥140/90 mmHg or taking BP-lowering medication) was 34.1%, of whom 24.5% were aware, 11.9% were on medication, and only 4.0% were controlled (<140/90 mmHg). Rates of hypertension are high in the Republic of Congo, with low rates of awareness and treatment, and national authorities should address the contributing factors highlighted in this report to improve health care for the population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Edible insects are perceived as an incredible opportunity to mitigate the major challenge of sustainably producing healthy foods for a growing world population in the face of climate change uncertainties over the coming decade. In this study, we assessed the nutrient composition and sensory properties of Acheta domesticus, Apis mellifera, Gnathocera trivittata, Gryllotalpa africana, Imbrasia epimethea, Imbrasia oyemensis, Locusta migratoria, Macrotermes subhylanus, Nomadacris septemfasciata, Rhyncophorus phoenicis, Ruspolia differens and Rhynchophorus ferrugineus consumed in Eastern D. R. Congo. The investigated edible insects are highly appreciated and nutritious, with proteins (20.67-43.93 g/100 g) and fats (14.53-36.02 g/100 g) being the major macro-nutrients, proving their potential to improve diets through food enrichment. The high potassium (24-386.67 mg/100 g), sodium (152-257.82 mg/100 g), magnesium (32-64 mg/100 g), iron (5.3-16.13 mg/100 g), calcium (25-156.67 mg/100 g) and zinc (11-19.67 mg/100 g) content make the assessed edible insects a useful mineral-containing ingredient for preventing undernutrition in countries which are plagued by micronutrient deficiencies. A scatter plot of matrices and Pearson\'s correlations between sensory attributes and nutritional composition showed a negative correlation (r = - 0.45) between protein and appearance. While no strong correlation was observed between nutritional attributes and sensory acceptance, a positive correlation was observed between potassium and aroma (r = 0.50), after-taste (r = 0.50) and acceptability (r = 0.52). Principal component analysis results indicated that the two axes accounted for up to 97.4% of the observed variability in the nutrient composition and sensory attributes of commonly consumed edible insects in the Eastern D. R. Congo. Given the significant delicacy and nutritional potential of edible insects highlighted in this paper, households can rely on the latter to meet their nutritional needs rather than conventional livestock, thus contributing to environmental and financial security through local business opportunities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Human herpesvirus 8 (HHV8) is rarely studied in Congo, despite its prevalence in Africa. Among healthy individuals, HHV-8 does not always lead to a life-threatening infection; however, in immunocompromised individuals, it could lead to more severe disease. The distribution of HHV-8 genotypes varies depending on ethnicity and geographic region.
    METHODS: A prospective cross-sectional study included 265 samples from healthy blood donors from the National Blood Transfusion Center in Brazzaville, with an average age of 35 years, with extremes ranging from 18 to 60 years. After DNA extraction, a nested PCR was carried out for molecular detection, followed by genotyping by amplification of specific primers.
    RESULTS: In this study, 4.9% were positive for molecular detection of HHV-8 DNA. All HHV-8 positive DNA samples that were subjected to genotyping by amplification with specific primers allowing discrimination of two major genotypes (A and B). Genotype A was identified in 5 (1.9%) samples and genotype B in 2 (0.7%) samples, indicating that both genotypes were predominant. The remaining viral DNA samples not identified as the major genotypes were classified as «indeterminate» and consisted of 6 (2.3%) samples.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results of the study suggest that Congo is an area where HHV-8 infection is endemic.
    Введение. Вирус герпеса человека 8-го типа (HHV-8) мало изучен в Конго, несмотря на его распространенность в Африке. Среди здоровых людей HHV-8 не всегда приводит к опасной для жизни инфекции; однако у лиц с ослабленным иммунитетом он может приводить к более тяжелому течению заболевания. Распределение генотипов HHV-8 варьирует в зависимости от этнической принадлежности и географического региона. Методы. Проспективное поперечное исследование включало 265 образцов от здоровых доноров крови из Национального центра переливания крови в Браззавиле, средний возраст которых составлял 35 лет, с предельными значениями от 18 до 60 лет. После выделения ДНК из образцов была проведена гнездовая ПЦР для выявления HHV-8 с последующим генотипированием методом амплификации с генотип-специфичными праймерами. Результаты. ДНК HHV-8 была выявлена в 4,9% образцов. Все образцы ДНК HHV-8, которые были подвергнуты генотипированию путем амплификации с генотип-специфичными праймерами, принадлежали к двум основным генотипам: A и B. Генотип A был выявлен в 5 (1,9%) образцах, а генотип B ‒ в 2 (0,7%) образцах, что подтвердило встречаемость обоих генотипов. Остальные образцы вирусной ДНК, не идентифицированные как принадлежащие основным генотипам, были классифицированы как «неопределенные» и включали 6 (2,3%) образцов. Заключение. Полученные результаты свидетельствуют о том, что Конго является областью, где инфекция HHV-8 является эндемичной.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CONCLUSIONS: Initial presentation of glaucoma at a major eye clinic mostly features advanced disease with a high proportion of blindness. This is likely a microcosm of a nationwide issue requiring concerted strategies to detect glaucoma early.
    OBJECTIVE: To characterize the severity stage of new glaucoma patients in Congolese attending a university eye clinic.
    METHODS: New glaucoma patients (n=118) were labeled as early or late presenters based on visual field sensitivity in the worse eye.
    RESULTS: Mean age was 58.9±15.7 years, 51.7% were males. Overall, the worse eye had advanced, whereas the better eye had moderate glaucoma, with an asymmetry of -7.4 dB ( P <0.001). Blindness was present in 30.5% of worse and 5.1% of better eyes. Seventy-two patients (61.0%) were late presenters. Visual acuity was lower ( P <0.001), intraocular pressure (IOP) higher ( P =0.02), cup-to-disc ratio larger ( P =0.011), and retinal nerve fiber layer thinner ( P =0.001) in late presenters\' worse than better eye. The worse and better eyes of late presenters had advanced glaucoma, with a -9.6 dB interocular asymmetry ( P <0.001); 40.3% and 8.3% were blind, respectively. In early presenters, the worse and better eyes had moderate and early disease, respectively; the asymmetry was -3.2 dB ( P <0.001), and 15.2% were blind. Overall, 58.5% and 65.3% presented with advanced disease in the worse eye based on visual field and cup-to-disc ratio criteria of the Canadian Ophthalmological Society staging scale, respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: Most new glaucoma patients had bilateral advanced but asymmetric disease. These findings call for the establishment of community-based measures for early detection of glaucoma and a referral network system connecting community healthcare to tertiary eye clinics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the context of emerging international trade regulations on deforestation-free commodities, the drivers of households\' deforestation in conservation landscapes are of interest. The role of households\' livelihood strategies including cocoa production, and the effects of human-elephant conflict are investigated. Using a unique dataset from a survey of 1035 households in the Tridom landscape in the Congo basin, the spatial autoregressive model shows that: (1) Households imitate the deforestation decisions of their neighbors; (2) A marginally higher income from cocoa production-based livelihood portfolios is associated with six to seven times higher deforestation compared to other livelihood strategies with a significant spillover effect on neighboring households\' deforestation. The increase in income, mainly from cocoa production-based livelihoods in open-access systems can have a negative effect on forests. Households with a higher share of auto-consumption are associated with lower deforestation. If economic development brings better market access and lower auto-consumption shares, this is likely to positively influence deforestation. Without proper land use planning/zoning associated with incentives, promoting sustainable agriculture, such as complex cocoa agroforestry systems, may lead to forest degradation and deforestation.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Sarcoidosis is a multisystem inflammatory disease of unknown etiology. The isolated extrapulmonary form is rare. We report the case of hepatosplenic sarcoidosis in a 29-year-old female patient.It is a patient with no notable medical history, who was seen in consultation for repeated epistaxis. Clinical examination noted nodular hepatomegaly associated with signs of portal hypertension and splenomegaly. Sedimentation rate, alkaline phosphatase, serum angiotensin converting enzyme, aminotransferases were high. Histological examination of the spleen and liver biopsy noted granulomatous inflammatory infiltration without cancerous lesion or tonsil stones.This picture is comparable with sarcoidosis, despite the absence of PET scans. The main challenge remains the differential diagnosis with other granulomatoses. Corticosteroid therapy is the first-line treatment, and after splenectomy the patient has achieved clinical and biological stability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The HTLV-1 infection persists for life, remaining as asymptomatic viral reservoirs in most patients, ensuring the chain of transmission, but around 4% develop adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATLL). HTLV-1 is an oncogenic retrovirus that transforms CD4+ T lymphocytes and deregulates the lymphoproliferative pathways that contribute to the development of ATLL. To achieve cell transformation, most oncogenic retroviruses use proto-oncogene capture transduction, with proviral integration disrupting the expression of tumor suppressors or proto-oncogenes.
    OBJECTIVE: We conducted this study on the prevalence of HTLV-1 infection in blood donors to expand the HTLV-1 database, assess the risk of transmission via blood products, as well as evaluate the risk of persistent infection or development of neoplastic diseases in HTLV-1 carriers.
    METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study of blood donors of all categories. For this study, 265 blood donors were recruited at the Centre National de Transfusion Sanguine in Brazzaville. After testing for HTLV-1 antibodies by ELISA, proviral DNA was extracted from all ELISA-positive samples for detection by nested PCR, followed by RT qPCR using specific primers p53 and c-myc for gene expression.
    RESULTS: 20/265 were positive for anti-HTLV-1 antibody, 5 donors were positive for proviral DNA. The prevalence of HTLV-1 was 1.8%. All HTLV-1-positive donors were male (1.8%), with a positive correlation (p = 0.05); the 1.1% of positive donors were regular, with the majority aged between 31 and 45 years (1.5%), and concubine donors were the most frequent (1.1%). All samples showed normal expression of the p53 and c-myc genes.
    CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence, though low, remains a serious problem. No abnormal p53 or c-myc gene expression was detected in HTLV-1-positive donors, which could mean that none of the T lymphocytes in these donors had been transformed by HTLV-1.
    Введение. Инфекция HTLV-1 сохраняется в течение всей жизни человека, обусловливая бессимптомное вирусное носительство у большинства пациентов и обеспечивая цепь передачи. Однако примерно у 4% инфицированных развивается Т-клеточная лейкемия/лимфома взрослых (ATLL). HTLV-1 – это онкоретровирус, который трансформирует CD4+-Т-лимфоциты и дерегулирует лимфопролиферативные пути, что способствует развитию ATLL. Для достижения трансформации клеток большинство онкогенных ретровирусов используют трансдукцию с захватом протоонкогенов, при этом провирусная интеграция нарушает экспрессию опухолевых супрессоров или протоонкогенов. Цель исследования. Мы провели исследование по определению распространенности HTLV-1-инфекции среди доноров крови с целью расширения базы данных HTLV-1, оценки риска передачи вируса через компоненты крови, а также оценки риска персистенции инфекции или развития неопластических заболеваний у носителей HTLV-1. Материалы и методы. Настоящая научная работа – перекрестное исследование доноров крови всех категорий. В исследовании участвовали 265 доноров крови из Национального центра переливания крови в Браззавиле. После тестирования на антитела к HTLV-1 методом ИФА во всех положительных в ИФА-образцах проводили определение провирусной ДНК методом «вложенной» ПЦР, а затем методом количественной ОТ-ПЦР с использованием специфических праймеров p53 и c-myc оценивали экспрессию генов. Результаты. Из 265 доноров 20 человек были положительны по анти-HTLV-1-антителам, у 5 доноров была выявлена провирусная ДНК. Распространенность HTLV-1 составила 1,8%. Все HTLV-1-инфицированные доноры были мужчинами (1,8%), с положительной корреляцией между наличием инфекции и мужским полом (p = 0,05); 1,1% положительных доноров были регулярными, большинство в возрасте от 31 до 45 лет (1,5%), и наиболее часто встречались доноры-совместители (1,1%). Во всех образцах наблюдалась нормальная экспрессия генов p53 и c-myc. Заключение. Распространенность HTLV-1, хотя и низкая, остается значительной проблемой. У HTLV-1-инфицированных доноров не было обнаружено аномальной экспрессии генов p53 или c-myc, что может означать, что ни один из Т-лимфоцитов доноров не был трансформирован HTLV-1.





