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    文章类型: Journal Article
    Approximately half of military recruits fail the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT), and 70% of all injuries in the US military are musculoskeletal in nature. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether underdeveloped musculoskeletal and cardiovascular fitness levels and subsequent APFT scores of senior military college cadets could be improved by a novel, evidence-based Cadet Athlete Physical Training Intervention (CAPTI) compared to the current Remedial Physical Training program (RPT). Cadets failing the APFT (total score < 180, or < 60 in scored sit-ups, pushups or run time, respectively) participated in a 16-week remedial training program including either CAPTI (periodized full body calisthenic and varied-technique cardiovascular training, along with mobility training and mental health and wellbeing sessions), or a traditional, event-specific remedial training program (RPT). CAPTI was randomly assigned to one of three battalions, while the others received RPT. One hundred and thirty-eight cadets (n = 70 CAPTI, n = 68 RPT) participated in the study. After training, 82.9% (n = 58) of CAPTI passed the APFT compared to 27.9% (n = 19) of RPT. Paired t-tests demonstrated significant improvement (p < 0.01) for CAPTI in total APFT scores (42 ± 31.5 points), sit-ups (13.8 ± 9.4) pushups (6.5 ± 11) and run time (83 ± 123s). In RPT, significant improvements (p < 0.01) were noted in total APFT scores (16 ± 27.8), sit-ups (3.3 ± 6.7) pushups (3.69 ± 8.0) and run time (43 ± 127s). Between-group analyses demonstrated CAPTI had significantly higher improvements compared to RPT in APFT total score (p < 0.01) and sit-ups (p < 0.01). Higher perceived program enjoyment was also demonstrated for CAPTI when compared to RPT (P < 0.01). The CAPTI program could help address the military\'s physical readiness and musculoskeletal injury problem by incorporating evidence-based, wellness-focused, periodized training as part of a remedial physical training model.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Graft rejection and Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) are some of the significant factors resulting in morbidity and mortality following allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation. Prophylaxis for GVHD using T-cell depleting agents is helpful in reducing the transplant-related mortality and graft rejection. Both tATG and fATG exhibit varied amounts of antibody specificities and perform distinct immunomodulatory effects, regardless of their capacity to deplete T-lymphocytes. We conducted this single-center, retrospective study at our center to compare both formulations. Twenty-six patients were included in the study, 13 in each cohort. The median age at diagnosis of β-thalassemia was 5 months (range, 3-12 months) in the tATG group and 6 months (range, 3-9 months) in the f-ATG group, respectively. Acute GVHD was observed in 1 (7.7) and 2(15.4) in the tATG and fATG group, respectively. No cases of chronic GVHD were observed in either group. There was no difference in the mixed chimerism observed at 6 months in both groups, tATG (n = 5, 38.5%) and fATG (n = 6, 46.15). There was 1 (7.6) rejection at day +72 observed in the tATG group, whereas no rejection was observed in the fATG group. At a mean follow-up duration of 288 days since transplant, there were no deaths in either of the groups. In conclusion, both ATG preparations showed equivalent effectiveness in preventing rejections and GVHD. However, further larger studies are required to establish the long-term efficacy and safety of both formulations in ASCT.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Technique-specific high-intensity interval training (HIITTS) has been proven to be an effective method to enhance the sport-specific bio-motor abilities of taekwondo athletes. However, studies regarding its effects on comprehensive measures of cardiorespiratory fitness are limited. Furthermore, there is a lack of clarity regarding the extent of individual adaptations to this method compared to HIIT in the form of repeated sprints (HIITRS). This study compared the individual adaptations to HIITRS and HIITTS on cardiorespiratory fitness and anaerobic power in trained taekwondo athletes (age = 19.8 ± 1.3 years; body mass = 75.4 ± 9.1 kg; height = 1.73 ± 0.0 .m). All participants completed three sessions per week of a 60-minute regular taekwondo training. Following the 60-minute training, participants completed 3 sets of 10 × 4 s all-out HIITRS or same sets of repeated kicks with both legs (HIITTS) over a 6-week training period. In both groups, rest intervals were set at 15 seconds between efforts and one minute between sets. Before and after the training period, participants underwent a series of lab- and field-based tests to evaluate cardiorespiratory fitness and bio-motor abilities. Both interventions resulted in significant improvements in maximum oxygen uptake (V̇O2max), O2 pulse (V̇O2/HR), first ventilatory threshold (VT1), second ventilatory threshold (VT2), cardiac output (Q̇max), stroke volume (SV), peak power output (PPO), average power output (APO), squat jump (SJ), and countermovement jump (CMJ). However, linear speed (20-m speed time) and taekwondo-specific agility test (TSAT) only responded to HIITRS. HIITRS resulted in greater changes in V̇O2max, V̇O2/HR, VT2, and Q̇max, and higher percentage of responders in measured parameters than HIITTS. In addition, HIITRS elicited lower inter-individual variability (CV) in percent changes from pre- to post-training in all measured variables. These results suggest that incorporating 3 sessions per week of HIITRS into regular taekwondo training results in significantly greater and more homogenized adaptations in cardiorespiratory fitness and bio-motor abilities than HIITTS among trained taekwondo athletes.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Humans are fascinated by the bipedal locomotor capacities at both ends of the athletic spectrum-sprinting speed and endurance. Some of the more popular field (eg, soccer, rugby, and lacrosse) and court (eg, basketball, tennis, and netball) sports utilize mixed energy systems requiring an interplay of both maximal sprinting speed (MSS) and maximal aerobic speed (MAS) to meet the high-intensity running demands of varying frequency, duration, intensity, and recovery. Recently, these locomotor capacities have been considered in combination to produce what is called the anaerobic speed reserve (ASR) as part of the locomotor profile concept (MSS, MAS, and ASR). The purpose of this narrative review is to (1) provide an overview of the locomotor profile concept; (2) review the assessment methods for estimating MSS, MAS, and ASR; (3) examine the age-, sex-, and maturity-associated variations in MSS, MAS, and ASR; (4) examine the trainability of MSS, MAS, and ASR in youth athletes; and (5) conclude with the practical applications using principles of long-term athlete development for training the locomotor profile in youth field and court sport athletes. Based on the available data in young male athletes, MSS, MAS, and ASR generally increase with age and across maturity groups and are trainable. Overall, decisions on training need to consider the sport demands, current fitness and maturity status, and targeted training adaptation sought.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Not much is known about the etiology, or development, of deviant sexual interests. The aim of this systematic review was to provide a broad overview of current theories on the etiology of sexual deviance. We conducted a systematic search of the databases PubMed and APA PsycInfo (EBSCO). Studies were included when they discussed a theory regarding the etiology or development of sexual deviance. Included studies were assessed on quality criteria for good theories. Common etiological themes were extracted using thematic analysis. We included 47 theories explaining sexual deviance in general as well as various specific deviant sexual interests, such as pedophilia and sadism/masochism. Few theories (k = 7) were of acceptable quality as suggested by our systematic assessment of quality criteria for good theories (QUACGOT). These theories indicated that deviant sexual interests may develop as the result of an interplay of various factors: excitation transfer between emotions and sexual arousal, conditioning, problems with \"normative\" sexuality, and social learning. Neurobiological findings could not be included as no acceptable quality neurobiological theories could be retrieved. The important roles of excitation transfer and conditioning designate that dynamic, changeable processes take part in the etiology of sexual deviance. These same processes could potentially be deployed to diminish unwanted deviant sexual interests.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Chronic physical stress in female athletes can reduce mental health and athletic performance. Therefore, a chronic physical stress assessment method is required.
    METHODS: This study examined whether hair cortisol concentration (HCC) predicted chronic physical stress changes in female university football players. We took measurements in August and December, just before the Japan college national tournament.
    RESULTS: Self-reported training load was significantly positively correlated with HCC. Self-reported training load had no significant relationship with fatigue as measured by the Profile of Mood States 2nd Edition or with the stressors from the Stressor Scale for College Students. HCC was negatively correlated with reaction time in the spatial Stroop task, although the repeated correlation analysis showed no significant relationship.
    CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that the chronic physical stress experienced by female footballers cannot be predicted by psychological indicators; however, they can be predicted by HCC, which could be used to prevent overtraining in these athletes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    MicroRNAs, contained in exosomes or freely circulating in the plasma, might play a pivotal role in the infarct-sparing effect exerted by remote limb ischemic postconditioning (RLIP). The aims of the present study were: (1) To evaluate the effect of pure exosomes isolated from plasma of animals subjected to RLIP systemically administered to ischemic rats; (2) To finely dissect exosomes content in terms of miRNAs; (3) To select those regulatory miRNAs specifically expressed in protective exosomes and to identify molecular pathways involved in their neurobeneficial effects. Circulating exosomes were isolated from blood of animals exposed to RLIP and administered to animals exposed to tMCAO by intracerebroventricular, intraperitoneal or intranasal routes. Exosomal miRNA signature was evaluated by microarray and FISH analysis. Plasmatic exosomes isolated from plasma of RLIP rats attenuated cerebral ischemia reperfusion injury and improved neurological functions until 3 days after ischemia induction. Interestingly, miR-702-3p and miR-423-5p seem to be mainly involved in exosome protective action by modulating NOD1 and NLRP3, two key triggers of neuroinflammation and neuronal death. Collectively, the results of the present work demonstrated that plasma-released exosomes after RLIP may transfer a neuroprotective signal to the brain of ischemic animals, thus representing a potentially translatable therapeutic strategy in stroke.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Conditioned taste aversion (CTA) is a robust associative learning; liquid deprivation during this conditioning allows researchers to obtain readable measures of associative learning. Recent research suggests that thirst could be a crucial motivator that modulates conditioning and memory extinction processes, highlighting the importance of the body\'s internal state during learning. Furthermore, the histaminergic system is one of the major modulatory systems controlling several behavioral and neurobiological functions, such as feeding, water intake, and nociception. Therefore, this research aimed to assess the effect of H3 histaminergic receptor activation in the insular cortex (IC) during CTA. For this, we conditioned adult male Wistar rats under two regimens: water deprivation and water ad libitum. A classical CTA protocol was used for water deprivation. Before CTA acquisition, 10 μM R-α-methylhistamine (RAMH), an H3 receptor agonist, was injected into the IC. Results showed that RAMH injections decreased CTA in water-deprived rats without affecting the significant aversion conditioning in rats that were given water ad libitum. Moreover, RAMH accelerated the process of aversive memory extinction under ad libitum water conditions. According to our findings, the degree of liquid satiety differentially affected taste-aversive memory formation, and H3 histamine receptors were more involved under water deprivation conditions during acquisition. However, these receptors modulated the strength of aversive conditioning by altering the rate of aversive memory extinction in the absence of deprivation. In conclusion, histaminergic activity in the IC may influence taste memory dynamics through different mechanisms depending on the degree of liquid satiety or deprivation during conditioning.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (aHSCT) is a complex process, designed to replace the blood and lymphoid systems of a patient with hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) that have been previously collected and cryopreserved, derived from the same patient. The rationale of aHSCT in neurologic diseases is to eliminate self-reacting cell clones and induce self-tolerance through a profound renewal of the immune system. The steps analyzed in this chapter are conditioning, HSCs infusion, supportive care, and monitoring. Before transplantation, ablation of the hemato-lymphopoietic system is achieved with chemotherapy; this stage is known as the conditioning regimen. The EBMT guidelines support the use of \"intermediate intensity\" regimens, either cyclophosphamide 200mg/kg or BEAM (bis-chloroethyl-nitrosourea, etoposide, cytarabine, and melphalan), in combination with serotherapy that consists of rabbit antithymocyte globulin (ATG) in most protocols. The infusion of HSC is performed through a central intravenous line, after being thawed at 37°C using either a water bath or a heat bath; in this phase, the prevention and management of infusion-related adverse events are crucial. The supportive care consists mainly of infection prophylaxis and treatment, administration of blood product transfusions, and nutritional and electrolyte support. The monitoring phase is focused on hematologic recovery and monitoring for early and late complications of aHSCT.





