
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bacilli and pseudomonads are among the most well-studied microorganisms commonly found in soil and frequently co-isolated. Isolates from these two genera are frequently used as plant beneficial microorganisms; therefore, their interaction in the plant rhizosphere is relevant for agricultural applications. Despite this, no systematic approach has been employed to assess the coexistence of members from these genera. Here, we screened 720 fluorescent soil isolates for their effects on Bacillus subtilis pellicle formation in two types of media and found a predictor for interaction outcome in Pseudomonas taxonomy. Interactions were context-dependent, and both medium composition and culture conditions strongly influenced interactions. Negative interactions were associated with Pseudomonas capeferrum, Pseudomonas entomophila, and Pseudomonas protegens, and 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol was confirmed as a strong (but not exclusive) inhibitor of B. subtilis. Non-inhibiting strains were closely related to Pseudomonas trivialis and Pseudomonas lini. Using such a non-inhibiting isolate, Pseudomonas P9_31, which increased B. subtilis pellicle formation demonstrated that the two species were spatially segregated in cocultures. Our study is the first one to propose an overall negative outcome from pairwise interactions between B. subtilis and fluorescent pseudomonads; hence, cocultures comprising members from these groups are likely to require additional microorganisms for coexistence.
    OBJECTIVE: There is a strong interest in the microbial ecology field to predict interaction among microorganisms, whether two microbial isolates will promote each other\'s growth or compete for resources. Numerous studies have been performed based on surveying the available literature or testing phylogenetically diverse sets of species in synthetic communities. Here, a high throughput screening has been performed using 720 Pseudomonas isolates, and their impact on the biofilm formation of Bacillus subtilis was tested. The aim was to determine whether a majority of Pseudomonas will promote or inhibit the biofilms of B. subtilis in the co-cultures. This study reports that Pseudomonas taxonomy is a good predictor of interaction outcome, and only a minority of Pseudomonas isolates promote Bacillus biofilm establishment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the field of nuclear toxicology, the knowledge of the interaction of actinides (An) with biomolecules is of prime concern in order to elucidate their toxicity mechanism and to further develop selective decorporating agents. In this work, we demonstrated the great potential of hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) to separate polar thorium (Th) biomimetic peptide complexes, as a key starting point to tackle these challenges. Th4+ was used as plutonium (Pu4+) analogue and pS16 and pS1368 as synthetic di- and tetra-phosphorylated peptides capable of mimicking the interaction sites of these An in osteopontin (OPN), a hyperphosphorylated protein. The objective was to determine the relative affinity of pS16 and pS1368 towards Th4+, and to evaluate the pS1368 selectivity when Th4+ was in competition complexation reaction with UO22+ at physiological pH. To meet these aims, HILIC was simultaneously coupled to electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), which allowed to identify online the molecular structure of the separated complexes and quantify them, in a single step. Dedicated HILIC conditions were firstly set up to separate the new dimeric Th2(peptide)2 complexes with good separation resolution (peptide = pS16 or pS1368). By adding pS16 and pS1368 in different proportions relatively to Th4+, we found that lower or equal proportions of pS16 with respect to pS1368 were not sufficient to displace pS1368 from Th2pS13682 and pS16 proportion higher than pS1368 led to the formation of a predominant ternary complex Th2(pS16)(pS1368), demonstrating preferential Th4+ binding to the tetra-phosphorylated peptide. Finally, online identification and quantification of the formed complexes when Th4+ and UO22+ were mixed in equimolar ratio relatively to pS1368 showed that in spite of pS1368 has been specifically designed to coordinate UO22+, pS1368 is also Th4+-selective and exhibits stronger affinity for this latter than for UO22+. Hence, the results gathered through this approach highlight the impact of Th4+ coordination chemistry on its interaction with pS1368 and more widely to its affinity for biomolecules.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While the prevalence is still being determined, more medical students are utilizing application consulting companies when applying to competitive residencies such as dermatology. We outline the structure of these companies, the scope of services provided, and the costs associated. We also discuss the ethical implications for the use in the residency application process of such firms and the impact of these practices on the candidate selection process. Finally, we offer possible solutions and measures that mitigate the impact of the use of consulting firms in residency applications. Application consulting services are meant to assist clients in maximizing their chances for a successful application cycle. Many companies cater to both prospective residency and pre-medical candidates, including \"Med School Insiders,\" \"BeMo Academic Consulting,\" and \"Elite Medical Prep.\" The scope of application consulting services is vast. Clients can request services such as personalized school selection, application advising, document preparation review [e.g., curriculum vitae (CV), personal statements, and essays), electronic residency application service (ERAS)], and interview coaching. Another service offered is residency match advising, which details specific requirements programs desire. Prospective clients would gain a significant advantage, mainly when used at the outset of medical school training when planning a trajectory for competitive specialties. We review the ethical issues associated with using these consulting services.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Quantifying the impact of competition on individual tree biomass and its distribution pattern can provide a basis for improving the prediction accuracy of forest biomass models. To accurately quantify the effects of competition factors on individual biomass and its distribution, we constructed three different individual biomass models by using nonlinear coupling equations based on the biomass survey data of 50 Larix gmelinii from 18 plots of Pangu Forest Farm in Daxing\'an Mountains. M-1 was a traditional singly additive biomass model. M-2 and M-3 were models taking the distance dependent simple competition index (CI) and distance independent relative diameter (Rd) into account, respectively. Those models were used to reveal the influence of competition factors on the prediction accuracy and distribution pattern of single tree biomass model of L. gmelinii. The results showed that the adjusted R2 of three additive models ranged from 0.694 to 0.974, mean prediction errors ranged from -0.017 to 0.021, and mean absolute errors ranged from 0.152 to 0.357. The introduction of Rd could improve the fitting degree and prediction accuracy of most biomass models, but CI did not affect the model fitting effect and prediction ability. Among the three models, M-3 model had the best performance, with good fitting degree and prediction accuracy of the biomass of each part, which could accurately estimate the single tree biomass of L. gmelinii. Further simulation results showed that the variation of biomass with DBH was mainly affected by CI and Rd grade, and the influence of Rd was stronger than CI. CI had greater influence on root and dry biomass, but less influence on branch and leaf biomass. Rd had a more significant effect on biomass of branch and leaf than on that of root and trunk.
    量化竞争对单木生物量及其分配格局的影响,可以为提高林木生物量模型预估精度提供基础。本研究以大兴安岭地区盘古林场18块固定样地中50株兴安落叶松的生物量调查数据为基础,采用非线性联立方程组构建含不同竞争因子(与距离有关的简单竞争指标CI和与距离无关的林木相对直径Rd)的对数尺度单木聚合型二元可加性生物量模型M-2和M-3,并与传统一元可加性生物量模型M-1进行比较,量化竞争因子对兴安落叶松天然林单木生物量模型预估精度及其分配格局的影响。结果表明: 3种可加性模型的调整后确定系数为0.694~0.974,平均预测误差为-0.017~0.021,平均绝对误差为0.152~0.357。引入Rd可以提高绝大多数生物量模型的拟合效果和预测能力,而引入CI对绝大多数生物量模型拟合效果和预测能力的影响不显著。3种模型中,M-3对各部分生物量具有较好的拟合效果和预测能力,可以对兴安落叶松单木生物量进行较好的估计。模拟结果显示,生物量随胸径的变化受CI、Rd等级的影响,其中Rd较CI影响更大;CI对树根和树干生物量影响较大,对树枝、树叶生物量影响较小;Rd对树枝、树叶生物量的影响较树根、树干生物量更大。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Globally, numerous ecosystems have been co-invaded by multiple exotic plant species that can have competitive or facilitative interactions with each other and with native plants. Invaded ecosystems often exhibit spatial heterogeneity in soil moisture and nutrient levels, with some habitats having more nutrient-rich and moist soils than others. The stress-gradient hypothesis predicts that plants are likely to engage in facilitative interactions when growing in stressful environments, such as nutrient-deficient or water-deficient soils. In contrast, when resources are abundant, competitive interactions between plants should prevail. The invasional meltdown hypothesis proposes that facilitative interactions between invasive species can enhance their establishment and amplify their ecological impact. Considering both hypotheses can offer insights into the complex interactions among invasive and native plants across environmental gradients. However, experimental tests of the effects of soil moisture and nutrient co-limitation on interactions between invasive and native plants at both interspecific and intraspecific levels in light of these hypotheses are lacking. We performed a greenhouse pot experiment in which we cultivated individual focal plants from five congeneric pairs of invasive and native species. Each focal plant was subjected to one of three levels of plant-plant interactions: (1) intraspecific, in which the focal plant was grown with another individual of the same species; (2) interspecific, involving a native and an invasive plant; and (3) interspecific, involving two native or invasive individuals. These plant-plant interaction treatments were fully crossed with two levels of water availability (drought vs. well-watered) and two levels of nutrient supply (low vs. high). Consistent with the stress-gradient and invasional meltdown hypotheses, our findings show that under low-nutrient conditions, the biomass production of invasive focal plants was facilitated by invasive interspecific neighbors. However, under high-nutrient conditions, the biomass production of invasive focal plants was suppressed by invasive interspecific neighbors. When competing with native interspecific neighbors, high-nutrient conditions similarly enhanced the biomass production of both invasive and native focal plants. Invasive and native focal plants were neither competitively suppressed nor facilitated by conspecific neighbors. Taken together, these results suggest that co-occurring invasive exotic plant species may facilitate each other in low-nutrient habitats but compete in high-nutrient habitats.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: While most game theoretical models assume that individuals randomly interact with all other group members, strong evidence indicates that individuals tend to preferentially interact with some of them. The position of an individual in a network affects, among other factors related to survival, its predation risk and competitive success. Here I then modified the Hawk-Dove game to explore the effect of social network structure on competitive strategy of individuals that differ in their fighting ability and may adjust their use of the Hawk, Dove and Assessor tactics to maximize their foraging success when they meet opponents they are connected with.
    RESULTS: From randomly generated networks, I demonstrate that phenotypic assortment by fighting ability reduces individuals\' aggressiveness and, as such, favours cooperative interactions. Furthermore, the success of individuals with the weakest fighting ability is usually highest within networks where they most frequently meet opponents with the same fighting ability as their own, suggesting they might benefit from breaking connections with strong contestants. This might be the case when strong contestants systematically rely on the aggressive Hawk tactic or the risk of being predated is low and independent of the number of neighbours. Thus, I extended the model and built a dynamic model to allow individuals not only to adjust their behaviour to local conditions but also to modify the structure of the social network. The number of connections and degree of phenotypic assortment are then affected by ecological factors (e.g. resources value and predation risk), but above all by whether individuals can reliably assess the competitive ability of their opponents and adjust their behaviour accordingly.
    CONCLUSIONS: These findings provide strong evidence that behaviour can play a key role in shaping network structure and highlight the importance of considering the coevolution of network and behaviour to apprehend its consequences on population dynamics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The constant challenge in social interactions involves making informed decisions in the face of competitive and cooperative dilemmas. The decision-making process can be influenced by various factors present in the social context. According to the behavior-pattern-categorization framework of information acquisition, potential biases may develop at all stages of decision-making as information about social context is progressively entered and integrated. In this study, employing the Chicken Game, we investigated the influence of varying information levels within the behavior-pattern-categorization framework (i.e., competitiveness of behavior choice, uncertainty of behavior pattern, and sociality of category) on decision-making in the dilemma of competition and cooperation. Combined with reinforcement learning models, our findings from three experiments showed that participants exhibited basic complementary behavior, becoming less competitive against highly competitive opponents and vice versa. Notably, individuals exhibited varying adaptation rates to different levels of opponent competitiveness and fluctuations. Specifically, participants adapted slower to highly competitive opponents and faster to cooperative opponents. This asymmetric adaptation in social learning is related to the rate at which various levels of information are updated. The current study disentangles the different levels of information acquisition and highlights the asymmetric processing that can occur during the updating of information within each level.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Freshwater crayfish are vital species in ecosystems where they naturally occur, as they hold keystone and ecological engineering positions in these systems. Non-native species are common and widely spread throughout Earth\'s freshwater ecosystems and can have severe impacts on native crayfish populations. There has yet to be a comprehensive global review of the impacts of non-native species on native crayfish. Two literature searches were conducted using Web of Science and Google Scholar to find articles to address four key aims: (1) summarise trends in the literature; (2) examine the mechanisms by which invasive crayfish impact native crayfish species; (3) examine the mechanisms by which other non-native species, such as fish, impact native crayfish species; and (4) identify gaps in knowledge and research priorities. This review highlights that a far greater amount of research has addressed the effects of invasive crayfish than other non-native species. The research on invasive crayfish focuses on four types of interactions with native crayfish: competition, predation, introduction of disease, and reproductive impacts. Studies addressing the impacts of other non-native species on crayfish indicate that predation and habitat destruction by these species are the key processes impacting native crayfish. It is evident that field-based research, particularly concerning competition between invasive and native crayfish, is limited. Therefore, further in situ research is needed to assess the validity of laboratory results in a natural setting. Additionally, in many cases, the impact of certain non-native species on native crayfish populations has gone unmonitored. For this reason, it is recommended that additional research focus on assessing the impact of these non-native species. To conclude, the impacts of invasive crayfish on native crayfish are profound and wide-ranging, often leading to population decline or extirpation. Further, other non-native species are also likely to have a highly deleterious impact on native crayfish populations; however, more research is required to understand the scope of this impact.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    School-choice policies are expected to generate healthy competition between schools, leading to improvements in school quality and better outcomes for students. However, the empirical literature testing this assumption yields mixed findings. This systematic review and meta-analysis tests this theory by synthesizing the empirical literature on the competitive effects of school choice on student achievement. Overall, we found small positive effects of competition on student achievement. We also found some evidence that the type of school-choice policy and student demographics moderated the effects of competition on student achievement. By examining whether school competition improves outcomes, our findings can inform decisions of state and local policymakers who have adopted or are considering adopting school-choice reforms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Macroecologists traditionally emphasized the role of environmental variables for predicting species distribution and abundance at large scale. While biotic factors have been increasingly recognized as important at macroecological scales, producing valuable biotic variables remains challenging and rarely tested. Capitalizing on the wealth of population density estimates available for African savannah ungulates, here we modeled species average population density at 100 × 100 km as a function of both environmental variables and proxies of biotic interactions (competition and predation) and estimated their relative contribution. We fitted a linear mixed effect model on 1043 population density estimates for 63 species of ungulates using Bayesian inference and estimated the percentage of total variance explained by environmental, anthropogenic, and biotic interactions variables. Environmental and anthropogenic variables were the main drivers of ungulate population density, with NDVI, Distance to permanent water bodies and Human population density showing the highest contribution to the variance. Nonetheless, biotic interactions altogether contributed to a quarter of the variance explained, with predation and competition having a negative effect on species density. Despite the limitations of modelling biotic interactions in macroecological studies, proxies of biotic interactions can enhance our understanding of biological patterns at broad spatial scales, uncovering novel predictors as well as enhancing the predictive power of large-scale models.





