Comparative Morphology

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Documenting changes in the distribution and abundance of a given taxon requires historical data. In the absence of long-term monitoring data collected throughout the range of a taxon, conservation biologists often rely on preserved museum specimens to determine the past or present, putative geographic distribution. Distributional data for the Houston Toad (Anaxyrus houstonensis) has consistently been confounded by similarities with a sympatric congener, the Dwarf American Toad (A. americanus charlesmithi), both in monitoring data derived from chorusing surveys, and in historical data via museum specimens. In this case, misidentification can have unintended impacts on conservation efforts, where the Houston Toad is federally endangered, and the Dwarf American Toad is of least concern. Previously published reports have compared these two taxon on the basis of their male advertisement call and morphological appearance, often with the goal of using these characters to substantiate their taxonomic status prior to the advent of DNA sequencing technology. However, numerous studies report findings that contradict one another, and no consensus on the true differences or similarities can be drawn. Here, we use contemporary recordings of wild populations of each taxon to test for quantifiable differences in male advertisement call. Additionally, we quantitatively examine a subset of vouchered museum specimens representing each taxon to test previously reported differentiating morphometric characters used to distinguish among other Bufonids of East-Central Texas, USA. Finally, we assemble and qualitatively evaluate a database of photographs representing catalogued museum vouchers for each taxon to determine if their previously documented historic ranges may be larger than are currently accepted. Our findings reveal quantifiable differences between two allopatric congeners with respect to their male advertisement call, whereas we found similarities among their detailed morphology. Additionally, we report on the existence of additional, historically overlooked, museum records for the Houston Toad in the context of its putative historic range, and discuss errors associated with the curation of these specimens whose identity and nomenclature have not been consistent through time. These results bookend decades of disagreement regarding the morphology, voice, and historic distribution of these taxa, and alert practitioners of conservation efforts for the Houston Toad to previously unreported locations of occurrence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The hair coat and hair microstructure of an adult male Hydropotes inermis from the Primorsky Krai of Russia were studied for the first time by light and scanning electron microscopy. Lack of abundant underfur, sparse hair, and a weak layering are characteristic of the species, which inhabits the temperate monsoon and tropical zones and does not need an efficient thermal protection. An alveolar and lattice medulla of the hair is similar to that of other deer, is well developed, and increases the heat-protective properties of the hair because seasonal and daily fluctuations in temperature and humidity can be significant. The cuticle pattern is similar to that of the deer tribes Alceini and Capreolini. The hair thickness and length are substantial on the back, sides, and thighs, and the coat thus provides reliable protection from mechanical damage when the water deer moves through thickets of bushes and grasses along riverbanks and swamps in its habitats. A knotty nature of hairs protects the skin from sharp outgrowths of aquatic and marsh plants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We compare the effects of burrowing behavior on appendicular bone structure in two Peromyscus (deer mouse) species. P. polionotus creates complex burrows in their territories, while P. eremicus is a non-burrowing nesting mouse. We examined museum specimens\' bones of wild-caught mice of the two species and lab-reared P. polionotus not given the opportunity to burrow. Bones were scanned using micro-computed tomography, and cortical and trabecular bone structural properties were quantified. Wild P. polionotus mice had a larger moment of area in the ulnar and tibial cortical bone compared with their lab-reared counterparts, suggesting developmental adaptation to bending resistance. Wild P. polionotus had a larger normalized second moment of area and cross-sectional area in the tibia compared with P. eremicus. Tibial trabecular analysis showed lower trabecular thickness and spacing in wild P. polionotus than in P. eremicus and femoral analysis showed wild P. polionotus had lower thickness than P. eremicus and lower spacing than lab-reared P. polionotus, suggesting adaptation to high loads from digging. Results lay the groundwork for future exploration of the ontogenetic and evolutionary basis of mechanoadaptation in Peromyscus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In insect taxa with homogeneous external morphology, genital structures often emerge as essential traits for interspecific differentiation. In the tribe Ptomaphagini (Coleoptera, Leiodidae, Cholevinae), precise identification often depends on analyzing the male genital morphology, even at the genus level. Here, we present a new character for diagnosing the genera Paulipalpina Gnaspini & Peck, 1996 and Parapaulipalpina Gnaspini, 1996. This feature, which we dub \'paralobe\', is a projection arising from the internal surface of the right lobe of the aedeagal apex. Based on its absence in other beetles, including other Ptomaphagini, we recognize it as a putative synapomorphy for those genera. The recognition of this previously overlooked structure adds important information for understanding the sequence of changes that occurred in the male genitalia among the genera of Ptomaphagini.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Silk production is a prominent characteristic of spiders. The silk is extruded through spigots located on the spinnerets, which are single- to multimembered paired appendages at the end of the abdomen. Most extant spiders have three pairs of spinnerets, and in between either a cribellum (spinning plate) or a colulus (defunct vestigial organ), dividing these spiders into cribellate and ecribellate species. Previous research has shown that cribellate and ecribellate spiders differ not only in the composition of their spinning apparatus but also in the movements of their spinnerets during silk spinning. The objective of this study was to determine whether the differences in spinneret movements are solely due to variations in spinneret shape or whether they are based on differences in muscular anatomy. This was accomplished by analyzing microcomputed tomography scans of the posterior abdomen of each three cribellate and ecribellate species. It was found that the number of muscles did not generally differ between cribellate and ecribellate species, but varied considerably between the species within each of these two groups. Muscle thickness, particularly of the posterior median spinneret, varied slightly between groups, with cribellate spiders exhibiting more robust muscles, possibly to aid in the combing process during cribellar thread production. Interestingly, the vestigial colulus still possesses muscles, that can be homologized with those of the cribellum. This exploration into spinneret anatomy using microcomputed tomography data reveals that despite being small appendages, the spider spinnerets are equipped with a complex musculature that enables them to perform fine-scaled maneuvers to construct different fiber-based materials.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Whether there is a relationship between bats\' dietary patterns and evolutionary endocrine pancreas adaptation is not clearly understood. Aiming to contribute to this topic, we evaluated some metabolic and structural parameters in the following adult bats: the frugivorous Artibeus lituratus, the nectarivorous Anoura caudifer, the hematophagous Desmodus rotundus, and the insectivorous Molossus molossus. A. lituratus and A. caudifer diets consist of high amounts of simple carbohydrates, while D. rotundus and M. molossus diets consist of high amounts of proteins or protein and fat, respectively. In our results, A. lituratus and A. caudifer bats exhibited the highest values of relative islet mass (%), islet density (number of islets per pancreas area), and the lowest values of intestinal length among the four species. When adjusted by the body mass (mg/g of body mass), both D. rotundus and A. caudifer bats exhibited the highest islet mass values among the groups. Blood glucose was similar between A. lituratus, D. rotundus, and M. molossus, with the lowest values for the A. caudifer bats. M. molossus bats had the highest plasma cholesterol values among the studied species but exhibited similar plasma triacylglycerol with D. rotundus and A. caudifer bats. β- and α-cell distribution within A. lituratus, A. caudifer, and M. molossus islets achieved an approximate average value of ∼ 66% and ∼ 28%, respectively, a pattern inverted in D. rotundus islets (53% of α cells and 40% of β cells). A. caudifer and D. rotundus exhibited the highest and the lowest β/α-cells ratio per islet, respectively. We conclude that the macronutrient predominance in each bat-eating niche correlates with the morphophysiological pancreas features being the nectarivorous A. caudifer the species with the highest islet mass per body mass and β/α-cells ratio, while the hematophagous D. rotundus showed the highest α-cells apparatus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During an ichthyoparasitological survey in 2017-2019, six species of acanthocephalans were found among Taiwan\'s freshwater (Cypriniformes: Xenocyprididae, Cyprinidae) and marine fishes (Scombriformes: Scombridae, Trichiuridae; Anabantiformes: Channidae; Carangaria/misc: Latidae): Micracanthorhynchina dakusuiensis (Harada, 1938), Rhadinorhynchus laterospinosus Amin, Heckmann et Ha, 2011, Pallisentis rexus Wongkham et Whitfield, 1999, Longicollum sp., Bolbosoma vasculosum (Rudolphi, 1819), and one new species, Micracanthorynchina brevelemniscus sp. n. All species are morphologically characterised and illustrated using light and scanning electron microscopy. The finding of R. laterospinosus, P. rexus and B. vasculosum is the first record for these species in Taiwan. Micracanthorhynchina brevelemniscus is similar to Micracanthorhynchina motomurai (Harada, 1935) and M. dakusuiensis in proboscis armature but differs from M. motomurai by larger eggs (53-59 × 15-16 µm vs 40 × 16 µm) and by the number of cement glands (6 vs 4) and from M. dakusuiensis by shorter body length (2.2-2.9 mm vs 4.0 mm in males and 2.9-4.1 mm vs 7.6 mm in females), by the location of the organs of the male reproductive system (from level of the posterior third of the proboscis receptacle in M. brevelemniscus vs in the posterior half of the trunk in M. dakusuiensis), and by length of lemnisci (lemnisci shorter than the proboscis receptacle vs lemnisci longer than the proboscis receptacle). Phylogenetic analyses of almost complete 18S rRNA gene revealed paraphyly of the family Rhadinorhynchidae suggested in previous studies. Micracanthorhynchina dakusuiensis and M. brevelemniscus formed a strongly supported cluster, which formed the earliest diverging branch to the rest of the rhadinorhynchids and transvenids.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Phasmatodea are well known for their ability to disguise themselves by mimicking twigs, leaves, or bark, and are therefore commonly referred to as stick and leaf insects. In addition to this and other defensive strategies, many phasmatodean species use paired prothoracic repellent glands to release defensive chemicals when disturbed by predators or parasites. These glands are considered as an autapomorphic trait of the Phasmatodea. However, detailed knowledge of the gland anatomy and chemical compounds is scarce and only a few species were studied until now. We investigated the repellent glands for a global sampling of stick and leaf insects that represents all major phasmatodean lineages morphologically via µCT scans and analyzed the anatomical traits in a phylogenetic context.
    RESULTS: All twelve investigated species possess prothoracic repellent glands that we classify into four distinct gland types. 1: lobe-like glands, 2: sac-like glands without ejaculatory duct, 3: sac-like glands with ejaculatory duct and 4: tube-like glands. Lobe-like glands are exclusively present in Timema, sac-like glands without ejaculatory duct are only found in Orthomeria, whereas the other two types are distributed across all other taxa (= Neophasmatodea). The relative size differences of these glands vary significantly between species, with some glands not exceeding in length the anterior quarter of the prothorax, and other glands extending to the end of the metathorax.
    CONCLUSIONS: We could not detect any strong correlation between aposematic or cryptic coloration of the examined phasmatodeans and gland type or size. We hypothesize that a comparatively small gland was present in the last common ancestor of Phasmatodea and Euphasmatodea, and that the gland volume increased independently in subordinate lineages of the Occidophasmata and Oriophasmata. Alternatively, the stem species of Neophasmatodea already developed large glands that were reduced in size several times independently. In any case, our results indicate a convergent evolution of the gland types, which was probably closely linked to properties of the chemical components and different predator selection pressures. Our study is the first showing the great anatomical variability of repellent glands in stick and leaf insects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A new species of Epipactis from Bucegi Natural Park ROSCI0013, Southern Carpathians, Central Romania is described. Three medium-sized populations of Epipactis bucegensis (65-70 individuals in total) were discovered in the south-eastern, subalpine area of the park. To properly describe and distinguish the newly found taxon from other Romanian Epipactis, 37 morphological characters were measured directly from living plants and flowers. Moreover, a detailed taxonomic treatment and description with corresponding colour photos and line drawings illustrations of the holotype are also included. Epipactis bucegensis is an obligate autogamous species that partially resembles Epipactis muelleri, from which it differs in the basal distribution of leaves on the stem (vs. median distribution); near-erect leaf posture (vs. horizontally spread, arched downwards); lanceolate-acuminate, yellowish-green leaves (vs. oval-elongate, vivid-green leaves); bipartite labellum lacking the mesochile (vs. tripartite labellum); crimson-red, wide, ovoid-elongated, flattened hypochile (vs. dark-brown to black roundish hypochile); triangular, white epichile with a sharply tapering apex (vs. heart-shaped, greenish-yellow epichile with obtuse, roundish apex); and two wide-apart, purple, pyramidal calli (vs. two closely placed, attenuated, mildly wrinkled, greenish-yellow calli). Epipactis bucegensis is easily distinguished from all other European Epipactis taxa by the bipartite, wide labellum that lacks the mesochile. In addition, information regarding its distribution (maps), habitat, ecology, phenology and IUCN conservation assessments are provided.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pseudocypretta amor sp. nov. (named after the carapace spots resembling the word \"Love\") is here described from all-female populations from the four major floodplains in Brazil. The new species is compared to the other two known species in the genus, P. maculata Klie (1932), the type species, and P. lineata Ma and Yu (2020). As the latter two species are thus far found exclusively in South East Asia and China, respectively, the present extension of the area of the genus to South America is considerable. Several morphological characters in this genus and species are discussed, especially the presence of marginal septa in the valves, the candonid type T3 with 3rd and 4th segment separated (candonid type) and the caudal ramus which is reduced to a flagellum (cypridopsine type) or is fully absent. Based on the combination of these and other characters, the genus Pseudocypretta is here transferred from the Cyprettinae to the tribe Cyprettadopsini in the Cypridopsinae, as it is closely related to the genus Cyprettadopsis Savatenalinton, 2020. The presence of the candonid type T3 in Cyprididae and Notodromadidae, where the T3 generally has a pincer-shaped tip by the fusion of the 3rd and the 4th segment, is further discussed.





