
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    DNA methylation plays a crucial role in environmental adaptations. Here, using whole-genome bisulfite sequencing, we generated comprehensive genome-wide DNA methylation profiles for the high-altitude Yunnan snub-nosed monkey ( Rhinopithecus bieti) and the closely related golden snub-nosed monkey ( R. roxellana). Our findings indicated a slight increase in overall DNA methylation levels in golden snub-nosed monkeys compared to Yunnan snub-nosed monkeys, suggesting a higher prevalence of hypermethylated genomic regions in the former. Comparative genomic methylation analysis demonstrated that genes associated with differentially methylated regions were involved in membrane fusion, vesicular formation and trafficking, hemoglobin function, cell cycle regulation, and neuronal differentiation. These results suggest that the high-altitude-related epigenetic modifications are extensive, involving a complete adaptation process from the inhibition of single Ca 2+ channel proteins to multiple proteins collaboratively enhancing vesicular function or inhibiting cell differentiation and proliferation. Functional assays demonstrated that overexpression or down-regulation of candidate genes, such as SNX10, TIMELESS, and CACYBP, influenced cell viability under stress conditions. Overall, this research suggests that comparing DNA methylation across closely related species can identify novel candidate genomic regions and genes associated with local adaptations, thereby deepening our understanding of the mechanisms underlying environmental adaptations.
    DNA甲基化在生物体的环境适应中发挥重要的作用。滇金丝猴( Rhinopithecus bieti)是灵长类疣猴亚科仰鼻猴属( Rhinopithecus)物种,主要栖息在海拔3300米以上的高山针叶林,是适应最高海拔环境的非人灵长类动物。为探究表观遗传修饰在该物种高海拔适应中的作用,该研究首先通过全基因组重亚硫酸盐测序获取了滇金丝猴及其近亲——川金丝猴( R. roxellana)的全基因组甲基化图谱。研究发现川金丝猴的基因组总体甲基化水平略高于滇金丝猴,表明相对于滇金丝猴,川金丝猴基因组中存在更多的区域处于超甲基化修饰状态。比较基因组甲基化分析表明,在两种金丝猴中,差异甲基化修饰区域相关基因涉及膜融合、囊泡形成和转运、血红蛋白功能、细胞周期调控和神经分化的等生物学过程。这表明高海拔适应的表观修饰方面是一个广泛的、完整的过程,涉及单个蛋白的抑制(例如钙离子通道蛋白的抑制),以及多个蛋白共同作用(例如囊泡功能的增强、细胞增殖和分化的抑制)。进而,该研究选取了其中三个差异甲基化修饰区域相关基因(例如 SNX10、 TIMELESS和 CACYBP)进行相关细胞学实验。结果表明上调或下调本研究中的相关基因会影响细胞在胁迫条件下的存活率,这些表达情况与相关基因在滇金丝猴中甲基化修饰状态一致。综上,该研究表明对近缘物种的基因组甲基化比较分析可以为生物体适应环境提供新的候选基因组差异区或差异基因,从而提高我们对生物体适应环境机制的理解。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: One of the constrain in proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus) conservation is gastrointestinal helminth (GH) infection. Here, we conducted a study to determine the prevalence of GHs in captive proboscis monkeys in Surabaya Zoo, Indonesia.
    METHODS: Twenty fecal samples were collected from three groups (i.e., nursery cage [NC] [n = 1], communal show cage [SC] [n = 8], and free-ranging colonies [FC] [n = 11]). The fecal samples have been examined through McMaster and sugar floatation techniques.
    RESULTS: The total prevalence of GH infection was 85.00% (17/20). We confirmed infection of Trichuris sp., Ascaris sp., Strongyloides sp., and Hymenolepis nana with Trichuris eggs was dominant. Although the prevalence of infection was high, the number of eggs per gram (epg) was low.
    CONCLUSIONS: GH infection in captive proboscis monkeys in Surabaya Zoo, Indonesia, is highly prevalent. These results were useful for future research, control, and prevention of zoonotic potency purposes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The banded langur (Presbytis femoralis) is a critically endangered primate, restricted to Johor, Malaysia, with an estimated population size of less than 500 individuals. Traditionally, distribution studies on this highly threatened primate have relied on conventional methods such as DNA identification, live counting, and camera trapping. However, ethnoprimatology offers an alternative approach to data collection, involving the active participation of indigenous and local communities possessing valuable knowledge and experience with local primate species. This study employed an integrated approach incorporating ethnoprimatology by utilizing pooled local expert opinion, local surveys, interviews, and fecal DNA analysis, resulting in a novel distribution range for the banded langur. The combination of expert opinions revealed this species\' most optimistic distribution scenario across Johor and Pahang, inhabiting various ecosystems, including lowland forests, peat swamps, and human-modified landscapes. Further interviews and surveys conducted within the Orang Asli community in Tasik Chini and Tasek Bera have provided additional support for the revised distribution, documenting occurrences of banded langur utilization in indigenous practices, such as food consumption, cultural beliefs, medicinal applications, and craftsmanship. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated genetic differentiation between populations in Johor and Pahang, with the populations in the southern part of Peninsular Malaysia likely serving as ancestral sources for other populations. Consequently, this study not only elucidated the updated distribution of banded langur through DNA records and direct observations but also established the efficacy of ethnoprimatology as a precursory tool for uncovering the present distribution patterns of other primate species in Malaysia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Black-and-white snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus bieti) rely on behavioral and dietary flexibility to survive in temperate latitudes at high-elevation habitats characterized by climate and resource seasonality. However, little is known about how elevation influences their behavioral and dietary flexibility at monthly or seasonal scales. We studied an isolated R. bieti population at Mt. Lasha in the Yunling Provincial Nature Reserve, Yunnan, China, between May 2008 and August 2016 to assess the impacts of elevation on feeding behavior and diet. Across our sample, R. bieti occupied elevations between 3031 and 3637 m above mean sea level (amsl), with a 315.1 m amsl range across months and a 247.3 m amsl range across seasons. Contrary to expectations, individuals spent less time feeding when ranging across higher elevations. Lichen consumption correlated with elevation use across months and seasons, with individuals spending more time feeding on this important resource at higher elevations. Leaf consumption only correlated with elevation use during the spring. Our results suggest that R. bieti do not maximize their food intake at higher elevations and that monthly and seasonal changes in lichen and leaf consumption largely explain variation in elevation use. These findings shed light on the responses of R. bieti to environmental change and offer insight into strategies for conserving their habitats in the face of anthropogenic disturbance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bitter taste perception is important in preventing animals from ingesting potentially toxic compounds. Whole-genome assembly (WGA) data have revealed that bitter taste receptor genes (TAS2Rs) comprise a multigene family with dozens of intact and disrupted genes in primates. However, publicly available WGA data are often incomplete, especially for multigene families. In this study, we employed a targeted capture (TC) approach specifically probing TAS2Rs for ten species of cercopithecid primates with diverse diets, including eight omnivorous cercopithecine species and two folivorous colobine species. We designed RNA probes for all TAS2Rs that we modeled to be intact in the common ancestor of cercopithecids (\"ancestral-cercopithecid TAS2R gene set\"). The TC was followed by short-read and high-depth massive-parallel sequencing. TC retrieved more intact TAS2R genes than found in WGA databases. We confirmed a large number of gene \"births\" at the common ancestor of cercopithecids and found that the colobine common ancestor and the cercopithecine common ancestor had contrasting trajectories: four gene \"deaths\" and three gene births, respectively. The number of intact TAS2R genes was markedly reduced in colobines (25-28 detected via TC and 20-26 detected via WGA analysis) as compared with cercopithecines (27-36 via TC and 19-30 via WGA). Birth or death events occurred at almost every phylogenetic-tree branch, making the composition of intact genes variable among species. These results show that evolutionary change in intact TAS2R genes is a complex process, refute a simple general prediction that herbivory favors more TAS2R genes, and have implications for understanding dietary adaptations and the evolution of detoxification abilities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Primates are among the most threatened taxa globally, therefore, there is a need to estimate and monitor their populations. Kashmir Gray Langur Semnopithecus ajax is an endangered species for which there is no population estimate. We used double-observer method to estimate its population size in the Kashmir region of North-Western Himalaya. We walked 1284 km across 31 survey blocks spanning all three divisions of Kashmir viz., North, Central, and South Kashmir, covering an area of 411 km2. We counted a minimum of 1367 individual langurs from 27 groups. The detection probability for observer 1 (0.719) and observer 2 (0.656) resulted in a population estimate of 1496 (95% confidence interval [CI] 1367-1899) across 30 groups (with a mean group size of 51), giving a density estimate of 3.64 (3.33-4.62) langurs/km². We found double-observer surveys to be suitable for the population estimation of langurs, and we make recommendations on how to effectively conduct primate surveys, especially in mountainous ecosystems. Our records extend the species distribution range beyond stated by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Our findings also highlight that the Kashmir Himalaya is a stronghold of the species, where conservation efforts should focus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Captivity and artificial food provision are common conservation strategies for the endangered golden snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana). Anthropogenic activities have been reported to impact the fitness of R. roxellana by altering their gut microbiota, a crucial indicator of animal health. Nevertheless, the degree of divergence in gut microbiota between different anthropogenically-disturbed (AD) R. roxellana and their counterparts in the wild has yet to be elucidated. Here, we conducted a comparative analysis of the gut microbiota across nine populations of R. roxellana spanning China, which included seven captive populations, one wild population, and another wild population subject to artificial food provision.
    RESULTS: Both captivity and food provision significantly altered the gut microbiota. AD populations exhibited common variations, such as increased Bacteroidetes and decreased Firmicutes (e.g., Ruminococcus), Actinobacteria (e.g., Parvibacter), Verrucomicrobia (e.g., Akkermansia), and Tenericutes. Additionally, a reduced Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratiosuggested diminished capacity for complex carbohydrate degradation in captive individuals. The results of microbial functional prediction suggested that AD populations displayed heightened microbial genes linked to vitamin and amino acid metabolism, alongside decreased genes associated antibiotics biosynthesis (e.g., penicillin, cephalosporin, macrolides, and clavulanic acid) and secondary metabolite degradation (e.g., naphthalene and atrazine). These microbial alterations implied potential disparities in the health status between AD and wild individuals. AD populations exhibited varying degrees of microbial changes compared to the wild group, implying that the extent of these variations might serve as a metric for assessing the health status of AD populations. Furthermore, utilizing the individual information of captive individuals, we identified associations between variations in the gut microbiota of R. roxellana and host age, as well as pedigree. Older individuals exhibited higher microbial diversity, while a closer genetic relatedness reflected a more similar gut microbiota.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our aim was to assess how anthropogenic activities and host factors influence the gut microbiota of R. roxellana. Anthropogenic activities led to consistent changes in gut microbial diversity and function, while host age and genetic relatedness contributed to interindividual variations in the gut microbiota. These findings may contribute to the establishment of health assessment standards and the optimization of breeding conditions for captive R. roxellana populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nonhuman primates and their habitats are facing an impending extinction crisis. Approximately 69% of primate species are listed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature as threatened and 93% have declining populations. Human population growth (expected to reach 10.9 billion by the year 2100), the unsustainable demands of a small number of consumer nations for forest-risk commodities, deforestation and habitat conversion, the expansion of roads and rail networks, cattle ranching, the hunting and trapping of wild primate populations, and the potential spread of infectious diseases are among the primary drivers of primate population decline. Climate change will only exacerbate the current situation. The time to act to protect primate populations is now! In this special issue of the American Journal of Primatology, we present a series of commentaries, formulated as \"Action Letters.\" These are designed to educate and inform primatologists, conservation biologists, wildlife ecologists, political leaders, and global citizens about the conservation challenges faced by particular primate taxa and particular world regions, and present examples of specific actions that one can take, individually and collectively, to promote the persistence of wild primate populations and environmental justice for local human populations and impacted ecological communities. As scientists, researchers, and educators, primatologists are in a unique position to lead local, national, and international efforts to protect biodiversity. In this special issue, we focus on primates of the Brazilian Amazon, lemurs of northeast Madagascar, Temminck\'s red colobus monkey (Piliocolobus badius temminckii), night monkeys (Aotus spp.), long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis), the primate pet trade, and professional capacity building to foster conservation awareness and action. We encourage primatologists, regardless of their research focus, to engage in both advocacy and activism to protect wild primate populations worldwide.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The dynamics of animal social structures are heavily influenced by environmental patterns of competition and cooperation. In folivorous colobine primates, prevailing theories suggest that larger group sizes should be favored in rainforests with a year-round abundance of food, thereby reducing feeding competition. Yet, paradoxically, larger groups are frequently found in high-altitude or high-latitude montane ecosystems characterized by a seasonal scarcity of leaves. This contradiction is posited to arise from cooperative benefits in heterogeneous environments. To investigate this hypothesis, we carried out a six-year field study on two neighboring groups of golden snub-nosed monkey ( Rhinopithecus roxellana), a species representing the northernmost distribution of colobine primates. Results showed that the groups adjusted their movement and habitat selection in response to fluctuating climates and spatiotemporal variability of resources, indicative of a dynamic foraging strategy. Notably, during the cold, resource-scarce conditions in winter, the large group occupied food-rich habitats but did not exhibit significantly longer daily travel distances than the smaller neighboring group. Subsequently, we compiled an eco-behavioral dataset of 52 colobine species to explore their evolutionary trajectories. Analysis of this dataset suggested that the increase in group size may have evolved via home range expansion in response to the cold and heterogeneous climates found at higher altitudes or latitudes. Hence, we developed a multi-benefits framework to interpret the formation of larger groups by integrating environmental heterogeneity. In cold and diverse environments, even smaller groups require larger home ranges to meet their dynamic survival needs. The spatiotemporal distribution of high-quality resources within these expanded home ranges facilitates more frequent interactions between groups, thereby encouraging social aggregation into larger groups. This process enhances the benefits of collaborative actions and reproductive opportunities, while simultaneously optimizing travel costs through a dynamic foraging strategy.
    环境中动物的竞争与合作模式影响其社会形态。经典模型预测植食性灵长类在植物资源丰富的地区如热带雨林,食物竞争较小,倾向于形成大群。实际观察模式却显示大群常出现在植物季节性凋落的高海拔或高纬度山地生态系统。栖息地异质性假说认为该矛盾可能来源于异质性环境中的集体合作收益。为检验该假说,我们首先以植食性灵长类中分布最北的川金丝猴( Rhinopithecus roxellana)为对象,对两个不同规模的邻域猴群进行了连续6年的野外追踪。家域分析发现两个猴群均采取动态觅食策略,即根据季节性气候变化和时空异质的食物资源实时调整移动行为,选择食物丰富多样的高质量栖息地作为核心家域。群间比较显示,大群中有显著更多的性成熟个体,栖息于食物更丰富的斑块,且冬季未发生显著更长距离的觅食性移动。我们进一步构建含52个物种的疣猴亚科行为-生态数据集以确定演化路径。其中一种路径显示高海拔高纬度环境中的寒冷及季节性气候可促进家域面积增大,从而间接导致群体规模增加。因此,我们引入一个综合栖息地异质性假说的多重利益框架来解释金丝猴大型群体的形成。在寒冷、资源异质的环境中,即使小群也需要超大家域满足动态生存需求。在这样的超大家域中,高质量食物的时空特异性使得原始小群间相遇概率增加,集体行动可获得较高的食物和繁殖机会等多重收益,并且可通过动态觅食策略控制移动成本,从而促进社会聚集为大型群体。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The golden snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana) is a rare and endemic species in China. The population of golden snub-nosed monkeys in Sichuan Province has an isolated genetic status, large population size, and low genetic diversity, making it highly vulnerable to environmental changes. Our study aimed to evaluate the potential impact of climate and land-use changes on the distribution and dispersal paths of the species in Sichuan Province. We used three general circulation models (GCMs), three greenhouse gas emission scenarios, and three land-use change scenarios suitable for China to predict the potential distributions of the golden snub-nosed monkey in the current and 2070s using the MaxEnt model. The dispersal paths were identified by the circuit theory. Our results suggested that the habitats of the golden snub-nosed monkey were reduced under all three GCM scenarios. The suitable habitats for the golden snub-nosed monkey would be reduced by 82.67%, 82.47%, and 75.17% under the RCP2.6, RCP4.5, and RCP8.5 scenarios, respectively, compared to the currently suitable habitat area. Additionally, we found that the density of future dispersal paths of golden snub-nosed monkeys would decrease, and the dispersal resistance would increase. Therefore, relevant wildlife protection agencies should prioritize the climatically suitable distributions and key dispersal paths of golden snub-nosed monkeys to improve their conservation. We identified key areas for habitat preservation and increased habitat connectivity under climate change, which could serve as a reference for future adaptation strategies.





