Coastal wetlands

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    One of the most fascinating wetlands on Peru\'s central coast is the Santa Rosa wetland (Chancay, Lima), an ecosystem threatened by anthropogenic activities. Some of these impacts have led to the uncontrolled growth of Pistia stratiotes, an invasive aquatic plant. This study sought to quantify the regulation and provisioning of ecosystem services provided by P. stratiotes using carbon storage and the provision of biomass as indicators. To this end, the biomasses of 50 plots measuring 0.0625 m2 were weighed and georeferenced and the percentages of dry biomass (%DB) and total organic carbon in the biomass (%C) were quantified. The biomass and its coordinates were entered into ArcGIS and a Kriging interpolation technique was applied to determine the total amount of biomass (B). It was found that P. stratiotes stored 3942.57 tCO2 and that 2132.41 tons of biomass could be obtained for fodder. The total carbon stored by this aquatic plant represented 28.46% of the total carbon sequestered in the wetland ecosystem by vascular plants, suggesting that its contribution to the carbon cycle is significant. This is the first study to estimate the biomass of a floating aquatic plant population in a coastal Peruvian wetland and is a pioneering study addressing the in situ carbon estimation of Peruvian floating aquatic plants. The results and methods proposed in this research will serve in the evaluation of the potential of ecosystem services among similar populations of floating aquatic species. In addition, the data presented can be used to establish plans for the management and use of this biomass in the production of soil fertilizers and cattle forage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Coastal wetlands are extremely vulnerable to both marine damage and human activities. In order to protect these wetlands, many artificial seawalls have been constructed. However, studies are required to understand how coastal wetlands will evolve under the influence of artificial seawalls. Therefore, to understand this succession process of plants and their adaptation to habitats divided by seawalls, two different habitats inside and outside the seawalls were selected in Laizhou Bay, China. The results showed that there were 5 plant species outside the seawalls that were lower than the 13 species inside. Additionally, the dominant plant species were varied between the two habitats, with mostly annual herbs observed outside the seawalls and perennial shrubs inside. Soil salinity was higher outside the seawalls, which was the key impact factor of soil nutrient differences. The distribution of annual and perennial species may be constrained by spatial differences in soil stoichiometry. Therefore, the plants in coastal wetlands vary significantly at a small scale in response to the disturbance of artificial seawalls. The differences in soil and plants between the two habitats divided by the artificial seawalls provide a new insight for evaluating the artificial coastal projects. The only way to reduce the effects of seawalls on natural coastal wetland vegetation and ecosystem functions is to restore connectivity of tidal flow inside and outside the seawalls.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Coastal wetland ecosystems harbor rich biodiversity and possess significant ecosystem service value (ESV). Therefore, it offers a range of crucial ecosystem services (ES) for human well-being and socio-economic development. Taking the Hainan Island coastal zone (HICZ) as a case study, the spatio-temporal characteristics of land use and land cover change (LULCC), and its associated ESV in wetland landscapes were analyzed over three time points (2000, 2010 and 2020). We explored the spatio-temporal evolution trajectory of ESV on the basis of geo-information tupu. Then, future land use simulation (FLUS) was employed to predict wetland patterns and ESV under three different scenarios: business as usual (BAU), ecological conservation first (ECF), and economic development first (EDF). The results showed that over the past two decades, a significant proportion (exceeding 80%) of the overall wetland region was comprised of offshore and coastal wetlands (OCW) as well as constructed wetlands (CW); these formed the matrix of the landscape. The area of building land (BL) continued to exhibit a consistent upward trend. Expanding by 2.18 times, it represented the most significant increase in the rate of dynamic changes in BL. The main ES in the HICZ corresponded to the regulation services (53.57%) and the support services (27.58%). The ESV of wetland losses accounted for 45.17% (43.08 × 108 yuan) of the total loss. The spatial differentiation of ESV in the HICZ was larger in the southwest and the northeast regions, while it was comparatively lower in the north. The transformation in the area of early and late change types accounted for 236.46 km2 and 356.69 km2, respectively. The scenario ECF was achieved with an optimal development of ESV (1807.72 × 108 yuan), which was coordinated with the high-level of development of regional ES functions and the economy. These findings provide valuable information for the sustainable development as well as the protection of ecology and environment of the coastal zone under the background of the construction of Hainan pilot free trade zone in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dark carbon fixation (DCF), conducted mainly by chemoautotrophs, contributes greatly to primary production and the global carbon budget. Understanding the response of DCF process to climate warming in coastal wetlands is of great significance for model optimization and climate change prediction. Here, based on a 4-yr field warming experiment (average annual temperature increase of 1.5°C), DCF rates were observed to be significantly inhibited by warming in coastal wetlands (average annual DCF decline of 21.6%, and estimated annual loss of 0.08-1.5 Tg C yr-1 in global coastal marshes), thus causing a positive climate feedback. Under climate warming, chemoautotrophic microbial abundance and biodiversity, which were jointly affected by environmental changes such as soil organic carbon and water content, were recognized as significant drivers directly affecting DCF rates. Metagenomic analysis further revealed that climate warming may alter the pattern of DCF carbon sequestration pathways in coastal wetlands, increasing the relative importance of the 3-hydroxypropionate/4-hydroxybutyrate cycle, whereas the relative importance of the dominant chemoautotrophic carbon fixation pathways (Calvin-Benson-Bassham cycle and W-L pathway) may decrease due to warming stress. Collectively, our work uncovers the feedback mechanism of microbially mediated DCF to climate warming in coastal wetlands, and emphasizes a decrease in carbon sequestration through DCF activities in this globally important ecosystem under a warming climate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To clarify the impacts of tidal hydrological process shifts caused by sea level rise on the blue carbon cycle, a typical coastal wetland in Jiaozhou Bay was selected for this study. The soils of Suaeda salsa (SS) and Phragmites australis (PA) wetlands were collected to simulate the effects of three types of tidal hydrological processes (Neap tide group, NT; Middle tide group, MT; Spring tide group, ST) on the soil-water dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) dynamic. The results showed that the concentration of water dissolved inorganic carbon (WDIC) increased rapidly (115% higher) at early stage (days 0-4) under the influence of the tidal hydrological processes. Significant differences were found in WDIC concentration during different tidal hydrological processes (P < 0.05), which were expressed as MT (52.7 ± 13.3 mg L-1) > ST (52.5 ± 12.9 mg L-1) > NT (48.4 ± 10.1 mg L-1). After experiencing the tidal hydrological processes, the soil DIC content showed a net accumulation (55.1 ± 1.29 mg L-1vs. 46.7 ± 1.76 mg L-1, P < 0.001), whereas the soil inorganic carbon (SIC) decreased (2.73 ± 1.64 mg L-1vs. 4.61 ± 1.71 mg L-1), which may be attributed to the dissolution of SIC caused by the uptake of CO2 to form DIC. The accumulation of soil DIC was directly related to the SIC (λ = 1.03, P < 0.01), and indirectly related to soil nutrients (SOC substrate, λ = -0.003) and microbes (microbial biomass, λ = -0.10), and was mainly dominated by abiotic processes (abiotic: 58.1 ± 1.8% to 82.7 ± 2.46% vs. biotic: 17.4 ± 2.46% to 41.9 ± 1.76%). The increase of tidal frequency generally inhibited the accumulation of soil DIC content and promoted the output of WDIC. However, the response of soil DIC in different wetland types to tidal frequency was divergent, which was mainly regulated by the trade-off between soil nutrients and SIC content. Taken together, tidal hydrological processes and their frequency changes reshaped DIC dynamics, promoted the dissolution of SIC and the potential uptake of CO2. These findings enhance the comprehension of the inorganic carbon cycle within coastal wetlands, particularly amidst the backdrop of climate change and the rising sea levels.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The extensive conversion of coastal wetlands into agricultural and aquaculture areas has significant repercussions on soil nutrient balance. However, how coastal conversion specifically influences the dynamics and stoichiometry of topsoil carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) remains limited due to the considerable spatial variability and a lack of comprehensive field data. Here, we investigated the concentration and distribution of total C (TC), N (TN) and P (TP), along with their stoichiometric balance in four distinct coastal landscapes, including natural marshes and tidal flats, as well as converted agricultural croplands and ponds. The results revealed that converted croplands and ponds exhibited significantly higher concentrations of soil C, N and P, particularly in comparison to tidal flats. Furthermore, croplands and ponds have higher topsoil C stocks than tidal flats, but little difference or even lose stored C compared to marshes. Cropland soils showed considerably higher levels of available N (NH4+-N and NO3--N) and available P compared to those in natural marshes and tidal flats. The distribution of soil TC, TN, and TP demonstrated greater spatial heterogeneity in natural marshes and tidal flats, while the converted areas were more uniform and became hotspots for N and P accumulation. Coastal conversion altered soil C:N:P stoichiometry, with cropland soils exhibiting a lower N:P ratio (2.9 ± 1.1), indicating that long-term application of N and P fertilizers could decrease the N:P ratio, as P is more retained in the soil than N. Furthermore, it was observed that the dynamics of C, N and P, as well as their stoichiometry, are closely linked to soil physicochemical properties, especially soil organic matter and texture. These findings highlight that coastal conversion and associated management practices markedly affected soil C, N and P dynamics in a representative wetland area of the subtropical regions, leading to a reshaping of their stoichiometric balances, particularly in the topsoil layer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Coastal wetlands are the main distribution of blue carbon in coastal zones and well known for their high carbon sequestration capacity. Investigating the variation of carbon budget is crucial for understanding the functionality of coastal wetlands and effectively addressing climate change. In this study, a bibliometric analysis of 4,509 articles was conducted to reveal research progress, hot issues, and emerging trends in the coastal wetland carbon budget field. The number of publications and citations in this field increased exponentially from 1991 to 2022. The leading subject category was Environmental Sciences with 1,844 articles (40.9%). At present, studies have been focused on blue carbon, the effects of climate change and man-made disturbances on carbon cycle, and the restoration of coastal wetlands. Based on the hotspots and trends in this field, the future researches should include (1) exploring the functional mechanisms of various factors affecting carbon cycle and establishing a methodological system for the estimation of blue carbon in coastal wetlands; (2) researching restoration techniques of coastal wetland and constructing wetland restoration evaluation index system; and (3) formulating enforceable carbon trading policy and strengthening international cooperation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sea-level rise (SLR) is expected to cause major changes to coastal wetlands, which are among the world\'s most vulnerable ecosystems and are critical for nonbreeding waterbirds. Because strategies for adaptation to SLR, such as nature-based solutions and designation of protected areas, can locally reduce the negative effects of coastal flooding under SLR on coastal wetlands, it is crucial to prioritize adaptation efforts, especially for wetlands of international importance for biodiversity. We assessed the exposure of coastal wetlands important for nonbreeding waterbirds to projected SLR along the Mediterranean coasts of 8 countries by modeling future coastal flooding under 7 scenarios of SLR by 2100 (from 44- to 161-cm rise) with a static inundation approach. Exposure to coastal flooding under future SLR was assessed for 938 Mediterranean coastal sites (≤30 km from the coastline) where 145 species of nonbreeding birds were monitored as part of the International Waterbird Census and for which the monitoring area was delineated by a polygon (64.3% of the coastal sites monitored in the Mediterranean region). Thirty-four percent of sites were threatened by future SLR, even under the most optimistic scenarios. Protected study sites and study sites of international importance for waterbirds were, respectively, 1.5 and 2 times more exposed to SLR than the other sites under the most optimistic scenario. Accordingly, we advocate for the development of a prioritization scheme to be applied to these wetlands for the implementation of strategies for adaptation to SLR to anticipate the effects of coastal flooding. Our study provides major guidance for conservation planning under global change in several countries of the Mediterranean region.
    Exposición de los humedales de importancia para las aves acuáticas no reproductoras al incremento del nivel del mar en el Mediterráneo Resumen Se espera que el incremento en el nivel del mar (INM) cause cambios importantes en los humedales costeros, los cuales se encuentran entre los ecosistemas más vulnerables y son críticos para las aves acuáticas no reproductoras. Es crucial la priorización de los esfuerzos de adaptación, especialmente en los humedales con importancia internacional para la biodiversidad, ya que las estrategias de adaptación ante el INM, como las soluciones basadas en la naturaleza y la designación de áreas protegidas, pueden reducir localmente los efectos negativos de las inundaciones costeras por INM en los humedales costeros. Evaluamos la exposición de los humedales costeros con importancia para las aves acuáticas no reproductoras ante el INM proyectado en las costas del Mediterráneo en ocho países con un modelo de inundaciones costeras en el futuro bajo siete escenarios de INM para el año 2100 (de 44 a 161 cm) con un enfoque de inundación estática. Evaluamos la exposición a las inundaciones costeras bajo el INM futuro en 938 sitios costeros del Mediterráneo (≤ 30 km a partir de la costa), en donde monitoreamos a 145 especies de aves no reproductoras como parte del Censo Internacional de Aves Acuáticas y para los cuales el área de monitoreo estuvo delineada con un polígono (64.3% de los sitios costeros monitoreados en la región Mediterránea). El 34% de los sitios se vio amenazado por el INM en el futuro, incluso con los escenarios más optimistas. Los sitios de estudio protegidos y los sitios de estudio de importancia internacional para las aves acuáticas estuvieron expuestos 1.5 y 2 veces más al INM que otros sitios con el escenario más optimista. De acuerdo con esto, abogamos por el desarrollo de un esquema de priorización para aplicarse en estos humedales para la implementación de estrategias de adaptación al INM para anticipar los efectos de las inundaciones costeras. Nuestro estudio proporciona información importante para la planeación de la conservación bajo el cambio global en varios de los países del Mediterráneo.
    【摘要】 海平面上升预计将导致沿海湿地发生重大变化, 而这些湿地作为世界上最脆弱的生态系统之一, 对非繁殖水鸟至关重要。由于海平面上升的适应策略(如基于自然的解决方案和划定保护区)可以局部减少海平面上升导致的沿海洪水对沿海湿地的负面影响, 因此优先实施这些适应策略十分重要, 尤其是针对那些对生物多样性具有国际重要性的湿地。本研究用静态淹没方法模拟了至2100年七种海平面上升情景(上升44‐161厘米)下未来的沿海洪水情况, 并评估了八个国家地中海沿岸对非繁殖水鸟十分重要的沿海湿地的受影响程度。我们共评估了938个地中海沿海位点(距海岸线30公里以内)未来的沿海洪水暴露情况, 这些位点有145种受到国际水鸟普查监测的非繁殖鸟类, 监测区域被划定为多边形(占地中海地区受监测沿海位点的64.3%)。我们发现, 即使在最乐观的情况下, 也有34%的位点受未来海平面上升的威胁;受保护的研究位点和对水鸟具有国际重要性的研究位点受海平面上升影响的暴露风险分别是其他位点的1.5倍和2倍。因此, 我们提议应针对这些湿地制定优先保护方案, 实施海平面上升的适应策略, 为提前应对沿海洪水影响做好准备。我们的研究为全球变化背景下地中海地区多个国家的保护规划提供了重要指导。【翻译:胡怡思;审校:聂永刚】.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The use of optical proxies is essential to the sustained monitoring of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in estuaries and coastal wetlands, where dynamics occur on subhour time scales. In situ dissolved organic matter (DOM) fluorescence, or FDOM, is now routinely measured along with ancillary water-quality indicators by commercial sondes. However, its reliability as an optical proxy of DOC concentration is often limited by uncertainties caused by in situ interferences and by variability in DOM composition and water matrix (ionic strength, pH) that are typical at the land-ocean interface. Although corrections for in situ interferences already exist, validated strategies to account for changes in the DOM composition and water matrix in these systems are still lacking. The transferability of methods across systems is also poorly known. Here, we used a comprehensive data set of laboratory-based excitation-emission matrix fluorescence and DOC concentration matched to in situ sonde measurements to develop and compare approaches that leverage ancillary water-quality indicators to improve estimates of DOC concentration from FDOM. Our analyses demonstrated the validity of in situ interference correction schemes, the importance of ancillary water-quality indicators to account for DOM composition and water matrix change, and the good transferability of the proposed methods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study, multisensor remote sensing datasets were used to characterize the land use and land covers (LULC) flooded by Hurricane Willa which made landfall on October 24, 2018. The landscape characterization was done using an unsupervised K-means algorithm of a cloud-free Sentinel-2 MultiSpectral Instrument (MSI) image, acquired during the dry season before Hurricane Willa. A flood map was derived using the histogram thresholding technique over a Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Sentinel-1 C-band and combined with a flood map derived from a Sentinel-2 MSI image. Both, the Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 images were obtained after Willa landfall. While the LULC map reached an accuracy of 92%, validated using data collected during field surveys, the flood map achieved 90% overall accuracy, validated using locations extracted from social network data, that were manually georeferenced. The agriculture class was the dominant land use (about 2,624 km2), followed by deciduous forest (1,591 km2) and sub-perennial forest (1,317 km2). About 1,608 km2 represents the permanent wetlands (mangrove, salt marsh, lagoon and estuaries, and littoral classes), but only 489 km2 of this area belongs to aquatic surfaces (lagoons and estuaries). The flooded area was 1,225 km2, with the agricultural class as the most impacted (735 km2). Our analysis detected the saltmarsh class occupied 541 km2in the LULC map, and around 328 km2 were flooded during Hurricane Willa. Since the water flow receded relatively quickly, obtaining representative imagery to assess the flood event was a challenge. Still, the high overall accuracies obtained in this study allow us to assume that the outputs are reliable and can be used in the implementation of effective strategies for the protection, restoration, and management of wetlands. In addition, they will improve the capacity of local governments and residents of Marismas Nacionales to make informed decisions for the protection of vulnerable areas to the different threats derived from climate change.





