Coastal habitat

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the recent monitoring guidelines released by the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program\'s Litter and Microplastic Expert Group, Arctic salmonids were recommended as an important species for monitoring plastics in Arctic ecosystems, with an emphasis on aligning microplastic sampling and analysis methods in Arctic fishes. This recommendation was based on the minimal documentation of microplastics in Northern fishes, especially Arctic salmonids. In response, we worked collaboratively with local partners to quantify and characterize microplastics in Arctic char, Salvelinus alpinus, and their habitats in a commercial fishery near Iqaluktuuttiaq (Cambridge Bay), Nunavut. We sampled Arctic char, surface water, and benthic sediments within their summer foraging habitat at Palik (Byron Bay). We found microplastics in 95 % of char with an average of 26 (SD ± 19) particles per individual. On average, surface water samples had 23 (SD ± 12) particles/L and benthic sediment <1 particles/gww. This is the first documentation of plastic pollution in Arctic char and their coastal habitats. Future work should evaluate seasonal, temporal and spatial trends for long-term monitoring of microplastics in Arctic fishes and their habitats.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fiddler crabs, found in coastal wetlands worldwide, function as ecosystem engineers. Their burrowing activity can significantly alter biogeochemistry at the local scale, however, the mobility of heavy metals (HMs) in burrow sediments remains unclear. Here, we used diffusive gradients in thin-film probes to obtain bioavailable Fe and HMs (Cu, Zn, Ni, Cd, Pb, Co, and Mo) in crab burrows from coastal wetlands (mudflats, salt marshes, and mangroves). The depth-profile results showed that most HMs were enriched at shallow and deep depths but deficient at middle depths. We highlighted that bioturbation improved oxic conditions, enhanced HM concentrations, and favored dissolved HM retention in burrow sediments, which served as a sink for overlying water HMs via burrow flushing but a potential source of particle HMs via enhanced resuspension. In deep anoxic layers, Fe(III) reduction drove the remobilization of HMs, except Cu and Mo, leading to the co-release of HMs with Fe. This Fe-HM coupling/decoupling was verified using enhanced two-dimensional high-resolution imaging, which revealed highly spatial heterogeneity of multiple HMs. Moreover, the hydrological conditions regulating bioturbation effects on HM behavior varied across different coastal wetlands. With coastal environmental changes, the key role of ubiquitous bioturbation in HM migration and bioavailability should be reconsidered.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sabkhas are unique, highly saline ecosystems, where specially adapted plants can grow. Aeluropus lagopoides (L.) Thwaites is a halophytic forage plant growing in salt marsh habitats of inland and coastal sabkhas of Saudi Arabia. The present study provides an analysis of vegetation composition and distribution of the A. lagopoides community in five different regions within Saudi Arabia, emphasizing the environmental factors that affect species distribution. The floristic survey revealed the presence of 48 species, belonging to 26 families. Poaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Mimosaceae, Zygophyllaceae, and Asteraceae are the largest families (50% of total species). Phanerophyte, followed by chamaephytes, are the most frequent forms, indicating a typical saline desert life-form spectrum. The vegetation analysis revealed the dominance of A. lagopoides in all locations, where it was the most dominant species in Qareenah, Qaseem, and Salwa locations, and the second most dominant species in Jouf and Jizan locations. The flourishment of this halophytic grass within a wide soil range in sabkhas revealed its adaptability to the harsh environment, which could be ascribed to its structural adaptations and modifications, as well as the phenotypic plasticity. The Qareenah and Qaseem locations attained the highest species richness and evenness, while the Jizan location was the least diverse. Within the studied locations, other highly salt-tolerant species were determined with high abundances, such as Suaeda aegyptiaca (Hasselq.) Zohary, Zygophyllum album L.f., Tamarix nilotica (Ehrenb.) Bunge, Cressa cretica L., and Salicornia europaea L. The soil analysis showed a significant variation for all parameters among the studied locations, except for pH, chloride, and clay content. The Qaseem location revealed the highest values of most soil parameters, while the Jizan location showed the lowest. The canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) showed that the community structure and diversity are mainly affected by the soil salinity and moisture. Due to the economic potentialities of A. lagopoides as a forage plant and sand stabilizer, the conservation of its habitats is of vital importance. In addition, this grass could be integrated as a promising forage candidate that can be planted in saline-affected areas, even in the summer dry season.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration is a response to the urgent need to substantially accelerate and upscale ecological restoration to secure Earth\'s sustainable future. Globally, restoration commitments have focused overwhelmingly on terrestrial forests. In contrast, despite a strong value proposition, efforts to restore seaweed forests lag far behind other major ecosystems and continue to be dominated by small-scale, short-term academic experiments. However, seaweed forest restoration can match the scale of damage and threat if moved from academia into the hands of community groups, industry, and restoration practitioners. Connecting two rapidly growing sectors in the Blue Economy-seaweed cultivation and the restoration industry-can transform marine forest restoration into a commercial-scale enterprise that can make a significant contribution to global restoration efforts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the United States, extensive investments have been made to restore the ecological function and services of coastal marine habitats. Despite a growing body of science supporting coastal restoration, few studies have addressed the suite of societally enabling conditions that helped facilitate successful restoration and recovery efforts that occurred at meaningful ecological (i.e., ecosystem) scales, and where restoration efforts were sustained for longer (i.e., several years to decades) periods. Here, we examined three case studies involving large-scale and long-term restoration efforts including the seagrass restoration effort in Tampa Bay, Florida, the oyster restoration effort in the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland and Virginia, and the tidal marsh restoration effort in San Francisco Bay, California. The ecological systems and the specifics of the ecological restoration were not the focus of our study. Rather, we focused on the underlying social and political contexts of each case study and found common themes of the factors of restoration which appear to be important for maintaining support for large-scale restoration efforts. Four critical elements for sustaining public and/or political support for large-scale restoration include: (1) resources should be invested in building public support prior to significant investments into ecological restoration; (2) building political support provides a level of significance to the recovery planning efforts and creates motivation to set and achieve meaningful recovery goals; (3) recovery plans need to be science-based with clear, measurable goals that resonate with the public; and (4) the accountability of progress toward reaching goals needs to be communicated frequently and in a way that the general public comprehends. These conclusions may help other communities move away from repetitive, single, and seemingly unconnected restoration projects towards more large-scale, bigger impact, and coordinated restoration efforts.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Marine debris is a global issue with adverse impacts on marine organisms, ecological processes, aesthetics, and economies of nations. Several studies have been conducted to quantify the plastic debris along Indian beaches. This baseline study describes the results of a survey conducted on the types of plastic litters and their quantification during January to March 2020 along Mandvi beach in Gujarat. A quadrate having 10 × 10 m size was used for sampling the plastic litter on the shoreline. A total of 10 quadrates along the shore was considered for quantification of the plastic materials based on their density, color, and weight. The plastic material observed includes gutkha pouches, food wrappers, and fragments, along with plastic straws, cutleries, and fragments of various dimensions and thickness. The major contributing factors for the debris abundance in Mandvi beach are land-based sources and recreational activities. The results suggest that similar long-term projects covering extensive areas should be undertaken for accurate quantification of available debris and their impacts on coastal habitats of Gujarat.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tropical mangroves are most productive and highly sensitive to environmental change and act as good bio-indicators of the environmental quality and health of any coastal ecosystem. The present study initiated to know the current ecological status of mangrove species at four selected study sites namely Bhavnagar (Ghogha coast), Bharuch (Dahej coast), Surat (Dumas beach) and Navsari (Purna estuaries), Gulf of Khambhat, Gujarat, India. Observation for a period of one year from January 2014 to December 2014. Mangroves were evaluated for their community structures at each site by standard quadrant method and different diversity indices were used for characterize the species diversity in a mangrove community. The mangrove forest habitat supports the occurrence of a total 16 species (6 mangrove species and 10 associated plant species), 15 species occurred at Navsari, whereas 7, 6 and 10 species occurred at Bhavnagar, Bharuch and Surat respectively. Out of six mangrove species, Avicennia marina was found to be most dominant and abundant mangroves occurring among all the four study locations. The most abundant and dominant mangrove associates were Suaeda maritima and Sesuvium portulacastrum. Simpson\'s diversity index was varied at a range of zero to 0.6538, showing the presence of less mangrove diversity. Navsari site presented higher diversity with Shannon and Wiener Species Diversity Index of 1.179 in comparison to other sites. The present study revealed that the species abundance, density and diversity of flora associates depend upon species density and diversity of mangroves. Therefore, mangrove forest habitats need to be protected and regular assess.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We observed two capuchin monkeys (Cebus capucinus) feeding on hermit crabs (Coenobita compressus) on the coast, and the tactics they used to extract this well-protected prey. The observations took place during the dry season at Playa Escondida beach, Puntarenas, Costa Rica. The capuchins descended from trees at the back edge of the beach to capture passing hermit crabs. Both capuchins extracted the hermit crabs from their protective shells by holding the shell with one hand and pulling the crab out with the other. Even though this was accomplished within seconds, the extraction of hermit crabs from their shells did not appear to be a straightforward task. Once the capuchins succeeded in pulling the crabs out of their shells, they consumed the soft abdomen and discarded the rest of the crab\'s body. To our knowledge, the consumption of hermit crabs has not been previously reported for any capuchin monkey (Cebus or Sapajus). Our observations provide a new example of extractive foraging by capuchins, and thus an additional natural context for which fine motor skills (which are highly developed in capuchins) are necessary.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article


    OBJECTIVE: Although there is much empirical evidence for local adaptation in plant populations, spatial scales and drivers are still poorly understood. We used the annual species Brassica nigra to (1) test scales of differentiation and adaptation among coastal wetland and inland river-valley populations and (2) analyze herbivory as a potential driver of local plant adaptation. •
    METHODS: In a common garden experiment, we compared seven populations collected at different geographic scales in both habitat types. To evaluate adaptation to herbivory, we removed the aphid Brevicoryne brassicae from half of the plants. In a reciprocal transplant experiment, we tested local adaptation in two coastal and two river-valley populations. Natural colonization by dominant herbivore species was recorded. •
    RESULTS: In the common garden, the river-valley populations showed a higher performance than the coastal ones, whereas large-scale differentiation within habitats was small. Such a differentiation among plant populations was also found in spontaneous infestation by several herbivore groups but not in the plant response to aphid removal. In the reciprocal transplant experiment at natural sites, both plant populations performed better in their home habitat, indicating local adaptation to environmental differences between coastal and river-valley sites. A lower aphid infestation on local plants suggests a contribution of herbivores to local plant adaptation and illustrates the need for reciprocal transplant experiments to evaluate this contribution. •
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study demonstrates that adaptive differentiation among habitats may be stronger at relatively small scales than large-scale adaptation within these habitats. It provides new insights into the role of herbivory in driving local plant adaptation.





