
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Social media (SM) use constitutes a large portion of midadolescents\' daily lives as a way of peer interaction. A significant percentage of adolescents experience intense or problematic social media use (PSMU), an etiologically complex behavior potentially associated with psychological distress. To date, studies longitudinally testing for risk or protective factors of PSMU, and collecting qualitative data are still scarce among midadolescents. Self-help interventions specifically targeting PSMU in this population and involving midadolescents in co-creation are needed.
    OBJECTIVE: The 2-year SMART multicenter project aims to (1) advance knowledge on PSMU; (2) co-design an unguided self-help app for promoting awareness and functional SM use; and (3) test feasibility and provide preliminary findings on its effectiveness to further improve and adapt the app.
    METHODS: The SMART project is organized in 3 phases: phase 1 will focus on knowledge advancement on PSMU and its risk and protective factors using a longitudinal design; phase 2 will explore adolescents perspectives using qualitative approach and will co-design an unguided self-help app for reducing PSMU, which will be evaluated and adapted in phase 3. Around 1500 midadolescents (aged 14-18 years) will be recruited in northern, central, and southern Italy to investigate the potential intra- and interpersonal psychological risk and protective factors for PSMU and define specific PSMU profiles and test for its association with psychological distress. Subjective (self-report) PSMU\'s psychosocial risk or protective factors will be assessed at 3 different time points and Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) will be used. Moreover, focus groups will be performed in a subsample of midadolescents to collect the adolescents\' unique point of view on PSMU and experiences with SM. Those previous results will inform the self-help app, which will be co-designed through working groups with adolescents. Subsequently, the SMART app will be deployed and adapted, after testing its feasibility and potential effectiveness in a pilot study.
    RESULTS: The project is funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research as part of a national grant (PRIN, \"Progetti di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale\"). The research team received an official notice of research funding approval in July 2023 (Project Code 2022LC4FT7). The project was preregistered on Open Science Framework, while the ethics approval was obtained in November 2023. We started the enrollments in December 2023, with the final follow-up data to be collected within May 2025.
    CONCLUSIONS: The innovative aspects of the SMART project will deepen the conceptualization of PSMU and of its biopsychosocial antecedents among midadolescents, with relevant scientific, technological, and socioeconomic impacts. The advancement of knowledge and the developed self-help app for PSMU will timely respond to midadolescents\' increased loneliness and psychological burden due to COVID-19 pandemic and humanitarian crisis.
    BACKGROUND: OSF Registries;
    UNASSIGNED: DERR1-10.2196/58739.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In the last few years, there has been an increasing interest in the development of artificial intelligence (AI)-based clinical decision support systems (CDSS). However, there are barriers to the successful implementation of such systems in practice, including the lack of acceptance of these systems. Participatory approaches aim to involve future users in designing applications such as CDSS to be more acceptable, feasible, and fundamentally more relevant for practice. The development of technologies based on AI, however, challenges the process of user involvement and related methods.
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this review is to summarize and present the main approaches, methods, practices, and specific challenges for participatory research and development of AI-based decision support systems involving clinicians.
    METHODS: This scoping review will follow the Joanna Briggs Institute approach to scoping reviews. The search for eligible studies was conducted in the databases MEDLINE via PubMed; ACM Digital Library; Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health; and PsycInfo. The following search filters, adapted to each database, were used: Period January 01, 2012, to October 31, 2023, English and German studies only, abstract available. The scoping review will include studies that involve the development, piloting, implementation, and evaluation of AI-based CDSS (hybrid and data-driven AI approaches). Clinical staff must be involved in a participatory manner. Data retrieval will be accompanied by a manual gray literature search. Potential publications will then be exported into reference management software, and duplicates will be removed. Afterward, the obtained set of papers will be transferred into a systematic review management tool. All publications will be screened, extracted, and analyzed: title and abstract screening will be carried out by 2 independent reviewers. Disagreements will be resolved by involving a third reviewer. Data will be extracted using a data extraction tool prepared for the study.
    RESULTS: This scoping review protocol was registered on March 11, 2023, at the Open Science Framework. The full-text screening had already started at that time. Of the 3,118 studies screened by title and abstract, 31 were included in the full-text screening. Data collection and analysis as well as manuscript preparation are planned for the second and third quarter of 2024. The manuscript should be submitted towards the end of 2024.
    CONCLUSIONS: This review will describe the current state of knowledge on participatory development of AI-based decision support systems. The aim is to identify knowledge gaps and provide research impetus. It also aims to provide relevant information for policy makers and practitioners.
    UNASSIGNED: DERR1-10.2196/58185.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Citizen science can be a powerful approach to foster the successful implementation of technological innovations in health, care or well-being. Involving experience experts as co-researchers or co-designers of technological innovations facilitates mutual learning, community building, and empowerment. By utilizing the expert knowledge of the intended users, innovations have a better chance to get adopted and solve complex health-related problems. As citizen science is still a relatively new practice for health and well-being, little is known about effective methods and guidelines for successful collaboration. This scoping review aims to provide insight in (1) the levels of citizen involvement in current research on technological innovations for health, care or well-being, (2) the used participatory methodologies, and (3) lesson\'s learned by the researchers.A scoping review was conducted and reported in accordance with the PRISMA-ScR guidelines. The search was performed in SCOPUS in January 2021 and included peer-reviewed journal and conference papers published between 2016 and 2020. The final selection (N = 83) was limited to empirical studies that had a clear focus on technological innovations for health, care or well-being and involved citizens at the level of collaboration or higher. Our results show a growing interest in citizens science as an inclusive research approach. Citizens are predominantly involved in the design phase of innovations and less in the preparation, data-analyses or reporting phase. Eight records had citizens in the lead in one of the research phases.Researcher use different terms to describe their methodological approach including participatory design, co-design, community based participatory research, co-creation, public and patient involvement, partcipatory action research, user-centred design and citizen science. Our selection of cases shows that succesful citizen science projects develop a structural and longitudinal partnership with their collaborators, use a situated and adaptive research approach, and have researchers that are willing to abandon traditional power dynamics and engage in a mutual learning experience.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Loss to follow-up in long-term epidemiological studies is well-known and often substantial. Consequently, there is a risk of bias to the results. The motivation to take part in an epidemiological study can change over time, but the ways to minimize loss to follow-up are not well studied. The Citizen Science approach offers researchers to engage in direct discussions with study participants and to integrate their opinions and requirements into cohort management.
    METHODS: Guided group discussions were conducted with study participants from the KORA cohort in the Augsburg Region in Germany, established 40 years ago, as well as a group of independently selected citizens. The aim was to look at the relevant aspects of health studies with a focus on long-term participation. A two-sided questionnaire was developed subsequently in a co-creation process and presented to 500 KORA participants and 2,400 employees of the research facility Helmholtz Munich.
    RESULTS: The discussions revealed that altruistic motivations, (i.e. supporting research and public health), personal benefits (i.e. a health check-up during a study examination), data protection, and information about research results in layman\'s terms were crucial to ensure interest and long-term study participation. The results of the questionnaire confirmed these aspects and showed that exclusively digital information channels may be an obstacle for older and less educated people. Thus, paper-based media such as newsletters are still important.
    CONCLUSIONS: The findings shed light on cohort management and long-term engagement with study participants. A long-term health study needs to benefit public and individual health; the institution needs to be trustworthy; and the results and their impact need to be disseminated in widely understandable terms and by the right means of communication back to the participants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: A multidisciplinary group of experts and patients developed the Model for ASsessing the value of Artificial Intelligence (MAS-AI) to ensure an evidence-based and patient-centered approach to introducing artificial intelligence technologies in healthcare. In this article, we share our experiences with meaningfully involving a patient in co-creating a research project concerning complex and technically advanced topics.
    UNASSIGNED: The co-creation was evaluated by means of initial reflections from the research team before the project started, in a continuous logbook, and through semi-structured interviews with patients and two researchers before and after the active co-creation phase of the project.
    UNASSIGNED: There were initial doubts about the feasibility of including patients in this type of project. Co-creation ensured relevance to patients, a holistic research approach and the debate of ethical considerations. Due to one patient dropping out, it is important to foresee and support the experienced challenges of time and energy spent by the patient in future projects. Having a multidisciplinary team helped the collaboration. A mutual reflective evaluation provided insights into the process which we would otherwise have missed.
    UNASSIGNED: We found it possible to create complex and data-intense research projects with patients. Including patients benefitted the project and gave researchers new perspectives on their own research. Mutual reflection throughout the project is key to maximise learning for all parties involved.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Life story work (LSW) uses a narrative, reminiscence approach to capturing memories from one\'s life and has shown positive outcomes for participants. However, LSW in aged care has been criticized for being resource intensive, often involving care staff using pre-determined process and output formats. This pilot study explored participants\' lived experiences of a novel co-creation approach to LSW conducted predominantly with university students and older adults in residential aged care and retirement communities, producing multi-modal outputs. Within a 12-month period, 33 LSW projects were completed (21 books, 5 posters, and 7 digital stories). Semi-structured interviews (n = 44) explored participants\' lived experience of completing a LSW project. Findings indicate that working with students and adopting a flexible, co-creation approach that empowers participants to make decisions, engage in learning and reflection, and build meaningful relationships can maximize opportunities for transformative impacts, and enable providers to offer a LSW program despite finite resources.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: In 1996, a multicomponent community-based alcohol prevention program in Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) targeting licensed premises was developed by STAD (Stockholm Prevents Alcohol and Drug Problems) and implemented in Stockholm, Sweden. The program consists of community mobilization and collaboration, training, and enforcement. Early evaluations have shown a significant increase in the refusal rates of alcohol service to intoxicated patrons, from 5% in 1996 to 70% in 2001, and a 29% decrease in the frequency of police-reported violence. A cost-effectiveness analysis showed a cost-saving ratio of 1:39. The program was institutionalized by a collaborative steering group consisting of community stakeholders. This study aimed to evaluate the long-term effects over 20 years of the RBS program. The indicator chosen was the rate of alcohol overserving to obviously intoxicated patrons at licensed premises in Stockholm.
    UNASSIGNED: A 20-year follow-up study was conducted using the same procedure as the baseline and previous follow-ups. Professional male actors (pseudopatrons) were trained by an expert panel to enact a standardized scene of obvious alcohol-intoxication. In 2016, 146 licensed premises located in the central part of Stockholm were randomly selected and visited. A review of program implementation from its initiation 1996 was conducted, examining critical events, including commitment from key actors in the community, training of bar staff, and enforcement.
    UNASSIGNED: At the 20-year follow-up, pseudopatrons were refused alcohol service in 76.7% of the attempts, which was at the same level (70%) as in the follow-up in 2001, thus indicating sustained effects of the RBS program. Compared with previous follow-ups, serving staff used more active intervention techniques in 2016 toward intoxicated patrons, such as refusing to take the order (56.9% in 2016 vs. 42.0% in 2001), and fewer passive techniques, such as ignoring patrons (6.5% in 2016 vs. 15.5% in 1999) or contacting a colleague (4.1% in 2016 vs. 25% in 2001).
    UNASSIGNED: The sustained long-term effects of the RBS program are unique and can be explained by the high level of institutionalization of the multicomponent program, which is still ongoing in Stockholm. These findings can inform the dissemination of the program to other countries and settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Current food systems fail to provide equity, sustainability, and positive health outcomes, thus underscoring the critical need for their transformation. Intervening in food environments holds substantial promise for contributing to this much-needed transformation. Despite scholars and practitioners often recognizing the necessity for bottom-up approaches, there is a dearth of empirical investigations evaluating the potential of these approaches to contribute to food system transformations in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Our study aimed to address this research gap, providing a unique perspective in this regard. Drawing on evidence from two co-creation case studies conducted with small-scale informal fruit and vegetable vendors and poor consumers in Vietnam and Nigeria from January 2020 to December 2021, we explored the relevance of bottom-up community-engaged co-creation processes in intervening within LMICs\' food retail environments. Employing a mixed-methods approach that includes quantitative surveys, qualitative interviews, participatory workshops, and focus group discussions, we demonstrated that bottom-up co-creation processes involving marginalized socioeconomic groups can generate retail-level innovations that are tailored to informal retail contexts, whereas remaining aligned with established top-down theories and literature pertaining to food environments and healthy diets. We provided empirical evidence highlighting how both vendors and consumers respond positively to the co-created innovations. Expanding upon our results, we offered methodological insights applicable to interventions targeted at food environments in LMICs, and considerations for future research or development initiatives in this domain. Our findings revealed the capacity of vulnerable stakeholders to actively engage in public health initiatives and contribute to developing innovative solutions that are context-specific and conducive to the adoption of healthier dietary practices. These results confirm the potential of bottom-up, co-creation, real-world interventions within informal settings to contribute toward fostering inclusive transformation of food systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Scientific evidence has shown that Social Work has frequently been considered a second-level discipline in the traditional sexist hierarchy, because pioneers and most social workers are women. The twofold objective of this article is to analyze the dynamics that overcome this consideration and to put forward actions to go further in the near future. The factors that limit these actions and those that make them possible are studied. This article exposes the dynamics of the current transformation of Social Work, namely, the increase in the importance of social impact in social research, the increase in interdisciplinarity, and the impact of interdisciplinary research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The emergence of generative AI technologies has led to an increasing number of people collaborating with AI to produce creative works. Across two experimental studies, in which we carefully designed and programmed state-of-the-art human-AI interfaces, we examine how the design of generative AI systems influences human creativity (poetry writing). First, we find that people were most creative when writing a poem on their own, compared to first receiving a poem generated by an AI system and using sophisticated tools to edit it (Study 1). Following this, we demonstrate that this creativity deficit dissipates when people co-create with-not edit-AI and establish creative self-efficacy as an important mechanism in this process (Study 2). Thus, our findings indicate that people must occupy the role of a co-creator, not an editor, to reap the benefits of generative AI in the production of creative works.





