Clinical pathways

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Healthcare reform is analyzed from an economic perspective. First, the economic rationale for providing access to healthcare lies in the benefit from knowing that those without means would be able to access health services. However, this does not explain why they should be entitled to the same quality of service. In practice, even in high-income countries, patients who are willing and able to pay tend to have better access to specialist services. Secondly, the division of labor has not increased efficiency in healthcare because health services are provided by professionals who have autonomy. However, efficiency can be increased by standardizing the process with clinical pathways and shifting service delivery from physicians to nurses and technicians. Thirdly, cost-effectiveness analysis is being used to making decisions on listing pharmaceutical products in the national formulary, but pricing and prescribing have continued to be made idiosyncratically. Lastly, Japan\'s healthcare system is analyzed based on this framework.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Healthcare systems are transforming into learning health systems that use data-driven and research-informed approaches to achieve continuous improvement. One of these approaches is the use of clinical pathways, which are tools to standardize care for a specific population and improve healthcare quality. Evaluating the maturity of clinical pathways is necessary to inform pathway development teams and health system decision makers about required pathway revisions or implementation supports. In an effort to improve the development, implementation, and sustainability of provincial clinical pathways, we developed a clinical pathways maturity evaluation matrix. To explore the initial content and face validity of the matrix, we used it to evaluate a case pathway within a provincial health authority in Saskatchewan, Canada.
    METHODS: By using iterative consensus-based processes, we gathered feedback from stakeholders including patient and family partners, policy makers, clinicians, and quality improvement specialists, to rank, retain, or remove enablers and sub-enablers of the draft matrix. We tested the matrix on the Chronic Pain Pathway (CPP) for primary care in a local pilot area and revised the matrix based on feedback from the CPP development team leader.
    RESULTS: The final matrix contains five enablers (i.e., Design, Ownership and Performer, Infrastructure, Performance Management, and Culture), 20 sub-enablers, and three trajectory definitions for each sub-enabler. Supplemental documents were created for six sub-enablers. The CPP scored 15 out of 40 possible points of maturity. Although the pathway scored highest in the Design enabler (10/12), it requires more attention in several areas, specifically the Ownership and Performer and the Performance Management enablers, each of which scored zero. Additionally, the Infrastructure and Culture enablers scored 2/4 and 3/8 points, respectively. These areas of the CPP are in need of improvement in order to enhance the overall maturity of the CPP.
    CONCLUSIONS: We developed a clinical pathways maturity matrix to evaluate the various dimensions of clinical pathways\' development and implementation. The goals of this initial work were to develop and validate a tool to assess the maturity and readiness of new or existing pathways and to track pathways\' revisions and improvements.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: To support clinical decision-making at the point of care, the \"best next step\" based on Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and actual accurate patient data must be provided. To do this, textual SOPs have to be transformed into operable clinical algorithms and linked to the data of the patient being treated. For this linkage, we need to know exactly which data are needed by clinicians at a certain decision point and whether these data are available. These data might be identical to the data used within the SOP or might integrate a broader view. To address these concerns, we examined if the data used by the SOP is also complete from the point of view of physicians for contextual decision-making. Methods: We selected a cohort of 67 patients with stage III melanoma who had undergone adjuvant treatment and mainly had an indication for a sentinel biopsy. First, we performed a step-by-step simulation of the patient treatment along our clinical algorithm, which is based on a hospital-specific SOP, to validate the algorithm with the given Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR)-based data of our cohort. Second, we presented three different decision situations within our algorithm to 10 dermatooncologists, focusing on the concrete patient data used at this decision point. The results were conducted, analyzed, and compared with those of the pure algorithmic simulation. Results: The treatment paths of patients with melanoma could be retrospectively simulated along the clinical algorithm using data from the patients\' electronic health records. The subsequent evaluation by dermatooncologists showed that the data used at the three decision points had a completeness between 84.6% and 100.0% compared with the data used by the SOP. At one decision point, data on \"patient age (at primary diagnosis)\" and \"date of first diagnosis\" were missing. Conclusions: The data needed for our decision points are available in the FHIR-based dataset. Furthermore, the data used at decision points by the SOP and hence the clinical algorithm are nearly complete compared with the data required by physicians in clinical practice. This is an important precondition for further research focusing on presenting decision points within a treatment process integrated with the patient data needed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: When the 21 Swedish county councils decided to collaborate in the creation of a national system for knowledge-based management, patient participation was mandatory. Patient and next-of-kin representatives (PR) co-produced person-centred and cohesive clinical pathways together with healthcare professionals (HPR). Research on co-production in healthcare at the national level is scarce. The aim of this study is to explore experiences of patient participation from the perspectives of both PRs and HPRs when co-producing clinical pathways within the Swedish nationwide healthcare system for knowledge-based management.
    METHODS: A qualitative study was conducted. A strategic sample of nine PRs and eight HPRs were interviewed individually between August 2022 and January 2023 using a semi-structured interview guide. We analysed data using an inductive content analysis.
    RESULTS: Three main categories were identified: (1) Finding appropriate patient representativeness; (2) Working methods that facilitate a patient perspective; and (3) Influence of the patient perspective in the clinical pathways.
    CONCLUSIONS: The study demonstrates the importance of patient and next-of-kin participation in the construction of clinical pathways at the national level. The results provide a platform for further research on patient participation on the national level and add to studies on if and how patient participation on this level has an impact on how the clinical pathways are put into practice at the micro level, and the support provided at the meso level. The study contributes to the growing body of literature studying patient participation and co-production.
    BACKGROUND: Region Örebro County ID 276,940. An advisory opinion was obtained from the Swedish Ethical Review Authority (2021-05899-01).
    Co-production of guidelines and clinical pathways with patients and next-of-kin representatives is increasingly emphasised at different levels in healthcare internationally. However, little has been documented and explored regarding experiences of patient participation on a national level. Patient participation was mandatory when a national system for knowledge-based management of healthcare was launched in Sweden. Knowledge management of healthcare is the collection of methods relating to creating, sharing, using and managing the knowledge and information of an organization. All 21 of Sweden’s regions and the government have supported this collaborative system consisting of multi-professional national working groups with patient representatives. The groups develop clinical pathways aiming to enhance a coordinated, equal and effective healthcare. The person-centred clinical pathways describe assessment, diagnosis, planning and evaluation for a condition, for example for patients with a hip fracture, or congestive heart failure. The study focuses on experiences of patient participation in the national working groups. We interviewed nine patient representatives and eight healthcare professional representatives from eleven different groups. Our findings show the importance of identifying and finding appropriate patient representativeness, having working methods that facilitate a patient perspective and the patient perspective influencing the clinical pathways. This study on patient participation in the construction of clinical pathways at the national level contributes to the growing body of literature on co-production of knowledge support. The findings highlight important learning for the continued development of meaningful patient participation on the national level. It also raises curiosity on how the national approach with co-production influences local levels where the guidelines are used.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The success of enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) protocols in improving patient outcomes and reducing costs in general surgery are widely recognized. ERAS guidelines have now been developed in orthopedics with the following recommendations. Preoperatively, patients should be medically optimized with a focus on smoking cessation, education, and anxiety reduction. Intraoperatively, using multimodal and regional therapies like neuraxial anesthesia and peripheral nerve blocks facilitates same-day discharge. Postoperatively, early nutrition with appropriate thromboprophylaxis and early mobilization are essential. As the evidence of their improvement in patient outcomes and satisfaction continues, these pathways will prove invaluable in optimizing patient care in orthopedics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The rapid evolution, complexity, and specialization of oncology treatment makes it challenging for physicians to provide care based on the latest and best evidence. We hypothesized that physicians would use evidence-based trusted care pathways if they were easy to use and integrated into clinical workflow at the point of care.
    METHODS: Within a large integrated care delivery system, we assembled clinical experts to define and update drug treatment pathways, encoded them as flowcharts in an online library integrated with the electronic medical record, communicated expectations that clinicians would use these pathways for every eligible patient, and combined data from multiple sources to understand usage over time.
    RESULTS: We were able to achieve > 75% utilization of eligible protocols ordered through these pathways within two years, with > 90% of individual oncologists having consulted the pathway at least once, despite no requirements or external incentives associated with pathway usage. Feedback from users contributed to improvements and updates to the guidance.
    CONCLUSIONS: By making our clinical decision support easily accessible and actionable, we find that we have made considerable progress toward our goal of having physicians consult the latest evidence in their treatment decisions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: We assess the impact of bone health clinical management in breast cancer (BC) patients receiving adjuvant endocrine therapy and design a personalized clinical pathway to reduce bone loss in an Italian research hospital.
    METHODS: The primary endpoint was to assess (through the process improvement organizational method) the clinical pathway that post-surgical BC patients prescribed with endocrine therapy undergo to prevent bone loss. The secondary endpoint was to design a personalized clinical pathway for a prompt implementation of guidelines, to assess and possibly prescribe antiresorptive therapy.
    RESULTS: During the first year of the execution of the new Diagnostic Therapeutic Assistance Pathway, a 60% increase in Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry evaluations within 30 days and a 39.5% increase in antiresorptive therapy prescription within 90 days (since the prescription of endocrine therapy) were shown, thus increasing patients\' compliance.
    CONCLUSIONS: Case managers and bone health specialists in this context can improve patients\' adherence to therapies and bone health, helping physicians to expand their collaboration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    MRI-guided focused ultrasound (MRgFUS) lesioning is an innovative, safe and effective treatment which provides an innovative development in the field of minimally invasive stereotactic neurosurgery. Based on the application of focused ultrasound energy under full MR planning and thermal imaging control, unilateral lesioning of the thalamus, subthalamic nucleus, and globus pallidus is indicated for the treatment of movement disorders, including essential tremor, Parkinson\'s disease, and dystonia. We started to apply this technique in February 2019 for the treatment of patients with movement disorders. The authors developed a diagnostic therapeutic care pathway, which is herewith proposed and applied as an explication of standard clinical practice in use. The project was the result of the application of different methods such as Health Technology Assessment (HTA), Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats analysis (SWOT) and Demin -Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) cycle. The aim of this project was to standardize the MRgFUS diagnostic-therapeutic pathway (DTP), describe its application and the appropriateness of different phases (patient selection, intervention phase and follow-up). Here, we described in detail our experience in the DTP application from 2019 up to now in 610 patients with movement disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background and objective: Hospital acquired venous thromboembolisms (VTEs) are common and preventable. The Queensland Health VTE prophylaxis guidelines, developed in 2018, provide guidance for risk assessment, and prescribing of anticoagulation for prophylaxis and treatment of hospital inpatients. Currently, there are limited recommendations for gastroenterology patients. This study investigated the completion of VTE risk assessments, and the appropriateness of VTE prophylaxis regimens, in accordance with Queensland Health guidelines for gastroenterology patients. The quality and safety of VTE prophylaxis regimens was assessed based on their VTE risk and bleeding risk. Method: A retrospective study was conducted by obtaining a random sample of gastroenterology patients admitted to a tertiary Australian hospital, from 1st May 2019 and 1st May 2020, to determine the compliance of VTE risk assessment and thromboprophylaxis prescribing with state-wide VTE guidelines. The quality and safety of thromboprophylaxis was evaluated using the modified Caprini and HASBLED scores, and subsequent thromboprophylaxis-related complications. Results: Of the 94 patients reviewed, 68 did not have contraindications to thromboprophylaxis. Of these 68 patients, 32 (47%) had no VTE risk assessment recorded in their clinical records and were not prescribed any thromboprophylaxis during the hospitalization. There was no significant difference between thromboprophylaxis prescribing for patients with low VTE risk, compared to moderate to high VTE risk (P = .075). There was a trend for decrease in thromboprophylaxis prescribing as HASBLED bleeding risk score increased, and patients with moderate-high bleed risk were less likely to be prescribed thromboprophylaxis (P = .006). There were no thromboprophylaxis related complications identified. Conclusion: It is essential that all patients have a clearly documented risk assessment and are prescribed thromboprophylaxis according to best practice guidelines. The prescription of venous thromboembolism prophylaxis should continue to be individualized, with each patient assessed holistically.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: To discover pharmacotherapy prescription patterns and their statistical associations with outcomes through a clinical pathway inference framework applied to real-world data.
    METHODS: We apply machine learning steps in our framework using a 2006 to 2020 cohort of veterans with major depressive disorder (MDD). Outpatient antidepressant pharmacy fills, dispensed inpatient antidepressant medications, emergency department visits, self-harm, and all-cause mortality data were extracted from the Department of Veterans Affairs Corporate Data Warehouse.
    RESULTS: Our MDD cohort consisted of 252,179 individuals. During the study period there were 98,417 emergency department visits, 1,016 cases of self-harm, and 1,507 deaths from all causes. The top ten prescription patterns accounted for 69.3% of the data for individuals starting antidepressants at the fluoxetine equivalent of 20-39 mg. Additionally, we found associations between outcomes and dosage change.
    CONCLUSIONS: For 252,179 Veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan with subsequent MDD noted in their electronic medical records, we documented and described the major pharmacotherapy prescription patterns implemented by Veterans Health Administration providers. Ten patterns accounted for almost 70% of the data. Associations between antidepressant usage and outcomes in observational data may be confounded. The low numbers of adverse events, especially those associated with all-cause mortality, make our calculations imprecise. Furthermore, our outcomes are also indications for both disease and treatment. Despite these limitations, we demonstrate the usefulness of our framework in providing operational insight into clinical practice, and our results underscore the need for increased monitoring during critical points of treatment.





