Clinical dietitians

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Clinical dietitians play a crucial role in the nutritional support of patients at risk of malnutrition in primary care settings. The study aimed to evaluate the effect of an individualized nutritional intervention on clinically relevant outcomes for patients with chronic disease at nutritional risk.
    UNASSIGNED: A longitudinal evaluation study was conducted in two Slovenian primary health centres. We used pre-test and post-test design. Patients with chronic disease were screened using the Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool and additional risk factors (≥70 years and BMI <22 kg/m2; lower food intake in the last five days). Patients at nutritional risk were referred to a clinical dietitian for individual nutritional intervention. The effect of the nutritional intervention was assessed six months after the patients\' first visit with a clinical dietitian.
    UNASSIGNED: The sample included 94 patients. Nutritional risk was reduced significantly in high-risk and moderate-risk patients. In a subgroup of patients with a MUST score ≥1 (77 patients), body weight, BMI, Fat-Free Mass Index (FFMI), energy intake, and protein intake increased significantly (p<0.001). At the same time, the phase angle significantly increased (p<0.001), but there were no statistically significant changes in the improvement of grip strength. In a subgroup of patients with MUST score 0 (17 patients), we observed an increase in their median daily energy intake (p<0.001) and median protein intake (p=0.003).
    UNASSIGNED: Nutritional intervention delivered by a clinical dietitian improved patients\' nutritional intake and nutritional and functional status.
    UNASSIGNED: Preveriti učinkovitost individualnih prehranskih ukrepov, ki jih v obravnavi prehransko ogroženih pacientov s kronično boleznijo, načrtuje in izvaja klinični dietetik ter se odražajo v spremembah prehranskega in funkcionalnega stanja pacientov.
    UNASSIGNED: Longitudinalno evalvacijsko raziskavo smo med majem 2020 in novembrom 2022 izvedli v dveh večjih slovenskih zdravstvenih domovih. Prehransko presejanje smo izvedli z uporabo univerzalnega orodja za prehransko presejanje Malnutrition Universal Screening Toll (MUST) in dodatnimi dejavniki tveganja (≥ 70 let in ITM < 22 kg/m2; manjši vnos hrane v zadnjih petih dneh). Prehransko ogrožene paciente smo napotili h kliničnemu dietetiku na individualno prehransko obravnavo. Skupino pacientov smo spremljali v dveh različnih časovnih točkah, uporabili smo dizajn pred postopkom/po postopku. Rezultate smo analizirali po šestih mesecih.
    UNASSIGNED: V vzorec smo vključili 94 bolnikov. Prehranska ogroženost se je pri pacientih z visokim in zmernim tveganjem po šestih mesecih znatno zmanjšala. V podskupini pacientov z oceno MUST ≥ 1 (77 pacientov) so se telesna masa, indeks telesne mase, indeks puste mase, količina zaužite energije in količina zaužitih beljakovin znatno povečali (p < 0,001). Medtem ko se je fazni kot pomembno povečal (p < 0,001), je moč prijema ostala relativno stabilna. V podskupini pacientov z oceno MUST = 0 (17 bolnikov), smo po šestih mesecih opazili porast povprečne količine zaužite energije (p < 0,001) in povprečno količino zaužitih beljakovin (p = 0,003).
    UNASSIGNED: Rezultati raziskave so dokazali, da lahko z individualno naravnavami prehranskimi ukrepi, ki jih izvaja klinični dietetik, pri prehransko ogroženih pacientih s kronično boleznijo pomembno izboljšamo prehransko in funkcionalno stanje ter zmanjšamo njihovo prehransko ogroženost.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To examine which nutritional impact symptoms (NIS) were most prevalent at the initial state of treatment in outpatients with head and neck cancer (HNC). Secondly, to examine whether there is a potential relation between risk of reduced overall survival to NIS or nutritional risk.
    Retrospective data collection from outpatients with HNC undergoing radiotherapy and/or systemic therapy. A clinical dietitian consulted all patients with the inclusion of a nutritional risk screening according to the Nutritional Risk Screening tool (NRS 2002) and Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status (ECOG), and an assessment of NIS collected with a structured questionnaire, with the prevalence of 16 symptoms and to what degree they were nutritionally limiting. Weight loss at two months follow-up was calculated and patients were categorized as either at low or high risk of reduced overall survival in accordance with a BMI-adjusted weight loss grading system (high, score 0-2; low, score 3-4).
    A total of 110 patients were included (male, 77%; age, 66 (59-71)). The mean weight loss was 4.5 kg at two months follow-up, increasing with higher BMI. Eighty-six percentage of the patients experienced 3 or more of the present NIS (P-NIS), and 44% of the patients experienced 3 or more of the nutritionally limiting NIS (L-NIS). Patients who have a high risk of reduced overall survival accounted for 45% and consisted of patients with low BMI and high percentual weight loss. No significant difference was found between the two groups in terms of NIS.
    We found NIS to be highly prevalent among patients with head and neck cancer. Women experienced more NIS than men. Half of the patients were categorized as being at high risk of reduced overall survival, but no relation between the risk of reduced overall survival to NIS or nutritional risk was found in this study.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To identify types of growth charts and practices employed by clinicians to assess pediatric patients in Saudi Arabia; To assess clinicians\' interpretation and comprehension of growth charts.
    METHODS: This is a Cross-sectional study including 105 pediatricians and dietitians residing in Saudi Arabia. Participants completed an online questionnaire which assessed: region of residence, work facility, typical practices in pediatric patient assessment, and ability to correctly interpret and comprehend growth chart data. Data were analyzed using descriptive and chi-square statistics.
    RESULTS: Majority of respondents (70.5%) reported typically using either the CDC or WHO growth charts. Only 52.4% reported always using growth charts and discussing weight status of pediatric patients during annual/regular visits, and 54.3% reported discussing the patient\'s weight status with his/her caregiver(s) under all circumstances. Only 23.8% correctly answered the interpretation question, while 50.5% correctly answered the comprehension question. A higher percentage of clinicians residing in the Southern, Central, and Western regions reported that they always or often discuss the patient\'s weight status with his/her caregiver(s) (100%, 89.2% and 81.4%, respectively) (P value = 0.004). Clinicians who worked in private hospitals only, and who typically used the Saudi growth charts were least likely to report that they always or often discuss the patient\'s weight status with his/her caregiver(s) (50% and 61.5%, respectively) (All Ps < .05).
    CONCLUSIONS: Growth chart utilization among clinicians in Saudi Arabia needs further evaluation. Clinicians residing in the Northern and Eastern regions, who worked in private hospitals only, and who typically used the Saudi growth charts showed poorer practices with regards to growth chart utilization.





