Clinical Teaching/Bedside Teaching

临床教学 / 床边教学
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Anesthesiologists develop anesthetic plans according to the surgical procedure, patient\'s medical history, and physical exams. Patients with ischemic heart disease are predisposed to intraoperative cardiac complications from surgical blood loss. Unanticipated events can lead to intraoperative complications despite careful anesthesia planning.
    UNASSIGNED: This anesthetic management simulation was developed for the anesthesiology residency curriculum during the first clinical anesthesia year (CA 1/PGY 2 residents). A total of 23 CA 1 residents participated. A 50-minute encounter focused on a 73-year-old male who presents for an elective total hip replacement and develops acute myocardial stunning in the setting of critical acute blood loss and a delay in the transportation of blood products.
    UNASSIGNED: One hundred percent of the residents felt the simulation was educationally valuable in the immediate postsimulation survey (Kirkpatrick level 1). The follow-up survey showed that 100% of residents felt the simulation increased their knowledge of managing acute cardiac ischemia (Kirkpatrick level 2), and 93% felt it increased awareness and confidence in similar real-life situations that positively affected patient outcomes (Kirkpatrick level 3).
    UNASSIGNED: Our simulation provides a psychologically safe environment for anesthesiology residents to develop management skills for acute critical anemia and cardiogenic shock and foster communication skills with a surgery team.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Human trafficking (HT) is a public health issue that adversely affects patients\' well-being. Despite the prevalence of trafficked persons in health care settings, a lack of educational modules exists for use in clinical contexts. We developed a 50-minute train-the-trainer module on HT.
    UNASSIGNED: After piloting the workshop for faculty, fellows, and residents (n = 19) at the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) national conference, we implemented it in medical students\' curricula during their emergency medicine clerkship at the University of Iowa (n = 162). We evaluated the worskhop by (a) a retrospective pre-post survey of self-reported ability to (1) define HT, (2) recognize high-risk signs, (3) manage situations with trafficked persons, and (4) teach others about HT, and (b) a 3-month follow-up survey to assess longitudinal behavior change.
    UNASSIGNED: In both contexts, results demonstrated improvement across all learning outcomes (pre-post differences of 1.5, 1.3, 1.9, and 1.7 on a 4-point Likert-type scale for each learning objective above, respectively, at the SAEM conference and 1.2, 1.0, 1.3, and 1.3 at the University of Iowa; p < .001 for all). In the 3-month follow-up, we observed statistically significant changes in self-reported consideration of and teaching about HT during clinical encounters among learners who had previously never done either (p < .001 and p = .006, respectively).
    UNASSIGNED: This train-the-trainer module is a brief and effective clinical tool for bedside teaching about HT, especially among people who have never previously considered HT in a clinical context.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Chalk talks are effective teaching tools in the clinical setting. However, data on optimal strategies for teaching medical educators how to develop and deliver them are limited. We designed and implemented two 50-minute workshops to help subspecialty fellows across GME create and deliver a chalk talk.
    UNASSIGNED: The first workshop comprised a demonstration of an effective chalk talk and a discussion of best practices for creating chalk talks; the second was a practice session where fellows presented their chalk talks and received feedback from faculty and peers. We evaluated pre- and postworkshop confidence in the ability to create and deliver a chalk talk and develop learning objectives. Secondary outcomes were faculty and peer evaluations of the chalk talks.
    UNASSIGNED: Eighteen of 33 participants (54% response rate) completed both pre- and postsession surveys. Fellows reported improved confidence in their ability to create a chalk talk (22% vs. 83%, p < .001), deliver a chalk talk (17% vs. 83%, p < .001), and develop well-written learning objectives (11% vs. 83%, p < .001). After the workshop, participants were more likely to correctly identify a chalk talk that made use of an advanced organizer (67% vs. 89%, p < .05). Thirty-eight faculty and peers completed feedback evaluations of participants\' chalk talks; most rated fellows\' chalk talks highly in domains of content, delivery, design, learning objectives, and engagement.
    UNASSIGNED: The incorporation of these workshop within a course on medical education can effectively develop clinical teaching skills among subspecialty fellows in GME.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Caring for children with medical complexity (CMC) requires specialized knowledge and skills. However, no standardized curricula are used across training programs as institutions have varying needs and resources.
    UNASSIGNED: We created a patient-focused, interactive curriculum for two CMC topics: feeding/nutrition and pain/irritability. We integrated the 45-minute sessions into morning protected patient-care time on an inpatient pediatric team at an urban tertiary care hospital. Targeted toward all pediatric residents and medical students rotating in inpatient pediatrics over a 12-month period, the sessions used a mix of didactic, discussion, and hands-on activities. Learners on one of two inpatient teams received the curriculum, while those on the other received a curriculum unrelated to CMC and served as a control group. Both groups completed retrospective pre/post self-assessments to evaluate self-efficacy with respect to the learning objectives.
    UNASSIGNED: Over the 12-month period, 72 surveys were completed for the feeding/nutrition session, 78 surveys for the pain/irritability session, and 42 control surveys. The intervention group saw the greatest increase in self-efficacy scores generally in the feeding/nutrition session. All eight learning objectives saw significant improvement in self-efficacy scores for the intervention group. There was significantly greater improvement in self-efficacy for the intervention group compared to the control for all eight learning objectives.
    UNASSIGNED: Through this patient-focused curriculum, learners had improved self-efficacy scores compared to the natural learning occurring on the inpatient service. The curriculum could be adapted to fit the needs of other institutions and provides a practical, hands-on approach to learning about caring for CMC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Often, interns are expected to teach medical students early in their residency, but most are not formally taught how to be effective teachers before residency. Currently, there is emphasis on developing teaching skills of residents rather than students before they become residents. Most published student-as-teacher courses are voluntary and do not assess skill acquisition.
    UNASSIGNED: We taught 290 fourth-year medical students across two academic years (2020-2022) the tenets of the One-Minute Preceptor (OMP) using a 2-hour workshop during their transition to residency course. A variety of role-play cases allowed students to practice the different parts of the OMP in isolation and combined. Then, we assessed their teaching skills after the workshop using an objective structured teaching exam (OSTE).
    UNASSIGNED: Two hundred seventy-eight students (96%) completed the self-assessment of their confidence demonstrating the skills of the OMP before and after the workshop. Their confidence improved in all domains, with ps < .001. Additionally, all students successfully demonstrated competency on the OSTE.
    UNASSIGNED: We used a 2-hour workshop based on the OMP to improve fourth-year medical students\' confidence in their teaching skills and allow them to demonstrate competence in those skills before starting their intern year.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Bedside cardiac assessment (BCA) is deficient across a spectrum of noncardiology trainees. Learners not taught BCA well may become instructors who do not teach well, creating a self-perpetuating problem. To improve BCA teaching and learning, we developed a high-quality, patient-centered curriculum for medicine clerkship students that could be flexibly implemented and accessible to other health professions learners.
    UNASSIGNED: With a constructivist perspective, we aligned learning goals, activities, and assessments. The curriculum used a \"listen before you auscultate\" framework, capturing patient history as context for a six-step, systematic approach. In the flipped classroom, short videos and practice questions preceded two 1-hour class activities that integrated diagnostic reasoning, pathophysiology, physical diagnosis, and reflection. Activities included case discussions, jugular venous pressure evaluation, heart sound competitions, and simulated conversations with patients. Two hundred sixty-eight students at four US and international medical schools participated. We incorporated feedback, performed thematic analysis, and assessed learners\' confidence and knowledge.
    UNASSIGNED: Low posttest data capture limited quantitative results. Students reported increased confidence in BCA ability. Knowledge increased in both BCA and control groups. Thematic analysis suggested instructional design strategies were effective and peer encounters, skills practice, and encounters with educators were meaningful.
    UNASSIGNED: The curriculum supported active learning of day-to-day clinical competencies and promoted professional identity formation alongside BCA ability. Feedback and increased confidence on the late-clerkship posttest suggested durable learning. We recommend approaches to confirm this and other elements of knowledge, skill acquisition, or behaviors and are surveying impacts on professional identity formation-related constructs.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Acute pain is one of the most common complaints that presents to the emergency department. Despite its ubiquity, oligoanalgesia, or the undertreatment of pain, remains a problem in medicine, possibly due to minimal dedicated pain teaching for senior medical students transitioning to residency.
    We designed a 2.5-hour interactive seminar for senior medical students transitioning into residency. The seminar included a chalk talk and case-based discussion, reviewed pain physiology, revisited pain assessment, and introduced pain management strategies using a novel acute pain plan to organize an analgesic approach from presentation through disposition from the emergency department. The didactic chalk talk was interwoven with a case of acute pain. Seminar materials promoted a near-peer teaching opportunity for future facilitators. Learners completed open-ended pre-/postsession knowledge assessments.
    Data were obtained from 19 fourth-year medical students enrolled in three iterations of a preinternship course at Harvard Medical School. Prior to the seminar, learners scored an average of 23.0 out of 53.0 points (SD = 9.0) on the knowledge assessment, which improved to 36.6 out of 53.0 points (SD = 6.7) following the seminar (paired t test p < .001). Learner satisfaction data revealed a positive response to the seminar: Learners felt more confident managing pain and highly recommended the seminar\'s continuation in the future.
    Initial data from this seminar suggest a need for and benefit of targeted pain education for senior medical students. Seminar materials can easily be adapted for learners in other departments or in early graduate medical education.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Biases in communication can be harmful to patient perceptions of care and the medical team\'s decision-making. Optimal communication must be taught and practiced similarly to the optimal management of the complex medical conditions associated with sickle cell disease (SCD). This simulation is designed to teach about biases, optimizing communication to and about a patient with SCD, and appropriately diagnosing and managing pediatric osteomyelitis as a complication of SCD.
    We designed and implemented a simulation case targeting emergency medicine residents and fellows to raise awareness about biases associated with SCD care and the complication of osteomyelitis in children with SCD. The case was delivered as a scheduled educational activity. Guided debriefing about optimizing care and communication for this patient population followed the simulation. We measured outcomes based on facilitator field notes and participant evaluations (Likert-scale and open-response questions).
    Forty learners of varying medical practice proficiencies, societal experiences, and demographics participated, with 30 completing the postsimulation feedback survey. A majority (97%) of participants indicated that the experience was useful and would improve their clinical performance. Participants learned from each other\'s language and communication styles and reflected on their own communication.
    Overall, participants found the simulation very useful as a review of the medical diagnosis and management of osteomyelitis in pediatric SCD. Moreover, they were very engaged and interested in the opportunity to learn about communication biases, particularly as these relate to SCD, to optimize their patient care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Millions of patients present to US emergency departments every year with OB/GYN concerns. Emergency medicine trainees must be adequately prepared to care for this population, regardless of how commonly they appear in the training environment. We used active learning and gamification principles in this curriculum to increase learner engagement and participation in the material.
    We chose OB/GYN topics based on review of Tintinalli\'s OB/GYN content and the American Board of Emergency Medicine\'s Model of Clinical Practice. Each session comprised a case-based lecture and review questions using the game-based Kahoot! online software. Pre- and postcurriculum surveys assessed residents\' confidence in caring for emergent OB/GYN pathologies on a 5-point Likert scale. We designed survey questions assessing the first level of Kirkpatrick\'s levels of training evaluation; these questions were reviewed and revised by the department\'s Medical Education Scholarship Committee for validity.
    A mean of 18 residents attended each session. Seventy-six percent of residents (26 of 34) completed the precurriculum survey, 67% (23 of 34) completed the postcurriculum survey, and 44% (15 of 34) completed both. For all respondents, mean reported confidence with curriculum topics increased from 3.5 to 4.0 (p < .05). For residents completing both surveys, confidence increased from 3.4 to 4.0 (p < .01).
    Application of this curriculum significantly improved learner confidence in targeted OB/GYN topics. Future directions could include evaluating curricular impact at higher levels in the Kirkpatrick model, extending sessions to include more time for interaction, and adding suggested readings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Systemic racism perpetuates health disparities and negatively impacts health care delivery and patient outcomes. Racism and bias can affect every aspect of clinical care, including history-taking, physical examination, laboratory interpretation, note-writing, oral presentation, and decision-making. Medical students must learn racism- and bias-mitigation skills early in their professional development to provide high-quality, equitable care.
    In November 2021, senior medical students and faculty with expertise in promoting health equity and justice in medicine designed and cotaught a Zoom-based, 75-minute, interactive session for second-year medical students. Participants prepared by reading assigned articles. Breakout rooms were used to facilitate small-group discussions. Session topics included use of a structural vulnerability assessment tool, examples of how bias can impact the physical exam, demonstration of how language can transmit bias, and skill practice using neutral instead of stigmatizing language.
    Forty second-year medical students participated in the session. Thirty-one students (78%) completed Likert-type surveys evaluating reaction and learning. Results showed improvements in students\' perceptions of their abilities to assess for structural factors that influence health, recognize ways bias can impact clinical encounters, and apply skills to minimize bias in clinical care and decision-making.
    Providing opportunities for health care learners to think critically about how bias impacts patients and communities and equipping them with tools to begin dismantling exclusionary, racist practices in medicine are achievable and crucial to actualizing a just and equitable health system. This educational session can be adapted for training across health care professions and the educational continuum.





