
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Toxoplasma retinochoroiditis (TRC) is the main cause of posterior uveitis in immunocompetent patients. Several studies have shown safety and efficacy of treatment with intravitreal clindamycin injection in patients with contraindications, inadequate response or side effects with classic oral therapy. The goal of this study is to describe anatomic and functional results of local treatment with intravitreal clindamycin injection.
    METHODS: We performed an observational, retrospective, single-center study in the ophthalmology service of Bordeaux university medical center between December 2017 and January 2020 on management of toxoplasma retinochoroiditis by intravitreal clindamycin injection. We analyzed the efficacy of this treatment on improvement in visual acuity, decrease in size of the retinal lesion and decrease in macular thickness.
    RESULTS: A total of 10 eyes of 9 patients were injected. Only a single injection was required in 9 of the 10 cases. Injections demonstrated improvement in the 3 study criteria; visual acuity went from a mean of 1 LogMAR (1.07±0.77) pre-injection to 0.4 LogMAR (0.43±0.53) at 6 months, lesion size decreased by 51%, and macular thickness decreased by 78μm over the follow-up period.
    CONCLUSIONS: Intravitreal clindamycin injections are safe and effective for the treatment of TRC. They offer an alternative in patients with allergies, side effects or inadequate response to classic oral therapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    On a therapeutic point of view, 2017 in dermatology could be summarized in one disease, one pathway and in one number : atopic dermatitis, JAK inhibitors and 23. 2017 will be the year of the first registration of a biologic treatment in atopic dermatitis, dupilumab, with numerous other drugs currently in development. JAK inhibitors show promising results in several difficult-to-treat conditions, such as alopecia areata, vitiligo or atopic dermatitis, but still warrant confirmation in upcoming controlled trials. Monoclonal antibodies targeting IL-23 have confirmed in phase III studies their great efficacy in controlling psoriasis and will be soon available in practice, illustrating well the optimal link between bench side and bed in this emblematic inflammatory dermatological condition.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Some strains of Staphylococcus aureus produce a toxin known as Panton-Valentine leukocidin. These strains notably cause a necrotizing pneumonia which is associated with a high mortality.
    METHODS: A 70-year-old woman presented with sub-acute onset dyspnea, low-grade fever, and hemoptysis after a trip to Dubai and New Zealand. Computed tomography showed bilateral necrotizing pneumonia, suggesting the diagnosis of pneumonia caused by S. aureus producing Panton-Valentine toxin. It was confirmed by microbiological investigation. The rapid initiation of adequate antimicrobial therapy including an effective antitoxin was essential for successful treatment, without the need for ventilatory support.
    CONCLUSIONS: Necrotizing pneumonia caused by S. aureus producing Panton-Valentine leukocidin usually occurs in young subjects without comorbidities. Typical symptoms are a combination of hypoxemia, high fever, hemoptysis, leukopenia, and a rapidly worsening condition. Panton-Valentine leukocidin should not be discarded if not all the symptoms are typical. Antibiotic therapy including an antitoxin drug such as linezolid or clindamycin should be initiated promptly.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To determine if bacterial vaginosis is a marker for risk of spontaneous preterm delivery and if its detection and treatment can reduce this risk.
    METHODS: Consultation of the database Pubmed/Medline, Science Direct, and international guidelines of medical societies.
    RESULTS: Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is a dysbiosis resulting in an imbalance in the vaginal flora through the multiplication of anaerobic bacteria and jointly of a disappearance of well-known protective Lactobacilli. His diagnosis is based on clinical Amsel criteria and/or a Gram stain with establishment of the Nugent score. The prevalence of the BV extraordinarily varies according to ethnic and/or geographical origin (4-58 %), in France, it is close to 7 % in the first trimester of pregnancy (EL2). The link between BV and spontaneous premature delivery is low with an odds ratio between 1.5 and 2 in the most recent studies (EL3). Metronidazole or clindamycin is effective to treat BV (EL3). It is recommended to prescribe one of these antibiotics in the case of symptomatic BV (Professional Consensus). The testing associated with the treatment of BV in the global population showed no benefit in the prevention of the risk of spontaneous preterm delivery (EL2). Concerning low-risk asymptomatic population (defined by the absence of antecedent of premature delivery), it has been failed profit to track and treat the BV in the prevention of the risk of spontaneous preterm delivery (EL1). Concerning the high-risk population (defined by a history of preterm delivery), it has been failed profit to track and treat the VB in the prevention of the risk of spontaneous preterm delivery (EL3). However, in the sub population of patients with a history of preterm delivery occurred in a context of materno-fetal bacterial infection, there may be a benefit to detect and treat early and systematically genital infection, and in particular the BV (Professional Consensus).
    CONCLUSIONS: The screening and treatment of BV during pregnancy in asymptomatic low-risk population is not recommended in the prevention of the risk of spontaneous preterm delivery (grade A). In the population at high risk with the only notion of antecedent of premature delivery, screening and treatment of the BV is not recommended (grade C).





