
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Emergency medicine clerkships have become more prevalent in the third year of medical school, a time when students are immersed in the core clinical training of their undergraduate medical education. There is little guidance for clinician educators, however, on how to effectively scaffold learning for third-year medical students when rotating in the emergency department (ED) during core clerkships. The authors sought to provide best practices in teaching to leverage the rich learning environment of the ED - regardless of their specialty selections. Based on an extensive review of the literature spanning on-shift teaching, feedback, clinical medicine, and bedside teaching, the following twelve tips are offered to guide the instruction of the undifferentiated third-year medical student in the ED.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Medical students in the United States undergo three significant transitions as they progress from pre-clinical to clinical rotations, to acting interns, and ultimately to first-year resident. However, there is limited understanding of whether the factors and strategies that impact these transitions remain consistent or are unique to each individual transition.
    METHODS: Qualitative data was collected from three Nominal Group Technique (NGT) sessions held separately for third-year students (M3), fourth-year students (M4), and first-year residents (PGY-1). The participants were asked to share their perceptions on their most recent medical school transition. These responses were independently coded into thematic categories.
    RESULTS: The NGT session with M3 students (n = 9) identified 67 transition factors and 64 coping strategies. The M4 (n = 8) session identified 33 transition factors and 72 strategies to manage their transition. The PGY-1 (n = 5) session identified 28 factors and 25 strategies. The coping strategies for each session were categorized into seven themes and the transition factors were assigned to ten thematic categories.
    CONCLUSIONS: Just as each transition is unique, so too are the number and variety of factors and strategies to manage each transition. Despite these differences, the themes of \"Professional socialization\" and \"Prioritization, efficiency, and delegation\" emerged as impactful in all three transitions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phenomenon: Ownership of patient care is a key element of professional growth and professional identity formation, but its development among medical students is incompletely understood. Specifically, how attitudes surrounding ownership of patient care develop, what experiences are most influential in shaping them, and how educators can best support this growth are not well known. Therefore, we studied the longitudinal progression of ownership definitions and experiences in medical students across their core clerkship curriculum. Approach: We conducted a series of four longitudinal focus groups with the same cohort of medical students across their core clerkship curriculum. Using workplace learning theory as a sensitizing concept, we conducted semi-structured interviews to explore how definitions, experiences, and influencers of ownership developed and evolved. Results were analyzed inductively using thematic analysis. Findings: Fifteen students participated in four focus groups spanning their core clerkship curriculum. We constructed four themes from responses: (1) students\' definitions of ownership of patient care evolved to include more central roles for themselves and more defined limitations; (2) student conceptions of patient care ownership became more relational and reciprocal over time as they ascribed a more active role to patients; (3) student assessment fostered ownership as an external motivator when it explicitly addressed ownership, but detracted from ownership if it removed students from patient care; and (4) structural and logistical factors impacted students\' ability to display patient care ownership. Insights: Student conceptions of ownership evolved over their core clerkship curriculum to include more patient care responsibility and more meaningful relational connections with patients, including recognizing patients\' agency in this relationship. This progression was contingent on interactions with real patients and students being afforded opportunities to play a meaningful role in their care. Rotation structures and assessment processes are key influencers of care ownership that merit further study, as well as the voice of patients themselves in these relationships.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article was migrated. The article was marked as recommended. Background: Telehealth, including Telemedicine, is the use of electronic communications technology to provide healthcare at a distance. There is a growing need to train future physicians to be adept and knowledgeable of telehealth. The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) recently defined six core competency domains for Telehealth for medical residents and attending physicians. Methods: A multidisciplinary team of medical educators, Telemedicine practitioners, instructional technology experts and a senior medical student designed a Telemedicine curriculum centered on five primary educational activities. Training moved progressively from novice Telemedicine experiences to Telemedicine encounters with standardized patients and post-encounter debriefs to promote active learning, engagement, and self-regulation. The Telemedicine curriculum was prioritized and delivered to the entire class of 2022 (114 third-year medical students). Results: Student satisfaction surveys and post formative quiz items were used to assess the impact of the Telemedicine Curriculum. Over 95% of surveyed students agreed or strongly agreed the course was organized and helpful in developing clinical skills in preparation for clerkship. Students particularly valued the opportunity to engage in patient encounters while learning Telemedicine-specific patient safety and communication skills. Conclusion: With careful attention to instructional design, active learning formats that are historically successful in face-to-face settings can be equally successful in virtual settings. Standardized patients and peers can be trained to provide appropriate feedback in the right virtual setting.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Frequent transitions between core clinical rotations in medical school increase anxiety and cognitive load. Few formalized programs exist to ease these transitions. Our institutional needs-assessment found that approximately 85% of students believed that additional rotation-specific information prior to starting a new rotation would reduce anxiety and increase success.
    We developed a novel web-based peer-to-peer handoff tool available to all clerkship students at a single, large academic institution. The tool contains the names and contact information of students who most recently completed rotations on each service for all clerkships. A handoff checklist was also created with suggested discussion points for handoffs. Students were encouraged to schedule a handoff 1-2 weeks before starting a new rotation.
    Overall, 83 students (66%) utilized the handoff tool, with use and efficacy decreasing with time during the clinical year. Of tool users, 65% expressed that having access to the tool prior to starting a new rotation helped to reduce anxiety, and 74% felt that the information gained helped to ease transitions. Our peer-to-peer handoff tool may help students feel more prepared to start a new rotation, decrease anxiety during clerkship year, and ease transitions.
    This low-resource intervention may be implemented at other institutions to provide students with equal opportunities to receive valuable information prior to starting new rotations, regardless of pre-existing peer connections. An automated update system, which we are implementing at our institution, could greatly decrease the time required to maintain a handoff tool and improve sustainability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article was migrated. The article was marked as recommended. The defining feature of 2020 will be the early and mid-stages of the covid-19 pandemic, declared by the World Health Organisation on 11 th March. Rapid worldwide exponential spread continues and by 15 April, more than 1 900 000 cases and 123 000 deaths had been reported worldwide (WHO, 2020). Health services have coped to varying degrees. One common feature has been the withdrawal of routine care (Iacobucci, 2020a) and \'non-essential\' staff including learners, although many have returned to undertake care roles. As the likely timeframe for stabilisation of health services becomes clearer, certainly in the United Kingdom (UK) (Iacobucci, 2020b), medical educators need to rapidly get the teaching of the next generation of health care workers back on track if they are to enter health services as confident and competent practitioners in 2020 and 2021. Although a \'whole world\' experience, the effects of covid-19 sit in national contexts. We detail the issues for the UK in re-starting and re-inventing medical education, noting that the principles, if not necessarily the detail, will be common across the world.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Participating in clerkships with general practitioners (GPs) is integral to studying medicine. The students gain deep and valuable insights into the everyday working practice of GPs. The central challenge is organizing these clerkships to distribute the students to the participating doctors\' offices. This process becomes even more complex and time-consuming if students can state their preferences. To support faculty staff and involve students in the process, we developed an application to support the distribution process via an automated system and applied it to allocate over 700 students over the course of 2.5 years.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phenomenon: Existing literature, as well as anecdotal evidence, suggests that tiered clinical grading systems may display systematic demographic biases. This study aimed to investigate these potential inequities in-depth. Specifically, this study attempted to address the following gaps in the literature: (1) studying grades actually assigned to students (as opposed to self-reported ones), (2) using longitudinal data over an 8-year period, providing stability of data, (3) analyzing three important, potentially confounding covariates, (4) using a comprehensive multivariate statistical design, and (5) investigating not just the main effects of gender and race, but also their potential interaction. Approach: Participants included 1,905 graduates (985 women, 51.7%) who received the Doctor of Medicine degree between 2014 and 2021. Most of the participants were white (n = 1,310, 68.8%) and about one-fifth were nonwhite (n = 397, 20.8%). There were no reported race data for 10.4% (n = 198). To explore potential differential grading, a two-way multivariate analysis of covariance was employed to examine the impact of race and gender on grades in eight required clerkships, adjusting for prior academic performance. Findings: There were two significant main effects, race and gender, but no interaction effect between gender and race. Women received higher grades on average on all eight clerkships, and white students received higher grades on average on four of the eight clerkships (Medicine, Pediatrics, Surgery, Obstetrics/Gynecology). These relationships held even when accounting for prior performance covariates. Insights: These findings provide additional evidence that tiered grading systems may be subject to systematic demographic biases. It is difficult to tease apart the contributions of various factors to the observed differences in gender and race on clerkship grades, and the interactions that produce these biases may be quite complex. The simplest solution to cut through the tangled web of grading biases may be to move away from a tiered grading system altogether.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The need to educate medical professionals in changing medical organizations has led to a revision of the Radboudumc\'s undergraduate medical curriculum. Entrustable professional activities (EPAs) were used as a learning tool to support participation and encourage feedback-seeking behavior, in order to offer students the best opportunities for growth. This paper describes the development of the Radboudumc\'s EPA-based Master\'s curriculum and how EPAs can facilitate continuity in learning in the clerkships. Four guiding principles were used to create a curriculum that offers possibilities for the students\' development: (1) working with EPAs, (2) establishing entrustment, (3) providing continuity in learning, and (4) organizing smooth transitions. The new curriculum was designed with the implementation of EPAs and an e-portfolio, based on these 4 principles. The authors found that the revised curriculum corresponds to daily practice in clerkships. Students used their e-portfolios throughout all clerkships, which stimulates feedback-seeking behavior. Moreover, EPAs promote continuity in learning while rotating clerkships every 1 to 2 months. This might encourage curriculum developers to use EPAs when aiming for greater continuity in the development of students. Future research needs to focus on the effect of EPAs on transitions across clerkships in order to further improve the undergraduate medical curriculum.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The authors evaluated the validity of a structured direct observation form (DOF) to assess medical student performance on psychiatric interviews for use in the psychiatry clerkship.
    METHODS: One hundred and forty-eight third-year medical students were evaluated by two DOFs completed by a supervising resident, fellow, attending, or another team member. One DOF was completed early (time 1) and the other late (time 2) during a 4-week psychiatry clerkship.
    RESULTS: The DOF showed good internal consistency (Cronbach\'s alpha = 0.88-0.89). DOFs submitted at time 2 were positively associated with end-of-course clinical grades (p < 0.001); this association remained significant while controlling for time of academic year the course was completed, rater rank, complexity of the case, and difficulty of the interview (time 2 p < 0.001). Mean scores from the DOF were associated with the time of year students took the course with students assessed early in the academic year having lower average scores (p-values = 0.01 at time 1, 0.002 at time 2). Scores on time 1 DOFs were positively associated with rater rank (p = 0.005; residents gave higher scores than faculty). DOFs also correlated with an Entrustable Professional Activity (EPA) assessment of the interview (time 1 r = 0.76, p < 0.001; time 2 r = 0.79, p < 0.001), but not with shelf exam scores (time 1 r = 0.10, p = 0.24; time 2 r = 0.11, p = 0.21).
    CONCLUSIONS: A brief structured form evaluating medical student performance on psychiatric interviews provided valid information about performance by third-year medical students during the psychiatry clerkship.





