Class imbalance

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Identifying stars belonging to different classes is vital in order to build up statistical samples of different phases and pathways of stellar evolution. In the era of surveys covering billions of stars, an automated method of identifying these classes becomes necessary.
    UNASSIGNED: Many classes of stars are identified based on their emitted spectra. In this paper, we use a combination of the multi-class multi-label Machine Learning (ML) method XGBoost and the PySSED spectral-energy-distribution fitting algorithm to classify stars into nine different classes, based on their photometric data. The classifier is trained on subsets of the SIMBAD database. Particular challenges are the very high sparsity (large fraction of missing values) of the underlying data as well as the high class imbalance. We discuss the different variables available, such as photometric measurements on the one hand, and indirect predictors such as Galactic position on the other hand.
    UNASSIGNED: We show the difference in performance when excluding certain variables, and discuss in which contexts which of the variables should be used. Finally, we show that increasing the number of samples of a particular type of star significantly increases the performance of the model for that particular type, while having little to no impact on other types. The accuracy of the main classifier is ∼0.7 with a macro F1 score of 0.61.
    UNASSIGNED: While the current accuracy of the classifier is not high enough to be reliably used in stellar classification, this work is an initial proof of feasibility for using ML to classify stars based on photometry.
    Astronomy is at the forefront of the ‘Big Data’ regime, with telescopes collecting increasingly large volumes of data. The tools astronomers use to analyse and draw conclusions from these data need to be able to keep up, with machine learning providing many of the solutions. Being able to classify different astronomical objects by type helps to disentangle the astrophysics making them unique, offering new insights into how the Universe works. Here, we present how machine learning can be used to classify different kinds of stars, in order to augment large databases of the sky. This will allow astronomers to more easily extract the data they need to perform their scientific analyses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) is a prevalent lifelong health condition. It is predicted that over 500 million adults will be diagnosed with T2D by 2040. T2D can develop at any age, and if it progresses, it may cause serious comorbidities. One of the most critical T2D-related comorbidities is Myocardial Infarction (MI), known as heart attack. MI is a life-threatening medical emergency, and it is important to predict it and intervene in a timely manner. The use of Machine Learning (ML) for clinical prediction is gaining pace, but the class imbalance in predictive models is a key challenge for establishing a trustworthy deployment of the technology. This may lead to bias and overfitting in the ML models, and it may cause misleading interpretations of the ML outputs. In our study, we showed how systematic use of Class Imbalance Handling (CIH) techniques may improve the performance of the ML models. We used the Connected Bradford dataset, consisting of over one million real-world health records. Three commonly used CIH techniques, Oversampling, Undersampling, and Class Weighting (CW) have been used for Naive Bayes (NB), Neural Network (NN), Random Forest (RF), Support Vector Machine (SVM), and Ensemble models. We report that CW overperforms among the other techniques with the highest Accuracy and F1 values of 0.9948 and 0.9556, respectively. Applying the most appropriate CIH techniques for the ML models using real-world healthcare data provides promising results for helping to reduce the risk of MI in patients with T2D.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In clinical practice, the anatomical classification of pulmonary veins plays a crucial role in the preoperative assessment of atrial fibrillation radiofrequency ablation surgery. Accurate classification of pulmonary vein anatomy assists physicians in selecting appropriate mapping electrodes and avoids causing pulmonary arterial hypertension. Due to the diverse and subtly different anatomical classifications of pulmonary veins, as well as the imbalance in data distribution, deep learning models often exhibit poor expression capability in extracting deep features, leading to misjudgments and affecting classification accuracy. Therefore, in order to solve the problem of unbalanced classification of left atrial pulmonary veins, this paper proposes a network integrating multi-scale feature-enhanced attention and dual-feature extraction classifiers, called DECNet. The multi-scale feature-enhanced attention utilizes multi-scale information to guide the reinforcement of deep features, generating channel weights and spatial weights to enhance the expression capability of deep features. The dual-feature extraction classifier assigns a fixed number of channels to each category, equally evaluating all categories, thus alleviating the learning bias and overfitting caused by data imbalance. By combining the two, the expression capability of deep features is strengthened, achieving accurate classification of left atrial pulmonary vein morphology and providing support for subsequent clinical treatment. The proposed method is evaluated on datasets provided by the People\'s Hospital of Liaoning Province and the publicly available DermaMNIST dataset, achieving average accuracies of 78.81% and 83.44%, respectively, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed approach.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In Uganda, the absence of a unified dataset for constructing machine learning models to predict Foot and Mouth Disease outbreaks hinders preparedness. Although machine learning models exhibit excellent predictive performance for Foot and Mouth Disease outbreaks under stationary conditions, they are susceptible to performance degradation in non-stationary environments. Rainfall and temperature are key factors influencing these outbreaks, and their variability due to climate change can significantly impact predictive performance. This study created a unified Foot and Mouth Disease dataset by integrating disparate sources and pre-processing data using mean imputation, duplicate removal, visualization, and merging techniques. To evaluate performance degradation, seven machine learning models were trained and assessed using metrics including accuracy, area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, recall, precision and F1-score. The dataset showed a significant class imbalance with more non-outbreaks than outbreaks, requiring data augmentation methods. Variability in rainfall and temperature impacted predictive performance, causing notable degradation. Random Forest with borderline SMOTE was the top-performing model in a stationary environment, achieving 92% accuracy, 0.97 area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, 0.94 recall, 0.90 precision, and 0.92 F1-score. However, under varying distributions, all models exhibited significant performance degradation, with random forest accuracy dropping to 46%, area under the receiver operating characteristic curve to 0.58, recall to 0.03, precision to 0.24, and F1-score to 0.06. This study underscores the creation of a unified Foot and Mouth Disease dataset for Uganda and reveals significant performance degradation in seven machine learning models under varying distributions. These findings highlight the need for new methods to address the impact of distribution variability on predictive performance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to improve the deep learning (DL) model performance in predicting and classifying IMRT gamma passing rate (GPR) by using input features related to machine parameters and a class balancing technique.
    METHODS: A total of 2348 fields from 204 IMRT plans for patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma were retrospectively collected to form a dataset. Input feature maps, including fluence, leaf gap, leaf speed of both banks, and corresponding errors, were constructed from the dynamic log files. The SHAP framework was employed to compute the impact of each feature on the model output for recursive feature elimination. A series of UNet++ based models were trained on the obtained eight feature sets with three fine-tuning methods including the standard mean squared error (MSE) loss, a re-sampling technique, and a proposed weighted MSE loss (WMSE). Differences in mean absolute error, area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC), sensitivity, and specificity were compared between the different models.
    RESULTS: The models trained with feature sets including leaf speed and leaf gap features predicted GPR for failed fields more accurately than the other models (F(7, 147) = 5.378, p < 0.001). The WMSE loss had the highest accuracy in predicting GPR for failed fields among the three fine-tuning methods (F(2, 42) = 14.149, p < 0.001), while an opposite trend was observed in predicting GPR for passed fields (F(2, 730) = 9.907, p < 0.001). The WMSE_FS5 model achieved a superior AUC (0.92) and more balanced sensitivity (0.77) and specificity (0.89) compared to the other models.
    CONCLUSIONS: Machine parameters can provide discriminative input features for GPR prediction in DL. The novel weighted loss function demonstrates the ability to balance the prediction and classification accuracy between the passed and failed fields. The proposed approach is able to improve the DL model performance in predicting and classifying GPR, and can potentially be integrated into the plan optimization process to generate higher deliverability plans.
    BACKGROUND: This clinical trial was registered in the Chinese Clinical Trial Registry on March 26th, 2020 (registration number: ChiCTR2000031276).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Accurate prediction and grading of gliomas play a crucial role in evaluating brain tumor progression, assessing overall prognosis, and treatment planning. In addition to neuroimaging techniques, identifying molecular biomarkers that can guide the diagnosis, prognosis and prediction of the response to therapy has aroused the interest of researchers in their use together with machine learning and deep learning models. Most of the research in this field has been model-centric, meaning it has been based on finding better performing algorithms. However, in practice, improving data quality can result in a better model. This study investigates a data-centric machine learning approach to determine their potential benefits in predicting glioma grades. We report six performance metrics to provide a complete picture of model performance. Experimental results indicate that standardization and oversizing the minority class increase the prediction performance of four popular machine learning models and two classifier ensembles applied on a low-imbalanced data set consisting of clinical factors and molecular biomarkers. The experiments also show that the two classifier ensembles significantly outperform three of the four standard prediction models. Furthermore, we conduct a comprehensive descriptive analysis of the glioma data set to identify relevant statistical characteristics and discover the most informative attributes using four feature ranking algorithms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In binary classification for clinical studies, an imbalanced distribution of cases to classes and an extreme association level between the binary dependent variable and a subset of independent variables can create significant classification problems. These crucial issues, namely class imbalance and complete separation, lead to classification inaccuracy and biased results in clinical studies.
    METHODS: To deal with class imbalance and complete separation problems, we propose using a fuzzy logistic regression framework for binary classification. Fuzzy logistic regression incorporates combinations of triangular fuzzy numbers for the coefficients, inputs, and outputs and produces crisp classification results. The fuzzy logistic regression framework shows strong classification performance due to fuzzy logic\'s better handling of imbalance and separation issues. Hence, classification accuracy is improved, mitigating the risk of misclassified conditions and biased insights for clinical study patients.
    RESULTS: The performance of the fuzzy logistic regression model is assessed on twelve binary classification problems with clinical datasets. The model has consistently high sensitivity, specificity, F1, precision, and Mathew\'s correlation coefficient scores across all clinical datasets. There is no evidence of impact from the imbalance or separation that exists in the datasets. Furthermore, we compare the fuzzy logistic regression classification performance against two versions of classical logistic regression and six different benchmark sources in the literature. These six sources provide a total of ten different proposed methodologies, and the comparison occurs by calculating the same set of classification performance scores for each method. Either imbalance or separation impacts seven out of ten methodologies. The remaining three produce better classification performance in their respective clinical studies. However, these are all outperformed by the fuzzy logistic regression framework.
    CONCLUSIONS: Fuzzy logistic regression showcases strong performance against imbalance and separation, providing accurate predictions and, hence, informative insights for classifying patients in clinical studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Monitoring activities of daily living (ADLs) plays an important role in measuring and responding to a person\'s ability to manage their basic physical needs. Effective recognition systems for monitoring ADLs must successfully recognize naturalistic activities that also realistically occur at infrequent intervals. However, existing systems primarily focus on either recognizing more separable, controlled activity types or are trained on balanced datasets where activities occur more frequently. In our work, we investigate the challenges associated with applying machine learning to an imbalanced dataset collected from a fully in-the-wild environment. This analysis shows that the combination of preprocessing techniques to increase recall and postprocessing techniques to increase precision can result in more desirable models for tasks such as ADL monitoring. In a user-independent evaluation using in-the-wild data, these techniques resulted in a model that achieved an event-based F1-score of over 0.9 for brushing teeth, combing hair, walking, and washing hands. This work tackles fundamental challenges in machine learning that will need to be addressed in order for these systems to be deployed and reliably work in the real world.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article addresses the semantic segmentation of laparoscopic surgery images, placing special emphasis on the segmentation of structures with a smaller number of observations. As a result of this study, adjustment parameters are proposed for deep neural network architectures, enabling a robust segmentation of all structures in the surgical scene. The U-Net architecture with five encoder-decoders (U-Net5ed), SegNet-VGG19, and DeepLabv3+ employing different backbones are implemented. Three main experiments are conducted, working with Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU), Gaussian Error Linear Unit (GELU), and Swish activation functions. The applied loss functions include Cross Entropy (CE), Focal Loss (FL), Tversky Loss (TL), Dice Loss (DiL), Cross Entropy Dice Loss (CEDL), and Cross Entropy Tversky Loss (CETL). The performance of Stochastic Gradient Descent with momentum (SGDM) and Adaptive Moment Estimation (Adam) optimizers is compared. It is qualitatively and quantitatively confirmed that DeepLabv3+ and U-Net5ed architectures yield the best results. The DeepLabv3+ architecture with the ResNet-50 backbone, Swish activation function, and CETL loss function reports a Mean Accuracy (MAcc) of 0.976 and Mean Intersection over Union (MIoU) of 0.977. The semantic segmentation of structures with a smaller number of observations, such as the hepatic vein, cystic duct, Liver Ligament, and blood, verifies that the obtained results are very competitive and promising compared to the consulted literature. The proposed selected parameters were validated in the YOLOv9 architecture, which showed an improvement in semantic segmentation compared to the results obtained with the original architecture.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Skin lesion classification plays a crucial role in the early detection and diagnosis of various skin conditions. Recent advances in computer-aided diagnostic techniques have been instrumental in timely intervention, thereby improving patient outcomes, particularly in rural communities lacking specialized expertise. Despite the widespread adoption of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) in skin disease detection, their effectiveness has been hindered by the limited size and data imbalance of publicly accessible skin lesion datasets. In this context, a two-step hierarchical binary classification approach is proposed utilizing hybrid machine and deep learning (DL) techniques. Experiments conducted on the International Skin Imaging Collaboration (ISIC 2017) dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of the hierarchical approach in handling large class imbalances. Specifically, employing DenseNet121 (DNET) as a feature extractor and random forest (RF) as a classifier yielded the most promising results, achieving a balanced multiclass accuracy (BMA) of 91.07% compared to the pure deep-learning model (end-to-end DNET) with a BMA of 88.66%. The RF ensemble exhibited significantly greater efficiency than other machine-learning classifiers in aiding DL to address the challenge of learning with limited data. Furthermore, the implemented predictive hybrid hierarchical model demonstrated enhanced performance while significantly reducing computational time, indicating its potential efficiency in real-world applications for the classification of skin lesions.





