Class II

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The World Health Organization considers malocclusion one of the most essential oral health problems. This disease influences various aspects of patients\' health and well-being. Therefore, making it easier and more accurate to understand and diagnose patients with skeletal malocclusions is necessary.
    OBJECTIVE: The main aim of this research was the establishment of machine learning models to correctly classify individual Arab patients, being citizens of Israel, as skeletal class II or III. Secondary outcomes of the study included comparing cephalometric parameters between patients with skeletal class II and III and between age and gender-specific subgroups, an analysis of the correlation of various cephalometric variables, and principal component analysis in skeletal class diagnosis.
    METHODS: This quantitative, observational study is based on data from the Orthodontic Center, Jatt, Israel. The experimental data consisted of the coded records of 502 Arab patients diagnosed as Class II or III according to the Calculated_ANB. This parameter was defined as the difference between the measured ANB angle and the individualized ANB of Panagiotidis and Witt. In this observational study, we focused on the primary aim, i.e., the establishment of machine learning models for the correct classification of skeletal class II and III in a group of Arab orthodontic patients. For this purpose, various ML models and input data was tested after identifying the most relevant parameters by conducting a principal component analysis. As secondary outcomes this study compared the cephalometric parameters and analyzed their correlations between skeletal class II and III as well as between gender and age specific subgroups.
    RESULTS: Comparison of the two groups demonstrated significant differences between skeletal class II and class III patients. This was shown for the parameters NL-NSL angle, PFH/AFH ratio, SNA angle, SNB angle, SN-Ba angle. SN-Pg angle, and ML-NSL angle in skeletal class III patients, and for S-N (mm) in skeletal class II patients. In skeletal class II and skeletal class III patients, the results showed that the Calculated_ANB correlated well with many other cephalometric parameters. With the help of the Principal Component Analysis (PCA), it was possible to explain about 71% of the variation between the first two PCs. Finally, applying the stepwise forward Machine Learning models, it could be demonstrated that the model works only with the parameters Wits appraisal and SNB angle was able to predict the allocation of patients to either skeletal class II or III with an accuracy of 0.95, compared to a value of 0.99 when all parameters were used (\"general model\").
    CONCLUSIONS: There is a significant relationship between many cephalometric parameters within the different groups of gender and age. This study highlights the high accuracy and power of Wits appraisal and the SNB angle in evaluating the classification of orthodontic malocclusion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this study was to compare the changes in the sagittal pharyngeal airway dimension (SPAD) in adolescents with Class II mandibular retrusion treated with Invisalign Mandibular Advancement (IMA), prefabricated Myobrace (MB), and Twin block (TB). For this retrospective study, the pre-treatment and post-treatment lateral cephalograms of 60 patients who underwent myofunctional treatment, using either one of the tested appliances were gathered from the files of treated patients. Changes in the SPAD were measured in each group, and comparisons were carried out between the three study groups. Additionally, sagittal skeletal measurements were carried out. Comparisons of the study variables at T0 and T1 between the three groups were performed using one-way ANOVA, while comparisons of the difference (T1-T0) were performed using Kruskal Wallis test. A significant SPAD increase has been reported using the three tested appliances (p < 0.05), with the least change documented with MB use (p < 0.05). Significant antero-posterior improvements have been found with IMA, MB, and TB with an increase in the SNB°, and a decrease in ANB° and Wits appraisal (p < 0.05). Non-significant FMA° changes have been observed post-treatment in the three test groups (p > 0.05). The IMA, MB, and TB generated significant SPAD and sagittal changes, with both IMA and TB surpassing MB in the airway area improvement post-treatment. Moreover, the three tested Class II functional appliances did not affect the vertical dimension.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    The arrival date young patient\'s first orthodontic consultation is unrestricted but may influence the choice of treatment plan as well as its modalities. The objective of this study was to determine the factors that influence the date of the first consultation at the orthodontic office: advice from a third party or a health professional, the patient\'s gender, the socioeconomic level, the actual need for orthodontic treatment, and the vertical and anteroposterior skeletal dysmorphia.
    Young patient\'s file younger than 16 years were systematically included. A Wilcoxon and Kruskal-Wallis test was performed in univariate and multivariate analysis. The threshold was 5%.
    456 young patients were included. Anteroposterior skeletal discrepancy, referral by an acquaintance, and socioeconomic level appeared to be factors influencing patient arrival date. Gender, actual need for orthodontic treatment, referral from a health professional, and vertical skeletal discrepancy did not influence the arrival date at the office.
    The date of consultation is not related to the actual orthodontic treatment need. Word-of-mouth seems to play an important role. Patients seem to relate an anteroposterior discrepancy to the need to consult an orthodontist, but do not relate it to vertical discrepancy, although ventilation may be related to severe dysmorphia.
    This study encourages more communication about orthodontic treatment indications with patients and caregivers.
    La date d’arrivée du jeune patient en première consultation orthodontique est libre mais peut influencer le choix du plan de traitement, ainsi que ses modalités. L’objectif de cette étude était de déterminer les facteurs qui influencent la date de première consultation au cabinet d’orthodontie : le conseil d’un tiers ou d’un professionnel de santé, le genre du patient, le niveau socio-économique, le besoin réel de traitement orthodontique, la dysmorphie squelettique verticale et antéro-postérieure.
    Les dossiers de jeunes patients de moins de 16 ans ont été systématiquement inclus. Un test de Wilcoxon et Kruskal-Wallis a été effectué en analyse univariée et multivariée. Le seuil retenu était de 5 %.
    Au total, 456 patients ont été inclus. Le décalage squelettique antéro-postérieur, le fait d’être adressé par une connaissance et le niveau socio-économique semblent être des facteurs influençant la date d’arrivée du jeune patient. Le genre, le besoin réel de traitement orthodontique, le fait d’être adressé par un professionnel de santé, le décalage squelettique vertical n’ont pas d’influence sur la date d’arrivée au cabinet.
    La date de consultation n’est pas liée au besoin réel de traitement. Le bouche à oreille semble jouer un rôle important. Les patients semblent faire le lien entre un décalage antéro-postérieur et la nécessité de consulter un orthodontiste, mais ne le font pas pour le décalage vertical alors que la ventilation peut être liée à des dysmorphies sévères.
    Cette étude encourage à communiquer davantage sur les indications de traitement orthodontique avec les patients et les soignants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background Knowing the characteristics of vertical patterns is crucial to provide the best orthodontic treatment. Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) offers a valuable tool for evaluating true buccolingual inclinations. The current study investigates the buccolingual inclination of first molars in adult subjects with different vertical facial patterns. Methods CBCT scans of 66 adult patients (31 males, 35 females) with a mean age of 31.6 years (SD: 6.4 years) exhibiting skeletal class II division I maxillomandibular relationships were employed. Participants were categorized into three groups based on linear and angular measurements: normodivergent group (n=22), hypodivergent group (n=22), and hyperdivergent group (n=22). The independent samples t-test and Mann-Whitney U-test were conducted to investigate statistical differences in terms of buccolingual inclination between the three vertical patterns. Results Statistically significant differences were observed in the buccolingual inclinations of both maxillary and mandibular first molars in the hypodivergent group compared to the other groups (p<0.05). Conclusions In patients with class II division I sagittal relationships, the buccolingual inclinations of the first molars exhibit similarities between normodivergent and hyperdivergent groups. However, these inclinations differ significantly in hypodivergent adult subjects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: This article aims to compare clinical efficacy of newly introduced PowerScope 2 appliance with Forsus FRD in the treatment of Skeletal Class II malocclusion.
    UNASSIGNED: This randomized controlled trial studied 40 patients at two centers (20 patients at each center, divided into two groups of 10 patients each as Group 1: Forsus FRD and Group 2: PowerScope 2 appliance. The skeletal, dental, soft tissue, and airway changes were noted at T0 (pretreatment), T1 (preappliance therapy), and T2 (postappliance therapy). Acoustic Pharyngometry (Eccovision® Acoustic Pharyngometer) was done to ascertain changes in mean airway volume and area with both modalities noninvasively. Treatment duration and chairside time in appliance installation and removal were noted. Patient comfort was compared using a customized questionnaire survey.
    UNASSIGNED: A significant change was observed in skeletal, dental, soft tissue, and airway parameters after treatment with both modalities (p-value <0.05 for all) with no significant intergroup difference (p-value >0.05). Chairside time spent in appliance insertion was significantly lower with PowerScope 2 appliance (10.33 min) as compared to the Forsus FRD appliance (18.28 min) (p-value <0.05). Visual Analogue Scale scores for parameters such as problems in mastication, problems in speech, and problems in oral hygiene maintenance were significantly lower with PowerScope 2 appliance as compared to the Forsus FRD appliance (p-value <0.05).
    UNASSIGNED: Although both modalities are effective in the management of Class II malocclusion, the PowerScope 2 appliance scores better in terms of lesser chairside time in appliance installation and better patient comfort.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: This study aimed to determine the maxillary and mandibular basal bone regions and explore the three-dimensional positional relationship between the dentition and basal bone regions in patients with skeletal Class I and Class II malocclusions with mandibular retrusion.
    UNASSIGNED: Eighty patients (40 each with Class I and Class II malocclusion) were enrolled. Maxillary and mandibular basal bone regions were determined using cone-beam computed tomography images. To measure the relationship between the dentition and basal bone region, the root position and root inclination were calculated using the coordinates of specific fixed points by a computer program written in Python.
    UNASSIGNED: In the Class II group, the mandibular anterior teeth inclined more labially (P < 0.05), with their apices positioned closer to the external boundary. The apex of the maxillary anterior root was positioned closer to the external boundary in both groups. Considering the molar region, the maxillary first molars tended to be more lingually inclined in females (P = 0.037), whereas the mandibular first molars were significantly more labially inclined in the Class II group (P < 0.05).
    UNASSIGNED: Mandibular anterior teeth in Class II malocclusion exhibit a compensatory labial inclination trend with the crown and apex relative to the basal bone region when mandibular retrusion occurs. Moreover, as the root apices of the maxillary anterior teeth are much closer to the labial side in Class I and Class II malocclusion, the range of movement at the root apex should be limited to avoid extensive labial movement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of enhanced personal protective equipment (Enhanced_PPE) on student-operator\'s experience and restorative procedure.
    METHODS: Student-operators (N = 29 Year 3 dental students) performed Class II composite restorations (SimpliShade, Kerr) in typodont upper molars (OneDental) equipped with N95 respirators, full-face shields, disposable headwear and gowns (Enhanced_PPE) or surgical masks, protective glasses/goggles and non-disposable gowns (Standard_PPE) 2 weeks later. Cavity dimensions were measured on cone beam computed tomography images. The quality of composite restorations was assessed using selected FDI criteria and Vickers hardness. A questionnaire assessed the operators\' discomfort, anxiety, confidence, ability to perform, and procedure outcome. Data were analyzed using paired t-test and McNemar test (alpha = 0.05).
    RESULTS: Student-operators experienced greater discomfort and anxiety, reduced confidence and ability to perform, and rated the procedure as less satisfactory with Enhanced_PPE (p < 0.05). Differences in proximal box width were marginally significant (Enhanced_PPE 1.8 ± 0.4 mm, Standard_PPE 1.6 ± 0.3 mm) (p = 0.047). Other cavity dimensions were similar between groups (p > 0.05) as were restorations regarding surface luster, anatomical form, marginal adaptation, proximal contour, and contact (p > 0.05). There were no differences in the hardness of composite restorations (top p = 0.349, bottom p = 0.334).
    CONCLUSIONS: Enhanced_PPE led to student-operator discomfort, anxiety, and reduced confidence, but did not impact the quality of Class II preparation and composite restorations versus Standard_PPE.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background and Objectives: The objective of this retrospective controlled study is to compare class II growing patients who underwent treatment with two different functional appliances: the Fraenkel regulator (FR-2), utilized as the control group, and the elastodontic device \"Cranium Occluded Postural Multifunctional Harmonizers\" (AMCOP), utilized as the test group. Materials and Methods: The study sample consisted of 52 patients with class II division I malocclusion (30 males, 22 females, mean age 8.6 ± 1.4 years) who were treated with the two different types of appliances: Group 1 (n = 27, mean age 8 [7.00, 9.00] years, 12 females, 15 males) received treatment with AMCOP, while Group 2 (n = 25, mean age 9.2 years [8.20, 10.00], 10 females, 15 males) received treatment with FR-2. The mean treatment duration for Group 1 was 28.00 [21.50, 38.00] months, while for Group 2 it was 23.70 [17.80, 27.40] months. Cephalometric analyses were performed on lateral cephalograms taken before treatment (T1) and after treatment (T2). Results: Significant intragroup differences were observed over time in Group 1 for 1^/PP. Similarly, significant intragroup differences were observed over time in Group 2 for SNB, ANB, and IMPA. Conclusions: Both treatment modalities resulted in the correction of class II malocclusion with dentoalveolar compensation, although the treatment duration with AMCOP tended to be longer on average.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Molar distalization is used to correct molar relationships or to create space for mild anterior crowding. However, whether clear aligners can provide proper vertical control with the sequential distalization strategy has been highly debated. Thus, the current study aimed to systematically review the amount of dentoskeletal changes in the vertical dimension that results from sequential molar distalization in clear aligner therapy without temporary anchorage devices (TADs). Methods: Registered with PROSPERO (CRD42023447211), relevant original studies were screened from seven databases and supplemented by a manual search by two investigators independently. Articles were screened against inclusion and exclusion criteria, and a risk of bias assessment was conducted for each included article. Relevant data were extracted from the included articles and meta-analysis was performed using RStudio. Results: Eleven articles (nine for maxillary distalization and two for mandibular distalization) were selected for the final review. All studies have a high or medium risk of bias. For maxillary molar distalization, the meta-analysis revealed 0.26 mm [0.23 mm, 0.29 mm] of maxillary first molar intrusion based on post-distalization dental model analysis, as well as 0.50 mm [-0.78 mm, 1.78 mm] of maxillary first molar intrusion and 0.60 mm [-0.42 mm, 1.62 mm] of maxillary second molar intrusion based on post-treatment lateral cephalometric analysis. Skeletally, there was a -0.33° [-0.67°, 0.02°] change in the SN-GoGn angle, -0.23° [-0.30°, 0.75°] change in the SN-MP angle, and 0.09° [-0.83°, 1.01°] change in the PP-GoGn angle based on post-treatment lateral cephalometric analysis. There was insufficient data for meta-analysis for mandibular molar distalization. Conclusions: No significant changes in vertical dimension were observed, both dentally and skeletally, after maxillary molar distalization with a sequential distalization strategy. However, further studies on this topic are needed due to the high risk of bias in the currently available studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: A condylion-gonion-menton (Co-Go-Me) angle threshold of 125.5° has been introduced as a predictive parameter of cephalometric mandibular response in the orthopedic treatment of growing Class II patients with functional appliances, despite some contradictions in the literature. Considering the lack of studies evaluating the role of skeletal anchorage, this study aims to reassess the threshold of 125.5° in the Co-Go-Me angle as a useful predictor in growing skeletal Class II patients treated with acrylic splint Herbst appliance and two mini-screws in the lower arch (STM2).
    UNASSIGNED: Thirty-five consecutively treated patients (20 males, 15 females; mean age, 11.37 years) with mandibular retrusion were classified into two groups according to their Co-Go-Me baseline values (Group 1, <125.5°; Group 2, >125.5°). The STM2 protocol involved the use of the MTH Herbst appliance with an acrylic splint in the lower arch and two interradicular mini-screws as anchorage reinforcement. Cephalometric analysis was performed by the same operator for each patient at baseline (T0) and at the end of the Herbst phase (T1). The effects of time and group on the variables were assessed by a repeated-measures analysis of variance. The primary research outcome was the difference between the groups in terms of mandibular responsiveness to treatment referred to as the relative difference (T1-T0) in Co_Gn.
    UNASSIGNED: The mean duration of the treatment was 9.5 months. No statistically significant differences between groups were detected at baseline, except from the expected SN/GoMe° (p < 0.001) and Co-Go mm (p = 0.028). No statistically significant changes between groups, which were caused by the treatment, were found considering the mandibular sagittal and vertical skeletal parameters. Similarly, no statistically significant differences were found in the dental changes between the high-angle and low-angle patients, apart from the upper molar sagittal position (p = 0.013).
    UNASSIGNED: The 125.5° threshold in the Co-Go-Me value was not a reliable predictive parameter for the mandibular response in growing patients treated with the MTH Herbst appliance and lower skeletal anchorage. Due to its effective control in the sagittal and vertical planes, the STM2 technique might be an appropriate protocol to use in treating skeletal Class II patients, regardless of the growth pattern.





