Chromosomes, Human, 16-18

染色体,人类,16 - 18
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Variant Philadelphia chromosome translocations involving chromosomes other than chromosomes 9 and 22 have been reported in 5% to 10% of patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). Here, a case of CML with a t (9, 22, 16) (q34; q11; p13) translocation, which has never been described, is reported.
    METHODS: A 59-year-old female with dry cough, referred to our hospital, exhibited hepatosplenomegaly, high basophil count, and high platelet count at admission without any other known chronic diseases.
    METHODS: The patient was diagnosed with CML with the translocation t (9;22;16) (q34; q11; p13). The patient was treated with imatinib, a first-generation tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI), discontinuously, achieving a complete hematological response for 7 years. Since November 8, 2017, the patient had recurrent fever, and her platelet count rose to 1422 × 10/L. Subsequently, the E279K mutation in the BCR-ABL kinase region was detected.
    RESULTS: According to a previous report, this mutation confers sensitivity to nilotinib, a second-generation TKI. In the end, the patient received treatment with nilotinib and showed a complete hematological response.
    CONCLUSIONS: The present study reports a rare case of CML with Ph chromosome and a t (9;22;16) (q34; q11; p13) translocation. For such cases about CML with variant Philadelphia chromosome translocations or BCR-ABL kinase region mutation, TKI may still be valuable.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    The genetic factor remains the most frequent cause of spontaneous abortions. Examination of the fetal tissue from spontaneous miscarriages shows that 75% of them were caused by abnormal karyotype. Other reasons, albeit rare, included submicroscopic genomic rearrangements, monogenic diseases, and polygenic inheritance disorders of the embryo.
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to analyze the incidence of chromosomal aberrations in material from the miscarriage.
    METHODS: The study included 47 samples of miscarriage material from 47 women. Fluorescent hybridization in-situ (FISH) was used for genetic examination.
    RESULTS: Chromosomal abnormalities were diagnosed in 72% of the samples, with trisomy 21 (25.5%), trisomy 16 (17%), and trisomy 18 (12.8%) as the most common. An abnormal number of copies of chromosome 18, 21, 22, indicating the coexistence of trisomy 18, 21, 22, was detected in 1 patient. It was another miscarriage in case of 14 subjects (29.8%).
    CONCLUSIONS: Chromosomal aberrations were diagnosed in the majority of fetal tissue samples from spontaneous miscarriages. More than one chromosomal aberration in a single embryo is an extremely rare occurrence. Miscarriage due to chromosomal aberrations occurred in the vast majority of women > 35 years of age.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We report the results of imaging and cytogenetic studies in a case of triorchidism in a 54 years old male without any associated anomaly. A scrotal ultrasonography revealed the presence of two testes within the left hemiscrotum with complete septation and echotexture and vascular flow pattern similar to the vascular flow of the normal right testis. There was no focal abnormal echogenicity suggesting malignancy. Scrotal MRI confirmed two soft-tissue structures in the left hemiscrotum with normal signal intensity at T1w and T2w images. Both testes had a tunica albuginea with low-signal intensity. Cytogenetic analysis resulted in normal male karyotype 46XY. Array-CGH analysis detected the presence of two interstitial rearrangements: a ~120 Kb deletion of chromosome 1 and a ~140 Kb deletion of chromosome 16. Currently there are little details on the functions of both genes.






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    文章类型: English Abstract
    Examination of fetal tissue from spontaneous miscarriages shows that 50-70% of them were caused by abnormal karyotype. The most frequent genetic abnormalities include abnormal number of chromosomes, aberration of chromosomes structure and chromosome mosaic anomalies.
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to find out whether there is any difference in the frequency of chromosomal aberrations in patients who miscarried for the first time comparing to patients with recurrent miscarriages.
    METHODS: Examination was performed on 129 miscarriage material samples from 128 women. Fluorescent hybridization in-situ (FISH) was used for genetic examination.
    RESULTS: We received 120 results in which 45 (37,5%) were abnormal. The most frequent chromosomal aberration was trisomy followed by triploidy and monosomy of chromosome X. Among 59 samples from first miscarriage we found 25 abnormal karyotypes. In the 61 samples from the second, third and the next miscarriages we found 20 chromosomal abnormalities.
    CONCLUSIONS: Frequency of chromosomal aberrations in the tissue from the first miscarriage is significantly higher than in samples from second or following miscarriages, which means that genetic factors are less likely to induce recurrent miscarriages. Genetic results confirm that most chromosomal abnormalities arise de-novo.






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    文章类型: English Abstract
    OBJECTIVE: Genetic factors are the most common causes of spontaneous abortions. 50% to 80% of first-trimester abortions reveal-chromosome abnormalities. Evidence for the recurrence of the same or another chromosome abnormality in the next pregnancy is scarce.
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of our study was to estimate recurrence risk of abortus aneuploidy and to find out whether karyotyping of the abortus allows the prognose subsequent pregnancy outcomes.
    METHODS: Paraffin-embedded chorions have undergone cytogenetic examination using FISH with chromosome-specific probes. 57 chorions from 26 women have been assessed, including chorions from two consecutive abortions from 18 women and chorions from three consecutive abortions from 5 women.
    RESULTS: 38.6% of 57 specimens had chromosome aberrations. The most prevalent anomalies were 16, 21 and 18 trisomies. 23 patients had a subsequent abortion karyotyped; 15 had a normal initial karyotype and 8 had an aberrant initial karyotype. 3 out of the 8 patients had a repeated chromosome anomaly 5 out of the 15 patients who initially miscarried an aneuploid embryo, had a subsequent miscarriage of an aneuploid embryo. Only 3 (13.04%) out of the 23 patients displayed aneuploidy in each abortus.
    CONCLUSIONS: (1) Chromosome aberrations can reappear in subsequent pregnancies in the same patient and may be the cause of recurrent miscarriages. (2) The value of embryo/fetal karyotyping is not decisive in prognosis of subsequent pregnancy outcome. (3) Abnormal fetal karyotype can occur regardless of other causes of pregnancy loss.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Acute Myeloid Leukemia is a clinically and genetically heterogeneous disease, in which cytogenetic aberrations are the most important factors to determine biological behavior and prognosis. More than 20 different chromosomal abnormalities have been identified in a high percentage of children (70-85%) with the novo AML. We reviewed the most frequently found and the impact of these aberrations on prognosis. Differences according to the age of patients and mainly in relation to adult population have been enhanced, although the low incidence of AML in children and the high number of abnormalities make difficult to accurately define the prognosis significance of these aberrations.






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    文章类型: Case Reports
    A 62-year-old man was referred to our hospital with enlargement of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma of the rectum after the eradication of Helicobacter pylori. The patient was given a diagnosis of stage I MALT. Endoscopic observation revealed an enlarged rectal tumor with 3, 18 double trisomy. Rituximab monotherapy was given and complete remission was achieved. Rituximab monotherapy can be useful for MALT lymphoma of the rectum.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Genomewide expression profiling has identified a number of genes expressed at higher levels in synovial sarcoma than in other sarcomas. Our objectives in this study were (1) to test whether the differentially expressed gene, Transducin-Like Enhancer of split (TLE1) belonging to the groucho/TLE family, is also distinct on the protein level; (2) to evaluate this biomarker in a series of well-characterised synovial sarcomas on standard, full-sized tissue sections and (3) to correlate the expression of TLE1 with t(X;18) and other established biomarkers.
    METHODS: Three-hundred and eighty four spindle cell sarcomas from the German consultation and reference centre of soft tissue tumours initially suspected for synovial sarcoma were revisited. Three-hundred and nineteen of these specimens were analysed immunohistochemically using a monoclonal antibody TLE1 and standard, full-sized tissue sections. The nuclear staining was scored semiquantitatively as -, negative; +, weak; ++, moderate and +++, strong positive. Furthermore, 118 specimens among these were further analysed using FISH and/or PCR to detect t(X;18). We correlated the TLE1 expression with the t(X;18) translocation and other established biomarkers (EMA, PanCK, CK7, CD34 and BCL2).
    RESULTS: TLE1 expression was observed in 96% of the synovial sarcomas (score+, 249/259) and discriminates them from other soft tissue tumours (p<0.001). Multivariate analysis showed that positive TLE1 staining was a statistically independent diagnostic marker. Furthermore molecular analysis showed that t(X;18) was clearly correlated with TLE1 protein expression (p<0.001).
    CONCLUSIONS: Expression of TLE1 is significantly correlated with t(X;18) and may serve as a new robust diagnostic biomarker in synovial sarcomas and potential therapeutic target.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To determine the relationship between trisomies 13, 18, and 21 and craniofacial malformations detected by prenatal sonography.
    METHODS: During a 29-year period (1976 through 2004), prenatal sonographic findings of 69 fetuses with trisomy 13; 171 fetuses with trisomy 18; 302 fetuses with trisomy 21; and 17 fetuses with other trisomies were evaluated retrospectively, after fetal karyotype identification. Sonographic findings were compared with autopsy results in 209 patients (trisomy 13, n=39; trisomy 18, n=64; and trisomy 21, n=106).
    RESULTS: For trisomy 13, cleft deformities were detected prenatally in 65.2%, and of the 39 cases with pathological information, 76.9% were found to have a cleft deformity. Ocular and orbital abnormalities were found in 28%. Malformations of the jaws and abnormal profiles were more frequently diagnosed postnatally than prenatally. For trisomy 18, abnormal profiles (41.5%) and ear abnormalities (5.3%) were the most noticeable ultrasound markers, next to abnormalities of the neurocranium (36.8%) and cranial bone configuration (21.6%). Dysmorphisms of the eye, ear, or nose were detected more frequently in autopsy cases. For trisomy 21, ultrasound showed an aberrant shape of the skull in 14.2% of fetuses. In general, the ocular-orbital and nasal abnormalities in fetuses with trisomy 18 or 21 were more evident in pathological examination than in prenatal ultrasound imaging.
    CONCLUSIONS: Facial anomalies are common in the major trisomies, and their prenatal sonographic identification should be improved. The above-mentioned facial anomalies provide sufficient reason to consider performing cytogenic evaluation.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Pleomorphic lipoma is a rare lipocytic neoplasm that most commonly occurs in the head and neck region in middle-aged to elderly men. Clinically, it presents as a slow-growing, well-circumscribed subcutaneous mass. Histopathologically and cytogenetically, it has some features overlapping with other benign and malignant tumors, such as benign spindle cell lipoma, atypical lipomatous tumor, liposarcoma, and malignant fibrous histiocytoma. However, cure rates are high when pleomorphic lipoma is treated with complete surgical excision with clear margins. Therefore, an accurate preoperative diagnosis is very important for proper treatment. Due to the rarity of this tumor, few cases diagnosed by cytology have been reported in the English literature. Here, we report two cases of pleomorphic lipoma, the diagnoses of which were suggested on fine needle aspiration biopsies and subsequently confirmed by surgical excisions.





