Chromosome segregation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    miR-31 is a highly conserved microRNA that plays crucial roles in cell proliferation, migration and differentiation. We discovered that miR-31 and some of its validated targets are enriched on the mitotic spindle of the dividing sea urchin embryo and mammalian cells. Using the sea urchin embryo, we found that miR-31 inhibition led to developmental delay correlated with increased cytoskeletal and chromosomal defects. We identified miR-31 to directly suppress several actin remodeling transcripts, including β-actin, Gelsolin, Rab35 and Fascin. De novo translation of Fascin occurs at the mitotic spindle of sea urchin embryos and mammalian cells. Importantly, miR-31 inhibition leads to a significant a increase of newly translated Fascin at the spindle of dividing sea urchin embryos. Forced ectopic localization of Fascin transcripts to the cell membrane and translation led to significant developmental and chromosomal segregation defects, highlighting the importance of the regulation of local translation by miR-31 at the mitotic spindle to ensure proper cell division. Furthermore, miR-31-mediated post-transcriptional regulation at the mitotic spindle may be an evolutionarily conserved regulatory paradigm of mitosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Accurate chromosome segregation requires the attachment of microtubules to centromeres, epigenetically defined by the enrichment of CENP-A nucleosomes. During DNA replication, CENP-A nucleosomes undergo dilution. To preserve centromere identity, correct amounts of CENP-A must be restored in a cell cycle-controlled manner orchestrated by the Mis18 complex (Mis18α-Mis18β-Mis18BP1). We demonstrate here that PLK1 interacts with the Mis18 complex by recognizing self-primed phosphorylations of Mis18α (Ser54) and Mis18BP1 (Thr78 and Ser93) through its Polo-box domain. Disrupting these phosphorylations perturbed both centromere recruitment of the CENP-A chaperone HJURP and new CENP-A loading. Biochemical and functional analyses showed that phosphorylation of Mis18α and PLK1 binding were required to activate Mis18α-Mis18β and promote Mis18 complex-HJURP interaction. Thus, our study reveals key molecular events underpinning the licensing role of PLK1 in ensuring accurate centromere inheritance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Meiosis is a critical process in sexual reproduction, and errors during this cell division can significantly impact fertility. Successful meiosis relies on the coordinated action of numerous genes involved in DNA replication, strand breaks, and subsequent rejoining. DNA topoisomerase enzymes play a vital role by regulating DNA topology, alleviating tension during replication and transcription. To elucidate the specific function of DNA topoisomerase 1α ( A t T O P 1 α ) in male reproductive development of Arabidopsis thaliana, we investigated meiotic cell division in Arabidopsis flower buds. Combining cytological and biochemical techniques, we aimed to reveal the novel contribution of A t T O P 1 α to meiosis. Our results demonstrate that the absence of A t T O P 1 α leads to aberrant chromatin behavior during meiotic division. Specifically, the top1α1 mutant displayed altered heterochromatin distribution and clustered centromere signals at early meiotic stages. Additionally, this mutant exhibited disruptions in the distribution of 45s rDNA signals and a reduced frequency of chiasma formation during metaphase I, a crucial stage for genetic exchange. Furthermore, the atm-2×top1α1 double mutant displayed even more severe meiotic defects, including incomplete synapsis, DNA fragmentation, and the presence of polyads. These observations collectively suggest that A t T O P 1 α plays a critical role in ensuring accurate meiotic progression, promoting homologous chromosome crossover formation, and potentially functioning in a shared DNA repair pathway with ATAXIA TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED (ATM) in Arabidopsis microspore mother cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Kinetochores form the interface between chromosomes and spindle microtubules and are thus under tight control by a complex regulatory circuitry. The Aurora B kinase plays a central role within this circuitry by destabilizing improper kinetochore-microtubule attachments and relaying the attachment status to the spindle assembly checkpoint. Intriguingly, Aurora B is conserved even in kinetoplastids, a group of early-branching eukaryotes which possess a unique set of kinetochore proteins. It remains unclear how their kinetochores are regulated to ensure faithful chromosome segregation. Here, we show in Trypanosoma brucei that Aurora B activity controls the metaphase-to-anaphase transition through phosphorylation of the divergent Bub1-like protein KKT14. Depletion of KKT14 overrides the metaphase arrest resulting from Aurora B inhibition, while expression of non-phosphorylatable KKT14 delays anaphase onset. Finally, we demonstrate that re-targeting Aurora B to the outer kinetochore suffices to promote mitotic exit but causes extensive chromosome missegregation in anaphase. Our results indicate that Aurora B and KKT14 are involved in an unconventional circuitry controlling cell cycle progression in trypanosomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human development relies on the correct replication, maintenance and segregation of our genetic blueprints. How these processes are monitored across embryonic lineages, and why genomic mosaicism varies during development remain unknown. Using pluripotent stem cells, we identify that several patterning signals-including WNT, BMP, and FGF-converge into the modulation of DNA replication stress and damage during S-phase, which in turn controls chromosome segregation fidelity in mitosis. We show that the WNT and BMP signals protect from excessive origin firing, DNA damage and chromosome missegregation derived from stalled forks in pluripotency. Cell signalling control of chromosome segregation declines during lineage specification into the three germ layers, but re-emerges in neural progenitors. In particular, we find that the neurogenic factor FGF2 induces DNA replication stress-mediated chromosome missegregation during the onset of neurogenesis, which could provide a rationale for the elevated chromosomal mosaicism of the developing brain. Our results highlight roles for morphogens and cellular identity in genome maintenance that contribute to somatic mosaicism during mammalian development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spindle bipolarization, the process of a microtubule mass transforming into a bipolar spindle, is a prerequisite for accurate chromosome segregation. In contrast to mitotic cells, the process and mechanism of spindle bipolarization in human oocytes remains unclear. Using high-resolution imaging in more than 1800 human oocytes, we revealed a typical state of multipolar intermediates that form during spindle bipolarization and elucidated the mechanism underlying this process. We found that the minor poles formed in multiple kinetochore clusters contribute to the generation of multipolar intermediates. We further determined the essential roles of HAUS6, KIF11, and KIF18A in spindle bipolarization and identified mutations in these genes in infertile patients characterized by oocyte or embryo defects. These results provide insights into the physiological and pathological mechanisms of spindle bipolarization in human oocytes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Chromosome stability is crucial for homeostasis of pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) and early-stage embryonic development. Chromosomal defects may raise carcinogenic risks in regenerative medicine when using PSCs as original materials. However, the detailed mechanism regarding PSCs chromosome stability maintenance is not fully understood.
    METHODS: Mouse embryonic stem cells (line D3) and human embryonic stem cells (line H9) were cultured under standard conditions. To confirm the loading of RetSat protein on mitotic chromosomes of PSCs, immunostaining was performed in PSCs spontaneous differentiation assay and iPSC reprogramming assay from mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs), respectively. In addition, qPCR, immunoprecipitation, LC-MS/MS and immunoblotting were used to study the expression of RetSat, and interactions of RetSat with cohesin/condensin components. RNA sequencing and teratoma formation assay was conducted to evaluate the carcinogenic risk of mouse embryonic stem cells with RetSat deletion.
    RESULTS: We reported a PSC high-expressing gene, RetSat, plays key roles in chromosome stabilization. We identified RetSat protein localizing onto mitotic chromosomes specifically in stemness positive cells such as embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). We found dramatic chromosome instability, e.g. chromosome bridging, lagging and interphase micronuclei in mouse and human ESCs when down regulating RetSat. RetSat knock-out mouse ESCs upregulated cancer associated gene pathways, and displayed higher tumorigenic capacities in teratoma formation assay. Mechanistically, we confirmed that RetSat interacts with cohesin/condensin components Smc1a and Nudcd2. RetSat deletion impaired the chromosome loading dosage of Smc1a, Smc3 and Nudcd2.
    CONCLUSIONS: In summary, we reported RetSat to be a key stabilizer of chromosome condensation in pluripotent stem cells. This highlights the crucial roles of RetSat in early-stage embryonic development, and potential value of RetSat as an effective biomarker for assessing the quality of pluripotent stem cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The individualization of chromosomes during early mitosis and their clustering upon exit from cell division are two key transitions that ensure efficient segregation of eukaryotic chromosomes. Both processes are regulated by the surfactant-like protein Ki-67, but how Ki-67 achieves these diametric functions has remained unknown. Here, we report that Ki-67 radically switches from a chromosome repellent to a chromosome attractant during anaphase in human cells. We show that Ki-67 dephosphorylation during mitotic exit and the simultaneous exposure of a conserved basic patch induce the RNA-dependent formation of a liquid-like condensed phase on the chromosome surface. Experiments and coarse-grained simulations support a model in which the coalescence of chromosome surfaces, driven by co-condensation of Ki-67 and RNA, promotes clustering of chromosomes. Our study reveals how the switch of Ki-67 from a surfactant to a liquid-like condensed phase can generate mechanical forces during genome segregation that are required for re-establishing nuclear-cytoplasmic compartmentalization after mitosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate is the most abundant phthalate used as plasticizer to soften plastics and polymers included in medical devices. Human and environmental exposure may occur because DEHP is not chemically bound to plastics and can easily leach out of the materials. This phthalate is classified as reproductive toxicant and possible carcinogen to humans. The genotoxic potential has still to be clarified, but there are indications suggesting that DEHP may have aneugenic effects. To further investigate DEHP genotoxicity, the cytochalasin-block micronucleus assay was applied and combined with the CREST staining to characterise micronucleus content and gain insights on its genotoxic mode of action. Chromosomal damage was also analysed in metaphase and ana-telophase cells and the morphology of the mitotic spindle was investigated to evaluate the possible involvement of this cellular apparatus as a target of DEHP. Our findings indicated that DEHP induced a statistically significant increase in the frequency of micronuclei as well as in the frequency of CREST-positive micronuclei. Consistently, disturbance of chromosome segregation and induction of numerical chromosome changes were observed together with changes in spindle morphology, formation of multipolar spindles and alteration of the microtubule network. Experiments performed without metabolic activation demonstrated a direct action of DEHP on chromosome segregation not mediated by its metabolites. In conclusion, there is consistent evidence for an aneugenic activity of DEHP. A thresholded genotoxic activity was identified for DEHP, disclosing possible implications for risk assessment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The localization of the meiotic specific regulatory molecule Moa1 to the centromere is regulated by the kinetochore protein CENP-C, and participates in the cohesion of sister chromatids in the centromere region mediated by the cohesin Rec8. To examine the interaction of these proteins, we analyzed the interactions between Moa1 and Rec8, CENP-C by yeast two-hybrid assays and identified several amino acid residues in Moa1 required for the interaction with CENP-C and Rec8. The results revealed that the interaction between Moa1 and CENP-C is crucial for the Moa1 to participate in the regulation of monopolar attachment of sister kinetochores. However, mutation at S143 and T150 of Moa1, which are required for interaction with Rec8 in the two-hybrid assay, did not show significant defects. Mutations in amino acid residues may not be sufficient to interfere with the interaction between Moa1 and Rec8 in vivo. Further research is needed to determine the interaction domain between Moa1 and Rec8. This study revealed specific amino acid sites at which Moa1 affects the meiotic homologous chromosome segregation, providing a deeper understanding of the mechanism of meiotic chromosome segregation.
    减数分裂特异性调控分子Moa1定位到着丝粒受到动粒蛋白CENP-C的调控,同时Moa1参与黏连蛋白Rec8介导的着丝粒区域姐妹染色单体的黏连。为了研究这些蛋白质之间的相互作用,本研究利用酵母双杂交实验(yeast two-hybrid assay)测定分析了Moa1和CENP-C、Rec8之间的相互作用,并通过在Moa1中定点突变鉴定了与CENP-C和Rec8相互作用所需的一些氨基酸残基。实验结果表明,Moa1和CENP-C的相互作用对于Moa1参与调节姐妹动粒的单极附着很重要。然而,双杂交实验中与Rec8相互作用所需的Moa1的S143和T150突变没有显示出Moa1或Rec8功能的显著缺陷。这表明氨基酸残基的突变可能不足以干扰体内Moa1和Rec8之间的相互作用,需要进一步的研究来确定Moa1和Rec8的相互作用域。本研究揭示了影响减数分裂同源染色体分离的Moa1氨基酸位点,为减数分裂的染色体分离机制提供更深入的理解。.





