
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Corn snakes are emerging models for animal colouration studies. Here, we focus on the Terrazzo morph, whose skin pattern is characterized by stripes rather than blotches. Using genome mapping, we discover a disruptive mutation in the coding region of the Premelanosome protein (PMEL) gene. Our transcriptomic analyses reveal that PMEL expression is significantly downregulated in Terrazzo embryonic tissues. We produce corn snake PMEL knockouts, which present a comparable colouration phenotype to Terrazzo and the subcellular structure of their melanosomes and xanthosomes is also similarly impacted. Our single-cell expression analyses of wild-type embryonic dorsal skin demonstrate that all chromatophore progenitors express PMEL at varying levels. Finally, we show that in wild-type embryos PMEL-expressing cells are initially uniformly spread before forming aggregates and eventually blotches, as seen in the adults. In Terrazzo embryos, the aggregates fail to form. Our results provide insights into the mechanisms governing colouration patterning in reptiles.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reptilian skin coloration is spectacular and diverse, yet little is known about the ontogenetic processes that govern its establishment and the molecular signaling pathways that determine it. Here, we focus on the development of the banded pattern of leopard gecko hatchlings and the transition to black spots in the adult. With our histological analyses, we show that iridophores are present in the white and yellow bands of the hatchling and they gradually perish in the adult skin. Furthermore, we demonstrate that melanophores can autonomously form spots in the absence of the other chromatophores both on the regenerated skin of the tail and on the dorsal skin of the Mack Super Snow (MSS) leopard geckos. This color morph is characterized by uniform black coloration in hatchlings and black spots in adulthood; we establish that their skin is devoid of xanthophores and iridophores at both stages. Our genetic analyses identified a 13-nucleotide deletion in the PAX7 transcription factor of MSS geckos, affecting its protein coding sequence. With our single-cell transcriptomics analysis of embryonic skin, we confirm that PAX7 is expressed in iridophores and xanthophores, suggesting that it plays a key role in the differentiation of both chromatophores. Our in situ hybridizations on whole-mount embryos document the dynamics of the skin pattern formation and how it is impacted in the PAX7 mutants. We hypothesize that the melanophores-iridophores interactions give rise to the banded pattern of the hatchlings and black spot formation is an intrinsic capacity of melanophores in the postembryonic skin.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many animals avoid detection or recognition using camouflage tailored to the visual features of their environment.1,2,3 The appearance of those features, however, can be affected by fluctuations in local lighting conditions, making them appear different over time.4,5 Despite dynamic lighting being common in many terrestrial and aquatic environments, it is unknown whether dynamic lighting influences the camouflage patterns that animals adopt. Here, we test whether a common form of underwater dynamic lighting, consisting of moving light bands that can create local fluctuations in the intensity of light (\"water caustics\"), affects the camouflage of cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis). Owing to specialized pigment cells (chromatophores) in the skin,6 these cephalopod mollusks can dynamically adjust their body patterns in response to features of their visual scene.7,8,9 Although cuttlefish resting on plain or patterned backgrounds usually expressed uniform or disruptive body patterns, respectively,10,11,12 exposure to these backgrounds in dynamic lighting induced stronger disruptive patterns regardless of the background type. Dynamic lighting increased the maximum contrast levels within scenes, and these maximum contrast levels were associated with the degree of cuttlefish disruptive camouflage. This adoption of disruptive camouflage in dynamically lit scenes may be adaptive, reducing the likelihood of detection, or alternatively, it could represent a constraint on visual processing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The photosynthetic amoeba, Paulinella provides a recent (ca. 120 Mya) example of primary plastid endosymbiosis. Given the extensive data demonstrating host lineage-driven endosymbiont integration, we analysed nuclear genome and transcriptome data to investigate mechanisms that may have evolved in Paulinella micropora KR01 (hereinafter, KR01) to maintain photosynthetic function in the novel organelle, the chromatophore. The chromatophore is of α-cyanobacterial provenance and has undergone massive gene loss due to Muller\'s ratchet, but still retains genes that encode the ancestral α-carboxysome and the shell carbonic anhydrase, two critical components of the biophysical CO2 concentrating mechanism (CCM) in cyanobacteria. We identified KR01 nuclear genes potentially involved in the CCM that arose via duplication and divergence and are upregulated in response to high light and downregulated under elevated CO2. We speculate that these genes may comprise a novel CO2 delivery system (i.e., a biochemical CCM) to promote the turnover of the RuBisCO carboxylation reaction and counteract photorespiration. We posit that KR01 has an inefficient photorespiratory system that cannot fully recycle the C2 product of RuBisCO oxygenation back to the Calvin-Benson cycle. Nonetheless, both these systems appear to be sufficient to allow Paulinella to persist in environments dominated by faster-growing phototrophs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The emergence of thylakoid membranes in cyanobacteria is a key event in the evolution of all oxygenic photosynthetic cells, from prokaryotes to eukaryotes. Recent analyses show that they could originate from a unique lipid phase transition rather than from a supposed vesicular budding mechanism. Emergence of thylakoids coincided with the great oxygenation event, more than two billion years ago. The acquisition of semi-autonomous organelles, such as the mitochondrion, the chloroplast, and, more recently, the chromatophore, is a critical step in the evolution of eukaryotes. They resulted from primary endosymbiotic events that seem to share general features, i.e., an acquisition of a bacterium/cyanobacteria likely via a phagocytic membrane, a genome reduction coinciding with an escape of genes from the organelle to the nucleus, and, finally, the appearance of an active system translocating nuclear-encoded proteins back to the organelles. An intense mobilization of foreign genes of bacterial origin, via horizontal gene transfers, plays a critical role. Some third partners, like Chlamydia, might have facilitated the transition from cyanobacteria to the early chloroplast. This chapter further details our current understanding of primary endosymbiosis, focusing on primary chloroplasts, thought to have appeared over a billion years ago, and the chromatophore, which appeared around a hundred years ago.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The widespread use of disinfectants and antiseptics, and consequently their release into the environment, determines the relevance of studying their potential impact on the main producers of organic matter on the planet-photosynthetic organisms. The review examines the effects of some biguanides and quaternary ammonium compounds, octenidine, miramistin, chlorhexidine, and picloxidine, on the functioning of the photosynthetic apparatus of various organisms (Strakhovskaya et al. in Photosynth Res 147:197-209, 2021; Knox et al. in Photosynth Res 153:103, 2022; Paschenko et al. in Photosynth Res 155:93-105, 2023a, Photosynth Res 2023b). A common feature of these antiseptics is the combination of hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions in the molecules, the latter carrying a positive charge(s). The comparison of the results obtained with intact bacterial membrane vesicles (chromatophores) and purified pigment-protein complexes (photosystem II and I) of oxygenic organisms allows us to draw conclusions about the mechanisms of the cationic antiseptic action on the functional properties of the components of the photosynthetic apparatus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reptilian species, particularly snakes and lizards, are emerging models of animal coloration. Here, I focus on the role of the TFEC transcription factor in snake and lizard coloration based on a study on wild-type and piebald ball pythons. Genomic mapping previously identified a TFEC mutation linked to the piebald ball python phenotype. The association of TFEC with skin coloration was further supported by gene-editing experiments in the brown anole lizard. However, novel histological analyses presented here reveal discrepancies between the ball python and the anole TFEC mutants phenotype, cautioning against broad generalizations. Indeed, both wild-type and piebald ball pythons completely lack iridophores, whereas the TFEC anole lizard mutants lose their iridophores compared to the wild-type anole. Based on these findings, I discuss the potential role of the MiT/TFE family in skin pigmentation across vertebrate lineages and advocate the need for developmental analyses and additional gene-editing experiments to explore the reptilian coloration diversity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ionic liquids (ILs) are salts composed of a combination of organic or inorganic cations and anions characterized by a low melting point, often below 100 °C. This property, together with an extremely low vapor pressure, low flammability and high thermal stability, makes them suitable for replacing canonical organic solvents, with a reduction of industrial activities impact on the environment. Although in the last decades the eco-compatibility of ILs has been extensively verified through toxicological tests performed on model organisms, a detailed understanding of the interaction of these compounds with biological membranes is far from being exhaustive. In this context, we have chosen to evaluate the effect of some ILs on native membranes by using chromatophores, photosynthetic vesicles that can be isolated from Rhodobacter capsulatus, a member of the purple non‑sulfur bacteria. Here, carotenoids associated with the light-harvesting complex II, act as endogenous spectral probes of the transmembrane electrical potential (ΔΨ). By measuring through time-resolved absorption spectroscopy the evolution of the carotenoid band shift induced by a single excitation of the photosynthetic reaction center, information on the ΔΨ dissipation due to ionic currents across the membrane can be obtained. We found that some ILs cause a rather fast dissipation of the transmembrane ΔΨ even at low concentrations, and that this behavior is dose-dependent. By using two different models to analyze the decay of the carotenoid signals, we attempted to interpret at a mechanistic level the marked increase of ionic permeability caused by specific ILs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Measurement of electrical potential difference (Δψ) in membrane vesicles (chromatophores) from the purple bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides associated with the surface of a nitrocellulose membrane filter (MF) impregnated with a phospholipid solution in decane or immersed into it in the presence of exogenous mediators and disaccharide trehalose demonstrated an increase in the amplitude and stabilization of the signal under continuous illumination. The mediators were the ascorbate/N,N,N\'N\'-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine pair and ubiquinone-0 (electron donor and acceptor, respectively). Although stabilization of photoelectric responses upon long-term continuous illumination was observed for both variants of chromatophore immobilization, only the samples immersed into the MF retained the functional activity of reaction centers (RCs) for a month when stored in the dark at room temperature, which might be due to the preservation of integrity of chromatophore proteins inside the MF pores. The stabilizing effect of the bioprotector trehalose could be related to its effect on both the RC proteins and the phospholipid bilayer membrane. The results obtained will expand current ideas on the use of semi-synthetic structures based on various intact photosynthetic systems capable of converting solar energy into its electrochemical form.





