Chromatin conformation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified hundreds of type 2 diabetes loci, with the vast majority of signals located in non-coding regions; as a consequence, it remains largely unclear which \'effector\' genes these variants influence. Determining these effector genes has been hampered by the relatively challenging cellular settings in which they are hypothesised to confer their effects.
    METHODS: To implicate such effector genes, we elected to generate and integrate high-resolution promoter-focused Capture-C, assay for transposase-accessible chromatin with sequencing (ATAC-seq) and RNA-seq datasets to characterise chromatin and expression profiles in multiple cell lines relevant to type 2 diabetes for subsequent functional follow-up analyses: EndoC-BH1 (pancreatic beta cell), HepG2 (hepatocyte) and Simpson-Golabi-Behmel syndrome (SGBS; adipocyte).
    RESULTS: The subsequent variant-to-gene analysis implicated 810 candidate effector genes at 370 type 2 diabetes risk loci. Using partitioned linkage disequilibrium score regression, we observed enrichment for type 2 diabetes and fasting glucose GWAS loci in promoter-connected putative cis-regulatory elements in EndoC-BH1 cells as well as fasting insulin GWAS loci in SGBS cells. Moreover, as a proof of principle, when we knocked down expression of the SMCO4 gene in EndoC-BH1 cells, we observed a statistically significant increase in insulin secretion.
    CONCLUSIONS: These results provide a resource for comparing tissue-specific data in tractable cellular models as opposed to relatively challenging primary cell settings.
    METHODS: Raw and processed next-generation sequencing data for EndoC-BH1, HepG2, SGBS_undiff and SGBS_diff cells are deposited in GEO under the Superseries accession GSE262484. Promoter-focused Capture-C data are deposited under accession GSE262496. Hi-C data are deposited under accession GSE262481. Bulk ATAC-seq data are deposited under accession GSE262479. Bulk RNA-seq data are deposited under accession GSE262480.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genome-wide studies have demonstrated regulatory roles for diverse non-coding elements, but their precise and interrelated functions have often remained enigmatic. Addressing the need for mechanistic insight, we studied their roles in expression of Lhb which encodes the pituitary gonadotropic hormone that controls reproduction. We identified a bi-directional enhancer in gonadotrope-specific open chromatin, whose functional eRNA (eRNA2) supports permissive chromatin at the Lhb locus. The central untranscribed region of the enhancer contains an iMotif (iM), and is bound by Hmgb2 which stabilizes the iM and directs transcription specifically towards the functional eRNA2. A distinct downstream lncRNA, associated with an inducible G-quadruplex (G4) and iM, also facilitates Lhb expression, following its splicing in situ. GnRH activates Lhb transcription and increased levels of all three RNAs, eRNA2 showing the highest response, while estradiol, which inhibits Lhb, repressed levels of eRNA2 and the lncRNA. The levels of these regulatory RNAs and Lhb mRNA correlate highly in female mice, though strikingly not in males, suggesting a female-specific function. Our findings, which shed new light on the workings of non-coding elements and non-canonical DNA structures, reveal novel mechanisms regulating transcription which have implications not only in the central control of reproduction but also for other inducible genes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The circadian clock system coordinates metabolic, physiological, and behavioral functions across a 24-h cycle, crucial for adapting to environmental changes. Disruptions in circadian rhythms contribute to major metabolic pathologies like obesity and Type 2 diabetes. Understanding the regulatory mechanisms governing circadian control is vital for identifying therapeutic targets. It is well characterized that chromatin remodeling and 3D structure at genome regulatory elements contributes to circadian transcriptional cycles; yet the impact of rhythmic chromatin topology in metabolic disease is largely unexplored. In this study, we explore how the spatial configuration of the genome adapts to diet, rewiring circadian transcription and contributing to dysfunctional metabolism. We describe daily fluctuations in chromatin contacts between distal regulatory elements of metabolic control genes in livers from lean and obese mice and identify specific lipid-responsive regions recruiting the clock molecular machinery. Interestingly, under high-fat feeding, a distinct interactome for the clock-controlled gene Dbp strategically promotes the expression of distal metabolic genes including Fgf21. Alongside, new chromatin loops between regulatory elements from genes involved in lipid metabolism control contribute to their transcriptional activation. These enhancers are responsive to lipids through CEBPβ, counteracting the circadian repressor REVERBa. Our findings highlight the intricate coupling of circadian gene expression to a dynamic nuclear environment under high-fat feeding, supporting a temporally regulated program of gene expression and transcriptional adaptation to diet.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Development of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPC) is a multi-staged complex process that conserved between zebrafish and mammals. Understanding the mechanism underlying HSPC development is a holy grail of hematopoietic biology, which is helpful for HSPC clinical application. Chromatin conformation plays important roles in transcriptional regulation and cell fate decision; however, its dynamic and role in HSPC development is poorly investigated.
    METHODS: We performed chromatin structure and multi-omics dissection across different stages of HSPC developmental trajectory in zebrafish for the first time, including Hi-C, RNA-seq, ATAC-seq, H3K4me3 and H3K27ac ChIP-seq.
    RESULTS: The chromatin organization of zebrafish HSPC resemble mammalian cells with similar hierarchical structure. We revealed the multi-scale reorganization of chromatin structure and its influence on transcriptional regulation and transition of cell fate during HSPC development. Nascent HSPC is featured by loose conformation with obscure structure at all layers. Notably, PU.1 was identified as a potential factor mediating formation of promoter-involved loops and regulating gene expression of HSPC.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our results provided a global view of chromatin structure dynamics associated with development of zebrafish HSPC and discovered key transcription factors involved in HSPC chromatin interactions, which will provide new insights into the epigenetic regulatory mechanisms underlying vertebrate HSPC fate decision.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Condensin, a family of structural maintenance of chromosome complexes, has been shown to regulate chromosome compaction and segregation during mitosis. NCAPD3, a HEAT-repeat subunit of condensin II, plays a dominant role in condensin-mediated chromosome dynamics but remains unexplored in lymphoma.
    OBJECTIVE: The study aims to unravel the molecular function and mechanism of NCAPD3 in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL).
    METHODS: The expression and clinical significance of NCAPD3 were assessed in public database and clinical specimens. Chromosome spreads, co-immunoprecipitation (co-IP), mass spectrometry (MS), and chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays were conducted to untangle the role and mechanism of NCAPD3 in DLBCL.
    RESULTS: NCAPD3 was highly expressed in DLBCL, correlated with poor prognosis. NCAPD3 deficiency impeded cell proliferation, induced apoptosis and increased the chemosensitivity. Instead, NCAPD3 overexpression facilitated cell proliferation. In vivo experiments further indicated targeting NCAPD3 suppressed tumor growth. Noteworthily, NCAPD3 deficiency disturbed the mitosis, triggering the formation of aneuploids. To reveal the function of NCAPD3 in DLBCL, chromosome spreads were conducted, presenting that chromosomes became compact upon NCAPD3 overexpression, instead, loose, twisted and lacking axial rigidity upon NCAPD3 absence. Meanwhile, the classical transcription-activated marker, H3K4 trimethylation, was found globally upregulated after NCAPD3 knockout, suggesting that NCAPD3 might participate in chromatin remodeling and transcription regulation. MS revealed NCAPD3 could interact with transcription factor, TFII I. Further co-IP and ChIP assays verified NCAPD3 could be anchored at the promoter of SIRT1 by TFII I and then supported the transcription of SIRT1 via recognizing H3K9 monomethylation (H3K9me1) on SIRT1 promoter. Function reversion assay verified the oncogenic role of NCAPD3 in DLBCL was partially mediated by SIRT1.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrated that dysregulation of NCAPD3 could disturb chromosome compaction and segregation and regulate the transcription activity of SIRT1 in an H3K9me1-dependent manner, which provided novel insights into targeted strategy for DLBCL.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a common disorder caused by compression of the median nerve in the wrist, resulting in pain and numbness throughout the hand and forearm. While multiple behavioural and physiological factors influence CTS risk, a growing body of evidence supports a strong genetic contribution. Recent genome-wide association study (GWAS) efforts have reported 53 independent signals associated with CTS. While GWAS can identify genetic loci conferring risk, it does not determine which cell types drive the genetic aetiology of the trait, which variants are \"causal\" at a given signal, and which effector genes correspond to these non-coding variants. These obstacles limit interpretation of potential disease mechanisms.
    METHODS: We analysed CTS GWAS findings in the context of chromatin conformation between gene promoters and accessible chromatin regions across cellular models of bone, skeletal muscle, adipocytes and neurons. We identified proxy variants in high LD with the lead CTS sentinel SNPs residing in promoter connected open chromatin in the skeletal muscle and bone contexts.
    RESULTS: We detected significant enrichment for heritability in skeletal muscle myotubes, as well as a weaker correlation in human mesenchymal stem cell-derived osteoblasts. In myotubes, our approach implicated 117 genes contacting 60 proxy variants corresponding to 20 of the 53 GWAS signals. In the osteoblast context we implicated 30 genes contacting 24 proxy variants coinciding with 12 signals, of which 19 genes shared. We subsequently prioritized BZW2 as a candidate effector gene in CTS and implicated it as novel gene that perturbs myocyte differentiation in vitro.
    CONCLUSIONS: Taken together our results suggest that the CTS genetic component influences the size, integrity, and organization of multiple tissues surrounding the carpal tunnel, in particular muscle and bone, to predispose the nerve to being compressed in this disease setting.
    BACKGROUND: This work was supported by NIH Grant UM1 DK126194 (SFAG and WY), R01AG072705 (SFAG & KDH) and the Center for Spatial and Functional Genomics at CHOP (SFAG & ADW). SFAG is supported by the Daniel B. Burke Endowed Chair for Diabetes Research. WY is supported by the Perelman School of Medicine of the University of Pennsylvania.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The long noncoding RNA (lncRNA) AUXIN-REGULATED PROMOTER LOOP (APOLO) recognizes a subset of target loci across the Arabidopsis thaliana genome by forming RNA-DNA hybrids (R-loops) and modulating local three-dimensional chromatin conformation. Here, we show that APOLO regulates shade avoidance syndrome by dynamically modulating expression of key factors. In response to far-red (FR) light, expression of APOLO anti-correlates with that of its target BRANCHED1 (BRC1), a master regulator of shoot branching in Arabidopsis thaliana. APOLO deregulation results in BRC1 transcriptional repression and an increase in the number of branches. Accumulation of APOLO transcription fine-tunes the formation of a repressive chromatin loop encompassing the BRC1 promoter, which normally occurs only in leaves and in a late response to far-red light treatment in axillary buds. In addition, our data reveal that APOLO participates in leaf hyponasty, in agreement with its previously reported role in the control of auxin homeostasis through direct modulation of auxin synthesis gene YUCCA2, and auxin efflux genes PID and WAG2. We show that direct application of APOLO RNA to leaves results in a rapid increase in auxin signaling that is associated with changes in the plant response to far-red light. Collectively, our data support the view that lncRNAs coordinate shade avoidance syndrome in A. thaliana, and reveal their potential as exogenous bioactive molecules. Deploying exogenous RNAs that modulate plant-environment interactions may therefore become a new tool for sustainable agriculture.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The resolution limit of chromatin conformation capture methodologies (3Cs) has restrained their application in detection of fine-level chromatin structure mediated by cis-regulatory elements (CREs). Here, we report two 3C-derived methods, Tri-4C and Tri-HiC, which utilize multirestriction enzyme digestions for ultrafine mapping of targeted and genome-wide chromatin interaction, respectively, at up to one hundred basepair resolution. Tri-4C identified CRE loop interaction networks and quantitatively revealed their alterations underlying dynamic gene control. Tri-HiC uncovered global fine-gauge regulatory interaction networks, identifying >20-fold more enhancer:promoter (E:P) loops than in situ Hi-C. In addition to vastly improved identification of subkilobase-sized E:P loops, Tri-HiC also uncovered interaction stripes and contact domain insulation from promoters and enhancers, revealing their loop extrusion behaviors resembling the topologically associating domain boundaries. Tri-4C and Tri-HiC provide robust approaches to achieve the high-resolution interactome maps required for characterizing fine-gauge regulatory chromatin interactions in analysis of development, homeostasis, and disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Gene expression has long been known to be influenced by the relative proximity of DNA regulatory elements. Topologically associating domains (TADs) are self-interacting genomic regions involved in regulating gene expression by controlling the proximity of these elements. Prior studies of TADs and their biological roles have revealed correlations between TAD changes and cellular differentiation. Here, we used Hi-C and RNA-seq data to correlate TCR-induced changes in TAD structure and gene expression in human CD4+ T cells.
    RESULTS: We developed a pipeline, Differentially Expressed Gene Enrichment Finder (DEGEF), that identifies regions of differentially expressed gene enrichment. Using DEGEF, we found that TCR-regulated genes cluster non-uniformly across the genome and that these clusters preferentially localized in regions of TAD rearrangement. Interestingly, clusters of upregulated genes preferentially formed new Hi-C contacts compared to downregulated clusters, suggesting that TCR-activated CD4+ T cells may regulate genes by changing stimulatory contacts rather than inhibitory contacts.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our observations support a significant relationship between TAD rearrangements and changes in local gene expression. These findings indicate potentially important roles for TAD rearrangements in shaping their local regulatory environments and thus driving differential expression of nearby genes during CD4+ T cell activation. Moreover, they provide new insights into global mechanisms that regulate gene expression.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    UNASSIGNED: Knowledge of the 3D genome is essential to elucidate genetic mechanisms driving autoimmune diseases. The 3D genome is distinct for each cell type, and it is uncertain whether cell lines faithfully recapitulate the 3D architecture of primary human cells or whether developmental aspects of the pediatric immune system require use of pediatric samples. We undertook a systematic analysis of B cells and B cell lines to compare 3D genomic features encompassing risk loci for juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), systemic lupus (SLE), and type 1 diabetes (T1D).
    UNASSIGNED: We isolated B cells from healthy individuals, ages 9-17. HiChIP was performed using CTCF antibody, and CTCF peaks were identified. CTCF loops within the pediatric were compared to three datasets: 1) self-called CTCF consensus peaks called within the pediatric samples, 2) ENCODE\'s publicly available GM12878 CTCF ChIP-seq peaks, and 3) ENCODE\'s primary B cell CTCF ChIPseq peaks from two adult females. Differential looping was assessed within the pediatric samples and each of the three peak datasets.
    UNASSIGNED: The number of consensus peaks called in the pediatric samples was similar to that identified in ENCODE\'s GM12878 and primary B cell datasets. We observed <1% of loops that demonstrated significantly differential looping between peaks called within the pediatric samples themselves and when called using ENCODE GM12878 peaks . Significant looping differences were even less when comparing loops of the pediatric called peaks to those of the ENCODE primary B cell peaks. When querying loops found in juvenile idiopathic arthritis, type 1 diabetes, or systemic lupus erythematosus risk haplotypes, we observed significant differences in only 2.2%, 1.0%, and 1.3% loops, respectively, when comparing peaks called within the pediatric samples and ENCODE GM12878 dataset. The differences were even less apparent when comparing loops called with the pediatric vs ENCODE adult primary B cell peak datasets.The 3D chromatin architecture in B cells is similar across pediatric, adult, and EBVtransformed cell lines. This conservation of 3D structure includes regions encompassing autoimmune risk haplotypes.
    UNASSIGNED: Thus, even for pediatric autoimmune diseases, publicly available adult B cell and cell line datasets may be sufficient for assessing effects exerted in the 3D genomic space.





