Choice experiments

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Using a representative survey with 1317 individuals and 12,815 moral decisions, we elicit Swedish citizens\' preferences on how algorithms for self-driving cars should be programmed in cases of unavoidable harm to humans. Participants\' choices in different dilemma situations (treatments) show that, at the margin, the average respondent values the lives of passengers and pedestrians equally when both groups are homogeneous and no group is to blame for the dilemma. In comparison, the respondent values the lives of passengers more when the pedestrians violate a social norm, and less when the pedestrians are children. Furthermore, we explain why the average respondent in the control treatment needs to be compensated with two to six passengers spared in order to sacrifice the first pedestrian, even though she values the lives of passengers and pedestrians equally at the margin. We conclude that respondents\' choices are highly contextual and consider the age of the persons involved and whether these persons have complied with social norms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper proposes a novel four-step methodology to achieve an extended-reality-based choice experiment in historic and touristic centers. The study exploits the case of Manfredonia (a seaside town in southern Italy) to apply the new approach and investigates public attitudes and preferences towards the installation of offshore wind turbines in the area. The novelty of the proposed work is twofold: i) for the first time, a structured methodological approach is defined for the development of a hybrid extended-reality-based choice experiment; ii) the perception of the visual impact of offshore wind turbines is assessed in a touristic and historic city in southern Italy exploiting the proposed approach. Our findings underscore the importance of continuously monitoring public perceptions to maintain and promote support for sustainable energy solutions, particularly in relation to the perception of wind energy\'s visual impact. In particular, 65% of respondents express their worries about wind power plants impact on the landscape. Moreover, the positive coefficient of the visual impact (0.011) suggests a positive utility of respondents from a higher off-shore turbines\' density and a marginal willingness to accept a compensation of about 13€ for the visual impact and of about 33€ for the distance from the shore. In this context the use of extended reality technology in choice experiment scenarios significantly improves the results and enhances the understanding of the landscape impact of offshore wind farms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Green roofs have been extensively investigated in recent years, showing that their implementation in urban areas provides multiple benefits (e.g., pluvial flood mitigation, urban heat island reduction, energy saving, increase of biodiversity, CO2 sequestration) and supports sustainable urban development. Although green roof benefits have been widely recognized, the perception that the community has of these nature-based solutions and the willingness to pay for their installation in urban areas is still not clear nor quantified. Societal perception and willingness to pay for green roofs are fundamental for urban planners and decision makers, since they represent the community participation in the sustainable development of urban areas. In this work, we aim to analyze how citizens perceive green roofs and how willing they are to pay for the installation and maintenance of these nature-based solutions. We used an online survey to investigate the perception and the knowledge of green roofs as a potential solution to common environmental issues (i.e., urban flood, increase of temperature, energy consumption, air pollution and lack of green spaces), and the interest and willingness to pay for green roof installation on both public and private roofs. Based on the answers of 389 respondents living in Sardinia (Italy), our analysis revealed that most citizens are aware of what green roofs are, and they are aware that, although these nature-based solutions can not completely solve environmental issues, they can greatly contribute to the mitigation of these phenomena. Results also show a higher interest in the installation of green roofs on public buildings than on private ones, due to the high installation costs. Moreover, for private roofs, the possibility to install photovoltaic panels instead of GRs is generally preferred. Most of the respondents are willing to spend less than 100 € per year for the maintenance of green roofs on public buildings and to invest less than 5000 € for the installation on their own house.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Information attributes characterize traceable agri-food. The perceived value of information attributes influences consumers\' preferences for traceable agri-food, consisting of two dimensions, predictive value and confidence value. We examine heterogeneous preferences and willingness to pay (WTP) in China\'s traceable agri-food market. Using the choice experiments, we explore how the traceability information, certification type, region of origin, and price influence Chinese consumers\' Fuji apple choices. We identify three consumer classes by a latent class model: certification-oriented class (65.8%), price-sensitive and origin-oriented class (15.0%), and no-buy class (19.2%). The results show that consumer sociodemographic characteristics, predictive value, and confidence value are the heterogeneous sources that determine their preferences for Fuji apple information attributes. Specifically, consumers\' age, family income per month, and whether the family has children under 18 significantly impact the membership probability of consumers in both certification-oriented and price-sensitive and origin-oriented classes. Consumers\' predicted value and confidence value significantly impact the membership probability of consumers in the certification-oriented class. In contrast, consumers\' predicted value and confidence value have no significant impact on the membership probability of consumers in price-sensitive and origin-oriented class.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rural water pollution control (RWPC) is a crucial issue for developing countries, particularly because of its importance for improving ecosystems, promoting sustainable development, and ultimately contributing to the health and well-being of individuals. This study adopted a choice experiment (CE) to explore farmers\' preference and willingness for RWPC and to investigate whether socioeconomic and psychosocial factors can explain differences in farmers\' preferences and values governing RWPC. The theory of planned behaviour (TPB) and some additional constructs (risk perception, knowledge, moral norms, and subjective norms) were included in an empirical test that predicts stated choices. The Wei River basin, one of the most water-polluted areas in China, was used as the location for our study. From June to July 2022, we collected the questionnaire responses of 427 farmers who live and work in this area. The results suggested that farmers have significant heterogeneity in their preference for RWPC attributes, but the majority highly value improving water quality through water pollution treatment. The inclusion of TPB and additional constructs in our test explained the behaviour of farmers. Those with high scores tended to already perform RWPC and have a willingness to continue to do so. According to the results of a latent class (LC) model, the average willingness to pay (WTP) per farmer for rural water pollution treatment was 254.69 Chinese yuan (CNY) per year. Excluding biodiversity, the average WTP was 241.55 CNY per year. This study provides a new path for developing countries to promote RWPC and improve local rural environments and the well-being of rural residents.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study uses a discrete choice experiment to examine consumers\' preferences for Fuji apple product attributes and willingness to pay (WTP) estimates for consumers in six cities in China. We estimated the preference heterogeneity by linking the stated preference choice data with consumers\' past experience and socioeconomic characteristics in the latent class model. The empirical results show that, first, the past experience variables are crucial in explaining consumer preferences and WTP. Second, three classes, namely, certification-oriented, price- and origin-oriented, and not interested, are identified. Furthermore, the same type of Fuji apple attribute does not appeal to every respondent. Third, our results indicate the heterogeneity of preferences across different classes of respondents, as well as differences in WTP for Fuji apples.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Given coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19), we empirically investigate whether consumers are willing to pay for greater sustainability and safer working conditions in food supply chains. We elicit consumer valuation via two consumer choice survey experiments and revealed preferences using mixed Logit discrete choice models. We find that consumers have a significant positive average valuation towards sustainability, but may require an average compensation to choose products produced under safer working conditions. Policy implications suggest a market-based potential to nudge consumer segments who desire value congruence in their diet, namely, by revealing information through labeling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We conducted in-the-field choice experiments in China to investigate farmers\' willingness to pay for crop insurance and to determine how objective and subjective beliefs affect Willingness to Pay (WTP). We deploy three variants of the choice experiment using a priming mechanism on objective and subjective beliefs plus a control. We find that the cuing frame matters in that there are differences in WTP within five attributes and across variants. In terms of practical policy, our results suggest that farmers\' frame of reference toward objective and subjective risks can affect insurance demand.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite the multifarious benefits of improved cooking stoves (ICSs) over traditional biomass stoves, the ICSs adoption rate in rural Bangladesh remains nominal. This paper provides evidence that there is a growing demand for this environmentally friendly and less-hazardous stove. Using a discrete choice experiment (DCE) technique, we surveyed 259 sample households in the south-western region of Bangladesh. The results from the mixed logit model suggest that households are willing to pay (WTP) about $7 on average for a \'realistic\' (i.e., one unit or 25 %) reduction in fuel consumption and smoke emission. Moreover, we found that a one-unit (33 %) reduction of cooking time and maintenance frequency increases households\' WTP by about $3 and $5 respectively. Finally, this study underscores that extensive promotion, lower installation costs and higher social awareness about health risks and environmental degradation are likely to promote ICSs adoption.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present paper offers a contribution to the research on social acceptance of interventions aimed at water ecosystem improvement and flood risk mitigation through renaturation measures. A CE study has been implemented to assess trade-offs between attributes of alternative projects, including social costs deriving from proposed actions of renaturation of river flows. The aim of our approach is to investigate the role of attitudinal factors in the valuation of costs and benefits generated by renaturation measures. A Hybrid Latent Class (HLC) model is applied to the data, revealing the existence of two distinct groups, characterised by different valuations of the attributes of the project. It is found that class membership depends on latent attitudes toward environmental protection and risk perception. Our study confirms the fruitfulness of the HLC modelling approach in stated preference studies regarding ecosystems valuation, as it provides a richer understanding of public preferences and allows more finely targeted policy indications.





