Chloroplast proteins

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The recent advances in pigeon pea genomics, including high-quality whole genome and chloroplast genome sequence information helped develop improved varieties. However, a comprehensive Cajanus proteome, including the organelle proteome, is yet to be fully mapped. The spatial delineation of pigeon pea proteins at sub-cellular levels and inter-organelle communication could offer valuable insights into its defense mechanism against various stresses. However, the major bottleneck in the proteomic study is the lack of a suitable method of protein extraction and sample preparation compatible with two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE), liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LCMS), or matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight (MALDi-ToF). Our study introduces two efficient methods, one for isolating total proteins and another for organelle (chloroplast) proteins from various Cajanus spp. For total protein extraction, we have optimized a protocol using phenol in combination with a reducing agent (DTT) and protease inhibitor cocktail, also washing (6-7 times) with ice-cold acetone after overnight protein precipitation of total proteins. Our modified extraction method using phenol for total leaf protein yielded approximately 2-fold more proteins than the previously reported protocols from C. cajan (3.18 ± 0.11 mg/gm) and C. scarabaeoides (2.06 ± 0.08 mg/gm). We have also optimized a protocol for plastid protein extraction, which yielded 1.33 ± 0.25 mg/10 gm plastid proteins from C. cajan and 0.88 ± 0.19 mg/10 gm plastid proteins from C. scarabaeoides. The 2D-PAGE analysis revealed 678 ± 08 reproducible total protein spots from C. cajan and 597 ± 22 protein spots from C. scarabaeoides. Similarly, we found 566 ± 10 and 486 ± 14 reproducible chloroplast protein spots in C. cajan and C. scarabaeoides, respectively. We confirmed the plastid protein fractions through immunoblot analysis using antibodies against LHCb1/LHCⅡ type Ⅰ protein. We found both methods suitable for 2D-PAGE and mass spectrometry (MS). This is the first report on developing protocols for total and chloroplastic protein extraction of Cajanus spp. suitable for advanced proteomics research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Targeting heterologous multi-transmembrane domain (TMD) proteins to plant chloroplasts requires sequences in addition to the chloroplast transit peptide (cTP). The N-terminal domain (N-region), located C-terminal to the cTP in chloroplast inner envelope membrane proteins, is an essential region for import. However, it was unclear if the N-region functions solely as a spacer sequence to facilitate cTP access or if it plays an active role in the import process. This study addresses the N-region\'s role by using combinations of cTPs and N-regions from Arabidopsis chloroplast inner envelope membrane proteins to direct the cyanobacterial protein SbtA to the chloroplast. We find that the sequence context of the N-region affects the chloroplast import efficiency of SbtA, with particular sequences mis-targeting the protein to different cellular sub-compartments. Additionally, specific cTP and N-region pairs exhibit varying targeting efficiencies for different heterologous proteins. Substituting individual N-region motifs did not significantly alter the chloroplast targeting efficiency of a particular cTP and N-region pair. We conclude that the N-region exhibits contextual functioning and potentially functional redundancy in motifs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nucleus-encoded chloroplast proteins can be transported via the secretory pathway. The molecular mechanisms underlying the trafficking of chloroplast proteins between the intracellular compartments are largely unclear, and a cargo sorting receptor has not previously been identified in the secretory pathway. Here, we report a cargo sorting receptor that is specifically present in Viridiplantae and mediates the transport of cargo proteins to the chloroplast. Using a forward genetic analysis, we identified a gene encoding a transmembrane protein (MtTP930) in barrel medic (Medicago truncatula). Mutation of MtTP930 resulted in impaired chloroplast function and a dwarf phenotype. MtTP930 is highly expressed in the aerial parts of the plant and is localized to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) exit sites and Golgi. MtTP930 contains typical cargo sorting receptor motifs, interacts with Sar1, Sec12, and Sec24, and participates in coat protein complex II vesicular transport. Importantly, MtTP930 can recognize the cargo proteins plastidial N-glycosylated nucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase (MtNPP) and α-carbonic anhydrase (MtCAH) in the ER and then transport them to the chloroplast via the secretory pathway. Mutation of a homolog of MtTP930 in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) resulted in a similar dwarf phenotype. Furthermore, MtNPP-GFP failed to localize to chloroplasts when transgenically expressed in Attp930 protoplasts, implying that these cargo sorting receptors are conserved in plants. These findings fill a gap in our understanding of the mechanism by which chloroplast proteins are sorted and transported via the secretory pathway.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Different proteases and peptidases are present within chloroplasts and nonphotosynthetic plastids to process precursor proteins and to degrade cleaved chloroplast transit peptides and damaged, misfolded, or otherwise unwanted proteins. Collectively, these proteases and peptidases form a proteolysis network, with complementary activities and hierarchies, and build-in redundancies. Furthermore, this network is distributed across the different intra-chloroplast compartments (lumen, thylakoid, stroma, envelope). The challenge is to determine the contributions of each peptidase (system) to this network in chloroplasts and nonphotosynthetic plastids. This will require an understanding of substrate recognition mechanisms, degrons, substrate, and product size limitations, as well as the capacity and degradation kinetics of each protease. Multiple extra-plastidial degradation pathways complement these intra-chloroplast proteases. This review summarizes our current understanding of these intra-chloroplast proteases in Arabidopsis and crop plants with an emphasis on considerations for building a qualitative and quantitative network view.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CONCLUSIONS: Immunofluorescence staining with frozen sections of plant tissues and a nest tube is convenient and effective, and broadens the applicability of immunofluorescence staining. Immunofluorescence staining is an indispensable and extensively employed technique for determining the subcellular localization of chloroplast division proteins. At present, it is difficult to effectively observe the localization of target proteins in leaves that are hard, or very thin, or have epidermal hair or glands with the current immunofluorescence staining methods. Moreover, signals of target proteins were predominantly detected in mesophyll cells, not the cells of other types. Thus, the method of immunofluorescence staining was further explored for improvement in this study. The plant tissue was embedded with 50% PEG4000 at -60℃, which was then cut into sections by a cryomacrotome. The sections were immediately immersed in fixation solution. Then, the sample was transferred into a special nested plastic tube, which facilitated the fixation and immunofluorescence staining procedures. The use of frozen sections in this method enabled a short processing time and reduced material requirements. By optimizing the thickness of the sections, a large proportion of the cells could be well stained. With this method, we observed the localization of a chloroplast division protein FtsZ1 in the wild-type Arabidopsis and various chloroplast division mutants. Meanwhile, the localization of FtsZ1 was also observed not only in mesophyll cells, but also in guard cells and epidermal cells in a lot of other plant species, including many species with hard leaf tissues. This method is not only easy to use, but also expands the scope of applicability for immunofluorescence staining.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Increasing the amount of cellular space allocated to plastids will lead to increases in the quality and yield of crop plants. However, mechanisms that allocate cellular space to plastids remain poorly understood. To test whether the tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) REDUCED CHLOROPLAST COVERAGE (SlREC) gene products serve as central components of the mechanism that allocates cellular space to plastids and contribute to the quality of tomato fruit, we knocked out the 4-member SlREC gene family. We found that slrec mutants accumulated lower levels of chlorophyll in leaves and fruits, accumulated lower levels of carotenoids in flowers and fruits, allocated less cellular space to plastids in leaf mesophyll and fruit pericarp cells, and developed abnormal plastids in flowers and fruits. Fruits produced by slrec mutants initiated ripening later than wild type and produced abnormal levels of ethylene and abscisic acid (ABA). Metabolome and transcriptome analyses of slrec mutant fruits indicated that the SlREC gene products markedly influence plastid-related gene expression, primary and specialized metabolism, and the response to biotic stress. Our findings and previous work with distinct species indicate that REC proteins help allocate cellular space to plastids in diverse species and cell types and, thus, play a central role in allocating cellular space to plastids. Moreover, the SlREC proteins are required for the high-level accumulation of chlorophyll and carotenoids in diverse organs, including fruits, promote the development of plastids and influence fruit ripening by acting both upstream and downstream of ABA biosynthesis in a complex network.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The localization of translation can direct the polypeptide product to the proper intracellular compartment. Our results reveal translation by cytosolic ribosomes on a domain of the chloroplast envelope in the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas (Chlamydomonas reinhardtii). We show that this envelope domain of isolated chloroplasts retains translationally active ribosomes and mRNAs encoding chloroplast proteins. This domain is aligned with localized translation by chloroplast ribosomes in the translation zone, a chloroplast compartment where photosystem subunits encoded by the plastid genome are synthesized and assembled. Roles of localized translation in directing newly synthesized subunits of photosynthesis complexes to discrete regions within the chloroplast for their assembly are suggested by differences in localization on the chloroplast of mRNAs encoding either subunit of the light-harvesting complex II or the small subunit of Rubisco. Transcription of the chloroplast genome is spatially coordinated with translation, as revealed by our demonstration of a subpopulation of transcriptionally active chloroplast nucleoids at the translation zone. We propose that the expression of chloroplast proteins by the nuclear-cytosolic and organellar genetic systems is organized in spatially aligned subcompartments of the cytoplasm and chloroplast to facilitate the biogenesis of the photosynthetic complexes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CONCLUSIONS: The disruption of the SWL1 gene leads to a significant down regulation of chloroplast and secondary metabolites gene expression in Arabidopsis thaliana. And finally results in a dysfunction of chloroplast and plant growth. Although the development of the chloroplast has been a consistent focus of research, the corresponding regulatory mechanisms remain unidentified. In this study, the CRISPR/Cas9 system was used to mutate the SWL1 gene, resulting in albino cotyledons and variegated true leaf phenotype. Confocal microscopy and western blot of chloroplast protein fractions revealed that SWL1 localized in the chloroplast stroma. Electron microscopy indicated chloroplasts in the cotyledons of swl1 lack well-defined grana and internal membrane structures, and similar structures have been detected in the albino region of variegated true leaves. Transcriptome analysis revealed that down regulation of chloroplast and nuclear gene expression related to chloroplast, including light harvesting complexes, porphyrin, chlorophyll metabolism and carbon metabolism in the swl1 compared to wild-type plant. In addition, proteomic analysis combined with western blot analysis, showed that a significant decrease in chloroplast proteins of swl1. Furthermore, the expression of genes associated with secondary metabolites and growth hormones was also reduced, which may be attributed to SWL1 associated with absorption and fixation of inorganic carbon during chloroplast development. Together, the above findings provide valuable information to elucidate the exact function of SWL1 in chloroplast biogenesis and development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Protein biochemistry can provide valuable answers to better understand plant performance and responses to the surrounding environment. In this chapter, we describe the process of extracting proteins from plant leaf samples. We highlight the key aspects to take into consideration to preserve protein integrity, from sample collection to extraction and preparation or storage for subsequent analysis of protein abundance and/or enzymatic activities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genome modifications in microalgae have emerged as a crucial and indispensable tool for research in fundamental and applied biology. In particular, CRISPR/Cas9 has gained significant recognition as a highly effective method for genome engineering in these photosynthetic organisms, enabling the targeted induction of mutations in specific regions of the genome. Here, we present a comprehensive protocol for generating knock-out mutants in the model diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum using CRISPR/Cas9 by both biolistic transformation and bacterial conjugation. Our protocol outlines the step-by-step procedures and experimental conditions required to achieve successful genome editing, including the design and construction of guide RNAs, the delivery of CRISPR/Cas9 components into the algae cells, and the selection of the generated knockout mutants. Through the implementation of this protocol, researchers can harness the potential of CRISPR/Cas9 in P. tricornutum to advance the understanding of diatom biology and explore their potential applications in various fields.





