Chinese hamster ovary

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Glycosylation of recombinant proteins is a post-translational modification that affects multiple physicochemical and biological properties of proteins. As such, it is a critical quality attribute that must be carefully controlled during protein production in the pharmaceutical industry. Glycosylation can be modulated by various conditions, including the composition of production media and feeds. In this study, the N-glycosylation-modulating effects of numerous compounds, including metal enzyme cofactors, enzyme inhibitors, and metabolic intermediates, were evaluated. Chinese hamster ovary cells producing three different IgG antibodies were cultivated in a fed-batch mode. First, a one-factor-at-a-time experiment was performed in 24-well deep well plates to identify the strongest modulators and appropriate concentration ranges. Then, a full response surface experiment was designed to gauge the effects and interactions of the 14 most effective hit compounds in an Ambr® 15 bioreactor system. A wide range of glycoform content was achieved, with an up to eight-fold increase in individual glycoforms compared to controls. The resulting model can be used to determine modulator combinations that will yield desired glycoforms in the final product.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cysteine and cystine are essential amino acids present in mammalian cell cultures. While contributing to biomass synthesis, recombinant protein production, and antioxidant defense mechanisms, cysteine poses a major challenge in media formulations owing to its poor stability and oxidation to cystine, a cysteine dimer. Due to its poor solubility, cystine can cause precipitation of feed media, formation of undesired products, and consequently, reduce cysteine bioavailability. In this study, a highly soluble cysteine containing dipeptide dimer, Ala-Cys-Cys-Ala (ACCA), was evaluated as a suitable alternative to cysteine and cystine in CHO cell cultures. Replacing cysteine and cystine in basal medium with ACCA did not sustain cell growth. However, addition of ACCA at 4 mM and 8 mM to basal medium containing cysteine and cystine boosted cell growth up to 15% and 27% in CHO-GS and CHO-K1 batch cell cultures respectively and led to a proportionate increase in IgG titer. 13C-Metabolic flux analysis revealed that supplementation of ACCA reduced glycolytic fluxes by 20% leading to more efficient glucose metabolism in CHO-K1 cells. In fed-batch cultures, ACCA was able to replace cysteine and cystine in feed medium. Furthermore, supplementation of ACCA at high concentrations in basal medium eliminated the need for any cysteine equivalents in feed medium and increased cell densities and viabilities in fed-batch cultures without any significant impact on IgG charge variants. Taken together, this study demonstrates the potential of ACCA to improve CHO cell growth, productivity, and metabolism while also facilitating the formulation of cysteine- and cystine-free feed media. Such alternatives to cysteine and cystine will pave the way for enhanced biomanufacturing by increasing cell densities in culture and extending the storage of highly concentrated feed media as part of achieving intensified bioproduction processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cell line development represents a crucial step in the development process of a therapeutic glycoprotein. Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells are the most frequently employed mammalian host cell system for the industrial manufacturing of biologics. The predominant application of CHO cells for heterologous recombinant protein expression lies in the relative simplicity of stably introducing ectopic DNA into the CHO host cell genome. Since CHO cells were first used as expression host for the industrial production of biologics in the late 1980s, stable genomic transgene integration has been achieved almost exclusively by random integration. Since then, random transgene integration had become the gold standard for generating stable CHO production cell lines due to a lack of viable alternatives. However, it was eventually demonstrated that this approach poses significant challenges on the cell line development process such as an increased risk of inducing cell line instability. In recent years, significant discoveries of new and highly potent (semi)-targeted transgene integration systems have paved the way for a technological revolution in the cell line development sector. These advanced methodologies comprise the application of transposase-, recombinase- or Cas9 nuclease-mediated site-specific genomic integration techniques, which enable a scarless transfer of the transgene expression cassette into transcriptionally active loci within the host cell genome. This review summarizes recent advancements in the field of transgene integration technologies for CHO cell line development and compare them to the established random integration approach. Moreover, advantages and limitations of (semi)-targeted integration techniques are discussed, and benefits and opportunities for the biopharmaceutical industry are outlined.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells are popular in the pharmaceutical industry for their ability to produce high concentrations of antibodies and their resemblance to human cells in terms of protein glycosylation patterns. Current data indicate the relevance of CHO cells in the biopharmaceutical industry, with a high number of product commendations and a significant market share for monoclonal antibodies. To enhance the production capabilities of CHO cells, a deep understanding of their cellular and molecular composition is crucial. Genome sequencing and proteomic analysis have provided valuable insights into the impact of the bioprocessing conditions, productivity, and product quality. In our investigation, we conducted a comparative analysis of proteomic profiles in high and low monoclonal antibody-producing cell lines and studied the impact of tunicamycin (TM)-induced endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. We examined the expression levels of different proteins including unfolded protein response (UPR) target genes by using label-free quantification techniques for protein abundance. Our results show the upregulation of proteins associated with protein folding mechanisms in low producer vs. high producer cell line suggesting a form of ER stress related to specific protein production. Further, Hspa9 and Dnaja3 are notable candidates activated by the mitochondria UPR and play important roles in protein folding processes in mitochondria. We identified significant upregulation of Nedd8 and Lgmn proteins in similar levels which may contribute to UPR stress. Interestingly, the downregulation of Hspa5/Bip and Pdia4 in response to tunicamycin treatment suggests a low-level UPR activation. KEY POINTS: • Proteome profiling of recombinant CHO cells under mild TM treatment. • Identified protein clusters are associated with the unfolded protein response (UPR). • The compared cell lines revealed noticeable disparities in protein expression levels.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Due to their high specificity, monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) have garnered significant attention in recent decades, with advancements in production processes, such as high-seeding-density (HSD) strategies, contributing to improved titers. This study provides a thorough investigation of high seeding processes for mAb production in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, focused on identifying significant metabolites and their interactions. We observed high glycolytic fluxes, the depletion of asparagine, and a shift from lactate production to consumption. Using a metabolic network and flux analysis, we compared the standard fed-batch (STD FB) with HSD cultivations, exploring supplementary lactate and cysteine, and a bolus medium enriched with amino acids. We reconstructed a metabolic network and kinetic models based on the observations and explored the effects of different feeding strategies on CHO cell metabolism. Our findings revealed that the addition of a bolus medium (BM) containing asparagine improved final titers. However, increasing the asparagine concentration in the feed further prevented the lactate shift, indicating a need to find a balance between increased asparagine to counteract limitations and lower asparagine to preserve the shift in lactate metabolism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells are the predominant host of choice for recombinant monoclonal antibody (mAb) expression. Recent advancements in gene editing technology have enabled engineering new CHO hosts with higher growth, viability, or productivity. One approach involved knock out (KO) of BCAT1 gene, which codes for the first enzyme in the branched chain amino acid (BCAA) catabolism pathway; BCAT1 KO reduced accumulation of growth inhibitory short chain fatty acid (SCFA) byproducts and improved culture growth and titer when used in conjunction with high-end pH-controlled delivery of glucose (HiPDOG) technology and SCFA supplementation during production. Accumulation of SCFAs in the culture media is critical for metabolic shift toward higher specific productivity and hence titer. Here we describe knocking out BCKDHa/b genes (2XKO), which act downstream of the BCAT1, in a BAX/BAK KO CHO host cell line background to reduce accumulation of growth-inhibitory molecules in culture. Evaluation of the new 4XKO CHO cell lines in fed-batch production cultures (without HiPDOG) revealed that partial KO of BCKDHa/b genes in an apoptosis-resistant (BAX/BAK KO) background can achieve higher viabilities and mAb titers. This was evident when SCFAs were added to boost productivity as such additives negatively impacted culture viability in the WT but not BAX/BAK KO cells during batch production. Altogether, our findings suggest that SCFA addbacks can significantly increase productivity and mAb titers in the context of apoptosis-attenuated CHO cells with partial KO of BCAA genes. Such engineered CHO hosts can offer productivity advantages for expressing biotherapeutics in an industrial setting.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biopharmaceutical manufacture is transitioning from batch to integrated and continuous biomanufacturing (ICB). The common framework for most ICB, potentially enables a global biomanufacturing ecosystem utilizing modular and multi-function manufacturing equipment. Integrating unit operation hardware and software from multiple suppliers, complex supply chains enabled by multiple customized single-use flow paths, and large volume buffer production/storage make this ICB vision difficult to achieve with commercially available manufacturing equipment. Thus, we developed SymphonX™, a downstream processing skid with advanced buffer management capabilities, a single disposable generic flow path design that provides plug-and-play flexibility across all downstream unit operations and a single interface to reduce operational risk. Designed for multi-product and multi-process cGMP facilities, SymphonX™ can perform stand-alone batch processing or ICB. This study utilized an Apollo™ X CHO-DG44 mAb-expressing cell line in a steady-state perfusion bioreactor, harvesting product continuously with a cell retention device and connected SymphonX™ purification skids. The downstream process used the same chemistry (resins, buffer composition, membrane composition) as our historical batch processing platform, with SymphonX™ in-line conditioning and buffer concentrates. We used surge vessels between unit operations, single-column chromatography (protein A, cation and anion exchange) and two-tank batch virus inactivation. After the first polishing step (cation exchange), we continuously pooled product for 6 days. These 6 day pools were processed in batch-mode from anion exchange to bulk drug substance. This manufacturing scale proof-of-concept ICB produced 0.54 kg/day of drug substance with consistent product quality attributes and demonstrated successful bioburden control for unit-operations undergoing continuous operation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cell line development (CLD) represents a complex but highly critical process during the development of a biological drug. To shed light on this crucial workflow, a team of BioPhorum members (authors) has developed and executed surveys focused on the activities and effort involved in a typical CLD campaign. An average of 27 members from different companies that participate in the BioPhorum CLD working group answered surveys covering three distinguishable stages of a standard CLD process: (1) Pre-transfection, including vector design and construction; (2) Transfection, spanning the initial introduction of vector into cells and subsequent selection and analysis of the pools; and (3) Single Cell Cloning and Lead Clone Selection, comprising methods of isolating single cells and confirming clonal origin, subsequent expansion and screening processes, and methods for identifying and banking lead clones. The surveys were very extensive, including a total of 341 questions split between antibody and complex molecule CLD processes. In this survey review, the authors interpret and highlight responses for antibody development and, where relevant, contrast complex molecule development challenges to provide a comprehensive industry perspective on the typical time and effort required to develop a CHO production cell line.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells have a long history in the biopharmaceutical industry and currently produce the vast majority of recombinant therapeutic proteins. A key step in controlling the process and product consistency is the development of a producer cell line derived from a single cell clone. However, it is recognized that genetic and phenotypic heterogeneity between individual cells in a clonal CHO population tends to arise over time. Previous bulk analysis of CHO cell populations revealed considerable variation within the mtDNA sequence (heteroplasmy), which could have implications for the performance of the cell line. By analyzing the heteroplasmy of single cells within the same population, this heterogeneity can be characterized with greater resolution. Such analysis may identify heterogeneity in the mitochondrial genome, which impacts the overall phenotypic performance of a producer cell population, and potentially reveal routes for genetic engineering. A critical first step is the development of robust experimental and computational methods to enable single cell mtDNA sequencing (termed scmtDNAseq). Here, we present a protocol from cell culture to bioinformatic analysis and provide preliminary evidence of significant mtDNA heteroplasmy across a small panel of single CHO cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fucosylation is an important quality attribute for therapeutic antibodies. Afucosylated antibodies exhibit higher therapeutic efficacies than their fucosylated counterparts through antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) mechanism. Since higher potency is beneficial in reducing dose or duration of the treatment, afucosylated antibodies have attracted a great deal of interest in biotherapeutics development. In this study, novel small molecules GDP-D-Rhamnose and its derivatives (Ac-GDP-D-Rhamnose and rhamnose sodium phosphate) were synthesized to inhibit the enzyme in the GDP-fucose synthesis pathway. Addition of these compounds into cell culture increased antibody afucosylation levels in a dose-dependent manner and had no significant impact on other protein quality attributes. A novel and effective mechanism to generate afucosylated antibody is demonstrated for biologics discovery, analytical method development, process development, and other applications.





