Chernobyl Nuclear Accident

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is considerable uncertainty regarding radiation\'s effects on biodiversity in natural complex ecosystems typically subjected to multiple environmental disturbances and stresses. In this study we characterised the relationships between soil microbial communities and estimated total absorbed dose rates to bacteria, grassy vegetation and trees in the Red Forest region of the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone. Samples were taken from sites of contrasting ecological histories and along burn and no burn areas following a wildfire. Estimated total absorbed dose rates to bacteria reached levels one order of magnitude higher than those known to affect bacteria in laboratory studies. Sites with harsher ecological conditions, notably acidic pH and low soil moisture, tended to have higher radiation contamination levels. No relationship between the effects of fire and radiation were observed. Microbial groups that correlated with high radiation sites were mostly classified to taxa associated with high environmental stress habitats or stress resistance traits. Distance-based linear models and co-occurrence analysis revealed that the effects of radiation on the soil microbiome were minimal. Hence, the association between high radiation sites and specific microbial groups is more likely a result of the harsher ecological conditions in these sites, rather than due to radiation itself. In this study, we provide a starting point for understanding the relationship between soil microbial communities and estimated total absorbed radiation dose rates to different components of an ecosystem highly contaminated with radiation. Our results suggest that soil microbiomes adapted to natural soil conditions are more likely to be resistant to ionising radiation than expected from laboratory studies, which demonstrates the importance of assessing the impact of ionising radiation on soil microbial communities under field conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the last three decades, an increase in thyroid cancer incidence has been observed worldwide, as well as in Lithuania. Although the rise was linked to overdiagnosis, the role of lifestyle and environmental factors, including exposure to ionizing radiation, cannot be excluded. In our retrospective study, we aimed to assess the association between the average age-specific thyroid dose due to the radioactive iodine uptake during childhood and adolescence from the Chernobyl fallout in Lithuania, and the trends of incidence of thyroid cancer from 1991 to 2015 in different regions. Averaged age-dependent thyroid doses were estimated for every municipality based on radioiodine activity in milk, reconstructed from available 131I activity measurements in the grass. Thyroid cancer incidence rates were calculated for the entire population and for two age at the time of exposure groups: 0-19 years and 0-9 years. Thyroid cancer relative risk (RR) was estimated for three municipality-specific thyroid dose (for 0-year-old babies) categories: less than 100 mGy (reference group), 100-199 mGy, and ≥200 mGy. Over the study period (1991-2015), a total of 5664 cases of thyroid cancer were registered in the entire Lithuanian population; 817 cases in the age group from 0 to 19 years at the time of the Chernobyl accident, and 266 cases in the age group from 0 to 9 years. Age-standardized thyroid cancer incidence rates have notably increased since 2000, peaked in 2009 (especially in females), and then slightly decreased and stabilized. The estimated average municipality-specific age-dependent thyroid doses ranged from 270 mGy in western Lithuania to 1.5 mGy in central and northern Lithuania. For the age group of 0-19 years at the time of the accident, in the period 1991-1995, the thyroid cancer relative risk was significantly increased (RR 3.91; 95 % CI: 1.27-10.29, p=0.01) in the highest dose category, compared to the lowest (although based on a small number of cases). For the age group 0-9 years at the time of the accident, a tendency of increased RR in the highest dose category appeared in the most recent period, 2011-2015. Our observations need to be confirmed by further following trends of thyroid cancer incidence in the cohort of 0-19-year-old Lithuanians at the time of the Chernobyl accident.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pollen abnormalities frequency of Scots pine and pollen sterility of white clover, common columbine, and greater celandine growing in the Bryansk and Gomel\' regions radioactively contaminated after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (NPP) were assessed. The frequency of abnormal pine pollen at the most contaminated plots significantly exceeded the control level and positively correlated with the total absorbed dose and the absorbed dose from β-radiation. No sustainable significant changes in pollen sterility of the herbaceous plants studied were found in the exclusion zone of the Chernobyl NPP.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nearly forty years have passed since the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant accident, which resulted in childhood and adolescent thyroid cancers increasing due to internal exposure to iodine-131. Therefore, the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station accident, in 2011, raised serious anxiety about potential risks of thyroid cancers. Considering the causal relationship between thyroid cancer and the Chornobyl accident, radiation dose to the thyroid due to this accident should be considered carefully. In addition, a thorough investigation of any influence of ultrasound screening of the thyroid on the detection of thyroid diseases was still missing. Consequently, from 2019 to 2021, the frequency of abnormal thyroid findings from screening of residents in Zhytomyr, Ukraine, which was heavily contaminated by the accident, was evaluated in this study. For this, the same diagnostic classification of any thyroid ultrasound findings as those of the Fukushima Health Management Survey were used. This classification used the categories \"A1\" (no findings), \"A2\" (thyroid cysts less than 20 mm and/or thyroid nodules less than 5 mm), and \"B\" (thyroid cysts more than 20 mm and/or thyroid nodules more than 5 mm). 2,978 participants were analyzed. It was found that the frequency of \"B\" findings increased with age. This may be due to the observed increased incidence of not only malignant but also benign thyroid nodules. It may well be that such an increase will also be observed in Fukushima in the future. It is concluded that future thyroid examiners in Fukushima should be aware of findings specific to adults, such as chronic thyroiditis. For comparison, it will be necessary to perform longitudinal studies in the Japanese population not exposed to radiation from the Fukushima accident.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Methods for determining the radiation dose received by exposed biota require major improvements to reduce uncertainties and increase precision. We share our experiences in attempting to quantify external dose rates to free-ranging wildlife using GPS-coupled dosimetry methods. The manuscript is a primer on fundamental concepts in wildlife dosimetry in which the complexities of quantifying dose rates are highlighted, and lessons learned are presented based on research with wild boar and snakes at Fukushima, wolves at Chornobyl, and reindeer in Norway. GPS-coupled dosimeters produced empirical data to which numerical simulations of external dose using computer software were compared. Our data did not support a standing paradigm in risk analyses: Using averaged soil contaminant levels to model external dose rates conservatively overestimate the dose to individuals within a population. Following this paradigm will likely lead to misguided recommendations for risk management. The GPS-dosimetry data also demonstrated the critical importance of how modeled external dose rates are impacted by the scale at which contaminants are mapped. When contaminant mapping scales are coarse even detailed knowledge about each animal\'s home range was inadequate to accurately predict external dose rates. Importantly, modeled external dose rates based on a single measurement at a trap site did not correlate to actual dose rates measured on free ranging animals. These findings provide empirical data to support published concerns about inadequate dosimetry in much of the published Chernobyl and Fukushima dose-effects research. Our data indicate that a huge portion of that literature should be challenged, and that improper dosimetry remains a significant source of controversy in radiation dose-effect research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Childhood radioactive iodine exposure from the Chornobyl accident increased papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) risk. While cervical lymph node metastases (cLNM) are well-recognized in pediatric PTC, the PTC metastatic process and potential radiation association are poorly understood. Here, we analyze cLNM occurrence among 428 PTC with genomic landscape analyses and known drivers (131I-exposed = 349, unexposed = 79; mean age = 27.9 years). We show that cLNM are more frequent in PTC with fusion (55%) versus mutation (30%) drivers, although the proportion varies by specific driver gene (RET-fusion = 71%, BRAF-mutation = 38%, RAS-mutation = 5%). cLNM frequency is not associated with other characteristics, including radiation dose. cLNM molecular profiling (N = 47) demonstrates 100% driver concordance with matched primary PTCs and highly concordant mutational spectra. Transcriptome analysis reveals 17 differentially expressed genes, particularly in the HOXC cluster and BRINP3; the strongest differentially expressed microRNA also is near HOXC10. Our findings underscore the critical role of driver alterations and provide promising candidates for elucidating the biological underpinnings of PTC cLNM.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    When environmental impact and risks associated with radioactive contamination of ecosystems are assessed, the source term and deposition must be linked to ecosystem transfer, biological uptake and effects in exposed organisms. Thus, a well-defined source term is the starting point for transport, dose, impact and risk models. After the Chornobyl accident, 3-4 tons of spent nuclear fuel were released and radioactive particles were important ingrediencies of the actual source term. As Chornobyl particles were observed in many European countries, some scientists suggested that radioactive particles were \"a peculiarity of the Chornobyl accident.\" In contrast, research over the years has shown that a major fraction of refractory elements such as uranium (U) and plutonium (Pu) released to the environment has been released as particles following a series of past events such as nuclear weapons tests, non-criticality accidents involving nuclear weapons, military use of depleted uranium ammunition, and nuclear reactor accidents. Radioactive particles and colloids have also been observed in discharges from nuclear installations to rivers or to regional seas and are associated with nuclear waste dumped at sea. Furthermore, radioactive particles have been identified at uranium mining and tailing sites as well as at other NORM sites such as phosphate or oil and gas industrial facilities. Research has also demonstrated that particle characteristics such as elemental composition depend on the emitting source, while characteristics such as size distribution, structure, and oxidation state influencing ecosystem transfer will also depend on the release scenarios. Thus, access to advanced particle characteristic techniques is essential within radioecology. After deposition, localized heterogeneities such as particles will be unevenly distributed in the environment. Thus, inventories can be underestimated, and impact and risk assessments of particle contaminated areas may suffer from unacceptable large uncertainties if radioactive particles are ignored. The present paper will focus on key sources contributing to the release of radioactive particles to the environments, as well as linking particle characteristics to ecosystem behavior and potential biological effects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Belarus and Ukraine were the countries most affected by the consequences of the Chornobyl nuclear power plant in 1986. A study of perinatal mortality in Belarus found a highly statistically significant increase in the 1990s in the most contaminated oblast Gomel but no increase during this period in the rest of Belarus. As a possible mechanism to interpret this increase as a late Chornobyl effect, it has been suggested that strontium-90 contained in Chornobyl fallout, incorporated during menarche, impairs the immune system of pregnant women which in turn increases perinatal mortality. In the present study, this hypothesis is tested using data from Ukraine.
    METHODS: Annual data on perinatal mortality, in the period 1981-2006 were provided by the Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine. Trends in perinatal mortality rates in the most contaminated regions of Ukraine (Kyiv and Zhytomyr oblasts and the city of Kyiv; study region) were compared with rates in the rest of Ukraine (control region). To identify any differences in perinatal mortality trends between the study and control regions, the ratios of perinatal mortality rates in the study region to the rates in the control region were analyzed using the calculated strontium concentration as a predictor.
    RESULTS: A trend analysis of perinatal mortality rates in Ukraine revealed two bell-shaped deviations from a long-term exponential trend with maxima at the beginning and end of the 1990s. The same pattern was found in the data from the study and control regions, but the deviations were almost three times higher in the study region than in the control region. An analysis of the ratios of perinatal mortality rates in the study region to the rates in the control region (odds ratios) showed an increase and decrease during the 1990s which was approximated by a lognormal density distribution. The calculated strontium concentration, when used as a predictor, also fitted the data well. Thus, the data from Ukraine confirms the results from Belarus. The analysis of the odds ratios revealed about 1000 excess perinatal deaths in the study region in the period 1990-2004. The corresponding figure for Ukraine as a whole was estimated at 3500 perinatal deaths.
    CONCLUSIONS: It is hypothesized that the observed increase in perinatal mortality in the 1990s may be a late effect of incorporated strontium-90 on the immune system of pregnant women. The analysis is based on a theoretical model, as no data on strontium concentrations were available; the results should therefore be interpreted with caution. An updated study for Belarus would be desirable to corroborate the results.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the long-term after atmospheric deposit onto a forest ecosystem, Cs-137 becomes incorporated into the biogeochemical cycle of stable elements and progressively reaches a quasi-equilibrium state. This study aimed at determining to what extent Cs-137 activity distribution in tree vegetation could be predicted from that of stable caesium (Cs-133) and potassium (K), which are known to be stable chemical analogues and competitors for Cs-137 intake in tree organs. Field campaigns that focused on beech trees (Fagus sylvatica L.) were conducted in 2021 in three French forest stands with contrasted characteristics regarding either the contribution of global vs. Chornobyl fallouts, soil or climatic conditions. Decades after Cs-137 fallouts, it was found that more than 80% of the total radioactive inventory in the system remained confined in the top 20 cm mineral layers, while organic layers and beech vegetation (including roots) contributed each to less than 1.5%. The enhanced downward migration of Cs-137 in cambisol than podzol forest sites was presumably due to migration of clay particles and bioturbation. The distribution of Cs-137 and Cs-133 inventories in beech trees was very similar among sites but differed from that of K due a higher accumulation of Cs isotopes in roots (40-50% vs. < 25% for K). The aggregated transfer factor (Tag) of Cs-137 calculated for aerial beech organs were all lower than those reported in literature more than 20 years ago, this suggesting a decrease of bioavailability in soil due to ageing processes. Regarding their variability, Tags were generally lower by a factor 5 at the cambisol site, which was fairly well explained by a much higher value of RIP (radiocesium immobilisation potential). Cs-137 concentrations in trees organs normalized by the soil exchangeable fractions were linearly correlated to those of Cs-133 and the best fit was found for the linear regression model without intercept indicating that no more contribution of the foliar uptake could be observed on long term. Provided that the vertical distribution of caesium concentrations and fine root density are properly measured or estimated, Cs-133 was shown to be a much better proxy than K to estimate the root transfer of Cs-137.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Although childhood exposure to radioactive iodine-131 (I-131) is an established risk factor for thyroid cancer, evidence for an association with thyroid nodules is less clear. The objective of this study is to evaluate the association between childhood I-131 exposure and prevalence of ultrasound-detected thyroid nodules overall and by nodule histology/cytology (neoplastic/suspicious/non-neoplastic), size (<10 mm/≥10 mm), and number (single/multiple). Methods: This is a cross-sectional study of radiation dose (mean = 0.53 gray, range: 0.0003-31 gray) and screen-detected thyroid nodules conducted in 1998-2000 (median population age 21.5 years) in a cohort of 13,243 residents of Ukraine who were under 18 years at the time of the Chornobyl accident on April 26, 1986. Excess odds ratios per gray (excess odds ratio [EOR]/Gy) and confidence intervals (CIs) were estimated using logistic regression. Results: Among 13,078 eligible individuals, we identified 358 (2.7%) with at least one thyroid nodule. Significantly increased dose-response associations were found for all nodules and nodule groups with doses <5 Gy except individuals with non-neoplastic nodules. Among individuals with doses <5 Gy, the EOR/Gy for neoplastic nodules (5.35; CI: 2.19-15.5) was significantly higher than for non-neoplastic nodules (0.24; CI: 0.07-0.74), but the EOR/Gy did not vary by nodule size or number. Conclusions: Childhood exposure to I-131 is associated with an increased risk of thyroid nodules detected 12-14 years following exposure, and the risk for neoplastic nodules is higher than for non-neoplastic nodules. Analyses of incident thyroid nodules may help clarify dose-response patterns by nodule characteristics and provide insights into thyroid nodule etiology.





