Chemoautotrophic Growth

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Various environmental factors, including H2 availability, metabolic tradeoffs, optimal growth temperature, stochasticity, and hydrology, were examined to determine if they affect microbial competition between three autotrophic thermophiles. The thiosulfate reducer Desulfurobacterium thermolithotrophum (Topt72°C) was grown in mono- and coculture separately with the methanogens Methanocaldococcus jannaschii (Topt82°C) at 72°C and Methanothermococcus thermolithotrophicus (Topt65°C) at 65°C at high and low H2 concentrations. Both methanogens showed a metabolic tradeoff shifting from high growth rate-low cell yield at high H2 concentrations to low growth rate-high cell yield at low H2 concentrations and when grown in coculture with the thiosulfate reducer. In 1:1 initial ratios, D. thermolithotrophum outcompeted both methanogens at high and low H2, no H2S was detected on low H2, and it grew with only CO2 as the electron acceptor indicating a similar metabolic tradeoff with low H2. When the initial methanogen-to-thiosulfate reducer ratio varied from 1:1 to 104:1 with high H2, D. thermolithotrophum always outcompeted M. jannaschii at 72°C. However, M. thermolithotrophicus outcompeted D. thermolithotrophum at 65°C when the ratio was 103:1. A reactive transport model that mixed pure hydrothermal fluid with cold seawater showed that hyperthermophilic methanogens dominated in systems where the residence time of the mixed fluid above 72°C was sufficiently high. With shorter residence times, thermophilic thiosulfate reducers dominated. If residence times increased with decreasing fluid temperature along the flow path, then thermophilic methanogens could dominate. Thermophilic methanogen dominance spread to previously thiosulfate-reducer-dominated conditions if the initial ratio of thermophilic methanogen-to-thiosulfate reducer increased.
    OBJECTIVE: The deep subsurface is the largest reservoir of microbial biomass on Earth and serves as an analog for life on the early Earth and extraterrestrial environments. Methanogenesis and sulfur reduction are among the more common chemolithoautotrophic metabolisms found in hot anoxic hydrothermal vent environments. Competition between H2-oxidizing sulfur reducers and methanogens is primarily driven by the thermodynamic favorability of redox reactions with the former outcompeting methanogens. This study demonstrated that competition between the hydrothermal vent chemolithoautotrophs Methanocaldococcus jannaschii, Methanothermococcus thermolithotrophicus, and Desulfurobacterium thermolithotrophum is also influenced by other overlapping factors such as staggered optimal growth temperatures, stochasticity, and hydrology. By modeling all aspects of microbial competition coupled with field data, a better understanding is gained on how methanogens can outcompete thiosulfate reducers in hot anoxic environments and how the deep subsurface contributes to biogeochemical cycling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A neutrophilic iron-oxidizing and -reducing bacterium, strain MIZ03T, was previously isolated from a wetland in Ibaraki, Japan. Here, we report the detailed characteristics of this strain. It was motile with a single polar flagellum, and Gram-stain-negative. It could grow not only chemolithoautotrophically but also chemoorganotrophically by aerobic respiration and fermentation. Major cellular fatty acids were C16 : 1  ω7c/C16 : 1  ω6c, and C16 : 0. Phylogenetic analyses indicated that strain MIZ03T belonged to the genus Rhodoferax. This strain was closely related to Rhodoferax ferrireducens with 98.5 % of 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity. Based on its phenotypic and genomic based characteristics, we conclude that strain MIZ03T represents a new species in the genus Rhodoferax. We propose the name Rhodoferax lithotrophicus sp. nov. to accommodate this strain. The type strain is MIZ03T (=JCM 34246T=DSM 113266T). We also propose the name Rhodoferax koreensis sp. nov., of which the type strain is DCY110T (=KCTC 52288T=JCM 31441T), for the effectively, but not yet validly, published name \'Rhodoferax koreense\'.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) are ubiquitous on the earth and have broad applications in bioremediation. However, the number of their species with standing in nomenclature and deposited in Microbial Culture Collections still remains low. Moreover, only a few novel species have been reported over the last decades. In this study, we sealed agar in serum bottles to develop a kind of solid agar plate with the oxygen concentration in the headspace maintained at low levels. By using these plates, eight AOB isolates including two novel species were obtained. When AOB cells were grown on the sealed solid agar plates, the time to form visible colonies was largely reduced and the maximum diameter of colonies reached 2 mm, which makes the process of AOB isolation rapid and efficient. Based on five AOB isolates, the headspace oxygen concentration had a significant influence on AOB growth either on solid plate or in liquid culture. Especially, when grown under 21 % O2, the number of colonies formed on solid agar plates was very low and sometimes no visible colony formed. Besides the application on AOB isolation, the sealed solid agar plate was also effective for the enumeration and preservation of AOB cells. When preserved under room temperature for more than ten months, the AOB colonies on the plate could still be recovered. This method provides a feasible way to isolate more novel AOB species from the environment and deposit more species in Microbial Culture Collections.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study conducted a comparative proteomic analysis to identify potential genetic markers for the biological function of chemolithoautotrophic iron oxidation in the marine bacterium Ghiorsea bivora. To date, this is the only characterized species in the class Zetaproteobacteria that is not an obligate iron-oxidizer, providing a unique opportunity to investigate differential protein expression to identify key genes involved in iron-oxidation at circumneutral pH. Over 1000 proteins were identified under both iron- and hydrogen-oxidizing conditions, with differentially expressed proteins found in both treatments. Notably, a gene cluster upregulated during iron oxidation was identified. This cluster contains genes encoding for cytochromes that share sequence similarity with the known iron-oxidase, Cyc2. Interestingly, these cytochromes, conserved in both Bacteria and Archaea, do not exhibit the typical β-barrel structure of Cyc2. This cluster potentially encodes a biological nanowire-like transmembrane complex containing multiple redox proteins spanning the inner membrane, periplasm, outer membrane, and extracellular space. The upregulation of key genes associated with this complex during iron-oxidizing conditions was confirmed by quantitative reverse transcription-PCR. These findings were further supported by electromicrobiological methods, which demonstrated negative current production by G. bivora in a three-electrode system poised at a cathodic potential. This research provides significant insights into the biological function of chemolithoautotrophic iron oxidation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Most autotrophic organisms possess a single carbon fixation pathway. The chemoautotrophic symbionts of the hydrothermal vent tubeworm Riftia pachyptila, however, possess two functional pathways: the Calvin-Benson-Bassham (CBB) and the reductive tricarboxylic acid (rTCA) cycles. How these two pathways are coordinated is unknown. Here we measured net carbon fixation rates, transcriptional/metabolic responses and transcriptional co-expression patterns of Riftia pachyptila endosymbionts by incubating tubeworms collected from the East Pacific Rise at environmental pressures, temperature and geochemistry. Results showed that rTCA and CBB transcriptional patterns varied in response to different geochemical regimes and that each pathway is allied to specific metabolic processes; the rTCA is allied to hydrogenases and dissimilatory nitrate reduction, whereas the CBB is allied to sulfide oxidation and assimilatory nitrate reduction, suggesting distinctive yet complementary roles in metabolic function. Furthermore, our network analysis implicates the rTCA and a group 1e hydrogenase as key players in the physiological response to limitation of sulfide and oxygen. Net carbon fixation rates were also exemplary, and accordingly, we propose that co-activity of CBB and rTCA may be an adaptation for maintaining high carbon fixation rates, conferring a fitness advantage in dynamic vent environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Strain S30A2T, isolated from the acid mine drainage sediment of Mengzi Copper Mine, Yunnan, is proposed to represent a novel species of the sulphur-oxidizing genus Acidithiobacillus. Cells were Gram-stain-negative, non-endospore forming, highly motile with one or two monopolar flagella and rod-shaped. The strain was mesophilic, growing at 30-50 °C (optimum, 38 °C), acidophilic, growing at pH 2.0-4.5 (optimum, pH 2.5), and tolerant of 0-4 % (w/v; 684 mol l-1) NaCl. The 16S rRNA gene-based sequence analysis showed that strain S30A2T belongs to the genus Acidithiobacillus and shows the largest similarity of 96.6 % to the type strain Acidithiobacillus caldus KUT. The genomic DNA G+C content of strain S30A2T was 59.25 mol%. The average nucleotide identity ANIb and ANIm values between strain S30A2T and A. caldus KUT were 70.95 and 89.78 %, respectively and the digital DNA-DNA hybridization value was 24.9 %. Strain S30A2T was strictly aerobic and could utilize elementary sulphur and tetrathionate to support chemolithotrophic growth. The major cellular fatty acid of S30A2T was C19 : 1ω7c. The respiratory quinones were ubiquinone-8 and ubiquinone-7. Based upon its phylogenetic, genetic, phenotypic, physiologic and chemotaxonomic characteristics, strain S30A2T is considered to represent a novel species of the genus Acidithiobacillus, for which the name Acidithiobacillus acidisediminis sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is S30A2T (=CGMCC 1.17059T=KCTC 72580T).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Flue gas mitigation technologies aim to reduce the environmental impact of flue gas emissions, particularly from industrial processes and power plants. One approach to mitigate flue gas emissions involves bio-mitigation, which utilizes microorganisms to convert harmful gases into less harmful or inert substances. The review thus explores the bio-mitigation efficiency of chemolithotrophic interactions with flue gas and their potential application in bio-reactors. Chemolithotrophs are microorganisms that can derive energy from inorganic compounds, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and sulfur dioxide (SO2), present in the flue gas. These microorganisms utilize specialized enzymatic pathways to oxidize these compounds and produce energy. By harnessing the metabolic capabilities of chemolithotrophs, flue gas emissions can be transformed into value-added products. Bio-reactors provide controlled environments for the growth and activity of chemolithotrophic microorganisms. Depending on the specific application, these can be designed as suspended or immobilized reactor systems. The choice of bio-reactor configuration depends on process efficiency, scalability, and ease of operation. Factors influencing the bio-mitigation efficiency of chemolithotrophic interactions include the concentration and composition of the flue gas, operating conditions (such as temperature, pH, and nutrient availability), and reactor design. Chemolithotrophic interactions with flue gas in bio-reactors offer a potentially efficient approach to mitigating flue gas emissions. Continued research and development in this field are necessary to optimize reactor design, microbial consortia, and operating conditions. Advances in understanding the metabolism and physiology of chemolithotrophic microorganisms will contribute to developing robust and scalable bio-mitigation technologies for flue gas emissions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dissolved inorganic carbon has been hypothesized to stimulate microbial chemoautotrophic activity as a biological sink in the carbon cycle of deep subsurface environments. Here, we tested this hypothesis using quantitative DNA stable isotope probing of metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) at multiple 13C-labeled bicarbonate concentrations in hydrothermal fluids from a 750-m deep subsurface aquifer in the Biga Peninsula (Turkey). The diversity of microbial populations assimilating 13C-labeled bicarbonate was significantly different at higher bicarbonate concentrations, and could be linked to four separate carbon-fixation pathways encoded within 13C-labeled MAGs. Microbial populations encoding the Calvin-Benson-Bassham cycle had the highest contribution to carbon fixation across all bicarbonate concentrations tested, spanning 1-10 mM. However, out of all the active carbon-fixation pathways detected, MAGs affiliated with the phylum Aquificae encoding the reverse tricarboxylic acid (rTCA) pathway were the only microbial populations that exhibited an increased 13C-bicarbonate assimilation under increasing bicarbonate concentrations. Our study provides the first experimental data supporting predictions that increased bicarbonate concentrations may promote chemoautotrophy via the rTCA cycle and its biological sink for deep subsurface inorganic carbon.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The molluscs Lucinoma capensis, Lembulus bicuspidatus and Nassarius vinctus are highly abundant in Namibian oxygen minimum zone sediments. To understand which nutritional strategies allow them to reach such impressive abundances in this extreme habitat we investigated their trophic diversity, including a chemosymbiosis in L. capensis, focussing on nitrogen biochemical pathways of the symbionts. We combined results of bulk nitrogen and carbon (δ13C and δ15N) and of compound-specific isotope analyses of amino acid nitrogen (AAs-δ15NPhe and δ15NGlu), with 16S rRNA gene sequencing of L. capensis tissues and also with exploratory results of ammonium, nitrate and nitrite turnover. The trophic position (TP) of the bivalve L. capensis is placed between autotrophy and mixotrophy, consistent with its proposed symbiosis with sulfur-oxidizing Candidatus Thiodiazotropha sp. symbionts. The symbionts are here revealed to perform nitrate reduction and ammonium uptake, with clear indications of ammonium host-symbionts recycling, but surprisingly unable to fix nitrogen. The TP of the bivalve L. bicuspidatus is placed in between mixotrophy and herbivory. The TP of the gastropod N. vinctus reflected omnivory. Multiple lines of evidences in combination with current ecosystem knowledge point to sedimented diatoms as important components of L. bicuspidatus and N. vinctus\' diet, likely supplemented at times with chemoautotrophic bacteria. This study highlights the importance of benthic-pelagic coupling that fosters the dietary base for macrozoobenthos in the OMZ. It further unveils that, in contrast to all shallow water lucinid symbionts, deeper water lucinid symbionts rely on ammonium assimilation rather than dinitrogen fixation to obtain nitrogen for growth.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The conversion of CO2 to value-added products allows both capture and recycling of greenhouse gas emissions. While plants and other photosynthetic organisms play a key role in closing the global carbon cycle, their dependence on light to drive carbon fixation can be limiting for industrial chemical synthesis. Methanogenic archaea provide an alternative platform as an autotrophic microbial species capable of non-photosynthetic CO2 fixation, providing a potential route to engineered microbial fermentation to synthesize chemicals from CO2 without the need for light irradiation. One major challenge in this goal is to connect upstream carbon-fixation pathways with downstream biosynthetic pathways, given the distinct differences in metabolism between archaea and typical heterotrophs. We engineered the model methanogen, Methanococcus maripaludis, to divert acetyl-coenzyme A toward biosynthesis of value-added chemicals, including the bioplastic polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB). A number of studies implicated limitations in the redox pool, with NAD(P)(H) pools in M. maripaludis measured to be <15% of that of Escherichia coli, likely since methanogenic archaea utilize F420 and ferredoxins instead. Multiple engineering strategies were used to precisely target and increase the cofactor pool, including heterologous expression of a synthetic nicotinamide salvage pathway as well as an NAD+-dependent formate dehydrogenase from Candida boidinii. Engineered strains of M. maripaludis with improved NADH pools produced up to 171 ± 4 mg/L PHB and 24.0 ± 1.9% of dry cell weight. The metabolic engineering strategies presented in this study broaden the utility of M. maripaludis for sustainable chemical synthesis using CO2 and may be transferable to related archaeal species.





