Chelonia mydas

Chelonia mydas
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Benzotriazole-type ultraviolet stabilizers (BUVSs) are emerging contaminants whose exposure to wildlife is of concern. In this study, we investigated the contamination status of BUVSs in green turtles (Chelonia mydas) breeding at Ogasawara Islands, Japan, through chemical analysis of 10 BUVSs and 26 congeners of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in adipose tissue (n = 21) and blood plasma (n = 9). BUVSs were detected significant levels in adipose tissue (19 of 21 turtles), and UV-327 (not detected - 14.8 ng/g-lipid, detection frequency: 76 %), UV-326 (not detected - 24.1 ng/g-lipid, 29 %), and UV-328 (not detected - 5.8 ng/g-lipid, 24 %) were frequently detected. Turtles exhibiting sporadically high concentrations of BUVSs (>10 ng/g-lipid) did not necessarily correspond to individuals with high total PCB concentrations (1.03-70.2 ng/g-lipid). The sporadic occurrence pattern of BUVSs suggested that these contaminants in sea turtles cannot be explained solely by diet but are likely derived from plastic debris.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As part of a sea turtle health monitoring program on the central east coast of Queensland, Australia, stranded and sick green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas) were subjected to necropsy and histopathology. A subset of these turtles had myocarditis of varying severity, which could not be attributed to parasitism by spirorchid flukes or bacterial infections. We, therefore, undertook an investigation to determine whether virus infections might be part of the pathogenesis. Deep sequencing revealed abundant DNA virus contigs in the heart tissue, of which CRESS and circoviruses appeared to be the most consistently present. Further analysis revealed the homology of some of the circoviruses to the beak and feather disease virus. While a causative link to myocarditis could not be established, the presence of these viruses may play a contributing role by affecting the immune system and overall health of animals exposed to pollutants, higher water temperatures, and decreasing nutrition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We investigated the contents inside the esophagus and stomach of turtles inside and outside of the Tokyo Bay area, which face high and low risks of microplastic (MP) exposure, respectively. 65 synthetic particles were recovered from 8 out of 22 turtles, using ATR-FTIR followed by density separation with calcium chloride solution. Statistical analysis indicated that turtles in high-risk areas ingested significantly more MPs than those in low-risk areas. As the inflow of MPs from major rivers influences pollution levels in the ocean, the results of this study highlight the importance of major rivers for MP ingestion by turtles. Additionally, we discussed the current methodology\'s shortcomings and addressed scope for subsequent research, along with suggestions on future conservation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Successful embryonic development depends on the interaction between genetic factors and environmental variables. Congenital malformations in sea turtles can result from extreme conditions during the incubation period, reducing hatching success and potentially impeding population recovery. We aimed to characterize the congenital malformations found in green turtle nests, determine their prevalence and severity, and understand their drivers during the 2022 nesting season on Samandağ beach on northern Mediterranean nesting beaches. A total of 2986 examples of congenital malformations were observed in 362 out of 907 green turtle nests. The prevalence of congenital malformations per nest was 39%, and the severity (the number of malformed individuals per nest) was 3.8%. Nests with congenital malformations exhibited a lower mean distance from the sea, a shorter incubation duration (a proxy for incubation temperature), lower hatching success, a larger clutch size, and higher mortality at late embryonic and hatchling stages than nests without congenital malformations. There was no significant difference in total mortality between these two nest types. A total of 52 different congenital malformations were recorded, 2 of which were observed for the first time in sea turtles and 28 for the first time in green turtles. The results suggest that congenital malformations may be related to nest temperature and clutch size, while overall mortality may be independent of malformations. Pigmentation disorders and craniofacial malformations typically coexist in cases of multiple malformations. Long-term monitoring of congenital malformations is crucial, as it can provide clues about the health status of the nesting beach and nesting colony.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Important foraging and nesting habitats for Caribbean green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas) exist within the Mesoamerican Reef System in the Mexican Caribbean. During the last 25 years, urban development and touristic activities have drastically increased in Quintana Roo, Mexico. Moreover, in the last decade, massive pelagic sargasso blooms have also afflicted this region; however, information about the biochemical responses of Caribbean green turtles to these inputs is absent. This study aimed to assess if the oxidative stress indicators in the red blood cells of green turtles are valuable biomarkers of the extent of the anthropic impact in this region. Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) were also measured in the plasma of free-living green turtles during 2015-2018 to characterize these habitats further. As biochemical biomarkers, the production rate of superoxide radical (O2•-), carbonylated protein content, and lipid peroxidation (TBARS) levels, and the activities of superoxide dismutase, glutathione S-transferase (GST), catalase, glutathione peroxidase were measured in erythrocytes. A 15 % occurrence of fibropapillomatosis (FP) was revealed, with tumor size being positively correlated with CAT activity in the affected individuals. A multivariate analysis embracing all oxidative stress markers discriminated green turtles between years of capture (p < 0.001), with those sampled during 2015 presenting the highest production of O2•- (p = 0.001), activities of GST (p < 0.001), levels of TBARS (p < 0.001) and carbonylated proteins (p = 0.02). These local and temporal biochemical responses coincided with the first massive Sargassum spp. bloom reported in the region. The results of this study corroborate the utility of the oxidative stress indicators as biomarkers of environmental conditions (sargasso blooms and POPs) in the green turtle as sentinel species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gut microbes are pivotal reference indicators for assessing the health status of animals. Before introducing artificially bred species into the wild, examining their gut microbe composition is crucial to help mitigate potential threats posed to wild populations. However, gut microbiological trait similarities between wild and artificially bred green turtles remain unexplored. Therefore, this study compared the gut microbiological characteristics of wild and artificially bred green turtles (Chelonia mydas) through high-throughput Illumina sequencing technology. The α-diversity of intestinal bacteria in wild green turtles, as determined by Shannon and Chao indices, significantly surpasses that of artificial breeding green turtles (p < 0.01). However, no significant differences were detected in the fungal α-diversity between wild and artificially bred green turtles. Meanwhile, the β-diversity analysis revealed significant differences between wild and artificially bred green turtles in bacterial and fungal compositions. The community of gut bacteria in artificially bred green turtles had a significantly higher abundance of Fusobacteriota including those belonging to the Paracoccus, Cetobacterium, and Fusobacterium genera than that of the wild green turtle. In contrast, the abundance of bacteria belonging to the phylum Actinobacteriota and genus Nautella significantly decreased. Regarding the fungal community, artificially bred green turtles had a significantly higher abundance of Fusarium, Sterigmatomyces, and Acremonium and a lower abundance of Candida and Rhodotorula than the wild green turtle. The PICRUSt2 analyses demonstrated significant differences in the functions of the gut bacterial flora between groups, particularly in carbohydrate and energy metabolism. Fungal functional guild analysis further revealed that the functions of the intestinal fungal flora of wild and artificially bred green turtles differed significantly in terms of animal pathogens-endophytes-lichen parasites-plant pathogens-soil saprotrophs-wood saprotrophs. BugBase analysis revealed significant potential pathogenicity and stress tolerance variations between wild and artificially bred green turtles. Collectively, this study elucidates the distinctive characteristics of gut microbiota in wild and artificially bred green turtles while evaluating their health status. These findings offer valuable scientific insights for releasing artificially bred green turtles and other artificially bred wildlife into natural habitats.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Seagrass meadows serve as critical marine habitats, offering numerous benefits to both humans and wildlife. Taiping Island, situated in the South China Sea, has been historically known for its abundant seagrass meadows. However, satellite imagery suggested there was a low density of seagrasses around Taiping Island. On the other hand, many green turtles (Chelonia mydas) were observed from the shore. To investigate this phenomenon, we conducted drone surveys of the shallow reefs and discovered a density of 902 ± 601 (mean ± SD) individual turtles per square kilometer during high tides. In addition, we conducted a cage experiment to test the hypothesis that large herbivores are impacting seagrass abundance negatively. The results indicated that the blade lengths of seagrasses in cages were significantly longer than those outside. It is likely that large herbivores such as green sea turtles are the key consumers of seagrass on the shallow reef flats of Taiping Island. Accordingly, further research and management should take into account that the increasing number of sea turtles may deplete the seagrasses and have an impact on the seagrass ecosystems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Using stable isotope analysis of carbon and nitrogen of turtle tissues and putative prey items, we investigated the diet of immature green turtles and hawksbill turtles foraging in the lagoon of Aldabra Atoll, a relatively undisturbed atoll in the southern Seychelles. Aldabra offers a unique environment for understanding sea turtle ecology. Green turtles mostly consumed seagrass and brown algae while hawksbill turtles mainly consumed mangroves and invertebrates. Green turtles showed a dietary shift with size (a proxy for age). There was minimal niche overlap between species and evidence of small-scale foraging site fidelity with turtle tissue reflecting site-specific prey. This highlights the ecological importance of seagrass and mangrove habitats and suggests that turtles play a role in controlling algal biomass at Aldabra. This study is the first to closely examine the foraging ecology of these sympatric turtle species in the Western Indian Ocean, a globally important region for both species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The cryptic and aquatic life histories of sea turtles have made them a challenging group to directly observe, leaving significant knowledge gaps regarding social behavior and fine-scale elements of habitat use. Using a custom-designed animal-borne camera, we observed previously undocumented behaviors by green turtles (Chelonia mydas) at a foraging area in San Diego Bay, a highly urbanized ecosystem in California, USA. We deployed a suction-cup-attached pop-off camera (manufactured by Customized Animal Tracking Solutions) on 11 turtles (mean straight carapace length = 84.0 ± 11.2 cm) for between 1 and 30.8 h. Video recordings, limited to sunlit hours, provided 73 h of total observation time between May 2022 and June 2023. We observed 32 conspecific interactions; we classified 18 as active, entailing clear social behaviors, as compared with 14 passive interactions representing brief, chance encounters. There was no evidence for agonistic interactions. The camera additionally revealed that green turtles consistently use metal structures within urban San Diego Bay. In seven instances, turtles exhibited rubbing behavior against metal structures, and we observed two examples of turtles congregating at these structures. High rates of intraspecific interaction exhibited relatively consistently among individuals provide a compelling case for sociality for green turtles in San Diego Bay, adding to a growing research base updating their historical label of \"non-social.\" The frequent use of metal structures by the population, in particular the rubbing of exposed skin, has implications for behavioral adaptations to urban environments. Our study exemplifies the promise of technological advances (e.g., underwater and animal-borne cameras) for updating natural history paradigms, even for well-studied populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The helminth fauna of juvenile green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas Linnaeus, 1758) is still poorly known. Herein, we study the gastrointestinal helminths of 28 juvenile green sea turtles found stranded on the north coast of Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. All turtles were infected showing a rich helminth fauna. In total, 14802 trematodes belonging to 30 species and 5 families including Micros-caphidiidae, Plagiorchiidae, Pronocephalidae, Hapalotrematidae, and Telorchiidae were recovered. An unidentified nematode specimens was also found. The mean intensity was 536 (95% CI = 362 - 853) (range: 1 - 2831), and the species richness was 7.86 (95% CI = 6.46 - 9.21) (range: 1 - 17). The coast of Rio de Janeiro state represents new locality records for Angiodictyum posterovitellatum, Microscaphidium aberrans, M. warui, Octangium hyphalum, O. sagitta, Enodiotrema reductum and Pleurogonius laterouterus. This study confirms that the green sea turtle harbors the richest helminth fauna among sea turtle species and provides useful information on the gastrointestinal helminths of a poorly known stage in the life cycle of this endangered chelonian.





