
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Community champions have been employed across various settings to disseminate evidence-based public health information. The Building Babies\' Brains programme trains champions to work with parents in communities, equipping them with child development knowledge and parental engagement strategies. We explored what makes community champions effective in distributing information to parents, including how the champion-parent relationship and champions\' personal characteristics affect information dissemination.
    METHODS: Champions included both peers and professionals working with parents in target communities. We administered an online survey (n = 53) and follow-up interviews (n = 14) with champions, with representation from across all training cohorts. We conducted a realist-informed reflexive thematic analysis to generate themes in the data and highlight the contexts, mechanisms, and outcome patterns identified.
    RESULTS: We observed 15 Context-Mechanism-Outcome configurations across five themes: information sharing opportunities, information relevance, the nature of the champion-parent relationship, interaction expectations, and champion confidence. Our programme theory for how the community champion approach works identified that peer champions focused more on building rapport, modelling behaviours, and being a trusted community resource than direct information transfer. Professional champions, in contrast, showed greater expertise and confidence in discussing parenting practices directly. For both groups, traits such as friendliness and the ability to establish a trusting relationship enhanced effectiveness.
    CONCLUSIONS: This research identifies the impacts of champion role, characteristics, and the champion-parent relationship on the effectiveness of knowledge mobilisation in this context, with implications for training and recruitment of champions. Those using a champion model in comparable settings should ensure that champions have the necessary knowledge, skills, and confidence to engage parents and share information effectively.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy has long emphasized the value of strategic engagement, recognizing that it is critical to the success of pharmacy education, contributing to the expansion of pharmacy and public health practice, the fulfillment of institutional missions, and the meeting of programmatic needs. The 2023-2024 Strategic Engagement Committee was charged with operationalizing advocacy champions, creating an advocacy resource guide to support advocacy champions in their engagement with diverse public and private stakeholders, offering formal training to advocacy champions in the form of a new connect community and webinar series, and conducting focus groups at the 2024 Annual Meeting to determine strengths of the advocacy guide and opportunities to support advocacy champions further.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    BACKGROUND: Champions play a critical role in implementing technology within healthcare services. While prior studies have explored the presence and characteristics of champions, this review delves into the experiences of healthcare personnel holding champion roles, as well as the experiences of healthcare personnel interacting with them. By synthesizing existing knowledge, this review aims to inform decisions regarding the inclusion of champions as a strategy in technology implementation and guide healthcare personnel in these roles.
    METHODS: A systematic mixed studies review, covering qualitative, quantitative, or mixed designs, was conducted from September 2022 to March 2023. The search spanned Medline, Embase, CINAHL, and Scopus, focusing on studies published from 2012 onwards. The review centered on health personnel serving as champions in technology implementation within healthcare services. Quality assessments utilized the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT).
    RESULTS: From 1629 screened studies, 23 were included. The champion role was often examined within the broader context of technology implementation. Limited studies explicitly explored experiences related to the champion role from both champions\' and health personnel\'s perspectives. Champions emerged as promoters of technology, supporting its adoption. Success factors included anchoring and selection processes, champions\' expertise, and effective role performance.
    CONCLUSIONS: The specific tasks and responsibilities assigned to champions differed across reviewed studies, highlighting that the role of champion is a broad one, dependent on the technology being implemented and the site implementing it. Findings indicated a correlation between champion experiences and organizational characteristics. The role\'s firm anchoring within the organization is crucial. Limited evidence suggests that volunteering, hiring newly graduated health personnel, and having multiple champions can facilitate technology implementation. Existing studies predominantly focused on client health records and hospitals, emphasizing the need for broader research across healthcare services.
    CONCLUSIONS: With a clear mandate, dedicated time, and proper training, health personnel in champion roles can significantly contribute professional, technological, and personal competencies to facilitate technology adoption within healthcare services. The review finds that the concept of champions is a broad one and finds varied definitions of the champion role concept. This underscores the importance of describing organizational characteristics, and highlights areas for future research to enhance technology implementation strategies in different healthcare settings with support of a champion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Implementation science researchers often cite clinical champions as critical to overcoming organizational resistance and other barriers to the implementation of evidence-based health services, yet relatively little is known about who champions are or how they effect change. To inform future efforts to identify and engage champions to support HPV vaccination, we sought to describe the key characteristics and strategies of vaccine champions working in adolescent primary care.
    METHODS: In 2022, we conducted a national survey with a web-based panel of 2527 primary care professionals (PCPs) with a role in adolescent HPV vaccination (57% response rate). Our sample consisted of pediatricians (26%), family medicine physicians (22%), advanced practice providers (24%), and nursing staff (28%). Our survey assessed PCPs\' experience with vaccine champions, defined as health care professionals \"known for helping their colleagues improve vaccination rates.\"
    RESULTS: Overall, 85% of PCPs reported currently working with one or more vaccine champions. Among these 2144 PCPs, most identified the champion with whom they worked most closely as being a physician (40%) or nurse (40%). Almost all identified champions worked to improve vaccination rates for vaccines in general (45%) or HPV vaccine specifically (49%). PCPs commonly reported that champion implementation strategies included sharing information (79%), encouragement (62%), and vaccination data (59%) with colleagues, but less than half reported that champions led quality improvement projects (39%). Most PCPs perceived their closest champion as being moderately to extremely effective at improving vaccination rates (91%). PCPs who did versus did not work with champions more often recommended HPV vaccination at the earliest opportunity of ages 9-10 rather than later ages (44% vs. 33%, p < 0.001).
    CONCLUSIONS: Findings of our national study suggest that vaccine champions are common in adolescent primary care, but only a minority lead quality improvement projects. Interventionists seeking to identify champions to improve HPV vaccination rates can expect to find them among both physicians and nurses, but should be prepared to offer support to more fully engage them in implementing interventions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article was migrated. The article was marked as recommended. This article is the second of a two-part series in a study that explores key drivers of social accountability in Canada\'s medical schools and offers examples of social accountability in action. The study gathered perspectives from medical school staff, students and faculty through focus group discussions, using an appreciative inquiry approach. Drivers of social accountability emerging from the focus groups largely corroborate what was discovered in the first part of the series during key informant interviews with senior leaders. These include the importance of accreditation, leadership, vision and mandate, and community engagement among others, and highlight the key role champions play in driving social accountability. This study builds on the first article in the series by recognizing leadership as an important driver for social accountability, but highlighting how leadership alone is not enough. The broader range of perspectives gathered through the focus group discussions uncovered the importance of social accountability \'champions\' at all levels: formal leadership, faculty, student and staff. Focus group discussions also uncovered an additional key driver that was not found in key informant interviews - cultural humility, with participants noting that action towards social accountability requires shifts not only in organizational structure, but also organizational culture, to foster real, lasting change. This study demonstrates the utility of an appreciative inquiry approach for understanding how complex systems like medical education institutions are innovatively tackling challenges around health equity. The richness of the themes that emerged consistently across focus group sessions and key informant interviews support the utility of the approach in furthering our understanding as to what is working to drive social accountability in some Canadian medical schools.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Ethiopia alone carries 49% of the global burden of trachoma, associated with a lack of safe water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and poor health practices. The aim of this study was to examine whether gamification among schoolchildren and promotion of local ownership of school WASH is associated with healthy behaviors and WASH infrastructure improvements.
    METHODS: Application of the Accelerate gamification intervention for elimination of trachoma, with an emphasis on gamification among schoolchildren and community involvement in motivating face-washing, handwashing and functional use of latrines, was undertaken.
    RESULTS: The study was conducted over 9 mo in 223 rural schools from six districts within the intervention area, reaching 93 518 schoolchildren. At baseline, students were observed washing their hands after using latrines in 23 (10.3%) schools. This increased to 132 (59%) schools (p≤0.001) at follow-up. The number of latrines increased from 585 at baseline to 594 at follow-up (p=0.031). The availability of handwashing stations in schools increased from 31 (13.9%) with water access (8%) and soap (5%) to 155 (69.5%) schools with handwashing stations with water access in 153 (98.7%) (p<0.001) and soap in 121 (78%) (p<0.001).
    CONCLUSIONS: Motivational strategies such as gamification among schoolchildren and promotion of local ownership of school WASH may be associated with healthy behaviors and WASH infrastructure improvements.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Globally, mental health disorders rank as the greatest cause of disability. Low and middle-income countries (LMICs) hold a disproportionate share of the mental health burden, especially as it pertains to depression. Depression is highly prevalent among those with non-communicable diseases (NCDs), creating a barrier to successful treatment. While some treatments have proven efficacy in LMIC settings, wide dissemination is challenged by multiple factors, leading researchers to call for implementation strategies to overcome barriers to care provision. However, implementation strategies are often not well defined or documented, challenging the interpretation of study results and the uptake and replication of strategies in practice settings. Assessing implementation strategy fidelity (ISF), or the extent to which a strategy was implemented as designed, overcomes these challenges. This study assessed fidelity of two implementation strategies (a \'basic\' champion strategy and an \'enhanced\' champion + audit and feedback strategy) to improve the integration of a depression intervention, measurement based care (MBC), at 10 NCD clinics in Malawi. The primary goal of this study was to assess the relationship between the implementation strategies and MBC fidelity using a mixed methods approach.
    UNASSIGNED: We developed a theory-informed mixed methods fidelity assessment that first combined an implementation strategy specification technique with a fidelity framework. We then created corresponding fidelity indicators to strategy components. Clinical process data and one-on-one in-depth interviews with 45 staff members at 6 clinics were utilized as data sources. Our final analysis used descriptive statistics, reflexive-thematic analysis (RTA), data merging, and triangulation to examine the relationship between ISF and MBC intervention fidelity.
    UNASSIGNED: Our mixed methods analysis revealed how ISF may moderate the relationship between the strategies and MBC fidelity. Leadership engagement and implementation climate were critical for clinics to overcome implementation barriers and preserve implementation strategy and MBC fidelity. Descriptive statistics determined champion strategy fidelity to range from 61 to 93% across the 10 clinics. Fidelity to the audit and feedback strategy ranged from 82 to 91% across the 5 clinics assigned to that condition. MBC fidelity ranged from 54 to 95% across all clinics. Although correlations between ISF and MBC fidelity were not statistically significant due to the sample of 10 clinics, associations were in the expected direction and of moderate effect size. A coefficient for shared depression screening among clinicians had greater face validity compared to depression screening coverage and functioned as a proximal indicator of implementation strategy success.
    UNASSIGNED: Fidelity to the basic and enhanced strategies varied by site and were influenced by leadership engagement and implementation climate. Champion strategies may benefit from the addition of leadership strategies to help address implementation barriers outside the purview of champions. ISF may moderate the relationship between strategies and implementation outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Practice Guideline
    The American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy recognizes strategic engagement as critical to the success of pharmacy education, contributing to the expansion of pharmacy and public health practice, the fulfillment of institutional missions, and the meeting of programmatic needs. The 2022-2023 Strategic Engagement Committee or the Committee was charged with identifying ways professional advocacy is being emphasized in Doctor of Pharmacy and graduate education curricula to optimize active student engagement and share new resources for the ongoing resource guide being developed by the association. The Committee was also tasked with identifying advocacy champions at each member institution, integrating them into the work of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Policy Advisory Task Force, and identifying strong advocacy partnerships between colleges and schools of pharmacy and state pharmacy organizations that can be replicated to advance the legislative or regulatory priorities of the profession. The Committee conducted a 2-part, sequential advocacy survey to identify advocacy champions at member institutions and to gain better insight into the breadth and depth of current advocacy efforts within pharmacy programs. The Committee also developed suggestions for the advocacy activities that should be required in pharmacy curricula, as well as exemplary activities identified through surveying advocacy champions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Strategies that support the implementation of the SunSmart program in primary schools are essential to optimising policy uptake. Evidence outlining the type of support required, however, is lacking. This project explored the usefulness of an implementation support approach to sun safe hat-wearing in schools.
    METHODS: Formative research was undertaken with 16 primary schools in Greater Western Sydney to explore current sun protection behaviours and practices, perceived barriers and motivators of sun safe hat-wearing, and resource needs. Based on these insights, a resource toolkit was developed and tested in 14 demonstration sites. Follow-up interviews evaluated the usefulness of the toolkit and implementation support approach.
    RESULTS: Sun safe hat-wearing practices varied among schools. Commonly reported motivators included school policies, role modelling, incentives and knowledge. Commonly reported barriers included negative social norms, forgetfulness, cost and lack of understanding. Formative insights informed the development of the \'Motivation, Access, Triggers\' Model and a 23-resource toolkit. Following toolkit rollout, champions reported that the ability to select resources according to local needs was useful, and most found that the toolkit supported their school with sun safe hat-wearing.
    CONCLUSIONS: A toolkit with local champions and leadership buy-in has the potential to improve policy implementation. The opportunity to prioritise resource selection enables schools to address their specific needs in line with their sun protection policy. SO WHAT?: The provision of policy implementation support can help schools overcome the challenges of transforming a written SunSmart policy into practice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Emerging research has demonstrated that organizational efforts at becoming secondary traumatic stress (STS)-informed can improve the overall well-being of the workforce, especially when implementation activity by a champion team is high. Questions remain, however, regarding the mechanisms that enable these improvements.
    UNASSIGNED: This study uses configurational analysis to determine necessary and sufficient conditions to produce reductions in STS symptoms in workers as well as organizational improvements toward being more STS-informed in a cohort survey of 6,033 professionals working with individuals exposed to trauma representing 52 organizations. The Secondary Traumatic Stress Informed Organizational Assessment (STSI-OA) was used to measure professional\'s perceptions of how well the unit addressed secondary trauma in the workplace, and the Secondary Traumatic Stress Scale (STSS) assessed traumatic stress symptoms in respondents. Champions\' activity was scored using the categories suggested by Shea.
    UNASSIGNED: For the STSS outcome, either a STSI-OA positive increase of 10 or more points or high levels of champion problem-solving were independently sufficient for an improvement in the outcome. The STSI-OA model had two pathways: high levels of peer engagement via the scaling up of innovations using PDSAs or the combination of facilitation of peer knowledge and skills together with working in a child welfare organization. Either pathway was sufficient by itself to yield the STSI-OA outcome.
    UNASSIGNED: Identifying and cultivating the champions\' use of problem-solving and peer engagement strategies can transform the threat posed by indirect trauma exposure into an opportunity for shared experience and healing.
    UNASSIGNED: Organizational champions are individuals or teams that strive to promote change within their workplace. These champions are integral to spreading innovative ideas and strategies and creating organization-wide changes ( Powell et al., 2015). However, little is known about the processes or specific strategies that make champions successful. One area in which champions are needed is in improving organizations\' response to and understanding of secondary traumatic stress (STS), among those in helping professions that are indirectly exposed to trauma through the traumatic stories of those they work with. In fact, research has shown that organizational efforts to address STS improve the well-being of individual professionals within that organization ( Sprang et al., 2021). The present study sought to better understand what champion-related processes or conditions led to organizational change in addressing the effects of indirect exposure and improving symptoms related to STS. Results showed that organizational change in addressing STS and champions\' problem-solving strategies resulted in reductions in individual professionals\' STS symptoms. Furthermore, champions\' use of peer engagement or sharing of knowledge among peers in child welfare settings led to improvements at an organizational level. These results show that organization-level change can have a direct impact on individual well-being and there are specific champion activities that can promote this change. Specifically, results demonstrate a need to identify and support champions\' use of problem-solving and peer engagement strategies to turn the individual and organizational threat posed by indirect trauma into an opportunity for shared healing.





