Cerebellar Cortex

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mapping neuronal networks is a central focus in neuroscience. While volume electron microscopy (vEM) can reveal the fine structure of neuronal networks (connectomics), it does not provide molecular information to identify cell types or functions. We developed an approach that uses fluorescent single-chain variable fragments (scFvs) to perform multiplexed detergent-free immunolabeling and volumetric-correlated-light-and-electron-microscopy on the same sample. We generated eight fluorescent scFvs targeting brain markers. Six fluorescent probes were imaged in the cerebellum of a female mouse, using confocal microscopy with spectral unmixing, followed by vEM of the same sample. The results provide excellent ultrastructure superimposed with multiple fluorescence channels. Using this approach, we documented a poorly described cell type, two types of mossy fiber terminals, and the subcellular localization of one type of ion channel. Because scFvs can be derived from existing monoclonal antibodies, hundreds of such probes can be generated to enable molecular overlays for connectomic studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Parallel fibers (PFs) in the cerebellar cortex are involved in a series of coordinated responses in the fear conditioning paradigm induced by footshock. However, whether footshock can activate cerebellar climbing fibers (CFs) remains unclear. In this study, we recorded calcium (Ca2+) activity in CFs by optical fiber photometry in the cerebellar vermis lobule IV/V of freely moving mice with footshock stimulation. We found that the activation of CFs in the lobule IV/V was highly correlated with footshock stimulation but not with the sound stimulation used as a control. This result suggests that afferent information from CFs might be associated with the motor initiation of fear-related behaviors or fear emotion itself. Thus, our results suggest that a characteristic CF signal in the cerebellar cortex might be related to fear processing or footshock-related behaviors (such as startle responses or pain sensation).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The spatial organization of a neuronal circuit is critically important for its function since the location of neurons is often associated with function. In the cerebellum, the major output of the cerebellar cortex are synapses made from Purkinje cells onto neurons in the cerebellar nuclei, yet little has been known about the spatial organization of these synapses. We explored this question using whole-cell electrophysiology and optogenetics in acute sagittal cerebellar slices to produce spatial connectivity maps of cerebellar cortical output in mice. We observed non-random connectivity where Purkinje cell inputs clustered in cerebellar transverse zones: while many nuclear neurons received inputs from a single zone, several multi-zonal connectivity motifs were also observed. Single neurons receiving input from all four zones were overrepresented in our data. These findings reveal that the output of the cerebellar cortex is spatially structured and represents a locus for multimodal integration in the cerebellum.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Neurological inherited disorders are rare in domestic animals. Cerebellar cortical degeneration remains amongst the most common of these disorders. The condition is defined as the premature loss of fully differentiated cerebellar components due to genetic or metabolic defects. It has been studied in dogs and cats, and various genetic defects and diagnostic tests (including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)) have been refined in these species. Cases in cats remain rare and mostly individual, and few diagnostic criteria, other than post-mortem exam, have been evaluated in reports with multiple cases. Here, we report three feline cases of cerebellar cortical degeneration with detailed clinical, diagnostic imaging and post-mortem findings.
    METHODS: The three cases were directly (siblings, case #1 and #2) or indirectly related (same farm, case #3) and showed early-onset of the disease, with clinical signs including cerebellar ataxia and tremors. Brain MRI was highly suggestive of cerebellar cortical degeneration on all three cases. The relative cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) space, relative cerebellum size, brainstem: cerebellum area ratio, and cerebellum: total brain area ratio, were measured and compared to a control group of cats and reference cut-offs for dogs in the literature. For the relative cerebellum size and cerebellum: total brain area ratio, all affected cases had a lower value than the control group. For the relative CSF space and brainstem: cerebellum area ratio, the more affected cases (#2 and #3) had higher values than the control group, while the least affected case (#3) had values within the ranges of the control group, but a progression was visible over time. Post-mortem examination confirmed the diagnosis of cerebellar cortical degeneration, with marked to complete loss of Purkinje cells and associated granular layer depletion and proliferation of Bergmann glia. One case also had Wallerian-like degeneration in the spinal cord, suggestive of spinocerebellar degeneration.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our report further supports a potential genetic component for the disease in cats. For the MRI examination, the relative cerebellum size and cerebellum: total brain area ratio seem promising, but further studies are needed to establish specific feline cut-offs. Post-mortem evaluation of the cerebellum remains the gold standard for the final diagnosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Levetiracetam (LEV) is being used by women with reproductive-age epilepsy at a significantly higher rate. The purpose of the study was to assess how levetiracetam treatment during pregnancy affected the offspring\'s weight and cerebellum. Forty pregnant rats were divided into two groups (I, II). Two smaller groups (A, B) were created from each group. The rats in group I were gavaged with approximately 1.5 mL/day of distilled water either continuously during pregnancy (for subgroup IA) or continuously during pregnancy and 14 days postpartum (for subgroup IB). The rats in group II were gavaged with about 1.5 mL/day of distilled water (containing 36 mg levetiracetam) either continuously during pregnancy (for subgroup IA) or continuously during pregnancy and 14 days postpartum (for subgroup IB). After the work was completed, the body weight of the pups in each group was recorded, and their cerebella were analyzed histologically and morphometrically. Following levetiracetam treatment, the offspring showed decreased body weight and their cerebella displayed delayed development and pathological alterations. These alterations manifested as, differences in the thicknesses of the layers of cerebellar cortex as compared to the control groups; additionally, their cells displayed cytoplasmic vacuolation, nuclear alterations, fragmented rough endoplasmic reticulum and lost mitochondrial cristae. Giving levetiracetam to pregnant and lactating female rats had a negative impact on the body weight and cerebella of the offspring. Levetiracetam should be given with caution during pregnancy and lactation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The cerebellum has a long, protracted developmental period that spans from the embryonic to postnatal periods; as a result, it is more sensitive to intrauterine and postnatal insults like nutritional deficiencies. Folate is crucial for foetal and early postnatal brain development; however, its effects on cerebellar growth and development are unknown. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of maternal folate intake on the histomorphology and cell density of the developing cerebellum. Twelve adult female rats (rattus norvegicus) were randomly assigned to one of four premixed diet groups: standard (2 mg/kg), folate-deficient (0 mg/kg), folate-supplemented (8 mg/kg) or folate supra-supplemented (40 mg/kg). The rats started their diets 14 days before mating and consumed them throughout pregnancy and lactation. On postnatal days 1, 7, 21 and 35, five pups from each group were sacrificed, and their brains were processed for light microscopic analysis. Histomorphology and cell density of the external granule, molecular, Purkinje and internal granule layers were obtained. The folate-deficient diet group had smaller, dysmorphic cells and significantly lower densities of external granule, molecular, Purkinje and internal granule cells. Although the folate-enriched groups had greater cell densities than the controls, the folate-supplemented group had considerably higher cell densities than the supra-supplemented group. The folate supra-supplemented group had ectopic Purkinje cells in the internal granule cell layer. These findings imply that a folate-deficient diet impairs cellular growth and reduces cell density in the cerebellar cortex. On the other hand, folate supplementation increases cell densities, but there appears to be an optimal dose of supplementation since excessive folate levels may be detrimental.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Previous studies on the granular layer of the cerebellar cortex have revealed a wide distribution of different subpopulations of less-known large neuron types, called \"non-traditional large neurons\", which are distributed in three different zones of the granular layer. These neuron types are mainly involved in the formation of intrinsiccircuits inside the cerebellar cortex. A subpopulation of these neuron types is represented by the synarmotic neuron, which could play a projective role within the cerebellar circuitry. The synarmotic neuron cell body map within the internal zone of the granular layer or in the subjacent white substance. Furthermore, the axon crosses the granular layer and runs in the subcortical white substance, to reenter in an adjacent granular layer, associating two cortico-cerebellar regions of the same folium or of different folia, or could project to the intrinsic cerebellar nuclei. Therefore, along with the Purkinje neuron, the traditional projective neuron type of the cerebellar cortex, the synarmotic neuron is candidate to represent the second projective neuron type of the cerebellar cortex. Studies of chemical neuroanatomy evidenced a predominant inhibitory GABAergic nature of the synarmotic neuron, suggesting that it may mediate an inhibitory GABAergic output of cerebellar cortex within cortico-cortical interconnections or in projections towards intrinsic cerebellar nuclei. On this basis, the present minireview mainly focuses on the morphofunctional and neurochemical data of the synarmotic neuron, and explores its potential involvement in some forms of cerebellar ataxias.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite its uniform appearance, the cerebellar cortex is highly heterogeneous in terms of structure, genetics and physiology. Purkinje cells (PCs), the principal and sole output neurons of the cerebellar cortex, can be categorized into multiple populations that differentially express molecular markers and display distinctive physiological features. Such features include action potential rate, but also their propensity for synaptic and intrinsic plasticity. However, the precise molecular and genetic factors that correlate with the differential physiological properties of PCs remain elusive. In this article, we provide a detailed overview of the cellular mechanisms that regulate PC activity and plasticity. We further perform a pathway analysis to highlight how molecular characteristics of specific PC populations may influence their physiology and plasticity mechanisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Molecular layer interneurons (MLIs) account for approximately 80% of the inhibitory interneurons in the cerebellar cortex and are vital to cerebellar processing. MLIs are thought to primarily inhibit Purkinje cells (PCs) and suppress the plasticity of synapses onto PCs. MLIs also inhibit, and are electrically coupled to, other MLIs, but the functional significance of these connections is not known. Here, we find that two recently recognized MLI subtypes, MLI1 and MLI2, have a highly specialized connectivity that allows them to serve distinct functional roles. MLI1s primarily inhibit PCs, are electrically coupled to each other, fire synchronously with other MLI1s on the millisecond timescale in vivo, and synchronously pause PC firing. MLI2s are not electrically coupled, primarily inhibit MLI1s and disinhibit PCs, and are well suited to gating cerebellar-dependent behavior and learning. The synchronous firing of electrically coupled MLI1s and disinhibition provided by MLI2s require a major re-evaluation of cerebellar processing.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Granuloprival degeneration is an uncommon form of cerebellar cortical degeneration (CCD). A 3-month-old Yorkshire Terrier and a 7-month-old Lagotto Romagnolo dog were presented with a history of progressive cerebellar dysfunction including wide-based stance, cerebellar ataxia, intention tremors, and loss of menace response despite normal vision. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain identified marked diffuse decrease of the cerebellum size. Euthanasia was performed in both cases because of progression of clinical signs. Histopathological examination identified marked diffuse thinning of the granular cell layer with almost complete loss of the granular cell neurons, providing a definitive diagnosis of granuloprival CCD. Granuloprival CCD should be considered as a differential diagnosis in Yorkshire Terrier and Lagotto Romagnolo dogs with post-natal progressive clinical signs of cerebellar dysfunction.





